Shipping Wiki

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Nailtag is the non-binary ship between Naily and Price Tag from the Battle for Dream Island fandom.


After having debuted the competition in The Power of Two, Price Tag walks up to Naily's team thinking they're cool. Naily calls Price Tag epic themselves and asks them to make a cat face in order to join her team. Price Tag does and gets excited when Naily allows them onto the team. Snowball attempts to join them but insults Naily for her lack of arms. She kicks Snowball away, Price Tag calling it a good riddance.

Naily and Price Tag smirk at Basketball when she gets mad at their team for using the elevator instead of the stairs.

For the third challenge, Just Not is struggling to impress Two with their garbage pile until Price Tag offers to show them the value of it. This convinces Two to give them a score that makes the team safe. Naily compliments Price Tag for getting them the win.

Naily sees that the Funny Plant they have to protect in the desert is getting dry. Price Tag notices this and suggests splitting up and searching for water.

Price Tag shows off a fancy water bottle they found to use to water the plant. After that, the two check up to make sure everyone has gathered back up from getting water. Naily tells Price Tag that she exploded Bomby for the challenge. However, they start to get worried when they realize Cake hasn't returned yet.

During Just Not's first elimination, Naily is worried for Price Tag when Pillow throws them off the roof of the hotel.


Nailtag is a fairly popular ship in the Battle for Dream Island fandom. It gained its popularity shortly after the release of the fifth season, The Power of Two, especially in fan art. Despite this, the two have rivalry ships such as Bombaily (Bomby x Naily) and Caketag (Cake x Price Tag). Some fans choose to include Bomby in the ship, resulting in the poly ship of Nailtagbomb. Others include Cake, creating Nailcaketag.

The ship has two works on AO3 under their relationship tag. It is the second most written ship for both Naily and Price Tag on the site, the first being the poly ship that includes Bomby.


Naily/Price Tag (Battle For Dream Island) tag on AO3
Nailtag search results on Wattpad
Nailtag posts on Twitter
Nailtag posts on Tumblr


