- Now that my magic is spent,
Please, O judge, lift the chains from my soul!
Never again consign me to dance alone upon this lonely isle.
My last glimmer of hope I offer up to you. - —Furina/Focalors' quote in the trailer announcement for Masquerade of the Guilty.
Neuvifuri is the het ship between Neuvillette and Furina from the Genshin Impact fandom.
Both Neuvillette and Furina once worked together at the Opera Epiclese as the Chief Justice and Archon of Fontaine, respectively. They are initially presented as Fontaine's co-rulers, the Reputation billboard Quests qualifying their role towards Fontaine as "joint governance"[2] when mentioning that all residents of Fontaine live under their co-rulership. They were both originally in charge of the court system within Fontaine, overlooking trials within their nation. As a result they worked closely with one another and were often present anytime a trial took place within the Opera Epiclese.
The symbolism of them being the two most prominent figures of the Hydro element as Hydro Sovereign and Hydro Archon is also incorporated into their designs, with them having a similar color palette of black, blue, and white but of slightly different shades. Their clothing also shares the same color scheme and symbolic motifs of tears peppered all over. Another more subtle symbolic motif incorporated in their clothing are the Sword and Scale, two well-known symbols related to the symbols of Justice.

Furina holding a burning blank photograph paper over Neuvillette.
- Furina – “Ugh, boring! I mean, why do I even bother?
*Sigh*... When are we going to finally see a real twist for once?” - Neuvillette – “Please refrain from levity in the court. This trial is far from over.”
- — Overture Teaser: The Final Feast
Their first official introduction is when they appear together in Overture Teaser: The Final Feast, as they are sitting alone in the Opera Epiclese, with Furina holding a burning picture while complaining to Neuvillette about how boring the trial is and asking him if the moment they'll witness a "real twist" will come. Neuvillette tells her to refrain from levity in the court, saying that the trial is far from over, foreshadowing the future events of the Archon quest.
Furina when we first meet her could be described as someone with dramatic flair albeit with a bratty personality despite being an immortal Archon ruling over her region. She tries to give off the appearance of a capable ruler confident in her abilities but this appears to be a façade covering up a feeling of overwhelming pressure to rule her nation and hold on to the people's trust in her as their reliable Archon. Neuvillette also explains she has a desire to save her citizens from a potential doomsday scenario. Neuvillette on the other hand is gentlemanly and elegant, but he also seems unempathetic at first glance. However, he is in reality very sensitive and emotional although he does not seem to express it outwardly. Instead the game gives us insight to his emotions through visual storytelling usually, often by showing us that when he is feeling sadness his influence over Hydro causes it to rain because of these emotions.
We are introduced to Neuvillette within the Opera Epiclese where he mentions Furina waiting for the Traveler to notice her watching them from the VIP seats.
- “There's someone sitting up there in the VIP seats that has been striking a pose for quite a while now... I believe she is trying to give you a most elegant and impressive first impression. So I think you should take notice of her sooner rather than later, otherwise she may become flustered.”
- — Archon Quest: The City of Rains and Remembrance
Neuvillette on many occasions has been shown to understand Furina on a very personal level, explaining to the Traveler the reasonings behind many of the comments she makes and things that she does so those who do not know her well may understand her thought process behind certain actions. He also seems to take her personal safety into account first and foremost.
Furina has no problems calling Neuvillette all sort of nicknames like "My dear Iudex" and "My dear Chief Justice" even in a professional setting like in a trial, even addressing him as "You" in the letter she (as Focalors) sent to him 500 years ago, described as being "A special you. A unique you." Neuvillette seems to not mind her calling him this in public and doesn't chastise her when she does so. Neuvillette calls Furina "Lady Furina" as a sign of respect to her and still refers to her as such even if she nowhere around and Furina requested everyone to call her "Miss Furina" after the Fontaine Archon Quest.
- Furina – “My dear Iudex, I must remind you: No trial can be sufficiently dramatic if it is too short.”
- Neuvillette – “You are right, Lady Furina. But this is not the end. Merely a prelude for what is to come.”
- — Character Demo: "Neuvillette: Font of All Waters"[3]
Despite the professional setting and nature of their relationship, they are shown to value its more "intimate" side, as it's revealed by the game via the tour guide named Elphane when riding the Navia Line Aquabus, that Furina and Neuvillette take their own private transportation together when going to and leaving Opera Epiclese. "If you're hoping to meet the two figureheads of the Opera Epiclese, I don't recommend waiting around here. They use their own private transportation, not the Aquabus. I doubt this is because they don't wish to associate with the common folk. I suspect they simply don't wish to see their private words and deeds appearing in the Steambird blown out of proportion..."[4]
When on the aqua bus traveling the Clementine Line, it is possible to get dialogue from the Tour Guide NPC Aeval who says that Furina once performed in front of Neuvillette. "You know, I was once lucky enough to see Lady Furina herself stand upon the stage of the Opera Epiclese! Her beautiful performance and rich emotions are so infectious, even Monsieur Neuvillette was shaking his head in shock! Anyway, I like Lady Furina, I think she's really pretty, and very worthy of being called an Archon!"
Archon Quest: Chapter IV Act I - Prelude of Blancheur and Noirceur[]
In the quest, 'The City of Rains and Remembrance', the Traveler and Paimon first meet Neuvillette in the Opera Epiclese to watch Lyney and Lynette's magic show. After introducing themselves to him, Neuvillette mentions that Furina has been posing in the VIP seats for quite a while now and that she's trying to give them a "most elegant and impressive first impression". This is one of the first moments where we get to see how close Neuvillette and Furina are, as Neuvillette understands what Furina's intentions are, seeing "right through her act". He then tells the Traveler and Paimon that there's no need to pay her any more attention and to enjoy the show.

Neuvillette stopping Furina's attempt to leave the courtroom.
During Lyney's trial, the Traveler, Paimon, Lyney and Lynette fight against Furina in court with Neuvillette as the judge. In the middle of the trial, it is revealed that Liliane is the one who killed Cowell. Neuvillette asks Furina if she wishes to speak against the defense's statements but Furina doesn't answer, trying to leave the courtroom. However, Neuvillette catches on and requests for her not to leave the room. Furina asks if he's reading her mind and sighs, finally answering his question and says that she doesn't have anymore arguments and admits defeat, asking him if he could at least have left her with some dignity.
Archon Quest: Chapter IV Act II - As Light Rain Falls Without Reason[]
After Neuvillette reads out the guilty verdict for Childe by the Oratrice, Furina makes an excuse to leave the Opera Epiclese early to avoid suspicion. Neuvillette then tells the Traveler that she "probably just put on that performance to save face" and doesn't actually know why the Oratrice would give out a guilty verdict to an innocent man. This is another example of how close Neuvillette and Furina are as Neuvillette understands the intention of her dramatic exit.
When the Traveler asks Neuvillette about the prophecy of Fontaine, he tells them that Furina has taken the prophecy seriously and has been researching, collecting information and intelligence from across Teyvat. He even suggests to the Traveler that this prophecy may have been a "conundrum" left to Furina by the previous Hydro Archon, Egeria. Also, when asked about Childe, Neuvillette tells the Traveler that the Oratrice has a methodology of its own and even Furina seems to not understand what was going on with the Oratrice, bluffing her way through it and he describes it as "time-tested twin tricks of bravado and drama".
Archon Quest: Chapter IV Act III - To the Stars Shining in the Depths[]
At the start of the Archon Quest, the Traveler and Paimon are called to meet Neuvillette in his office. Once they get to his office, Neuvillette explains why he called them there. We are then shown a flashback where Neuvillette and Furina were discussing how to handle a meeting with the Fatui Harbinger Arlecchino, a character Furina is implied to be moderately afraid of as Arlecchino attempted to take her gnosis, inflicting trauma as she thought she was going to be killed.
