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Needlecil is the femslash ship between Pencil and Needle from the Battle for Dream Island fandom.


Battle for Dream Island[]

After Match responds with disgust at Needle falling onto a cake, Pencil says that she loves "needies", likely making fun of Needle's hated nickname of "needy". Needle slaps her for this, and then is promptly thrown away by Announcer, as she is part of a different team.

Other than this, Needle and Pencil do not interact directly in BFDI because they are both in different teams and don't have any pre-established relationship other than that one line.

Battle for Dream Island Again[]

However, both share traits of being (debatably) athletic, as Pencil prides herself on her strength in BFDIA, saying that the reason why Ruby couldn't get the HPRC out of the glue was that she was too weak.

Needle is shown to be athletic through her fast running skills, mentioned by Ice Cube and also shown to the viewer. It is also mentioned in her official character guide bio, which states that she's faster than Firey.

While the two were on relatively good terms by the time of BFDIA 2, and arguably good terms in BFDI, as she warns Needle (along with the other Puffball riders) to watch out for a wild Leafy, they are shown to be on worse terms by the time of BFDIA 6 when Freesmart and W.O.A.H. Bunch are put up against each other.

Pencil's strength is also displayed here, as she puts up a good fight against Needle, who, again, is previously shown to be athletic.

A big contrast in their characters is that, while Pencil seems rather prideful of her strength, as seen in BFDIA 5e, Needle doesn't flaunt her strength or athleticism, instead using it to help her friends, such as in TPOT 2 when she runs up on the tower of blocks to help with stacking.

Post-BFDIA 6, the two are on much worse terms as they were fighting each other, with Pencil starting the fight by kicking Rocky and Needle going after in response to that. Their fighting also gets much more focus than any of the other pairings between W.O.A.H. Bunch and Freesmart.

When Yellow Face asks if Needle needs to kill someone, she says she does, using the scribble/"katana" given to her by him to attack Pencil. Even though all of the W.O.A.H. Bunch members have the same tool with different labels (as said by Yellow Face), Needle seems to be doing the best, having a bit of a lead on Pencil.

Pencil stops the fight, saying that she's "had enough of this", implying that she's been holding herself back, before pushing Needle to the ground.

She pins Needle to the ground by standing on her head, and she seems proud and/or smug about it, while Needle calls to Spongy for help.

After W.O.A.H. Bunch and Freesmart finish fighting, W.O.A.H. Bunch also tries to scare Freesmart so they can't fall asleep and win the challenge, which counts as an indirect interaction between Needle and Pencil, as Needle is one of the W.O.A.H. Bunch members telling Freesmart about Evil Leafy to scare them.

She also calls them "silly Freesmart babies", and laughs at their scared reactions with Coiny before Evil Leafy actually appears.

Freesmart, along with Pencil, seem happy when Evil Leafy appears and starts targetting W.O.A.H. Bunch instead of them, with Ruby even laughing at them because they're getting wet.

Later on in the season of Bfdia Pencil and Needle would join forces when Needle would join Freesmart. They would also have times where they'd be a duo together. The two would shortly form a friendship within these episodes and even after Pencil is eliminated, they still have a helpful bond since Pencil gives Needle the Leafy tracker.

Island Dream for Battle/IDFB[]

Needle has a one-off line mentioning Freesmart, which can be counted as her (technically) mentioning Pencil.


Before BFDIA 6, this ship was not at all popular because of their lack of interactions. However, BFDIA 6 gave the ship a big surge in popularity as the two are put against each other and also contrasted. Despite still not being a major ship in the BFDI fandom, it has a respectable number of fans, many of which enjoy the dynamic between the more (seemingly) soft-spoken yet still competitive Needle and the more confident and cocky Pencil. The focus on their battle specifically, and the scene of Pencil pinning Needle down, are very prominent moments that made lots of people start shipping it after BFDIA 6's release.



Needle & Pencil tag on AO3


Needlecil posts on Twitter


  • Both of them are female objects with points on the bottom of their asset.


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