Shipping Wiki

Artwork: 6464Manips: 1010Models: 33Screenshots: 309309Sprite: 11Stills: 8383
Slash ships: 33Femslash ships: 2828Het ships: 2323Friendships: 1515Familyships: 99Non-binary ships: 33Poly ships: 1717Cargo ships: 44
Male characters: 44Female characters: 1111

Murder Drones is an animated web series created by Liam Vickers and produced by Glitch Productions.


In the future, humanity has made significant technological advancements, including space travel. One tech company called JCJenson invented autonomous androids called Worker Drones, that can perform various repetitive tasks. Worker drones are used across the galaxy due to their intelligence, ability to execute tasks and reason on the job, and being highly resilient and able to survive in extreme environments.

Murder Drones focuses on an exoplanet called Copper-9, where Worker Drones are used to mine minerals for manufacturing JCJenson products. However, a catastrophic incident results in the exoplanet's core collapsing, creating a massive explosion that wipes out all biological life on the exoplanet, including humans. The Worker Drones survive the event, and are able to take over the abandoned facilities and establish their own society.

Later, JCJenson discovers what happened to Copper-9, and sends squads of Disassembly Drones to destroy the Worker Drones, in order to prevent them from revolting against humanity. Many story events focuses on the interactions between the Disassembly Drones and Worker Drones, and their gradual discovery of a conspiracy and entity that threatens the entire universe.


Disassembly Drones
Serial Designation N
Serial Designation V
Serial Designation J
Worker Drones
The Detective
Khan Doorman
Nori Doorman
Uzi Doorman
James Elliott
Lord Frumplebucket
Louisa Elliott
Tessa Elliott
Absolute Solver



Daidon — the ship between Doll and Braidon
Dam — the ship between Doll and Sam
Enjay — the ship between Serial Designation N and Serial Designation J
Envy — the ship between Serial Designation N and Serial Designation V
InvalidCode — the ship between Alice and Teacher
Jhad — the ship between Serial Designation J and Thad
Jhan — the ship between Serial Designation J and Khan Doorman
Khalice — the ship between Khan Doorman and Alice
KhanYeva — the ship between Khan Doorman and Yeva
Khori — the ship between Khan Doorman and Nori Doorman
Nalice — the ship between Alice and Serial Designation N
Nebecca — the ship between Serial Designation N and Rebecca
Nizzy — the ship between Serial Designation N and Lizzy
Noll — the ship between Serial Designation N and Doll
Nuzi — the ship between Serial Designation N and Uzi Doorman
RebDarren — the ship between Rebecca and Darren
RebeThad — the ship between Rebecca and Thad
SamLizzy — the ship between Sam and Lizzy
Samily — the ship between Sam and Emily
Samzi — the ship between Sam and Uzi Doorman
Thalizzy — the ship between Thad and Lizzy
Tholl — the ship between Doll and Thad
ThUzi — the ship between Thad and Uzi Doorman
Vam — the ship between Serial Designation V and Sam
Vhad — the ship between Serial Designation V and Thad
Yeva x Doll's Father — the ship between Yeva and Doll's father


Kheacher — the ship between Khan Doorman and Teacher
Naidon — the ship between Serial Designation N and Braidon
Nam — the ship between Serial Designation N and Sam
Narren — the ship between Serial Designation N and Darren
Nhad — the ship between Serial Designation N and Thad
Ronateacher — the ship between Ronathon and Teacher
Roneacher — the ship between Ron and Teacher
Samaidon — the ship between Sam and Braidon
ThadSam — the ship between Thad and Sam
Thaidon — the ship between Thad and Braidon