The scene starts with Neuvillette bringing up Arlecchino's request for a diplomatic meeting with Furina, to which he sincerely advises Furina to refuse as he believes she has ulterior motives, including the fact that she suddenly arrived to Fontaine and abruptly requested a meeting with her. He then explains his reasoning by stating that Childe, one of the Fatui Harbingers, has been convicted by their court. However, they haven't provided any form of detailed report on his case which is an opportunity for Snezhnaya to put pressure on them. Despite his reasonings, Furina tells him that they should agree to the meeting, telling him that the diplomatic relations between Fontaine and Snezhnaya could worsen if they don't accept the meeting to which Neuvillette disagrees as it is possible that the relations could completely fall out if they were to talk in person without having sufficient information prepared. Furina then tells him that they shouldn't overthink these possibilities yet and the meeting will turn out fine since he is coming with her.

In response to this, Neuvillette tells Furina that communicating with people outside of court isn't his cup of tea and that he never agreed to accompany her to the meeting. After hearing this, Furina freaks out and desperately pleaded with him to accompany her to the meeting, coming in-between him and the desk, leaning her face extremely close to his. This doesn't seem to bother Neuvillette, who is however known to appreciate his desk because it serves as a "physical boundary" between him and his interlocutors. Using an external camera POV on this scene shows that Furina's model was positioned between Neuvillette's legs.[5]
- “Eeeeh!? You mean you won't come? No... no no no, that won't do! I can't go to the meeting alone, you have to accompany me, I must take you with me...”
- — Furina begging Neuvillette to come with her for her meeting with the Knave.
Seeing Furina's unusual desperateness to make him accompany her, Neuvillette looks up at her and narrows his gaze, asking her if she is hiding something related to the situation, to which she quickly takes a step back from him and denies. After declaring that she is the Hydro Archon Focalors and wanting justice to be served during the meeting, Furina leaves Neuvillette's office to find someone to arrange the meeting.
After this, they meet together with Arlecchino and discuss Childe's situation. Arlecchino starts the meeting by telling them that they should see it as an ordinary tea party and asks if Furina sees it the same way, to which Furina is hesitant to reply, implying that she is still scared by her. Furina then introduces Neuvillette to Arlecchino and after he introduces himself, Arlecchino starts the meeting by talking about her children from the House of the Hearth and how they have been well taken care of by them. She trails off by talking about how Fontaine has been stable in recent years and the people lead happy lives, possibly trying to lead the topic of the discussion to the prophecy, to which Furina has been doing nothing about in her eyes. However, before she's able to get there, Neuvillette abruptly changes the topic back to why Arlecchino requested a meeting with them, which is to discuss the condition of her colleague, Childe. Arlecchino requests for Childe to be handed back to Snezhnaya as his attorney, which Neuvillette rejects as the rules governing attorneys only apply before a trial has ended. After a refusal from Neuvillette, Arlecchino tries to ask Furina to allow her to enter the Fortress of Meropide and confirm Childe's condition. However, Furina stumbles on her words, attempting to reply to her before Neuvillette steps in once again and tells her that they have no authority to grant her access to the Fortress but he has another proposal.
Archon Quest: Chapter IV Act IV - Cataclysm's Quickening[]
In the quest, "Calamitous Tread", Neuvillette crosses paths with the Traveler and Paimon on the way to the Fortress of Meropide and asks them to head to the opera house immediately to protect Furina in his stead as she is about to have a meeting with Arlecchino again, due to Furina ordering him to go to the Fortress of Meropide to subdue the Primordial Sea from destroying Fontaine. Having no time to explain the situation properly, he thanks them sincerely when they agree. However, he left them instructions to make sure Furina is safe from Arlecchino. During the meeting, Arlecchino mentions that Furina seems "quite insecure" without the Iudex by her side.

Neuvillette staring at Furina during his talk with Traveler.
After he seals the Primordial Sea, Neuvillette quickly returns to the Opera Epiclese out of concern whether Furina's meeting with the Harbinger went well. He meets up with the Traveler and Paimon after they talked to Arlecchino and he thanks them for protecting Furina. Moments after Neuvillette reveals that he is the Dragon Sovereign of Water to Paimon and the Traveler, Neuvillette notices Furina in the distance and completely zones out, focusing on her only despite being in the middle of a conversation, before being brought back to his senses by Paimon asking if he is listening. Paimon then asks Neuvillette if he could just solve Fontaine's crisis, to which he tells her that he would need his full dragonhood and that part of his power is within the Hydro Archon, and to regain his elemental Authority, she would have to disappear which he recommends finding another way to deal with the prophecy since he doesn't want to lose the Hydro Archon since he is close to her.
Archon Quest: Chapter IV Act V - Masquerade of the Guilty[]
After the Primordial water killed many of the people of Poisson, Neuvillette decided to help Navia and the Traveler investigate the secret behind the Primordial seawater after saving Navia from the seawater. In the ruins, they discover 3 Stone Slates with Furina being in one of them. After they are finished Neuvillette says he will ask Furina about them tomorrow.
Neuvillette is then seen arguing with Furina, asking her where does she stand and shows her a list of the victims from the Poisson incident. After invoking a shocked reaction in Furina, Neuvillette asks about the stone slates he found and then asks her if she knows anything about them to which she denies. Neuvillette asks again if she knows anything about the previous Hydro Archon to which Furina denies yet again. Frustrated by her constant rejections, Neuvillette mentions Furina's investigations of the prophecy in secret and tells her "You have never been as superficial as you have presented yourself to be, nor are you a fool. And yet, your behavior is very inconsistent..." To make sure the conversation doesn't escalate further and keep her identity a secret, Furina laughs and responds with "So you've been watching me all this time, have you? I didn't think you were that type!" and tells him to never bring up the topic again and storms off.
Neuvillette, along with the Traveler and other characters, then comes up with a plan to make her tell them everything she knows by luring her to a trial. He made the Traveler lure her to a building in Poisson which was then transported to the courtroom. There, the Traveler exposes Furina of being guilty of deceiving the people of Fontaine to which Furina refuses the claim and counters it to defend herself. Through many counterarguments, a test to see if Furina is the Hydro Archon as she claims to be is brought up by Navia, placing a basin of Primordial seawater on the stage. The Primordial Seawater shouldn't affect the Hydro Archon in any way, so Furina should be unharmed. Furina walks down to the stage and stares at the Primordial Seawater nervously. A few seconds later, Neuvillette, worried about Furina, mentions that the test was proposed by Navia, who is part of the audience, and falls out of court proceedings so she has the right to stop the test. However, Furina shoves her hand into the seawater, experiencing symptoms of being exposed to Primordial Seawater, shocking the audience. Desperately trying to persuade her people that she is the archon, Furina tells them to listen to her and that she is indeed their archon. She hears the audience whisper amongst themselves and looks at Neuvillette, hoping that he would side with her. However, he closes his eyes, not giving her the empathy she hoped for. During Neuvillette's verdict, a scene plays where Furina is in the dark, imagining Neuvillette walking away from her as she reaches out for him teary-eyed. After his verdict, Furina sits on her "throne", breaking into tears as her secret has been exposed. The Oratrice Mecanique D'Analyse Cardinale gives out the final verdict and sentences the Hydro Archon to be punished via the death sentence. The truth around the prophecy is revealed, with Fontainians being revealed to be oceanids turned into humans by Egeria, the previous Hydro Archon. Not long after the reveal, the Oratrice starts to glow, and is about to "carry out the death sentence". Neuvillette looks up at Furina, worried about her. The Traveler also looks up and reaches out to her to get some answers and enters Furina's consciousness while Neuvillette enters Focalors's consciousness.
