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NezuShi is the slash ship between Shion and Nezumi from the No. 6 fandom.


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Light Novel[]

Volume 1[]

“What if, at that moment, I had obeyed the warning sound? Sometimes, I still wonder about it. If I had closed the window, and chosen to stay in the adequately dry comfort of my room, my life would have been entirely different. It wasn't regret, not anything like that. It was just a peculiar thought. The one thing that changed my whole world, so meticulously controlled up until now, happened from that one small coincidence ― that on September 7, 2013, on a stormy day, I by chance had opened the window. It was a very peculiar thought.” Excerpt From No. 6 Volume 1

On Shion’s 12th birthday, he opens his window to a hurricane while living in the elite estates of Chronos. As he is unleashing is emotions through the open window, he hears a soft chuckle from behind him. He finds a boy, of similar age standing in the corner of his dark room, his shoulder bleeding. He would later reveal that he is called Nezumi. The boy shoves him against the wall by Shion’s neck and chokes him, threatening to kill him. However, Shion says that he wants to treat the boy’s injury. Shion does not hesitate to bring out his medical kit to help sew up the wound, or rather, he was more than eager to do so. After sewing up the wound, he gives clothes and hot chocolate to Nezumi. Shion also offers Nezumi his bed when Nezumi comments on how comfortable it looks. As Nezumi drinks the hot chocolate, they have a conversation. Nezumi questions how Shion has absolutely no sense of danger, letting in an intruder and being so nice to him. Shion replies with this:

“‘If you were some big, aggressive man, I would have set the alarm off right then and there. But you were short, and looked like a girl, and was about to fall over. So... So I decided to treat you. And...’


And your eyes were a strange colour that I'd never seen before. And they drew me in.” Excerpt From No. 6 Volume 1

Shion learns from the news that Nezumi is a VC. However, he didn’t seem to feel scared at all that he has a criminal in his room, but wonders how Nezumi managed to evade capture with the VC chip in his body. He eventually returned to his room with food for Nezumi, and they ate together in the dark. After a rather heated exchange of words between them about Nezumi escaping while being escorted to the City Hall, Nezumi pins Shion on the bed. Shion remarks that it's amazing, asking Nezumi how he is able to immobilise someone so quickly and easily. The tension fades as Nezumi relaxes and starts laughing, calling Shion "a natural". Shion then circles his arms around Nezumi, saying that Nezumi has a fever. Nezumi rejects taking medicine and instead, the two of them lie in bed together and sleep. Nezumi sighed and said, "Living people are warm." The next morning, Nezumi was gone, together with the clothes Shion gave him, and the emergency medical kit.

4 years later. During Safu's confession of love to Shion before she leaves for an exchange, a small (robotic) mouse climbs onto his shoulder, and whispers, "Still a natural" and proceeds to run off. Shion abandons Safu as he runs after the mouse. He was not able to catch it. When he gets home, his mother, Karan, asks him if there is anything wrong. Shion lies, saying that it was because he saw a dead body in the park earlier in the day. But it was really because he saw Nezumi.

When Shion is captured by the Security Bureau after the death of his colleague Yamase, Nezumi rescues him while he was being escorted to the Correctional Facility. Shion throws away his No.6 citizenship and runs away to Nezumi's basement.


Drowned Rat[]

Shion comes in from off his balcony to deactivate his alarm, when he hears a noise behind him. He turns around and see's a boy soaking wet in the balcony doorway. He sees the boys injury and starts to make a move towards him, when the boy suddenly pushes him up against the wall, and tells him not to move. Shion says that he can treat the wound on his arm and the boy hesitantly lets him go. Shion takes him over to the medical supplies and starts to treat his wounds. The boy asks about Shion being in the gifted courses, and comments on how smart he must be. Shion asks if he's making fun of him, but the boy says that he's not and is merely impressed. Shion pulls out a needle of anesthesia and the boy backs away asking if it's necessary. Shion explains that he'll need it for the stitches, and the boy asks if he's ever done this before. Shion says no, but he does understand how it's done. The boy gives in and comments on how weird Shion is, since he hasn't even asked for his name. Shion points out that he hasn't asked fro his name either, but the boy already heard that it was Shion, like the flower. Shion asks for his name and he tells it that it's Nezumi (English Translation: Rat). Shion says that the name doesn't feel right, and Nezumi asks why. Shion quickly changes the subject and asks how he was hurt. Nezumi tells him that he was shot, which shocks Shion, since very few people are allowed guns. Nezumi tells him that certain humans were hunting him, which is how it goes in No. 6.

After patching him up, Shion tells him that he can stay till the rain dies down and offers him a sweater. He brings Nezumi a cup of hot chocolate and notices the scars on his back. Nezumi asks if Shion always acts so defenseless around new people, or if it's a cultural thing. Shion become offended, but Nezumi doesn't let it go. Shion says that he seemed pretty weak so there didn't seem to be a reason to worry, but really didn't know why he did so. Nezumi then thanks him for what he's done.

