Shipping Wiki

Overheating is the femslash ship between Cinder Fall and Penny Polendina from the RWBY fandom.


Cinder and Penny first indirectly met in volume 3. Cinder revealed to Emerald and Mercury that Penny was a robot. She then also orchestrated Penny's untimely demise. In volume 7, Penny and Cinder finally meet in person, Penny seems to still hold a personal grudge towards Cinder. Cinder then mocks her and Winter by referring to them as Ironwood's puppets.

Penny and Winter then engage in battle with Cinder. Later when Penny successfully becomes the Winter Maiden, Cinder is shown angry, and upset. Shethen is about to attack Penny when Ruby shows up and uses her Silver Eyes on her. In volume 8 chapter 1, Cinder makes it clear that she wants to go after Penny and take her powers. She is then clearly upset when Salem doesn't allow this.

In chapter 5 after Cinder sneaks out of Salem's base without her permission she confronts Penny at the Amity Communications Tower and another fight soon ensues. During the fight Cinder degrades penny again by saying she's not even human. Penny is once again able to defeat her. In chapter 13 after becoming human, Cinder and Penny fought again with Penny punching Cinder in the face. She then asks her why can't she just learn her lesson. Cinder then eventually uses her Shadow Hand to try and steal some of the maiden powers while mortally wounding Penny. Penny then asks Jaune to kill her so her powers wouldn't go to Cinder, with Cinder looking shocked afterwards.


Overheating is a rarepair in the RWBY fandom. This is mostly because of the fact that the two are enemies and Cinder has tried to kill Penny multiple times now. Some fans were happy to see a rematch between them in chapter 5 volume 8. Some have jokingly said that Cinder acts yandere with Penny because of how obssessed with her she has become. It has a small fanbase on Tumblr.



Cinder/Penny tag on AO3


Overheating posts on Tumblr


  • "Overheating" comes from Cinder having a heat semblance and Penny being a robot. Since Penny is metallic Cinder could overheat her.


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