It is noteworthy to mention that the description of the quest, "The Opera of Noirceur and Blancheur", is "Whether it be the "Focalors" before Neuvillette, or the "Furina" before you, they are performing the same opera, and the final truth is hidden within it..." This is to show that Focalors and Furina are the same person.

"Hydro Dragon, Hydro Dragon, don't cry."
Upon entering Focalors's consciousness, Neuvillette immediately states that Focalors is not Furina, displaying how close Neuvillette is with Furina. Firstly, Focalors states that she was once an Oceanid familiar of Egeria, the previous Hydro Archon, before being turned into a human by her. She then states that after becoming the Hydro Archon, she split her divinity from her body and spirit, mentioning that the "Focalors" before Neuvillette is Focalors' Divinity, while the body and spirit left behind (the human counterpart) was named "Furina". It is also revealed that Focalors desired to be free from godhood, and live her own life as a human as she desired. Focalors' divinity was fused into the Oratrice where she would accumulate Indemnitium to kill the Hydro Archon, destroying the throne she sits upon, giving the authority over Hydro back to Neuvillette, the rightful owner. On the other hand, Furina had been acting as a sort of doppelganger for the past 500 years, pretending to be the Archon at Focalors' request to fool the Heavenly Principles into thinking that the prophecy has played out and save Fontaine from its prophesized doomsday. To make sure that she would see the plan through, Focalors' Divinity cursed Furina with immortality so she couldn't die. She also tells Furina that she shouldn't pursue "divinity", but contend against "humanity". This means that Furina has to maintain her humanity and not pursue divinity as the truth may be revealed to her. Neuvillette asks Focalors why she didn't tell Furina about the plan, to which she replies with, "To deceive the Heavenly Principles, you must first deceive yourself." This further shows that Furina and Focalors are the same person, as they both refer to each other as "me" or "myself". Focalors then reveals the second half of her plan - to save the people of Fontaine. Focalors fused into the Oratrice, taking the Hydro Gnosis with her. It is revealed that the Oratrice is not just a machine made to give out final verdicts, but a machine made to kill the Hydro Archon and take down the divine throne she sits upon. She reveals that both the trial and the death sentence were part of her plan and that she did all of this to "return the authority of the Hydro Archon to the Hydro Dragon of this planet". Neuvillette, saddened by this, looks down to the ground as his gaze softens. Focalors is amused by his reaction and recites an old Fontainian nursery rhyme, "Hydro Dragon, Hydro Dragon, don't cry". Neuvillette now understands the true purpose of his role as Iudex, and states that in the beginning, he was uninterested in human existence, but living alongside them for the last five centuries gradually brought about mutual understanding between them, and he even attempted to feel as they feel. Afterward, he says, "You are a devious one, Focalors." and tells her that he could never again declare them to be guilty.

Neuvillette watching Focalors' last dance.
At the quest's climax, Focalors sacrifices herself to fulfill her part in the prophecy and return to Neuvillette the powers that the Heavenly Principles had stolen from his past Hydro Dragon incarnation. Neuvillette's voice cracks in sadness at having to witness her death. As the guillotine falls he reaches out as a means to stop it but is unsuccessful. Afterwards, a terrible rainstorm begins, symbolizing Neuvillette's overwhelming sadness at the loss of Focalors. However, he carries out her will and returns the Fontainian people back to human form which had been dissolved into water previously, forgiving them of their sins. While delivering the verdict, a tear is also seen falling from his face. At the conclusion of the quest line, Neuvillette explains to the Traveler what happened, mentioning how "words can often leave a bitter taste in the mouth when it finally comes time to say them out loud". He then tells the Traveler that he will continue to take care of and support Furina after she resigned her role in Fontaine's political system and left the court. Furina now lives in an apartment very close to the Palais Mermonia, the place where they had both worked together for the previous 500 years.
Furina Story Quest - The Little Oceanid[]
The Traveler is tasked with finding a replacement actor for an amateur troupe trying to stage a play due to their leading actor being sick. The first person that comes to mind is Furina, as it was revealed that she used to take part in plays while still working within Fontaine's theatrical political system and was well known for her acting prowess. After given her new address by Katheryne, the Traveler makes their way to Furina's apartment with Paimon. Although Furina originally flat out refuses to take the role due to having to pretend to be the Hydro Archon for so long leaving a lasting scar, she eventually changes her mind but by the time she tracks the group, the lead actress had already gotten over her illness and returned. So instead, she agrees to take part as the director to help them set up the play and get along with each other.
Later on in the quest, she speaks to Neuvillette about allowing them to host the play at the Opera Epiclese. After the Traveler, Furina and Paimon explains to Neuvillette the plot of the play, "The Little Oceanid", Neuvillette agrees regardless of the complexity of the process for booking the Opera Epiclese, and states that the story of the play is most fascinating, making him look forward to seeing it performed onstage. He then comments on how he's surprised to see Furina's passion for the performing arts rekindled despite everything that happened, as he noticed she unconsciously looked excited about it and claims that it was the first time he had seen her like this since she departed from deityhood, showing how he still paid attention to her while she was taking time for herself. Feeling delighted that she found a new lease on life and regained some confidence, Neuvillette wonders if she was planning to return to acting at the opera house and allow audiences to enjoy her acting talents once again, having mentioned that Clio's experiences and decisions are all modeled after her, which makes her eminently suited to play the role. It is implied that the two had a similar conversation on this matter before the Story Quest (taking into account her saying "Haven't I already made myself clear?") where Furina had stated not wanting to act again, which leads her to tell him that she still felt that way. Just like he seemingly did before, Neuvillette respects her decision this time around as well, adding that he's still glad to learn that she has found a role to play that she enjoys, be it on the stage or not.
After the conversation ended, he comments on how he was always enthralled by her performances and expresses a desire for her to one day understand that the "love" (see Trivia for more details) he and the people of Fontaine expressed towards her, has always been genuine.
At the quest's near conclusion, the lead actress' sickness flares up again forcing Furina to take on the stricken actress' role as the main heroine. She then walks onto the stage and sings an angsty romantically themed song titled "La Vaguelette".
A cutscene plays and the story of "The Little Oceanid" plays out. The story is about the protagonist Clio, an oceanid who wishes to become human, which is against her family's wishes. In the city, the people find out all the freshwater in the area is slowly disappearing. Clio and her lover decide to do something and they try to investigate the truth together. After Clio realizing this problem is due to humans polluting the water and the water deciding to flee the land as if the water had a consciousness of its own, Clio reveals her true identity to her lover as well as the truth of why the water is disappearing. Her lover accepts her for who she is and works with her to find a way to bring the water back. However, the people find out her secret and they accuse her of driving the water away, using her lover as a hostage to draw her out. In the end, Clio decides to sacrifice herself to save her lover and the rest of humanity, driving the water back to the city. Clio's lover stands by the fountain and looks back to the people of the city being happy with several frames of couples taking pictures or dancing together, celebrating the return of the water. Then, her lover is seen with a frown on his face all alone, contrasting the people's happiness.
This is a slightly altered telling of the last act of the Fontaine Archon Quest, where Furina is lured into a trial by her people and Focalors tells Neuvillette the truth of the prophecy and of her plan to prevent it from happening, sacrificing herself to give Neuvillette back his authority and for him to turn Fontainians into real humans. Furthermore, Neuvillette's "Character Story 4" suggests that he isn't satisfied with how everything ended as Focalors/Furina sacrificed herself (giving up her seat in the audience) to come up on stage all alone and be the heroine of the drama.
