Shipping Wiki

Papercut is the slash ship between Paper and Knife from the Inanimate Insanity fandom.


Inanimate Insanity[]

Knife and Paper are the first two contestants to make their speaking debut in the show. During this, Paper is confused on what feces is when MePhone is explaining the challenge. Knife tells Paper what it means, causing the latter to be grossed out.

During team choosing when Paper and Salt are the last ones remaining, Knife chooses Paper over Salt and calls him cool. In the challenge, Knife would rather not compete and tells Paper that he brought his portable DVD player. Knife tells him that they can watch what he calls the best show ever, which Paper correctly guesses it to be Desperate Housewives. While watching, the two are both moved by the show as Paper and Knife feel sad having to watch someone being cheated on. Later after their team loses, the two end up with the most votes from their teammates because of them sitting out the challenge. MePhone puts the two on a platform above a lake to break the tie, stating that whoever falls into the water first between them will be eliminated. Once the tiebreaker starts, Knife tells Paper that he doubts he can actually defeat him. Knife slaps Paper off of the platform, although Paper manages to hold on to its pole to avoid touching the water. Frustrated, Knife throws a bowling ball at Paper which he calls Knife out for. Knife throws more objects at him in an attempt to get Paper to let go before finally dropping a piano off of the platform. The piano crushes Paper before he gets a chance to fully speak, making him the first one eliminated.

After the elimination, Knife is bored and admits that it is not as fun with Paper around. He turns to Marshmallow and messes with her to keep himself busy.

During the rejoin after Knife's elimination, Paper smugly guesses that Knife got 0 votes to rejoin the game. Knife yells at him to come at him, which Paper declines to do.

After Paper rejoins, he bonds with OJ who was recently betrayed by his friend Bomb. Paper sympathizes with him by bringing up how Knife betrayed him during the tiebreaker elimination, which makes Paper want to stick with OJ as allies.

During the challenge of capturing eliminated contestants, Knife slips into a body of water and asks for Paper to help him. However, Paper instead turns him to MePhone as he calls Knife an old backstabbing friend.

When the eliminated contestants vote on who out of the final three they want out next, Knife votes for Paper as he is mad that Paper betrayed him. Paper then brings up how Knife did the same thing to him, which makes Knife question how Paper still hasn't gotten over it. Later when Bow is unable to vote from being trapped in a box, Knife pretends to speak out what she's trying to say and claims that she is voting for Paper as well.

Inanimate Insanity II[]

After ending up in the MeAfterLife, Knife is the first one Paper finds to his disappointment. Knife sarcastically feels bad that Paper found someone that could actually protect him. Paper asserts that he doesn't need Knife to protect him, making Knife comment how no one else does either. When Knife asks him where they are, Paper is unsure and calls it a void unlike one he's been in. Knife asks what he means about being in a void, making Paper indirectly call back to when he defeated his evil counterpart in one which he believes Knife wouldn't understand. Right as Knife walks away to leave Paper be, the two are caught off guard by Springy suddenly appearing and glitching out by them. Knife goes the opposite direction instead, which Paper understands.


Papercut is a fairly rare ship in the Inanimate Insanity fandom overall. Although they were some of the first two characters to develop a bond in the show overall, their friendship being broken up early on mainly prevented it from being as popular of a pairing. Despite this, when they are put together, it is usually because of them sharing an early friendship in the show. The ship is often jokingly called toxic yaoi since the two mainly remained on bad terms, with shippers using the opportunity to have the ship repair their dynamic. The pairing is mainly sought out by slash shippers of the show, though it is mostly overshadowed by the canon ship PayJay and Knife's more popular ships Knickle and Knifecase.

On AO3, as of December 7, 2024, there are 5 works under their romantic tag and 4 under the platonic tag.


Knife/Paper (Inanimate Insanity) tag on AO3
Knife & Paper (Inanimate Insanity) tag on AO3
Knife and Paper search results on DeviantArt
Knife x Paper posts on TikTok
Papercut posts on Tumblr
Papercut posts on Twitter
Knife x Paper posts on Twitter


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Inanimate Insanity ShipsInanimate Insanity Characters
SHIPS het BasebulbBasecaseCobscaseFanbulbFancaseFantubeGuavfruitKnifebulbKnifecaseLifekettleMarshatinMarshknifeMicroknifeNickboxNickcaseNicloverPepperloonPhonebulbSaltjaySilvercandleSuitloonTackleTacopadYindle
slash BallojBaseknifeBickelBombJayCheesebombCheeseloonFanphoneFloorphoneGlitchy KnifeGooberryKnifephone4SKnickleKnifanMephojNickloonPapercutPayJaySilverberryToipadTrifeTropheesy
femslash ApplebowBoxcaseCabtubeCandlegolfClovertubeLightcaseLuckyfilesMarshbowMarshpleMicbulbSaltpepSoapMicTacocaseTacomicTestbulb
non-binary CabbotCandlebrushFanbrushGoobotKnifeBrushLightbrushMarshbrushPaintJayPaintyangSilverbrushTestbrushTwophone
family MeeplingsShimmer FamilyTestbot
poly FantubebulbMarshapplebowPaySaltJayPoly Bright LightsTestbulbrush
friend Rockbulb
CHARACTERS male BalloonFanKnifeMePhone4OJ
female LightbulbMarshmallowSuitcase Test Tube
neutral Paintbrush