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Nyechtar is the friendship between Papyrus and Flowey from the Undertale fandom.


Neutral Route[]

While going to Grillby's with Sans, he will reveal to the protagonist that Papyrus had been talking to flowers in the past. Him confirming that the flower had unique responses hints that this is Flowey, not one of the Echo Flowers that are common in Waterfall.

Redoing the fight with Asgore and Flowey after defeating both once unlocks a secret dialogue where Flowey mocks the protagonist for continuing to come back, asking them if they want to start a "Flowey Fan Club". He then tells them to ask Papyrus if they can join his. Flowey then implies that he's actually serious, Papyrus had started one, in multiple timelines even. Flowey then admits that Papyrus is one of the better characters to mess around with. He even says that Papyrus entertained him longer than the rest, it took him quite some time to get bored of him. Redoing it a second time has Flowey reveal that he doesn't actually care about the fan club Papyrus had made for him. He then admits that he's glad he never looked into it, fearing that Papyrus would've invited Sans along. He then warns the protagonist that if they want to mess around with Papyrus as well, they should make sure that Sans won't find out about it. Flowey does not elaborate much, but what he reveals indicates that Flowey made the mistake of killing Papyrus in an off-shoot timeline and then being killed by Sans for it repeatedly.

True Pacifist Route[]

After properly befriending Papyrus and doing the other requirements for the best ending, Papyrus will call everyone the protagonist has helped to save them from having to fight Asgore. But when Alphys wonders why everyone knew to come to the same place, Papyrus will happily reveal that a "tiny flower" told him what to do. However, that causes alarm in Alphys and she turns out to be right as all the main characters soon get ensnared by Flowey's vines, forced to watch Flowey attempting to kill the protagonist. However, Papyrus and the other monsters use their powers to block Flowey's attacks off and Papyrus encourages them to defeat Flowey. However, as other monsters join the protagonist, that was also part of Flowey's plan and they all get absorbed into his soul, revealing his true form. Papyrus ends up as a Lost Soul inside Flowey, brainwashed into forgetting that he befriended the protagonist. However, Frisk manages to save everyone by reminding them of who they are, stripping Flowey's power of them. Papyrus and the others wake up in the barrier room, only vaguely remembering the details of what had happened.

When attempting to reset the timeline again, Flowey will call the player out for wanting to undo their happy ending, calling Papyrus by name. Flowey admits that they fought because he wanted to reset the timeline again, but now it feels wrong and thus tries to convince the player to let all of them go and live their life.


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Nyechtar is a popular friendship in the fandom, since Flowey has all but admitted that Papyrus is the only character he would actually consider a friend. The heavy contrast between them and their philosophies also makes their interactions quite funny to imagine.

Though there is some support for a romantic ship between them, most fans are against it.


Flowey & Papyrus tag on AO3



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SHIPS het AlphoreAsgorielDogamyressaDunkin DonutsMettalphysMuffgoreSoriel
slash AsgorudyBouquetShippingBowsgorePapytonRoyal GuardsSansgenSansgoreSansmaeda
femslash AlphielAlphyneBratcatMewdyne
non-binary Annoying TemAsridChansChariskChasrielCocoaPowderFransFrisk KidFriskrielRed JusticeShyblook
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friend BoneheadsBones N PelletsFlowiskFrisemmieFriskablookFriskatonFriskdyneKidyneNyechtarPapyriskUndertale TrioUndyrusWesternFlowers Duo
CHARACTERS male AsgoreAsrielFloweyMettatonPapyrusSans
female AlphysMad Mew MewTorielUndyne
neutral CharaFriskMonster KidNapstablook