Shion returns to the room with dinner as Nezumi tells him to leave the light off. He laughs as Shion awkwardly makes his way over to him. Shion says that he's not really awake at night, and asks if Nezumi can see anything. Nezumi says that he's nocturnal, when Shion tells him that he saw him on the news. Nezumi assumes that Shion wants to send him back to prison, but Shion just gives him some food. Nezumi takes is happily as Shion asks if he'll be able to escape. Nezumi believes that he will, but Shion is worried about the VC chip. Nezumi took care of it and asks if he now how No. 6 was created. Shion says that he does, then asks why Nezumi was arrested. Nezumi tells him that he was being brought to City Hall within No. 6. Shion asks why, but Nezumi doesn't want him to know. Shion demands an answer, but Nezumi just tells him to be quiet so that he can sleep. He tells him that he's going to be in a lot of trouble for harboring a prisoner and tells him to stop asking questions. If he does, Nezumi won't tell anyone about his screaming on the balcony. Shion quickly becomes embarrassed as Nezumi reenacts what he did. He goes to pull Nezumi back, but Nezumi gets the upper hand on him and pins him to the bed. Nezumi grabs the spoon and tells Shion that if he had a knife, Shion would be dead. Shion is impressed and asks if there is a trick. Taken aback, Nezumi laughs and falls to the side, calling Shion crazy. Shion joins in and slips his hand into Nezumi's and feels that he has a fever. He tells him he's going to get antibiotics, but Nezumi just wants to sleep. Shion says that he'll burn up if that happens, but Nezumi just says that Shion is also warm, and holds his hand tighter.

The next morning, Nezumi is gone just as the police arrive.


Light Novel[]

Volume 1[]

  • My eyes met with a pair of grey ones. I felt like I could see a hint of laughter in them. Like they could see right through me, everything I was thinking, and laughing at me. I clenched my stomach and glared back at him. "If you were some big, aggressive man, I would have set the alarm off right then and there. But you were short, and looked like a girl, and was about to fall over. So... So I decided to treat you. And..." "And?" And your eyes were a strange colour that I'd never seen before. And they drew me in.
  • That eye colour wasn't that of any rat. It was something more elegant. Like... the sky just before the crack of dawn ― didn't it look like that? I blushed, embarrassed at catching myself spouting off like some lame poet.
  • I'm lying, mom. I saw those eyes again today. I saw Nezumi. I have a feeling that something's going to happen. That's why ―
  • (Shion Explaining to Safu after he runs off after the mouse) "Um, Safu, don't get me wrong. It's not a girlfriend, or anything like that. Uh―I can't really explain it well, but..." "Also my first time seeing you stumble over yourself trying to explain things. That's alright if you have a girlfriend. I don't mind if you've already got someone on your mind. "
  • "Whoever lives wins. Don't feel guilty about having survived. If you have time to be feeling guilty, work on living a day longer, a minute longer. And once in a while, remember the ones that died before you. That's good enough." "Are you saying that to me?" Shion questioned. "Who else could I be talking to?" "It sounded like―" Shion hesitated. "Almost like you were telling it to yourself..."
  • "Nezumi...." he whispered. "I― I want to be alive." The tears that he had held back until now gave way. A single droplet spilled over his cheek. He hastily brushed it away. "It's no use hiding it, stupid," sighed Nezumi softly. "How can you cry so openly like that? Aren't you embarrassed?"
  • “"You saved me. Nezumi," he said earnestly, "parasite wasps don't help each other out. But people can save other people. Am I wrong?"”
  • "And then the window opened. You threw it open wide, didn't you. And then you spread your arms open." "Yeah, I remember. I felt really restless, and I wanted to scream." "To me, it looked like you were calling, beckoning for me to come in. I thought― this was unbelievable, and it was happening right this moment. And you even left the window open when you ducked back inside."

Volume 2[]

Volume 3[]

Shion drew nearer to Nezumi as he sat in his chair, and looked him straight in the eye.

"I would have grown up into a mild, rational, obedient adult, without even knowing there were so many emotions inside of me. I would never have known what it was like to cry, or get angry, or feel resistance toward something. I met you, and I realized how much abundance I had. And I'm proud that I know now."

Shion clipped his words, and hesitantly lowered his eyes.

"I'm glad I met you."

It came out as a whisper that he could barely catch. Shion bent down, his eyes still lowered. His lips brushed lightly against Nezumi's.


Drowned Rat[]

  • Shion hands Nezumi some gauze to hold to his arm.
  • Nezumi and Shion bicker over the style of the sweater.
  • Shion smiles at Nezumi as he drinks.
  • Shion places his forehead to Nezumi's to feel his temperature.


This section is in need of major improvement. Please help improve this article by editing it. Fan Fiction of the two is often varried. Some will write the two post anime, or about their time together outside of No. 6.

On AO3, NezuShi is the most written ship for Nezumi and Shion. It is also the most written ship in the No. 6 tag.



Nezumi/Shion tag on AO3
Nezumi/Shion tag on


NezuShi posts on Tumblr
NezuShi stories on Wattpad


  • Nezumi and Shion were ranked at #3 for WatchMojo's Top 10 LGBTQ+ Anime Romances List[1].



No.6 Light Novels (Eng Translated)
