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Pammer is the non-binary ship between Pin and Hammer from the Battle for Dream Island fandom.


The Adventures of the Island Dreamers[]

Pin and Hammer applied to Tennis Ball's business for tapping trees. A while back, Leafy hired the business a while back and was proven to be unreliable. When Bubble's shop got hit with a meteor, Leafy couldn't get pink dye for her balls anymore. With the help of Firey and Ice Cube, they realized that the Yoyle Tree's in Leafy's yard, contain sap that is also a similar color. Ice Cube brings up that the company could help them, so Leafy agreed. The company arrived and went to work. Pin stabbed a hole in the tree using her point. Hammer then pounded the tap into the tree. Finally, Stapy stapled a house down to get the sap. It ends up working and they get a purple dye out of the sap.

Cary says that TB hired the three of them to work for him. He claims that they should rebel together against Tennis Ball as he's the boss and they are the worker class. Cary compares Hammer to Pin for when he started talking about Hammer's canonicity. Cary's classmates would assume that Hammer is as canon as Pin is, as they don't know what BFDI is. Cary however, see's Hammer as weird as they are not canon.

Pin and Hammer have some similarities. Firstly. Pin and Hammer both have a base with a weapon on top of their head. Pin has a spike. Hammer has his hammer bit. They also both have points on their heads as Hammer's head has a point to pry nails off of boards. Pin and Hammer also both non-canonically live in Yoyle Land as proven by the comic. The two of them also have the color grey. The grey comes from both their metal parts, which is also a similarity. The two of them, along with Stapy, are said to be a division of labor by the comic. Division of Labor means to give a worker a specialized job in order to complete a task. They have also technically already interacted before this comic. Pin's team were using hammers to build up a boat in a square shape. Albeit this interaction only revolved around Hammer's asset and not the character. The two of them are also used to hold items down. Hammers pounds in nails into objects while Pins stab paper against walls. They also use their body as a lethal force. Pin flings herself to stab others all the time in the show. While Hammer is shown smashing his head into a tap to stab a tree.


This is a rarepair in the community. Hammer has only been seen in a single comic that isn't canon, hence he isn't shipped a lot. Also since it's been so recent that the comic was revealed, the ship hasn't gotten a chance to gain popularity yet. The people who do ship this, like how the two of them have the similarity of being objects with weapons attached to their heads, and helped each other right after each other. Even though they don't directly interact, some shippers do find the appeal to the ship due to the similarities to the pairing. Their rival ships are Tennispin, the ship between Tennis Ball and Pin, and Pinstape, the ship between Pin and Stapy.


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