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Phoebusmodo is the slash ship between Phoebus and Quasimodo from the The Hunchback of Notre Dame fandom.
The Hunchback of Notre-Dame/Notre Dame de Paris - Victor Hugo[]
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The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1996)[]
During the Festival of Fools, Phoebus sees Quasimodo get pelted with tomatoes after being crowned King of the Fools, but refuses to arrest Esmeralda when she stands up for him, despite Frollo's orders.
After Esmeralda finds shelter in Notre Dame cathedral and Phoebus claims sanctuary for her, essentially trapping her there, Phoebus sneaks back into the belltower to check on her, having missed Quasimodo already safely transporting her outside. He runs into Quasimodo on his way up the belltower and asks him how Esmeralda is. Quasimodo however yells at him, telling him that soldiers are not welcome in his tower, the pelting had started when one of Frollo's soldiers tried to make him "even uglier". Even as Quasimodo tries to beat him to chase him away does Phoebus not get angry at him. He merely tells him that should he see Esmeralda again, he should tell her that Phoebus is sorry for getting her into this mess, trapping her in Notre Dame was never his intention and that he was merely trying to save her life. After Quasimodo promises him that he will tell her, Phoebus asks him if he can put him down now, as Quasimodo had forgotten that he was holding Phoebus up. Before leaving, Phoebus tells Quasimodo that Esmeralda is lucky to have him as her friend.
Quasimodo meets Phoebus again when Esmeralda carries him back up the belltower, she tells him that Phoebus is a friend of hers and that he got hurt when fighting against Frollo's orders. Quasimodo reluctantly agrees to let Phoebus in, even letting Esmeralda lay him out on Quasimodo's bed. As Esmeralda tends to his wounds, they confess their love to each other and kiss spontaneously, rendering Quasimodo heartbroken as he had fallen in love with Esmeralda himself by that point. As they hear Frollo coming, Quasimodo promises Esmeralda to hide Phoebus in the tower as she escapes. Before Frollo could see him, Quasimodo hides Phoebus under the table. Phoebus had fallen unconcious at that point, so when Frollo sits by the table to bring Quasimodo his lunch, Quasi tries his best to hide Phoebus' groans to prevent Frollo from looking under the table. Frollo however tells Quasimodo that he will find Esmeralda and her Court of Miracles and will attack them at sunrise. As Frollo leaves, Quasimodo and Phoebus both realize that they will have to beat Frollo to the Court of Miracles and warn them. Quasimodo initially gets cold feet over disobeying Frollo yet again, but Phoebus reminds him that Esmeralda stood up for him when nobody else did. When it seems that Quasi is refusing to go, Phoebus tells himself that he doesn't need his help and tells him he will go alone.
Just as Phoebus leaves through the door, Quasimodo literally drops from the wall and startles Phoebus. He shushes him and tells him that he will go with him after all. As Phoebus realizes that neither of them have any idea where the Court of Miracles is, Quasi gives him a woven necklace Esmeralda gave him and quickly realizes that it's a map. Phoebus is initially in denial about it being a map, but is soon swayed since they didn't have many options. So they go to the graveyard and find a gravestone with a symbol identical to the one on the necklace, lifting the slab reveals a row of stairs to an underground cavern. Phoebus gets increasingly suspicious and just as he realizes that they are being ambushed, Esmeralda's people show up. They believe them to be Frollo's spies, but tie their mouths in cloth before they could explain. Clopin, the leader of the court then sentences them to be hanged, but he is stopped by Esmeralda at the last second. She frees them and the two of them tell the rest of her people about Frollo's plans. As Esmeralda is thanking Phoebus, he tells her that he never would've found the court if it wasn't for Quasimodo. However, the happy athmosphere is interrupted by Frollo's arrival, having followed them there and ordering everyone present to be arrested.
Frollo intends to burn Esmeralda's people including Phoebus in a huge bonfire, but merely ties Quasimodo to the pillars of the Notre Dame in chains, forcing both of them to watch. However, just as the fire could reach Esmeralda, Quasimodo breaks free by tearing down the pillars in rage and rescues her. Phoebus smiles at him as he soars by and is inspired to break out of his cage himself. As Esmeralda is brought to safety inside the belltower, Quasimodo watches Phoebus lead Esmeralda's people and the rest of Paris population into a battle against Frollo's soldiers. Quasimodo cheers him on and urges Esmeralda to come look, but it initially seems like Esmeralda has died from inhaling the smoke of the fire. As Quasimodo fights Frollo trying to ambush them and rescues an awake Esmeralda by carrying her out of Frollo's reach, Phoebus manages to slip into the Notre Dame unnoticed. Just as Frollo falls to his death and it seems that Quasimodo will follow him after he slips out of Esmeralda's grasp, Phoebus shows up at just the right time to catch him from a window and pull him back into the Notre Dame. As Quasimodo realizes that Phoebus has saved him, he embraces Phoebus, who returns the gesture by patting him on the back. Esmeralda then reunites with them and Phoebus steps aside, allowing her to choose between them. However, Quasimodo willingly pulls the two of them closer together and happily watches as they kiss. In turn, Phoebus and Esmeralda watch as Quasimodo is finally embraced by the townsfolk.
The Hunchback of Notre-Dame II (2002)[]
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People have noticed chemistry between Quasimodo and Phoebus, noticing how many of Phoebus's interactions with Quasi parallel his interactions with Esmeralda. However, the ship is a rarepair, since most of the Hunchback ships are focused on Esmeralda. It does provide a neat "everyone is happy" solution should a fan wish to ship Esmeralda with someone else. Phoebusmodo is mostly written as part of the Quasimodo/Esmeralda/Phoebus polycule, rather than as a stand-alone ship.
On AO3, the ship only has 10 works. It is Quasimodo's 7th most popular ship, and Phoebus' 5th most popular. It is most often rivalled by their respective ships with Esmeralda.
- Phoebus/Quasimodo tag on AO3
- Phoebus & Quasimodo tag on AO3
- Quasimodo x Phoebus tag on Tumblr
The Hunchback of Notre Dame Ships • The Hunchback of Notre Dame Characters | ||
SHIPS | het | Fresme • Phoesme • Quasimaddie • Quasipunzel • Quasme |
slash | Frobus • Phoebusmodo | |
femslash | Esmerelly | |
poly | Quasimodo x Esmeralda x Phoebus | |
CHARACTERS | f/m | Esmeralda • Quasimodo |