Furina is ultimately bestowed a unique Hydro vision from Neuvillette (See Neuvillette "Vision"), suggesting a Sovereign has control over whom receives a vision of their element, where as in Raiden Shogun's voice line about visions suggests either just her or Archons in general cannot pick and choose whom receives a vision (Furina's "Vision" further implies her vision was gifted from Neuvillette as a reward for her past deeds, while Neuvillette's "About Furina" says he will give her his heartfelt applause when she returns to the stage.)
When the quest finally concludes, Furina mentions how she had fun acting again and decides to once more get into that career. Albeit because she is nudged in that direction but expressed a desire to do so even without such encouragement. She even admits that Neuvillette might be right saying that "Clio" is the right role for her.
Neuvillette's Character Story 4[]
Having an introspection about the events of the trial, his role of pardoning the Fontanian's sins, and his chosen path of walking alongside them under the rain, Neuvillette reminisces about the events of 500 years ago. Everything started when Focalors sent him a letter 500 years ago, bluntly addressing him as "You. A special you. A unique you." The letter invited him to come and see Fontaine, claiming "I shall leave you a seat with the best view in the greatest theater" which is the judge's seat above the Oratrice.
For 500 years, he watched all manners of trials and performances on this very seat, agreeing with her statement that the view was excellent, leading to the climax that is Furina's trial. It's only until the end that he realized that Focalors (he acknowledges Furina and Focalors as the same person) has planned everything ahead, giving up her seat in the audience for him to join, going up the stage to become the sole heroine of the drama. All this to return his powers and give the Fontanians a happy ending at the cost of herself, which he is deeply saddened by. It ends with someone asking him as the Hydro Dragon if he enjoyed being part of the audience and the human drama that Focalors prepared for him.
Lantern Rite 2024 - Vibrant Harriers Aloft in Spring Breeze[]
During the Hustle and Bustle quest, although they arrived at different moments, it is confirmed that Neuvillette met up with Furina for a short amount of time during his trip to Liyue before heading back to Fontaine out of work duty, as Hu Tao mentions that it's thanks to him asking her for directions that she and Zhongli were able to interact with Furina. Hearing this, Paimon says that she didn't think Neuvillette was the type to get lost, but is quickly corrected by Furina, who claims that she's sure he didn't get lost because even she was able to find her way to Liyue without any trouble, adding that he simply wanted to ask someone about the quickest way to get back to Fontaine. Hu Tao then affirms it, saying that it is exactly what he asked. As the conversation goes on, Furina comments on the fact that she's "pretty sure" Neuvillette is the only one who saw his trip as a vacation because he was there for only half a day, which leads to her asking Paimon and the Traveler to try and talk to Neuvillette into loosening up a bit when they get the chance. Showing concern about how he keeps himself cooped up all the time, she tells them to just tell him that the Palais Mermonia won't fall apart if he disappears for a few days, and if he's really that much of a stickler for protocol, that he can fill out a leave of absence request, which he would need to approve himself since he's now the one handling that sort of thing. After listening to Hu Tao stating that she found Neuvillette too uptight and that she thought he had a lot of growing to do, Furina reveals through an internal monologue that he's at least a thousand years old by now, before rushingly agreeing with Hu Tao out loud. Furthermore, Furina, Clorinde, and Navia reveal that he helped all three of them by carrying back to Fontaine their shopping bags with all the souvenirs and gifts they bought, making Hu Tao reassess her previous statement and praise him as a real gentleman. This essentially implies that despite already having gotten ready to leave by the time Furina arrived, Neuvillette waited for her to buy all the souvenirs she wanted during her trip, in order to carry and bring them back for her.
Afterwards, the Traveler encounters Neuvillette, who was taking a break in front of the entrance of the Fortress of Meropide after he had finished delivering all the gifts and was done with all the work he had left. They then pass along the advice for his vacations, which has Neuvillette understand Furina's point regardless of his original thinking of it sounding like it could easily lead to a vicious cycle of self-indulgence, something which couldn't be in further violation of protocol. He continues by mentioning that his proclivity to refrain from personal outings did in part originate from a sense of responsibility towards his duties and also from a lack of desire to engage in the human world, but that he now sees that the human world is indeed full of many interesting places to discover. It is worthwhile to say that in the other dubs, this specific quote properly aligns with Furina's reply to Neuvillette's note of absence in his story quest, where she asked him "... What do you think? The human world is interesting, isn't it?", with him here saying "However, I have come to think that the human world is certainly an interesting place."
- Main article: Neuvifuri/Quotes
Story Teaser- La vaguelette - Genshin Impact
- La Vaguelette & La Vaguelette "Tandem au cœur de Fontaine" | Genshin Impact
The romantic song[6] "La Vaguelette" (translation: "The Little Wave" or "The Wavelet"), performed by French singer Cécilia Cara is an official song produced by HoYoVerse, released during Genshin Impact's 4.2 update from the quest "The Little Oceanid" as Furina's character theme song.[7] It contains paralells to Furina/Focalors' life story in the form of a short, fairytale-like musical, narratively covering the events of Furina's character arc and the Archon Quest "Masquerade of the Guilty" in a slightly altered way to more closely resemble a fairy tale, making it more suitable for performance in an opera house.[8] Although the song retraces Furina's life and past, HoYoVerse associates it to both her and Neuvillette in official content:
【Vulkain】 Genshin Impact — La Vaguelette "Tandem au cœur de Fontaine"【Alternative ver.】
As part of the #MyGenshinImapactSong event,[9] French singer Vulkain also participated by collaborating with Genshin Impact to release La Vaguelette "Tandem au cœur de Fontaine" (translation: Tandem in the heart of Fontaine), an alternative version of the same song keeping the original instrumental, with the only exception being that the lyrics were written from Neuvillette's point of view instead of Furina's. The song and video received paid promotion by HoYoverse when it came out, and was born in the context of "Fontaine's fate" and is about "exploring the bonds between two of the main characters" of La Vaguelette.[10] Vulkain composed his own melody over the original instrumental and wrote his own lyrics along with his friend Séïa.
As indicated, the duet explores the relationship between Furina and Neuvillette while retracing Fontaine's lore and Furina's sacrifice. La Vaguelette questions whether the world would have been a better place if she along with the other Oceanids had remained living in the water without ever rising to the surface to experience the world, and if they would have been forgiven had they never broken the laws and turned into humans (or, alternatively, if they returned to the water after experiencing the world). She explains that the water's current is what makes the Fontainians's lives dance, while also nurturing the city. This both applies to the people of Fontaine and her lover whom Furina calls "mon doux amour," an affectionate French nickname that translates to "my sweet love." In the end, Furina ultimately concludes that "true love" isn't enough to save the nation, and that only her farewell and sacrifice will put an end to the prophecy. She describes it as "their bittersweet life story," and ends by declaring that she will forever be there to admire the beauty of the world and its people, connecting with the conclusion of Furina's character arc.[11]
"Tandem au cœur de Fontaine" (Neuvillette's version) starts with Neuvillette highlighting the similarity between his and Furina's souls, by comparing them to "tears," saying that his soul is like a tear flowing along the currents, alone to witness the passing of time through Fontaine's history. In contrast to Neuvillette's soul being "a tear flowing along the currents," he describes Furina's as "a tear in the heart of the ocean" disturbed by the omen of "a hopeless future," the Prophecy coming true and her people being dissolved into the waters. The second verse has him focusing on doubting that Furina is strong enough to bear such a burden, and that while she faces so much challenges and hardships, he still sees her as a fragile being. Hence Neuvillette's note just afterwards that she surprises him with so much strength. The songs ends with Neuvillette promising that if Furina were to lose her way, he would remain by her side.
