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Niclover is the het ship between Nickel and Clover from the Inanimate Insanity fandom.


In "Stranded in Paradise", after seeing Lifering accidentally dive into the sand, Clover tries doing so too. Only difference is that she was successful. Nickel watches down in shock, possibly about Clover being lucky enough to fall into the pipe without even trying.

In "Snapshot Showdown", Nickel and Yin-Yang run up to grab the cameras. They headbump into the shelf, knocking a camera into Clover's hands. Nickel becomes mad, wondering how she has such good luck. Later on, Nickel sneaks behind Lifering's first aid kit and spots Clover. He makes a plan to take an embarrassing picture of her but fails time after time. He first makes a trap out of tape while Clover is walking and singing to herself. The wind later makes her avoid the trap, which upsets Nickel. Seeing his plan fail, he puts two banana peels on the ground that he got from the Pic-Nix table, expecting Clover to slip on them, which also doesn't go according to plan. As the last he can do, he puts a sign that says "WALK OFF THIS CLIFF!". Clover listens to it and actually falls. Nickel, finally thinking he was successful, takes a picture, but was blurred by a butterfly. After the challenge was ended, Balloon asked Nickel where he was throughout it. He says he was trying to take an embarrassing picture of Clover, to which she replies she just thought she had an admirer.

In "Tragedy at 60 Feet", Nickel is showing Balloon the pictures he took of Clover in "Snapshot Showdown", saying her luck will be the demise of everyone. Later on, Test Tube accidentally swings a hammer so hard it starts flying in Clover's direction. At the same time, as Nickel, Balloon and Tea Kettle were fighting over Box, Box slips through their hands and manages to get hit by Test Tube's hammer due to Clover's luck, giving her severe injuries. This tragedy upsets Nickel and puts the blame on Clover, saying that what's lucky for her is unlucky to a box. Nickel's confrontation puts Clover in a state where she feels like her luck is a curse and tries avoiding any contact with anyone for the rest of her debut.

In "Try Not To Laugh Challenge", when Yin-Yang calls Nickel a 'sad, dumb guy', Clover and the rest of the contestants 'ooh' Nickel. Nickel tries another way to make others laugh, and it's by falling into a pie. Clover comments she's been doing pie all wrong, to which he scolds her, calling her an "awful Box killer".

In "Best Served Cold", Nickel and Clover are put into the same team, The New Thinkers. Nickel is annoyed and says he hates his new team, hating it even more when he spots Clover.

In "Out of Body Experience", the contestants are going to take photo of each other. Clover tells Nickel he can stand next to her, to which he complains, saying if her luck knocks him down a hill, he might never stand again. During Balloon and Goo's turn in the competition, Clover is talking to Candle, Yin-Yang and The Floor how there should be no luck. Nickel interrupts the conversation and tells them not to listen to her. He then adds how her luck needed to go, to which she agrees. Nickel becomes happy, but then remembers how she wished she wasn't lucky, which came true. As usual, he insults her, calling her a murderer. Clover runs away crying, leaving him concerned for her. During the elimination, Nickel and the rest of the team vote for Clover. He finally realises that the problem wasn't she, but her luck. She gets happy from that and wishes him good luck. Nickel becomes baffled and calls her a witch. Clover later flies away with her butterflies, leaving Nickel crying.

In "Blue Buried", The Floor puts Nickel and Clover on a team together, which upsets Nickel. Even though it was thought things got sorted out, Nickel still accused Clover of being a murderer, saying the timing of her appearance was suspicious, while also blaming her luck for giving her another chance in the game. When she asked Nickel if he learned anything from her gift, he answers that the only reason people cared about him was because he had luck. Clover warns him that it's because he was so focused on himself and not using his luck to help others, meaning that day never came. Nickel adds he can't make people like him, to which she disagrees. Later, Clover starts giving Nickel therapy, with him confessing many stuff about himself from previous seasons (e.g. Balloon turning Suitcase against his alliance). When Nickel stood up, he stepped on a piece of paper. He picks it up, asking if Clover was going to bill her for the session. She denies it and makes a theory that it might be a coded message to solve Blueberry's murder. When MePhone4 announced Nickel and Clover to present their investigation, Nickel said they found a paper and decoded a message from it. They conclude that the murderer could be Bot, to which Bot chuckles at, revealing it was actually a word search Test Tube gave them.

In "You Can't Do This Forever", they both voted for Balloon to win.


Niclover has mixed reviews, but remains slightly popular nonetheless. Those who lean onto the rivals to lovers dynamic love the ship, while some disagree, saying that what Nickel did to Clover was unhealthy and gave her trauma regarding her luck. The episode that really sparked the ship's popularity is "Blue Buried", in which Clover is shown having some form of understanding to Nickel, even giving him free therapy sessions. Their rival ships are Nickloon and Bickel On Nickel's side and Luckyfiles on Clover's side.



Clover/Nickel tag on AO3
Clover & Nickel tag on AO3
Nicklover stories on Wattpad
Cloverkel stories on Wattpad


nicklover tag on TikTok
cloverkel tag on TikTok
Clover x Nickel tag on TikTok
Nickel x Clover tag on TikTok


Nicklover posts on Tumblr
Cloverkel posts on Tumblr
Nicklover posts on Twitter
Cloverkel posts on Twitter



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