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Penmatch is the het ship between Pen and Match from the Battle for Dream Island fandom.


During team picking, Match is alright with Pen joining the team when Pin asks her. She gets annoyed however when Pen and Eraser want Blocky to join as well.

Pen tells Match that golf balls sink underwater when she wonders where Golf Ball went after falling off the bridge.

After Match walks away from a UFO crash alive, Pen brings it to her awareness that they crushed someone with it.

A poster for IDFB 2 depicts the two in the style of the Barack Obama "Hope" poster.

During the Twinkle of Contagion challenge, Pen overhears Match and Bubble constantly passing the twinkle towards one another and opens his eyes to know what the sound is. He is then tricked by the two into getting the twinkle when Match looks at him.

The two, along with Needle, are stacked together in the shape of Four by Blocky in an attempt to get Four back.

Thanks for 4 years of Thanks for 4 years of Thanks for 4 years![]

Pen steps out of the character wheel, wanting to tell Match something. When he gets no response, he is confused and wonders if she's even listening until hearing her whisper that "he" will hear him. Pen doesn't know who she's referring to until the Announcer appears to punish Pen for stepping out of ring formation. Seeing the Announcer pull out a laser shooter, Match steps out and defends Pen from him. Pen feels honored that Match would stand up to him but she takes it back immediately when the Announcer points another laser shooter at her. Pen apologizes and when asked what he was originally going to say to her earlier, Pen brings up how she made an anniversary video for a milestone video he made four years before hers. Since it was now four years since Match's video, Pen wanted to thank the audience for watching her video for the past four years as well as the channel in general. Match feels blessed after Pen finishes explaining and appreciates it being their last words. Two then blocks the Announcer from shooting Pen and Match as the two thank Two for saving them.


Overall, the ship is somewhat rare in the Battle for Dream Island fandom. Similarities between the two, such as being taller among the contestants and being teammates sharing friends, had gotten fans to pair them early into the show's run. The ship is often compared to Pen-cil, another hetero Pen ship that instead involves Match's best friend. The ship in question had more consistent popularity throughout the fandom because it had more interactions to go off of, since Match and Pen hardly talked in the main show. However, the anniversary short in 2022 was largely focused on them and brought back some attention on the ship. Fan art and videos have been made for the pairing steadily through the series. Matchcil, Eratch, and Penraser all serve as rival ships between Match and Pen, although some multishippers don't mind putting the two in a poly ship together with Pencil and Eraser.


Match x Pen stories on Wattpad
Match and Pen search results on DeviantArt
Match and Pen posts on Reddit
Match and Pen posts on Tumblr
Penmatch posts on Twitter
Pen x Match posts on Twitter