Alexandra Trusova - Vladislav Antonyshev - La Vaguelette, Furina & Neuvillette - Genshin Impact
On November 17, 2023, the Figure Skater Alexandra "Sasha" Trusova announced another ice-skating performance of hers on her Instagram account, showcasing a short video of her cosplaying as Furina and ice-dancing, mixed in with some in-game moments of Furina dancing or bowing.[12] The full performance lasts 2:41 and features her alongside her skating partner, Vladislav Antonyshev,[13] ice-dancing while cosplayed as Furina and Neuvillette to an instrumental version of La Vaguelette. HoyoLab's official account posted a part of Trusova's full performance under the title "Dancing on Ice to the Melodies of Fontaine." The description says "What could possibly be more beautiful than figure skating to the music of Genshin Impact? Come witness the magic together!"
In "和声的回响" (Echo of Harmony), an official Chinese web event to celebrate OSTs for the 4th Anniversary of Genshin Impact, the Fontaine segment features a rerecording of Furina saying her "Farewell, Neuvillette. I hope you've enjoyed the part you've played these five hundred years." line as "La Vaguelette" starts playing in the background. The illustration for that segment is also based on the official illustration of version 4.2 for Masquerade of the Guilty in which Furina and Neuvillette are back-to-back.
The ship emerged shortly after Furina and Neuvillette were leaked to be playable characters within the game.
The Neuvifuri ship is generally seen as an example of the common "tall boyfriend x short/petite girlfriend couple" motif in films, mangas, animes, light novels .etc - in the same vein as the ZhongTao, ChiLumi, Thomaya, Kukitto, Ittomiya, and Hailou or Kavelou ships.
People generally find the dynamics of their relationship to be a long tender one developed over years of working together. However, shippers often add a comedic twist to their dynamic as well within the ship, With Furina often teasing the solemn Hydro Dragon Neuvillette.
Often times, within similar nature to most of Neuvillette’s other ships, shippers will depict Neuvillette as being very protective of Furina. The joke being that in most media, dragons are protective of their hordes of treasure, but instead of gold and jewels Furina is Neuvillette's "treasure".
One theme heavily employed by the Neuvifuri ship is that of deep longing due to many of Neuvillette's voicelines and dialogue causing a great number of Neuvifuri shippers and non-shippers alike to see it as him longing for or missing her whether platonically or romantically, as well as his consistent attempts to protect and support her.
Both Furina and Neuvillette are equally depicted as being the dominant/submissive one within the ship.
It is often commonly depicted as a mutual growth type of romantic relationship where Neuvillette's more solemn personality keeps the dramatic and somewhat chaotic Furina grounded where as she in turn brings Neuvillette out of his shell. Similar to the dynamic of the ZhongTao ship.
One other theme applied to the ship is angst. This is partly due to Furina once ruling a nation that was prophesized to one day sink into the sea leaving her all alone weeping in addition to Neuvillette having to see Focalors sacrifice herself right in front of him just to being able to give his draconic authority back.
A well known inside joke among the shippers is that the characters must have divorced after the Archon Quest's ending where Furina either leaves, goes on vacation, or retires from the Palais Mermonia, but were unable to stay away from each other for long due to the deep love of the pair and so they remarried. This is strengthened by the fact the two are still close (As shown in Furina's Story Quest) and Neuvillette continues to pay her expenses. This time frame is commonly referred to by Neuvifuri shippers as the short-lived "Divorce Arc".
Another well known inside joke among the shippers is that Neuvillette constantly thinks and talks about Furina. There instances in the archon quests when his thoughts and words trail towards worrying and wondering about Furina, and in their respective story quests where Neuvillette writes down a letter in case Furina wonders where he went (Neuvillette Story Quest) and talks about his observations about Furina's mood (Furina Story Quest). His voice lines and birthday letter also tend to talk about her though she's not the topic of the conversation.
Before the 4.2 update, Neuvifuri's most popular ship name was "Focallette", as the ship has existed before the Hydro Archon's name was revealed. However, a little after the 4.2 update, shippers decided to switch to Neuvifuri. Although both ship names are interchangeable (as shippers believe Furina and Focalors to be the same person) some shippers will favor one ship over another due to the dynamics they prefer more.
As for the detractors that don't like this ship, most of their arguments center around how they prefer this ship more as found family. But following the 4.2 update, and as both characters treat each other as equals, the ship became quite prominent.
There are currently 1,800+ romantic works for NeuviFuri on AO3.
Excluding speedruns, Neuvilette's best team involves Furina, with him being the hypercarry. Their synergy has made one of the most meta teams in Genshin Impact since version 4.2 being able to combat Spiral Abyss, the Imaginarium Theater and other combat event challenges.
The reason for its tremendous synergy is Furina's ability to provide damage% in her burst allowing characters that have fluctuating HP to benefit from this aspect of her kit. This is taken advantage of by Neuvillette, who also manipulates his own HP during his charged attack.
Formerly Neuvillette hypercarry used to be played with Furina, Kaedehara Kazuha, and one of Baizhu or Zhongli as their most popular supports. However, since Xilonen's arrival many players have opted to choose her over Baizhu/Zhongli. Some other new teammates include Mavuika to form Neuvillette's vape teams as well as as Citlali to form freeze teams.
- Furina/Neuvillette tag on AO3
- Furina & Neuvillette tag on AO3
- Focallette hashtag on Twitter
- Neuvifuri hashtag on Twitter
- Neuvirina hashtag on Twitter
- @NeuvifuriDaily on Twitter
- @neuvifurihourly on Twitter
- Neuvillette/Furina tag on Pixiv
- Neuvifuri tag on DeviantArt
- Neuvifuri tag on TikTok
- Neuvirina tag on TikTok
- Nvfr tag on TikTok
- Focallette tag on TikTok
- Furillette tag on TikTok
- Focallette/Neuvifuri Mains Server
- The inspiration behind the titles of Furina's Constellations, from level 1 to level 6, are references to real-life romantic operas. One characteristic they all seem to share is that these referenced operas all have the theme of tragic love, where the female character ends up dying, leaving the male character to mourn her.
- C1; "Love Is a Rebellious Bird That None Can Tame": from the French "L'amour est un oiseau rebelle [que nul ne peut apprivoiser]", more commonly known as the Habanera aria, from the scene 5 of act 1 of famous French opera Carmen.
- The lyrics, sung by Carmen, go, "Love is a rebellious bird - That none can tame, - And it is quite in vain that one calls it, - If it suits it to refuse; - Nothing to be done, threat or plea. - The one talks well, the other is silent; - And it's the other that I prefer, - He said nothing, but he pleases me."
- Another notable verse that applies to Furina, "The bird you hoped to catch - Beat its wings and flew away, - Love is far, you can wait for it; - You no longer await it, there it is!"
- C2; "A Woman Adapts Like Duckweed in Water" seems to be agreed upon by opera singers to be a reference to the line "La donna è mobile, Qual piuma al vento," (Woman is flighty, Like a feather in the wind.") from the scene 1 of act 3 of Rigoletto, based on Victor Hugo's play "Le roi s'amuse." The title of the song means "Woman is fickle", and is based on a phrase by a French king "Souvent femme varie, bien fol est qui s'y fie" [Women are fickle, and who trusts them is a fool.]
- The lyrics that apply to Furina's characterization are "Woman is flighty. - Like a feather in the wind, - she changes in voice - and in thought. - Always a lovely, pretty face, - in tears or in laughter, - it is untrue."
- Furina's C3 "My Secret Is Hidden Within Me, No One Will Know My Name" and C5 "His Name I Now Know, It Is...!" are from Act 3 of famous Italian Opera Turandot.
