Shipping Wiki
Shipping Wiki

Screenshots: 2828
Femslash ships: 77Het ships: 55Non-binary ship: 11Poly ship: 11

Pin is a character from the Battle for Dream Island fandom.


Pin is a contestant in the first through fifth seasons of Battle for Dream Island. She has competed on the Squishy Cherries, W.O.A.H. Bunch, The Losers!, and Team8s. She placed 20th in the first season.



Baking Forgiveness — the ship between Pin and Donut
BlackPin — the ship between Pin and Black Hole
Clockpin — the ship between Pin and Clock
Coinpin — the ship between Pin and Coiny
Firepin — the ship between Pin and Firey
Pein — the ship between Pin and Pen
Pinblock — the ship between Pin and Blocky
Pincake — the ship between Pin and Cake
Pinfries — the ship between Pin and Fries
Pinickel — the ship between Pin and Nickel
Pinraser — the ship between Pin and Eraser
Pinser — the ship between Pin and Loser
Spongepin — the ship between Pin and Spongy
Tenpin — the ship between Pin and Tennis Ball
Yellowpin — the ship between Pin and Yellow Face


Bracepin — the ship between Pin and Bracelety
Eggpin — the ship between Pin and Eggy
Evil Leafpin — the ship between Pin and Evil Leafy
Fanpin — the ship between Pin and Fanny
Foldpin — the ship between Pin and Foldy
Golfpin — the ship between Pin and Golf Ball
Icepin — the ship between Pin and Ice Cube
Leafpin — the ship between Pin and Leafy
Lollipin — the ship between Pin and Lollipop
Nailpin — the ship between Pin and Naily
Pinbag — the ship between Pin and Barf Bag
Pinbook — the ship between Pin and Book
Pinbubble — the ship between Pin and Bubble
Pinco — the ship between Pin and Taco
Pindrop — the ship between Pin and Teardrop
Pineedle — the ship between Pin and Needle
Pinmatch — the ship between Pin and Match
Pinpie — the ship between Pin and Pie
Pinpillow — the ship between Pin and Pillow
Pintle — the ship between Pin and Bottle
Pinty — the ship between Pin and Gaty
Sawpin — the ship between Pin and Saw


Shoppingpin — the ship between Pin and Shopping Cart
WinPin — the ship between Pin and Winner


Bombcoinpineedle — the ship between Pin, Bomby, Coiny and Needle
Coinpinleaf — the ship between Pin, Coiny and Leafy
Coinpineedle — the ship between Pin, Coiny and Needle
Fireafpin — the ship between Pin, Firey and Leafy
Fireleafcoinpin — the ship between Pin, Firey, Leafy and Coiny
Fireleafcoinpineedle — the ship between Pin, Firey, Leafy, Coiny and Needle
Leafpindrop — the ship between Pin, Leafy and Teardrop
Leafpineedrop — the ship between Pin, Leafy, Needle and Teardrop
Pineedrop — the ship between Pin, Needle and Teardrop


Main article: Coinpin
Main article: Leafpin


Pin tag on AO3
Pin stories on Wattpad


# portmanteau characters type
71 Coinpin Coiny het
69 Leafpin Leafy femslash
32 Coiny & Pin Coiny gen
20 Leafy & Pin Leafy gen
6 Needle & Pin Needle gen
5 Firey & Pin Firey gen
5 Firepin Firey het
5 Pineedle Needle femslash
4 Firey & Leafy & Pin FireyLeafy gen
3 Leafpineedrop LeafyNeedleTeardrop poly

