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Gaty“We were, uh, talking about the good qualities we saw in our friends, even when zombified.”
Eraser“Me too, ha ha! Classic Pen. Always biting something.”
— Outbreak At Stake

Penraser is the slash ship between Pen and Eraser from the Battle for Dream Island fandom.


Battle for Dream Island[]

When Woody hits Rocky, and screams loudly, Pen and Eraser are overhearing this, and cringe and cover their ears. Eraser says he can't believe what a scaredy-cat Woody is, and that he's uncool. He says Pen, however, is cool, and Pen says that Eraser is cool too.

They are put on the same team, Squishy Cherries.

When the Announcer tells the Squishy Cherries that a member of their team is missing(Blocky). Pen and Eraser think for a moment, and realize that it's Blocky. Pin tells the Squishy Cherries to decide who will find Blocky and who will run the race. Pen and Eraser decide that they will find Blocky.

When Blocky finds the test answers, Pen and Eraser are happy. Eraser wants a high-five, and Blocky high-fives him, but accidentally hits Eraser too hard, making Eraser fly away. Pen then rejects his high-five, with Eraser falling into Woody's hole.

Pen helps Eraser out by having $8 and finding a $1.99 dollar on the ground, so that both of them can buy Leafy's cake. However, 9.99 dollars wasn't enough, so Eraser thinks up an idea to take Coiny to Leafy because he's a penny.

Eraser asks how they'll cross without a bridge and Pen easily spots a second bridge. Eraser asks Pen for a third bridge when the second bridge is broken. When Eraser says that he isn't going to get across with the bridge's rails, Pen asks Eraser if he wants to win Dream Island. Pen says that he does, and when he wins, it will be called "Pen Island" with no spaces and all caps. He falls off after Eraser discovers that the rails are only black bendy straws taped together.

In Cake at Stake, Pen and Pin are in the bottom two. Pen tells Eraser that Pin has to be eliminated, or else one of them is going to the TLC. Pen reminds Eraser when Blocky got eliminated, stating that it couldn't happen again with them.

Pen and Eraser, along with Firey, are put on the same team for the contest. When Firey accidentally falls off the balance beam and into the water, Pen points out that water is Firey's poison, and he'll die. Eraser says that they'll have to go back and turn on the FRC (Firey Recovery Center).

Pen shows Leafy and Eraser his basketball spinning abilities. Eraser says he's better and spins three.

In the stinger when Pen finds two pieces of the puzzle that fit together, Eraser says, "It's about time!"

In the contest, Pen is carried by Eraser, and tells him to go faster.

In the contest, Pen and Eraser ask each other if they found anything; Pen just says he has an apple. Later, Eraser explains that the "dumb Speaker Box" didn't like his ball; Pen once again says he only has an apple.

Eraser tells Pen to try to jump across a pit. Pen jumps over the gap and lands on the ground face first and says "See, that was easy, that was the easiest thing I've ever done!". Eraser tries to do the same thing, but fails, and calls out for Pen to save him. Pen grabs Eraser's arms, and gets pulled down.

When the Announcer announces that it's time for the taco contest, Pen says "which is?" and says that he's filling in for Eraser, who is eliminated.

Pen and Eraser discuss what would happen if you put together the first word of the first episode, the second word of the second episode, the third word of the third episode, and so on to make a message. Pen just says that probably nothing would come of it. When Eraser says he wants Dream Island, Pen says Eraser has a brain.

Battle for Dream Island Again[]

Pen and Eraser are seen together looking at TV for the BFDIA voting results with Blocky and Snowball.

Battle for BFDI[]

Pen starts running up to Eraser, but not before tripping over Rocky, and shows him a rectangle that he found. Eraser corrects Pen and says that the shape is a parallelogram and that he would know. Then Pen shows Eraser a pentagon, to his horror. Eraser tells Pen that pentagons are extremely scary. Then the pentagon rattles in Pen's hand, which then puts them in a state of terror. Pen calls Blocky to help them, and he uses Saw to cut the pentagon into a quadrilateral (trapezoid) and a triangle. Pen and Eraser are both relieved that the pentagon is gone.

Pen later tries to get himself, Eraser, and Blocky on the same team, but Eraser hears the words "Free Food" and leaves to join Free Food. Eraser later asks why he's not near his pals anymore.

Pen, Eraser, and Blocky chat with each other at a bench table. Pen tells Eraser he's proud of how tolerant he's been towards Foldy since she's a pentagon.

When Eraser is recovered, he jumps towards Pen and Blocky who are happy to see him back.

The Power of Two[]

When creating teams, Pen looks at Eraser's team, Are You Okay. Tree suggests since there are 7 of them already(Black Hole, Bottle, Pen, Pie, Pillow, Remote, and himself), they can basically just stay on the same team. Everyone is on board, except Pen, who wants to stay with Eraser, hesitates. Even though Pie tries convincing him to stay, Pen leaves his former team, Death P.A.C.T Again, to join Eraser's team. They high-five as they finally get to be on the same team again.

When Eraser dies, Pen tells Two to recover him, but they are currently waiting for the delivery of the recovery center. After Pen is revived, Pen recovers Eraser. During the challenge, Pen hands blocks to Eraser so that he can stack them. Eraser decides he's bored with the challenge and leaves to go knock another team's stack over. Pen says that might not be allowed, so Eraser asks what they're gonna do about it. Pen attempts to think of something but can't think of anything to say.

Eraser attempts to shoot Teardrop with a zap ray, but Pen is killed in the crossfire. Eraser either ignores this or doesn't seem to feel bad about it.

Eraser is questioned by Pen about joining the team. Eraser says he would rather mess with Teardrop after giving it some thought. Pen tells Eraser to hurry and jump in the water right away after she turns into the entire lake. In spite of Pen's request for assistance, Eraser dismisses it and promises to assist "in a sec" before putting Teardrop's pursuit ahead of it. Eraser later informs Pen that he has two of the plates and that they should leave the water immediately after Tennis Ball and Pen are devoured by a fish monster. Pen concurs, and they begin to swim to the surface. Despite losing one of the plates to Marker and Tree, they are still able to return to shore with one of the plates thanks to the confusion. Pen instructs Eraser to deliver it to Two, and Eraser makes an effort to do so until Coiny's magnet captures it.

When Pen is infected by the virus during 'Outbreak At Stake' Eraser carries his pan cap around as a keepsake. Later on, Eraser also recalls the times when he and Pen would eat scraps together in Gelatin's Steakhouse.


Penraser is one of the most popular ships in the fandom, and also the most popular ship for both Pen and Eraser. The pairing rivals Pen's second most popular ship, Pen-cil (Pen/Pencil) and Eraser's second most popular ship, Eratch (Eraser/Match).

On AO3, Penraser has 75+ works, and is the most written ship for both Pen and Eraser.



Eraser/Pen tag on AO3
Eraser & Pen tag on AO3
Penraser stories on Wattpad


Penraser posts on Tumblr


