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My Cabbages! is the cargo ship between the cabbage merchant and his cabbages from the Avatar: The Last Airbender fandom.


The cabbage merchant had a passion for selling cabbages and traveled around the Earth Kingdom in order to sell them. He was first seen attempting to enter the city of Omashu with his cart of cabbages, but the guards did not permit him to enter with his cabbages and destroyed it. Despite this, he managed to obtain a new cart of cabbages but they were destroyed by Team Avatar while they were riding the mail system. The merchant was outraged and demanded that they be beheaded, one head for every head of cabbage that they ruined. His cabbages were apparently destroyed again later when Aang and King Bumi played on the mail system.

The cabbage merchant later moved to the seedy merchants' pier to sell cabbages. He managed to keep his cabbages safe as Team Avatar jumped over them but Aang then airbent the cart at a group of pirates that were chasing him, causing the merchant to shout that this place was worse than Omashu. The merchant later traveled to Ba Sing Se but the ferry security would not allow him to bring his cabbages on the boat, saying that a single cabbage slug could destroy their ecosystem, and had a platypus bear destroy the cabbage cart. The merchant later made it into Ba Sing Se and sold cabbages there before rabbaroo that escaped from the zoo stole and ate his cabbages, causing the merchant to walk off and sob on the side.

The cabbage merchant settled down within the next two years and opened a restaurant named Cabbage Delicacies Bistro near Yu Dao. He hoped that his cabbages would be safer inside of a building and served foods that included cabbages such as cabbage soup, cabbage noodles, and cabbage cookies. He was reluctant to allow Aang to eat there due to his history of destroying his cabbages and became even more fearful when he entered the Spirit World and an earthquake happened. When Old Iron attacked the village and Katara forced him to evacuate, he cried out for his cabbages once more.

The cabbage merchant ultimately left the food industry and instead became involved in the growing automobile industry. He named the company he founded Cabbage Corp for his love of cabbages and named the produced automobiles Cabbage Cars. A statue of the cabbage merchant holding a head of cabbage next to his cabbage cart was built outside of Cabbage Corp's headquarters.


My Cabbages! is one of the most popular cargo ships in the Avatar fandom if not the most popular. Fans loved the cabbage merchant's devotion to his cabbages and even created a meme involving him and his cabbages. Many fans were amused by the fact that the cabbage merchant wanted Team Avatar executed over the destruction of his cabbages while many sympathize with him for repeatedly having his cabbages destroyed.

Some fans have conceptualized the idea of the cabbage merchant being a 'cabbage bender' and some fanon even involves the cabbage merchant being a cabbage bender. When The Legend of Korra was announced, it was stated that the cabbage merchant's legacy would be included in some way. This turned out to be his company Cabbage Corp which was owned by his son Lau Gan-Lan. Fans were excited to see the cabbage merchant's statue and hear about his legacy.



Cabbage merchant/cabbages tag on AO3


  • The cabbage merchant managed to acquire a new cart and cabbages despite them being destroyed and supposedly disallowed in the cities of Omashu and Ba Sing Se.


ATLA - Logo1
ATLA ShipsATLA Characters
SHIPS het AzaangChanzulaHakyaHarutaraJetaraJinko
On JaangRa MinSatophSokklaSokoSukka
TaangThe DophTokkaTokoTy LaruTy Lokka
Ty LukoUrkemUrzaiYukkaZukiZutara
slash RozinSokkaangTodoZukoZukaangZukka
femslash AzutaraKatophMai LeeMaizulaRangshiTophukiTophzulaTyzula
poly Dangerous LadiesSukkophZukki
cargo My Cabbages!
CHARACTERS male AangSokkaZuko
female AzulaKataraMaiSukiTy LeeToph