NeoRocketShipping is the het ship between Butch and Cassidy from the Pokémon fandom.
Not much is known about Butch or Cassidy's life. It is known that they were training to become Team Rocket grunts at the same time as Jessie and James. Cassidy and Butch were assigned together and worked as a duo team, catching Pokémon for Team Rocket. This is known in the episode "Training Daze" from Pokémon Chronicles. Strangely, Butch doesn't appear with a Pokémon of his own until his third appearance; before that, Cassidy was the only one to battle with her Pokémon.
They debut for the first time in "The Breeding Center Secret" from Pokémon Gotta Catch 'em all, at a Pokémon Center where they stole Pokémon from other trainers by tricking them into evolving them. After discovering their plans, Officer Jenny arrests Butch and Cassidy in jail.
In the episode "Pikachu Re-Volts" from Pokémon Orange Islands, it's revealed that Giovanni freed them from jail and started their thievery again. With the help of a Drowzee, Butch and Cassidy were controlling the Pokémon that inhabited an island. Again their plans were foiled by Officer Jenny and her Gastly.
Butch and Cassidy appear again in the episode "The Fortune Hunters" from Pokémon The Johto Journeys, where they have a fake DayCare dressed as old people so they can steal Pokémon, Jessie and James discover them but Butch and Cassidy tie them up with a rope. Later Ash, Misty and Brock also notice them, so they fight them, after stopping them they warn officer Jenny and Butch and Cassidy are locked up again in jail.
They are freed again and started with another plans in three consecutive episodes, starting in "The Mystery is History". where they help Professor Namba capture a Lugia, here it is shown that Butch has a Hitmontop, which had a machine on it that made it stronger. In the end Lugia manages to escape and sends Team Rocket blasting off.
Butch and Cassidy test different plans throughout the Pokémon Chronicles series, with none of them successful.
In Hoenn, Butch and Cassidy temporarily team up with Jessie and James in the episode "The Ole' Berate and Switch!", in an unofficial gym where they scammed many trainers, but Ash and May stopped them.
In Sinnoh, in the episode "Sleight of Sand!", Butch reappears, where it is shown that he has a Shuckle. He shows up along with Cassidy, who also had a new Pokémon, to try to steal a Hippowdon sent by Dr. Namba. But they encounter Ash, Brock and Dawn who helped Hippowdon escape from Butch and Cassidy's giant Rhyhorn-shaped robot. When they cornered Hippowdon, Jessie and James show up with a giant Slowbro-shaped robot to fight Butch and Cassidy, but in the end they both end up being blasted off, failing the mission.
Finally in the Journeys series, Butch leaves Team Rocket, parting ways with Cassidy and he decides to have his humble life, owning a bakery, where he decides to feed Jessie, Meowth and Wobbuffet, as he sees them exhausted and very hungry. There, he reveals his actual life. To make up for the good attention, the villains work for Butch for free and Meowth ends up staying, because he falls in love with a Meowth that Butch reveals he has, resembling Meowzie. However, Team Rocket's Meowth quits the business, when the Meowth he had met is traded for a Persian.
Cassidy also leaves Team Rocket, parting ways with Butch and she decides to have her own humble life, owning a coffee shop, where she saves Jessie, James and Meowth and Wobbuffet from freezing in the snow and takes them into the cafeteria he manages. There, she reveals her own life and also spends her free time carving Pokémon figurines. Her visitors decide to compensate her with unpaid work and James realizes that the organization is not everything in life and stays to help her former rival. Nevertheless, Cassidy fires her new workers, as Morpeko was devouring customers' plates and harming her business.
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NeoRocketShipping is a popular ship within the Pokémon fandom. It is often mentioned along with RocketShipping. Fans believe Butch and Cassidy at some point could end up together in the future of the anime. However, when they parted ways, leaving Team Rocket, fans felt the ship was falling by the wayside, although they admit they would like Butch and Cassidy to reunite at some point, get married and live their lives together.
NeoRocketShipping is often compared with RocketShipping, due to Jessie and James belonging to the same organization as Butch and Cassidy.
- Butch/Cassidy tag on AO3
- Butch & Cassidy tag on AO3
- Butch/Cassidy tag on FanFiction.net