CrimsonHorrors — the ship between Alice and Yeva
Cynuzi — the ship between Cyn and Uzi Doorman
Dizzy — the ship between Doll and Lizzy
Dobecca — the ship between Doll and Rebecca
Dollzi — the ship between Doll and Uzi Doorman
EldritchTerrors — the ship between Serial Designation J and Cyn
EmiLizzy — the ship between Emily and Lizzy
Emizi — the ship between Emily and Uzi Doorman
Jaylice — the ship between Alice and Serial Designation J
Jebecca — the ship between Rebecca and Serial Designation J
Jessa — the ship between Tessa Elliot and Serial Designation J
Jizzy — the ship between Serial Designation J and Lizzy
Jolly — the ship between Serial Designation J and Doll
Jori — the ship between Nori Doorman and Serial Designation J
Juzi — the ship between Serial Designation J and Uzi Doorman
Kelsbecca — the ship between Rebecca and Kelsey Day
Luzi — the ship between Lizzy and Uzi Doorman
Norlice — the ship between Nori Doorman and Alice
NorYeva — the ship between Nori Doorman and Yeva
OilRose — the ship between Serial Designation V and Serial Designation J
RebLizzy — the ship between Rebecca and Lizzy
Remily — the ship between Rebecca and Emily
Rebzi — the ship between Rebecca and Uzi Doorman
Valice — the ship between V and Alice
VCyn — the ship between Serial Designation V and Cyn
Vebecca — the ship between Rebecca and Serial Designation V
Vizzy — the ship between Serial Designation V and Lizzy
Voll — the ship between Serial Designation V and Doll
Vori — the ship between Nori Doorman and Serial Designation V
Vuzi — the ship between Serial Designation V and Uzi Doorman


AbsoluteCyn — the ship between Cyn and the Absolute Solver
AbsoluteDoll — the ship between The Absolute Solver and Doll
AbsoluteJay — the ship between Serial Designation J and the Absolute Solver
AbsoluteN — the ship between The Absolute Solver and Serial Designation N
AbsoluteVee — the ship between The Absolute Solver and Serial Designation V
AbsoluteYeva — the ship between The Absolute Solver and Yeva
Solvzi — the ship between The Absolute Solver and Uzi Doorman


AliNorYeva — the ship between Alice, Nori Doorman, and Yeva
Dizzybecca — the ship between Doll, Lizzy, and Rebecca
DoNuzi — the ship between Serial Designation N, Doll, and Uzi Doorman
Jebhad — the ship between Rebecca, Serial Designation J, and Thad
Jenvy — the ship between Serial Designation J, Serial Designation N and Serial Designation V
Jizzyhad — the ship between Serial Designation J, Lizzy and Thad
JizzyVee — the ship between Serial Designation J, Lizzy, and Serial Designation V
KhoriYeva — the ship between Khan Doorman, Nori Doorman, and Yeva
LuziV — the ship between Lizzy, Uzi Doorman, and Serial Designation V
Narrebecca — the ship between Serial Designation N, Darren, and Rebecca
Nuziam — the ship between Serial Designation N, Uzi Doorman, and Sam
Nuziv — the ship between Uzi Doorman, Serial Designation N, and Serial Designation V
Nuzivjay — the ship between Serial Designation N, Uzi Doorman, Serial Designation V, and Serial Designation J
Thollizzy — the ship between Doll, Lizzy and Thad
Thuzin — the ship between Thad, Uzi Doorman and Serial Designation N
UziDoLizz — the ship between Uzi Doorman, Doll and Lizzy
VhaLiz — the ship between Serial Designation V, Thad, and Lizzy
VhaN — the ship between Serial Designation V, Thad, and Serial Designation N
Vhazi — the ship between Serial Designation V, Thad and Uzi Doorman
Vizzybecca — the ship between Rebecca, Lizzy, and Serial Designation V
Vollizzy — the ship between Serial Designation V, Doll, and Lizzy
Vollzi — the ship between Serial Designation V, Doll, and Uzi Doorman
VuziJ — the ship between Serial Designation V, Uzi Doorman, and Serial Designation J


Doorman Family — the ship between Khan Doorman, Uzi Doorman, and Nori Doorman
Beaulice — the ship between Beau and Alice
CaineSERIAL N — the ship between Caine and Serial Designation N
Elliott Family — the ship between Tessa Elliott, James Elliott, and Louisa Elliott
Khuzi — the ship between Uzi Doorman and Khan Doorman
Lizzeacher — the ship between Lizzy and Teacher
NCyn — the ship between Serial Designation N and Cyn
NorUzi — the ship between Nori Doorman and Uzi Doorman
TessCynJenvy — the ship between Tessa Elliott, Cyn, Serial Designation J, Serial Designation N, and Serial Designation V
YevDoll — the ship between Doll and Yeva