- The line referenced in C3 is taken from "Nessun dorma", "Ma il mio mistero è chiuso in me; il nome mio nessun saprà!" ("But my secret is hidden within me; no one will know my name!"). This aria is not sung by Turandot, the female heroine of the play, but Prince Calaf - the prince who is in love with her.
- Her C5, named "His Name I Now Know, It Is...!" heavily implies that she knows Neuvillette's true name.[14] It is a reference to the finale of Turandot, where Calaf tells the cold-hearted Princess Turandot his name, essentially giving her the decision whether to end his life or not. The princess then proceeds with the quote "His name I now know, it is Love!"
- C4; "They Know Not Life, Who Dwelt in the Netherworld Not!" is a line taken from the French Opera Orphée aux Enfers. The actual line is "Si l'on comprend la vie, amis, c'est en enfer!" (“If we understand life, friends, it's in hell!”), from "Vive le vin! Vive Pluton!", but it seems HoYoverse has adopted a more poetic alternative.
- The entire chorus of this line in act 2, that Furina also references, goes "All hail wine! Long live Pluto! - And mock what people will say. - The divine cohort - That this old wine carries, - Sings to the God who wears - The iron crown. - His cherished abode - Will be our homeland; - If we understand life, - Friends, it's in hell! - Long live wine! Long live Pluto!"
- Furina's Elemental Burst, titled "Let the People Rejoice" displays a similar quote; "Cheer! Give praise! Be awed! Raise your glasses! Every night bereft of banqueting is a sordid squandering of sore, sober daylight..."
- Finally, her constellation level 6 (C6) "Hear Me — Let Us Raise the Chalice of Love!" is from the famous duet Libiamo ne' lieti calici found in the first scene of Act 1 of the Italian play La traviata, itself based on the French play "La Dame aux Camélias". It's directly inspired by the line Ah, libiam, amor fra' calici più caldi baci avrà., "Ah, let's drink, my love: the love among chalices - will have warmer kisses."
- The particularity of this duet is that it repeatedly mentions the chalice; "Libiamo ne' lieti calici" means "Let's drink from the joyful cups," plus the verse "Let's drink, let's drink from the joyous chalices - that beauty blossoms." The chalice is an object uniquely associated with Neuvillette in Genshin Impact, notably in one of his idle animations just like his Imaginarium Theater pose, being known to enjoy tasting water from various sources across Teyvat.[15]
- Meta-wise, this constellation allows the characters to constantly heal while she is in arkhe Ousia and using her elemental skill. This constellation turns her into a great character to have when playing specifically in compositions where Neuvillette is the main DPS, allowing him to constantly heal which makes Furina an important part of the meta surrounding Neuvillette.
- C1; "Love Is a Rebellious Bird That None Can Tame": from the French "L'amour est un oiseau rebelle [que nul ne peut apprivoiser]", more commonly known as the Habanera aria, from the scene 5 of act 1 of famous French opera Carmen.
- Neuvillette and Furina appear or mention each other during the release of Fontaine, whether in trailers or in promotional images:
- Neuvillette first mentions a then unnamed Furina in Nahida's drip marketing.
- Furina's voice plays in Neuvillette's mind in his Character Teaser "Neuvillette: Watcher in the Deep" as he questions his origin and purpose, asking him to try and find the answers himself.
- Furina appears at the end of Neuvillette's Character Demo "Neuvillette: Font of All Waters", calling him "My dear Iudex" and reminding him that no trial can be dramatic if it's too short.
- In Neuvillette's drip marketing, there's a mention of him defending Furina's name by calling the Tabloid chronicling him as "tabloid journalism" for their previous behind-the-scenes editorial of her.
- Both appear in the version wallpapers of 4.0-4.2. In each of the three wallpapers, there is a recurring theme of Furina being in the center stage while Neuvillette looks at her in the background, which is especially highlighted in the official image for Masquerade of the Guilty.
- In Furina's voice artist announcement, her quote directly matches with Neuvillette's, as she tells the people who just got reprimanded by him to "not worry about what the Iudex thinks" and that they only need to make sure that they're heard singing "Ode to Furina" in the intervals.
- Furina has a quote that's referencing Neuvillette in the trailer announcement for the Masquerade of the Guilty.
- Neuvillette can barely be seen in the livestream artwork of Masquerade of the Guilty.
- Their voice actors Amber Lee Connors and Ray Chase, alongside Lumine's voice actor Sarah Miller Crews, are the hosts for the English livestream for Masquerade of the Guilty. They even have a skit where Furina is preparing for a speech before Neuvillette interrupts her. It is noteworthy to mention that in the Chinese livestream for Masquerade of the Guilty, Furina blushes more when she is interrupted by him.
- There's a Japanese Trailer for 4.2 that is focused on both characters.
- It's heavily implied that Furina's Vision is granted by Neuvillette instead of Celestia's Vision system:
- One close look at Furina's Vision shows that it has a different casting, and it's the first vision in the game that has such a design. Many shippers speculate that the design resembles fangs/teeth around the vision as a possible reference to Neuvilette's dragon nature and him now having the complete authority over Hydro.
- This is supported in Furina's About Vision lore, where it states her Vision "seemed more of a reward for her past deeds rather than a fervent wish", and in Neuvillette's Vision Lore, where he "set aside parts of himself, as like unto the dragon-treasure hoards of old, awaiting valiant humans to come and claim them."
- In his voice-over for Furina, he praises Furina for her work throughout her reign and plans to personally attend and give her applause when she returns to the stage. As her vision appears after performing La Vaguelette, it can be inferred that he watched her performance in "The Little Oceanid".
- Neuvillette regained his powers over Pneumaousia after Focalors's death and is able to grant it to other people (even if he can only use Pneuma in-game). Likewise, Furina is the only Fontaine character who has the ability to use both Pneuma and Ousia.
- Although English dub does a good job at conveying the original text's meaning, there are a few translations in other languages that show Neuvillette and Furina's relationship in more depth:
- Neuvillette addresses Furina in her story quest—in English it's rendered as "Miss Furina," and shortly after "Lady Furina," implying he uses a different honorific each time. However, in both these lines Neuvillette actually uses 女士/nǚshì, the same way he has always addressed Furina in the past.
- In the English version of Furina's Story Quest, Neuvillette comments about how he and all of the Fontainians appreciate her, however in the original Chinese dub and Japanese dub he says "I hope one day she'll be able to understand that our 'love' isn't fake", both using the character 「愛 」(Ai).
- In the Japanese dub of the archon quest, Masquerade of the Guilty, during Focalors's execution scene, Focalors uses "じゃあね" (jaane) to say goodbye to Neuvillette. じゃあね is an informal way to say goodbye to friends or family, and roughly translates to "See you later", which implies that Focalors will meet Neuvillette again in the form of her human self, Furina.
- At the end of the archon quest, Masquerade of the Guilty, Neuvillette's last line in English asks what difference is there between the rains that falls upon them. This line is more specific in the Chinese and Japanese dub, where he only mentions the Traveler, him, and Furina.
- During the confrontation scene where Neuvillette confronts the other for the prophecy, the English dub has Furina teasing him to be a stalker. The dialogue is different in other languages and more blatant as Furina teases Neuvillette that he cares so much for her in the Japanese dub. In the Chinese and Korean dub, she teases that he is paying so much attention to her/is actually interested in her respectively.
- Both are featured in numerous fanworks:
- During the 4.2 patch, a content creator named KKOMDA released an animated video called Let Us Raise the Chalice of Trick! that has a scenes where Furina is in Neuvillette's office planning to sabotage Lyney's magic show while Neuvillette observes her smiling. At the end of the mischief, there is an ending scene where Furina notices that Neuvillette has gone outside just to see her show.
