Shipping Wiki
Shipping Wiki

Screenshots: 1212
Femslash ships: 44Het ships: 77Poly ship: 11

Needle is a character from the Battle for Dream Island fandom.


Needle is a contestant in the first five seasons of Battle for Dream Island. She has competed on the Squashy Grapes, Team No-Name, W.O.A.H. Bunch, FreeSmart, The Losers!, and Team8s. She placed 19th in the first season.



Bombeedle — the ship between Needle and Bomby
Cakeneedle — the ship between Needle and Cake
Coineedle — the ship between Needle and Coiny
Fireedle — the ship between Needle and Firey
Gelaneedle — the ship between Needle and Gelatin
Needickel — the ship between Needle and Nickel
NeedleBob — the ship between Needle and SpongeBob SquarePants
Needlefries — the ship between Needle and Fries
Peneedle — the ship between Needle and Pen
Snowdle — the ship between Needle and Snowball
YellowNeedle — the ship between Needle and Yellow Face


Bubeedle — the ship between Needle and Bubble
Diamondneedle — the ship between Needle and Diamond
Foldneedle — the ship between Needle and Foldy
Iceneedle — the ship between Needle and Ice Cube
Matchdle — the ship between Needle and Match
Naildle — the ship between Needle and Naily
Needby — the ship between Needle and Ruby
Needeggy — the ship between Needle and Eggy
Needleafy — the ship between Needle and Leafy
Needlebag — the ship between Needle and Barf Bag
Needlecil — the ship between Needle and Pencil
Needledrop — the ship between Needle and Teardrop
Needlegolf — the ship between Needle and Golf Ball
Needlety — the ship between Needle and Bracelety
Needlook — the ship between Needle and Book
Needolite — the ship between Needle and Ammolite
Neetle — the ship between Needle and Bottle
Pineedle — the ship between Needle and Pin


Bombcoinpineedle — the ship between Needle, Bomby, Coiny and Pin
Coinleafdle — the ship between Needle, Coiny and Leafy
Coinpineedle — the ship between Needle, Coiny and Pin
D4 — the ship between Needle, Fan and Pitcher
Fireleafcoinpineedle — the ship between Needle, Firey, Leafy, Coiny, Pin
Leafpineedrop — the ship between Needle, Leafy, Pin and Teardrop
Pineedrop — the ship between Needle, Pin and Teardrop



Main article: Coineedle



Needle tag on AO3
bfbneedle stories on Wattpad


# portmanteau characters type
12 Coiny & Needle Coiny gen
7 Needle/Pitcher Pitcher het
6 Fan/Needle Fan het
6 Needle & Pin Pin gen
6 Pineedle Pin femslash
6 Needledrop Teardrop femslash
5 D4 FanPitcher poly
3 Leafpineedrop LeafyPinTeardrop poly
2 Needle & Teardrop Teardrop gen
2 Pineedrop PinTeardrop poly