Alessa — the ship between Alice and Tessa Elliott
Alizzy — the ship between Alice and Lizzy
Alzi — the ship between Alice and Uzi Doorman
Brailice — the ship between Alice and Braidon
CynDoll — the ship between Cyn and Doll
Cynessa — the ship between Cyn and Tessa Elliott
Cynlice — the ship between Alice and Cyn
Dollice — the ship between Alice and Doll
JaxN — the ship between Jax and Serial Designation N
KhanLizThad — the ship between Khan Doorman, Lizzy and Thad
KhanLizzy — the ship between Khan Doorman and Lizzy
KhanThad — the ship between Khan Doorman and Thad
Kham — the ship between Khan Doorman and Sam
Kholl — the ship between Khan Doorman and Doll
Nessa — the ship between Serial Designation N and Tessa Elliott
Nhan — the ship between Serial Designation N and Khan Doorman
Nomni — the ship between Pomni and Serial Designation N
NorCyn — the ship between Nori Doorman and Cyn
NorCynUzi — the ship between Nori Doorman, Cyn, and Uzi Doorman
Noressa — the ship between Nori Doorman and Tessa Elliott
Norhad — the ship between Nori Doorman and Thad
NoriN — the ship between Nori Doorman and Serial Designation N
Norlizzy — the ship between Nori Doorman and Lizzy
NorSam — the ship between Nori Doorman and Sam
Pomzi — the ship between Pomni and Uzi Doorman
Tessjenvy — the ship between Tessa Elliott, Serial Designation J, Serial Designation N, and Serial Designation V
Thalice — the ship between Alice and Thad
Vessa — the ship between Tessa Elliott and Serial Designation V


DollKnife — the ship between Doll and knives
Duel Uzis — the ship between Uzi Doorman and an Uzi gun
J x JCJenson Pen — the ship between Serial Designation J and JCJenson branded pens
KhanDoor — the ship between Khan Doorman and doors
NCJenson — the ship between Serial Designation N and JCJenson
Railzi — the ship between Uzi Doorman and her railgun


Murder Drones tag on AO3
Murder Drones tag on DeviantArt
Murder Drones hashtag on Bluesky
Murder Drones posts on Bluesky
Murder Drones tag on Tumblr
Murder Drones posts on Tumblr
Murder Drones hashtag on Twitter
Murder Drones posts on Twitter
Murder Drones Wiki


# portmanteau characters type
2152 Nuzi Uzi Doorman/N het
1003 N & Uzi Uzi Doorman & N gen
728 Envy N/V het
603 N & V N & V gen
487 Uzi & V Uzi Doorman & V gen
412 Vuzi Uzi Doorman/V femslash
364 Vizzy Lizzy/V femslash
363 Khori Khan Doorman/Nori Doorman het
316 Dizzy Doll/Lizzy femslash
276 Uzi & Thad Uzi Doorman & Thad gen


Murder Drones Logo W
Murder Drones ShipsMurder Drones Characters
SHIPS het DaidonDamEnjayEnvyInvalidCodeJhadJhanKhaliceKhanYevaKhoriNebeccaNizzyNollNuziRebDarrenSamilySamziThalizzyThollThUziVamVaxVhad
slash KheacherNhadThadSam
femslash CrimsonHorrorsDizzyDobeccaDollziEldritchTerrorsEmiLizzyEmiziJayliceJebeccaJessaJizzyJollyJoriJuziLuziNorliceNorYevaOilRoseRebLizzyRebziRemilyValiceVCynVizzyVollVoriVuzi
non-binary AbsoluteCynAbsoluteJaySolvzi
poly AliNorYevaDoNuziDizzybeccaJenvyJizzyhadLuziVKhoriYevaNarrebeccaNuzivNuzivjayThollizzyThuzinUziDoLizzVhaziVollizzyVollziVuziJ
family BeauliceDoorman FamilyElliott FamilyKhuziLizzeacherNCynNorUziTessCynJenvyYevDoll
friend AlziCynDollCynessaCynziKhanLizThadKhanLizzyKhanThadNessaNhanNorCynNomniNoriNPomziTessjenvyTessziVessa
cargo DollKnifeDuel UzisJ x JCJenson PenKhanDoor
CHARACTERS male Khan DoormanSamSerial Designation NThad
female AliceCynDollLizzyNori DoormanRebeccaSerial Designation JSerial Designation VTessa ElliottUzi DoormanYeva