- As part of the promotion for the release of version 4.2, HoYoverse allowed many artists to collaborate and come up with their own versions of La Vaguelette.[9] Due to this, there were a few songs released which could be seen to be from Neuvilette's POV.
- Vulkain's release of an alternate take on La Vaguelette was highlighted to explore "the bonds between two of the main characters"[10] as he wrote his own lyrics and composed his own melody to create a version called La Vaguelette "Tandem au cœur de Fontaine" (Translation: Tandem in the heart of Fontaine). The thumbnail of the cover shows Furina and Neuvillette together, implying that they are "two of the main characters" of Fontaine and its fate.
- Hu Xia also performed his version of the song. Many shippers noticed the fact Hu Xua's outfit shared similarities to Neuvillette's cravat and how the lyrics were speculared to fit Neuvillette's POV. This made many wonder if the male cover of the song was meant to be Neuvillette's response to Furina, or to hint at the idea this was meant to be a duet between them. This has not been confirmed or denied, however.
- Olympian Russian ice skater, Sasha Trusova mentioned in an Instagram post that she was inspired by "Furina and her movement" which led her to creating an ice skating performance cosplaying as Furina with her male partner cosplaying as Neuvillette.
- In Hoyofair New Year 2024, one of the highlights in Doll:Furina by Grinch Studio is Neuvillette and Furina dancing together while the Fontaine leitmotif plays. They also appear taking a photo together in the Dive into the Mystery video and are together in the Travel to Your World and Furina vs Nahida: Trial of Archons video.
- Furina and Neuvillette both appear in numerous works at the Genshin Impact New Year Party. They appear in End of All, where Neuvillette is watching Focalors sacrifice herself and Furina is looking up at the rain while carrying a suitcase. In Teyvat Academy of Magic, Furina and Neuvillette are seen watching a romantic film together with Barbara, Yunjin, Dehya, and Candace in the background.
- In Genshin Impact 3rd Anniversary Fan Art Celebration, Furina and Neuvillette (with the rest of the Fontaine cast) made a cameo in the Genshin Impact Birthday Party Animation 2023. They also appear in 别样的戏剧」Novel Theatrics——暗猫の祝福, depicting them in an Alternate Universe where they take down enemies on a train.
- Hoyoverse has commissioned in a few promotional artworks for the Genshin Concert 2023, one featuring the two alongside Talochard watching the concert, and another in a party with Furina introducing Neuvillette to the other Archons.
- In one of the commissioned artworks for Genshin Impact New Year Party Countdown, Neuvillette and Furina, alongside Zhongli and Hu Tao, are both featured together in a slumber party.
- The official Genshin Spanish Twitter account commissioned an artwork for the holiday "Feria de Abril" in Spain that featured the two enjoying a horsecart ride in the streets of Seville, with Furina even having a blue rose in her hand. The quote also says they are there to "try the unique water they serve in these parts."
- A content creator named INANAMI made a video to celebrate the release of version 4.7. In this video, Neuvillette is seen doing paperwork and feels his back ache. Furina appears and tells him not to cry. Then, to "render judgment on her", Neuvillette squishes Furina's cheeks and the Traveler catches them in the act. He then takes Neuvillette and Furina down to the Fortress of Meropide, where Sigewinne and Clorinde "help" them with their aches.
- To promote Natlan’s release in 5.0, a content creator named Togekon made a video featuring the new region. In the video, Furina and Neuvillette are taking a trip to Natlan while Furina meets Mualani, Kachina and Kinich to befriend some saurians.
- To promote the last episode of the fan musical 'Furina Alive', fanart including Furina, Neuvillette and Qiqi was posted by Hoyofair.
- In the last episode of 'Furina Alive', Furina and Neuvillette are seen having a picnic with Lumine, Clorinde, Qiqi, Iaune and Menthe after the credits and helps her stand up.
- In a promotional video made by eclove for the Hoyofair and GiGo collaboration, Furina has Neuvillette's ladle in her room while she watches an ad on tv. She then finds him and Sigewinne in a restaurant. Neuvillette gives her a Clorinde shaped cookie and Furina headpats both him and Sigewinne.
- In Genius Invokation TCG, Furina and Neuvillette are often seen together:
- Neuvillette and Furina are both featured together in the artwork of the Arcane Legend TCG card Passing of Judgment, both looking down on their subjects while their silhouettes are positioned in a way that they are looking at each other.
- In the registration post of the 2024 Cat's Tail Gathering S4 Tournament, Neuvillette and Furina are playing TCG together, with the Salon Solitaire surrounding a frustrated Furina and Neuvillette smiling at her.
- In the registration post of the 2024 Cat's Tail Gathering S5 Tournament, Furina is seen pouting and thinking about how her match with Neuvillette went while having a tea party with Navia, as Navia giggles and gives her a Rainbow Macarons Food Event Card.
- Furina's TCG deck consists of her, Neuvillette and Lyney's character cards, with Lyney being in the middle of the two.
- Given Genshin's story is largely based on Gnosticism, many players have pointed out that Neuvillette and Furina are most likely a reference to the interpretation from "The Gnostic Mass of Thelemic Philosophy" of the bible story "The Whore of Babylon".
- In one of Neuvillette's character stories, it says the Hydro Dragon is the "God of Life". Babylon's symbol is also a chalice or grail. In the Gnostic interpretation, The Whore of Babylon is married to Chaos, the Father of Life associated with water. In the biblical story, the Whore of Babylon also loses everything to the beast, (Aka her husband in the Gnostic interpretation, Also called Leviathan in the mainstream interpretation, which is a sea dragon type monster) because of her act of rebellion against heaven. This is almost letter for letter akin to the events that unfolded in Neuvillette's and Furina's Archon Quest, Masquerade of the Guilty.
- It could be implied that Furina and Neuvillette used to live together in Palais Mermonia. When speaking to the NPC Sedene in Palais Mermonia before completing Masquerade of the Guilty, you can receive dialogue that says "...And well, Lady Furina lives on the top floor. She's a real celebrity, so she doesn't have any time slots free. Monsieur Neuvillette's office is just over by the side - This much everyone knows." Moreover, one of Furina's teapot line implies she dislikes living alone, quiet and secluded, asking the Traveler if they feel lonely living alone.
- Furina's English Voice Actor, Amber Lee Connors and Neuvillette's English Voice Actor, Ray Chase, have both liked and retweeted artworks of their voiced characters that also contained Focallette/Neuvifuri content on twitter. Ray Chase has also commented "L-lady Furina you weren't supposed to see this..." with a finger touching emoji in response to Amber Lee's reaction to a video of him playing along with the Oratrice Mecanique d'Analyse Cardinale meme.
- In the Japanese Version 4.1 Livestream, Furina's Voice Actress, Minase Inori, mentions Neuvillette and Furina's interactions during her message for the 3rd Anniversary of Genshin Impact, saying that she thinks that "the relationship between the two of them is worth waiting for", asking the players to "play while paying attention to these details".[16]
- The ship became the top 1 trending Genshin ship in Weibo after the 4.2 release for a few days, and is currently the highest non-traveler M/F pairing on Weibo, with around 12,000 posts as of December 17, 2023, A popularity ranking for Lofter shows it has around 14,602 posts on the tags in 2023.
- One of Neuvillette's ascension materials is the Lumitoile which, coincidentally, happen to be one of Furina's most favorite animals.
