- Julia – “Of course he puts the two famous people together. Whatever, right? It's probably good for the ratings.”
- Nichelle – “I'm famous. I have no idea who she is.”
Nichulia is the femslash ship between Nichelle Ladonna and Julia in the Total Drama fandom.
Total Drama Island (2023)[]
Julia recognized Nichelle as a famous movie actress, when she first arrived on the island and was starstruck to see her there. Nichelle acted like she didn't even care about all of the fame she was going through. Nichelle and Julia were both put on the same team together, The Frogs of Death.
Wayne took charge as the team captain of The Frogs of Death and told Julia and Nichelle to work the cannon together. Julia tried to get chummy with Nichelle, saying that it only makes sense the two famous people were paired up together. In the confessional, Nichelle distanced herself from Julia celebrity status-wise. She claimed that because she was a movie star and Julia was a social media influencer, she was far more famous than her and didn't even know who she was. Nichelle and Julia worked together, firing cabbages at The Ferocious Trout. Nichelle called out to Emma, complimenting her excellent work with taking down the other team. Julia gave Nichelle some unsolicited advice, when she told her not to yell as this ages her neck. Julia later took a selfie with Nichelle, exclaiming "yacht life!"
Nichelle tried to work toward getting Julia out of a flooding capsule to win the game for her team but she failed on account of the fact that she was not as athletic as she appeared in the movies. Nichelle was later voted out in that episode, although it's unknown if Julia was one of her voters or not. It's safe to assume that she probably was, considering she nearly drowned because of her.
Total Drama Island (2024)[]
Julia looked at Nichelle in anger, when she was giving a pep talk to Team Rat Face.
Nichelle and Damien came to Team Skunk Butt's Cabin and taunted them with a little trash talk before the game. Julia responded, saying that she can tell Nichelle is very upset that she flopped last season, which did a number on her acting career. Nichelle denied this, refuting that she hated Hollywood and was glad to finally be rid of those corporate scumbags, although it was clear that she actually did miss the glitz and glamour of being on the big screen. Julia even boasted that she might just audition to be in a movie, herself, and greatly outshine the washed-up if hack, but Nichelle assured Julia that Hollywood is looking for movie stars not stars of small-town dinner theatre shows. Julia was infuriated by this sick burn and swore in the confessional that Nichelle would pay for this. Julia got her revenge at the end of the episode, when she snuck a fake Hollywood deal for a three-picture movie deal into Nichelle's bed. Nichelle saw this and completely bought into the lies. At the elimination ceremony, Nichelle announced that she would be quitting the show and took The Drone of Shame off the show, only to inevitably find out that she had been bamboozled.
Nichelle was one of the people who supported Caleb in the finale. However, she made it clear that she didn't necessarily care if Caleb won or not. Her only concern was to make sure Julia did not win as revenge for her getting her eliminated.
Nichelle and Julia is somewhat of a rarepair. It only has four stories on AO3 and only a handful of videos on TikTok. However, Nichulia used to be a pretty well-regarded ship and at one point was even the most popular ships for both characters. Fans enjoyed their interactions in Season 1, back before Julia turned evil and many have theorized that had Julia remained a nice person, she would have been inclined to go out with Nichelle. However, this ship would take a huge blow in popularity when Season 2 came around, as the writers teased MKulia, which largely overshadowed Nichulia. This, of course, coupled with Julia's change in personality at this time, making her less compatible with Nichelle and more of an enemy to her instead. As such, MKulia is Nichulia's greatest rival ship.
- AO3
- Julia/Nichelle tag on AO3
- Julia X Nichelle tag on TikTok