Nowen is the slash ship between Noah and Owen from the Total Drama fandom.
Noah and Owen get along well early on into Total Drama Island when they are both placed on the Screaming Gophers. Owen wraps his arm around Noah during the group photo in the premiere episode. But the two would first interact when Noah gives Owen a skeptical glance upon hearing him unintentionally make a sexual innuendo about sharing a cabin with just guys. After the twenty-kilometer run in “The Big Sleep”, Owen runs into the dining hall carrying Noah. He puts Noah on a table and attempts to revive him by chest pumping. But Owen would join Noah in cheering after the latter woke up upon the announcement that their team won. Noah can be seen smirking as Owen tells Chef to “Have a cow.” Despite getting along nicely with Noah, Owen is also annoyed with him for not contributing to the team in “Dodgebrawl”. Noah refers to Owen as a ticking time bomb of noxious fumes in the twenty-first episode after Beth says that she wanted him to win. Noah joins Owen's supporters in “The Very Last Episode, Really!” And Noah would cheer for Owen when he won in his ending.
Noah and Owen don't interact much in Total Drama Action due to Noah's absence from the season. Noah doesn't believe Owen when he claims to be on a diet in the season finale; the former replies with a snarky “Yeah, right.” In Total Drama Action's special, Owen accidentally crushes Noah after the bus falls down the cliff.
When on the same team in Total Drama World Tour, the two share more interactions. In the first part of “Walk Like an Egyptian”, Owen teams up with Noah and Izzy. The three all manage to find the pyramid exit, with the boys both being placed on Team Chris, while Izzy was placed on Team Amazon. When Owen freaks out about the idea of being in a plane in “Super Happy Crazy Fun Time in Japan”, Noah assures him that air travel was the fifteenth safest way to travel, right before a hole is made because of a broken wall in the plane. As Owen shakes the tiny city his team was building, Noah reminds his ‘Chubby Buddy’ that they had to finish it before he could destroy it. In “Anything Yukon Do, I Can Do Better”, Owen pulls Noah into a tight hug after the latter is rejected by Bridgette. The two share various comedic interactions in this episode, mostly ending with Noah being injured accidentally by his pal. But eventually, their team would win the challenge after Noah instructed Owen to lean forward on their sled, allowing them to gain more momentum as they went downhill.
At the start of “Broadway, Baby!”, it is shown that Owen fell asleep on top of Noah. Noah didn't appear upset about it, but he was a little ticked off about how his team forgot about him. Noah shushes Owen during the musical in “Slap, Slap Revolution”. Noah is later grossed out to see Owen eating a sausage which he threw up as well.
In the Ridonculous Race, Owen and Noah are partners again. After competing in many reality TV shows together, they have become tight with each other. Owen would become supportive of Noah's feelings for Emma later into the race, making efforts alongside Kitty to get the two closer.
One of the most popular ships for both characters, Nowen has been around for a really long time. Rivaled by only Nemma, NoCo, or Ozzy, Nowen is well liked by most Noah fans and Owen fans alike. The ship has over 100 writings on AO3, counting both as a romantic ship and as a friendship. Part of the journey to making Nowen a popular ship was when the two were partners in the Ridonculous Race, a lot of fans enjoyed their team dynamic alongside Emma and Kitty's as well.