- On the official Hoyolabs website Admins released a contest "Pigeon's Share" Issue No. 86: Calling All Interior Designers! In this contest we are tasked with designing Furina's room and she will decide with Neuvillette the top 3 designs, based on the empty room's design and compared to the Palais Mermonia's roof walls, this redecorated room seems to be the one she used to sleep in.
- During the 4.2 patch, a Chinese news channel briefly showed the scene with Focalors telling Neuvillette not to cry with the nursery rhyme “Hydro Dragon, Hydro Dragon, don’t cry”.
- The Official Genshin TikTok Account posted an edit, in which there is a short clip of Neuvillette holding a water bubble that shows Furina inside.
- In a Chinese mall, there are standees of both Furina and Neuvillette outside of a Sony store that are officially promoted by Hoyoverse.
- A Tik Tok video showed Ray Chase (Neuvillette's English VA) with a fan’s dog in Furina cosplay at a convention. In the video he jokingly talks to the dog in a way Neuvillette would if he were to talk to a dog and at the end of the video he said "I love you Furina." to the dog dressed as her and nuzzled it. This has spawned memes, artworks, and animations being rapidly released of Neuvillette nuzzling Furina and telling her he loves her, as well as calling her a "good girl." marking it as yet another well-known joke within the Neuvifuri fandom.
- The promotional video for the Genshin Korean AGF 2023 ends with Neuvillette (reusing the animation in his story quest) sensing something before suddenly turning around to look at Furina sitting in the crowd. This video has now been privated.
- In the 4.3 update, one of the billboards has someone complaining of a new law where "All acrobatic troupes must stay away from the area of Palais Mermonia", yet Furina can still perform in front of Palais Mermonia without restrictions.
- Furina and Neuvillette's favorite outdoor set is the Fountain of Lucine, which is known for being the place where couples or newlyweds go to and wish for children as it is customary for them to do so.
- Neuvillette mentions Furina in his 2023 Birthday letter to the Traveler, revealing that her birthday is a public holiday in Fontaine and that after a hundred years, someone mentioned that they should do the same for his birthday
- Another pair of Furina and Neuvillette cosplayers are shown in the Genshin Impact Christmas Adventures in Europe video in the Official Hoyolab account, both of them chilling in a car while the Oratrice Mecanique D'analyse Cardinale meme song plays.
- In the Genshin Hangzhou exhibition, pictures of Neuvillette and Furina cosplayers who were officially hired by MiHoYo for guests to take pictures with circulated the web. The Neuvillette cosplayer also does a skit of crying and picking up a Focalors cosplayer before carrying her all over the place.
- A Quicksand Acrylic Stand merch based on the Masquerade of the Guilty is available for sale in the official Genshin shop, which is the first time a merchandise has featured two characters together. The livestream host even showcased some merchandise of the two together.
- Furina and Neuvillette exchanged splash art backgrounds, with Furina having his light backdrop and Neuvillette surrounded by splashes of water similar to her splash art, in their Illustrations from the "Starlit Letter" - The Web Event for Genshin Impact's 4th Character OST Album.
- It's noteworthy that they are one of the rare cases of two characters being close in lore and are intended to complement each other's gameplay to the point of immediately becoming the core of the best team with the highest usage for Spiral Abyss after Furina's release, compared to the cases of other characters where even siblings have no synergy in their kits.
- In the CN Hoyoverse Spring 2024 recruitment article, Fontaine is used as an example for the segment about the planning of a scenario. There, the first main story outline is labelled as "Hydro Archon + Hydro Dragon".
- In Imaginarium Theater, there’s a buff card called the “Sword of Damocles Decoration” where a sword will drop on the enemy when an on-fielder and an off-fielder of the same elemental type attacks the same enemy. This can be applied to Furina (the off-fielder) and Neuvillette (the on-fielder). Furthermore, the sword that drops down on Focalors is based off of the Sword of Damocles.
- In the Genshin 4th anniversary art, although the other archons are in the middle of the picture, Furina is seen on the right hand side with Neuvillette.
- A Chinese exclusive web event was made for Genshin's 4th anniversary, showing off music from each nation from Mondstadt to Fontaine, ending with the two siblings at the end. In the Fontaine section of the web event, Furina is on stage in her pose from the 4.2 version art with La Vaguelette playing in the background. A rerecorded line, "Hydro Dragon, Hydro Dragon, don't cry", plays before Furina disappears and a hydro vision is left on stage.
- From the 31st of October to the 3rd of November, there was an event called Hoyoland in South Korea. During the event, there was a drone light show depicting a few scenes in Fontaine. The last scene depicts Focalors' execution with Tout est bien qui finit bien playing in the background.
- In a post about Neuvillette, a section of it is titled "His belonging" with the contents having quotes from Focalors saying "Hydro Dragon, Hydro Dragon, don't cry" and a picture of him in the rain.
- Main article: Neuvifuri/Gallery
- ↑ https://genshin.hoyoverse.com/en/news/detail/113058 Neuvillete's Character Introduction.]
- ↑
- ↑ Character Demo - "Neuvillette: Font of All Waters" | Genshin Impact
- ↑ [1]
- ↑ NeuviFuri in external camera POV
- ↑ According to Cécilia Cara, the French singer of La Vaguelette, the song is a song about love and the close connection between people and nature. Furina's lyrics include the lines "As well as you, my sweet love" ("Ainsi que toi, mon doux amour") and "True love isn't enough" ("Le grand amour ne suffit pas").
- ↑ Whispering Waters: Behind the Scenes of the Making of "La vaguelette" | Genshin Impact: "For instance, Fontaine, which is where Furina — the protagonist of the story — lives is actually based on historical Europe."
"From: Genshin Impact, Furina's theme song." - ↑ Whispering Waters: Behind the Scenes of the Making of "La vaguelette" | Genshin Impact "All in all, this song is like something out of a fairy tale, I loved it from the start."
- ↑ 9.0 9.1 This event was created by HoYoverse as part of the promotional material for La Vaguelette, inviting artists all over the world to come up with their own covers of La Vaguelette to win merchandise. This also led to many artists across the globe releasing alternate covers of the song.
- ↑ 10.0 10.1 Vulkain about La Vaguelette "Tandem au cœur de Fontaine": "For this project, I was suggested to give an alternative take on La Vaguelette, recently released by Genshin Impact, rather exploring the bonds between two of the main characters ! This meant I was offered to freely compose my own melody over the original instrumental and writing my own lyrics. Séïa, who had helped me tons on Samudrartha’s lyrics, also helped me, by writing almost all the lyrics of this song..."
- ↑ Furina: "There was once a time when I was an actress in a masquerade, seeking only to hide the truth... But from now on, I want to spend my time learning real stories about real people, and how they touch the lives of others around them. I want to watch them blossom and wither, see them refined on the page, retold on the stage, and remembered long into the future." -This Life, Just Like a Light Trickle of Song"
- ↑ ""When I saw the character Furina and her movements, I immediately had an idea: -Why not perform her dances live, and even on ice!" (Video description)
- ↑ "Performed by Alexandra Trusova & Vladislav Antonyshev" (Video description)
- ↑
// From Neuvillette's official character introduction "To this day, no one even knows his first name."
- ↑ Interestingly, Neuvillette canonically drinks from the Fountain of Lucine, a place in which Furina can be heard crying and saying "So interminable, so lonely... Just how much longer?". The Fontaine: Lucine namecard notes, "Don't drink from the Fountain of Lucine. You never know whose tears you're swallowing," implying Neuvillette drank Furina's tears. Moreover, the promotional artwork for Feria de Abril depicts Neuvillette saying that he and Furina will "go and try the unique water they serve in these parts."
- ↑ Minase Inori (Furina's JP VA) talking about Neuvillette and Furina's relationship in her Genshin Impact 3rd Anniversary message