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Nomni is the friendship between Serial Designation N and Pomni from the Murder Drones and The Amazing Digital Circus fandoms.


Although never meeting in canon, Pomni and N have shared many moments together in GLITCH media, such as promotional pictures and videos. The duo have an interesting friendship due to their contrasts in personalities; N is vibrant and energetic which contradicts with Pomni's anxiousness and shyness. The duo are prominent characters among the company and their respective fandoms, which may explain why they are included in various GLITCH media together. Outside of their canon plots, the two seem to be good friends and perform activities together and chat among themselves.

Comparing them with the other in canon, they have similar situations. N is stuck in an exoplanet known as Copper 9 due to his home planet, Earth, detonating, and Pomni is supposedly permanently stuck in a digital world. They are set on several "adventures" because of their unfortunate fates. Notably, both believe they have the possibility of escaping their environment. N formerly believed that he would be sent back to Earth after finishing his missions, and Pomni sought to find an exit to the digital circus. Overall, the two equally share their moments of suffering as they descend into adventures that increasingly become more dangerous.

Welcome to Glitch Inn![]

Pomni and N are interpreted as cute chibi variations of themselves in a promotional Glitch Inn trailer; An enthusiastic N stands beside a nerve wrecked Pomni. He introduces Pomni and himself to the audience; He tells Pomni to greet the viewers as she shakes in fear. She replies with "Hi, Pomni" in response to his words. He announces that Pomni wrote a song for the tour of the inn. She confirms this statement by gesturing a thumbs up with a tiny grin. The two initiate the song with N mainly singing due to Pomni constantly getting caught in the doors of different categories. At the end, Pomni finishes the song with "Here at the Glitch Inn" before passing out from the prolonged suffering.


  • In N Calls Everyone, N and Pomni are present in a live discord call with other indie animation characters. As the others cackle maniacally with one another, Pomni asks N if they are about to kill them, which N replies with "Heh, probably."


Pomni and N's friendship isn't widely acknowledged within their fandoms, but they do have various crossover fanarts, especially after the arrival of Glitch X and Glitch Inn.


N & Pomni tag on AO3
N/Pomni tag on AO3


  • Before The Amazing Digital Circus series announcement, Pomni appeared as a mysterious character, peeking out of corners of pictures from GLITCH. She would pop up next to N.


Main article: Nomni/Gallery


Pomnuzi refers to the ship between the two and Uzi Doorman


Murder Drones Logo W
Murder Drones ShipsMurder Drones Characters
SHIPS het DaidonDamEnjayEnvyInvalidCodeJhadJhanKhaliceKhanYevaKhoriNebeccaNizzyNollNuziRebDarrenSamilySamziThalizzyThollThUziVamVaxVhad
slash KheacherNhadThadSam
femslash CrimsonHorrorsDizzyDobeccaDollziEldritchTerrorsEmiLizzyEmiziJayliceJebeccaJessaJizzyJollyJoriJuziLuziNorliceNorYevaOilRoseRebLizzyRebziRemilyValiceVizzyVollVoriVuzi
non-binary AbsoluteCynAbsoluteJaySolvzi
poly AliNorYevaDoNuziDizzybeccaJenvyJizzyhadLuziVKhoriYevaNarrebeccaNuzivNuzivjayThollizzyThuzinUziDoLizzVhaziVollizzyVollziVuziJ
family BeauliceDoorman FamilyElliott FamilyKhuziNCynNorUziTessCynJenvyYevDoll
friend AlziCynDollCynessaCynziKhanLizThadKhanLizzyKhanThadNessaNhanNorCynNomniNoriNPomziTessjenvyTessziVCynVessa
cargo DollKnifeDuel UzisJ x JCJenson PenKhanDoor
CHARACTERS male Khan DoormanSamSerial Designation NThad
female AliceCynDollLizzyNori DoormanRebeccaSerial Designation JSerial Designation VTessa ElliottUzi DoormanYeva
The Amazing Digital Circus Logo
The Amazing Digital Circus ShipsThe Amazing Digital Circus Characters
SHIPS het BlueToothDollChessCainathaCheckmatesFunnyBunnyFunnyGummyJagathaRibbunRoyalRibbonsShowtimeVax
slash BuckTeethClownBunnyKingleader
femslash ButtonBlossomDollyLollyPomNARibbonRagsScaredyLovers
non-binary AbstractComedyAbstragedyRagaZoobSurpriseShowZaxbys
poly FunnyBunnyDoll
friend CainbleNomniPomziThe Existential Crisis Brothers
cargo PomniExit
CHARACTERS male CaineJax
female GanglePomniRagatha
non-binary Zooble