Nickeloony is the slash ship between Nickel and Balloony from the Battle for Dream Island fandom.
Battle for BFDI[]
Nickel and Balloony are both selected by Leafy to join her team, with them and the rest of their teammates being offered assistance by her. The two, along with the rest of the team, whisper to each other on what their team name should be, later ending up with the name BEEP.
During the swingset challenge, Nickel rapidly brings Balloony and the rest of his team's attention to Free Food's strategy of having Puffball push her team's swingset. The two agree that the strategy is good and Balloony realizes that they can do the same for their team but with Cloudy.
In their teams paper airplane, Balloony sarcastically thanks David for piloting them as Cloudy struggles with the tape attached on him. Nickel doesn't realize his sarcastic tone and tells Balloony that he thinks Cloudy is hurting. Cloudy helps Nickel understand the sarcasm afterwards. Later on, Nickel and Balloony try to find a way to prevent their team's plane from hitting the ground. When Woody's dabbing steers the plane away from the ground, Balloony, Nickel, and the rest of their teammates with limbs follow him in doing so. David wakes up after accidentally falling asleep, giving the two hope that they'll be able to prevent themselves from hitting the ground. They nearly do so until Stapy causes the surface to shift over and, as a result, causes BEEP to miss and hit the ground.
In the impostor challenge, Balloony yells at Nickel for holding a fork in front of a screaming Woody. Nickel explains that he obviously wasn't going to stab him and only did so to prove that Woody isn't the impostor. Balloony is still angry and demands Nickel to hand over the fork as the two get into an argument. Right as Balloony is about to take the fork away from Nickel, the two accidentally slip and Nickel causes the fork goes into the air, popping Balloony when it lands on him.
When BEEP finds the hole that iance made to look for X's emeralds, Balloony sarcastically calls his team a team of followers and suggests that they join in as well, which Nickel and the rest of his team does. Later when Balloony admits that he forgot to bring shovels for the team once underground, Nickel agrees when Balloony calls himself an airhead.
After Rocky's acid creates a path underneath for them to go in, Balloony disagrees with Nickel when he calls it smooth sailing and points out that Rocky's acid is slowing down as they speak. They realize that Cloudy is able to fly again and the two with their other teammates hang onto him for the time being. As they fly up, Nickel and Balloony find Naily passing down them and the two are confused on how she ended up in their tunnel. Finding lava above them, Nickel asks Cloudy to turn around to avoid being burnt. However, when they find the acid floor below, Balloony asks him to turn around. Realizing that they're trapped, Cloudy tells them that their only way out is to get Rocky to barf more acid. Balloony points out that Rocky's stomach is empty and Nickel gets the idea to have him refilled. Balloony takes this as Nickel volunteering himself to be eaten, which Nickel strongly objects. However, Balloony orders Rocky to eat Nickel anyways as Nickel screams while being eaten.
The ship is a rarepair in the Battle for Dream Island fandom. Most content of the two reflect their time as teammates during the fourth season. As a ship, it was for the most part a rarepair largely surfacing during the run of the season. The two were passed around on shipping charts and collections during this time as well as on ship tier lists of the show. The pairing for the most part nowadays is largely joked to be the BFDI version of the Inanimate Insanity ship Nickloon, which is another ship involving a nickel and balloon character. As a result, Nickloon content has made it harder to find content for the BFDI ship, along with other pairings for the two rivaling the ship such as Balloudy and Bombickel.
- Nickel and Balloony search results on DeviantArt
- Nickel x Balloony posts on Reddit
- Nickel and Balloony posts on Tumblr
- Nickel and Balloony posts on Twitter