Shipping Wiki

MuffPen is the femslash ship between Muffins and Penny from the Mao Mao: Heroes of Pure Heart fandom.


Enemy Mime[]

As the Sweetypies are disturbed by a giant blob overcoming the weapons thrown at it, Badgerclops clears out Muffins, Penny, and the rest of the yelling Sweetypies from the area. The two, along with the rest of the crowd, watch Mao Mao from a distance as he tries to overtake the blob mimicking all of its actions. After he ends up getting engulfed inside the blob, the observing crowd breaks up into panic. Muffins and Penny tug onto Farmer Bun as the two try to push him towards their respective sides. Farmer Bun tries to get them to stop and they do so once Badgerclops maintains order between the Sweetypies.


During the Takesgiving Day ceremony, Penny and Muffins eagerly wait to hand over their belongings to Rufus and Reggie as they carry a television set and a rolling pin respectively. As Mao Mao and Badgerclops intervene, the two Sweetypies with the rest of the gathering are informed of the con artists trying to scam them of their belongings. This shocks them as Mao Mao is ready to arrest Rufus. Later on, Rufus and Reggie return to offer the town a magic waterfall as one of their tricks. Penny and Muffins are the first to try it out, with Penny throwing Benny into the waterfall and Muffins throwing her phone into it.

The Perfect Couple[]

Mao Mao watches Penny from a bush in order to see if she has any motives before her wedding with Benny. He finds Penny walking into an alleyway and knocking a door behind a building. Right as Mao Mao is expecting something shady to occur, he oversees Penny purchasing a wedding cake from Muffins' shop. Adorabat and Badgerclops compliment Penny for going out of her way to Muffins' shop to buy a wedding cake for Benny. Later, Muffins is among the attendees of Penny and Benny's wedding. Mao Mao shares to Benny that Penny purchased a wedding cake, shortly afterwards revealing that Penny preferred the cake from Muffins over Benny's failed attempt of a cake. This upsets Benny as the two get into an argument during the wedding. Later on after the marriage is saved, Muffins watches Orangusnake certify the marriage between Penny and Benny.


MuffPen is a rarepair in the Mao Mao fandom. The pairing is rare largely because of it revolving around two of the Sweetypies, with its ships being less common in general. Emerging mainly from scenes of the Sweetypies, the ship has a small following usually from fans of the two characters. The ship is mostly overshadowed by PenBen, Penny's ship canon to the series, and other pairings involving Muffins such as Blueberry Muffins and Scuffins.


Muffins/Penny tag on AO3
Muffins and Penny posts on Tumblr
Muffins and Penny posts on TikTok


Mao Mao Heroes of Pure Heart logo
Mao Mao: HoPH ShipsMao Mao: HoPH Characters
SHIPS het Blueberry MuffinsMuffinclopsPenBenPennyMaoPennysnakeRatamuffinsScoopsMaoTanyaclopsTanyamao
slash BadgermaoBlueMaoOrangumaoOranguSnakeRegfusRufusMaoSnugglemaoSnugglestrich
femslash KeyscoopsMuffPenScuffins
poly PenBenMaoTanyamaoclops
friend Adorabat & TanyaSheriff's Department
CHARACTERS male BadgerclopsMao Mao
female Tanya KeysMuffinsPenny