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“Really? Even though we're always fighting together?”
— Pieck to Porco Galliard

PokkoPiku is the het ship between Porco Galliard and Pieck Finger from the Attack on Titan fandom.


The two are both titan shifters in the Warrior Unit subdivision in the Marleyan military, in which Porco was the Jaw Titan before his sacrificial death, and Pieck is the current Cart Titan. The two are shown to be close friends and got much closer during the Marley Mid-East War. Pieck also calls Porco the nickname "Pock" (ポッコ Pokko in Japanese) as a way of affection although, by the looks of it, Porco does not really like the nickname. It seems Pieck didn't make the nickname it self though, because Reiner called him "Pock" first when they were young. The two seem like they are close friends.

Marley Arc[]

The two are shown working together assaulting their enemies in their bunkers in titan form as they're unauthorized to engage in combat. Eventually, Marley comes in victory. After the war, Pieck goes and visits both Porco and Reiner, who are currently recovering, and later leaves the room. Before Reiner leaves, Pieck tells Porco to not pick on Reiner and then collapses in a bed nearby Porco, to which he replies saying it feels like he hasn't seen Pieck for a long time. Pieck responds by saying they've been always been fighting right next to each other in battle.

Both Pieck and Porco are summoned to attend a meeting with Zeke at the Warrior's headquarters. Before the meeting starts, Porco stumbles upon a crawling Pieck, to which he reacts frightened and asks Pieck what she is doing. She tells Porco that it's much more natural for her to crawl on all fours due to the Cart Titan's build, as she stays in her titan form for a long duration of time. Porco asks Pieck if she can walk upright like a normal human.


Porco and Pieck about to get into the trap.

Together with the rest of the warriors, the two attend the Liberio festival to hear Willy Tybur's speech. When they sit down in the seats prepared for the ambassadors of Marley, both Pieck and Porco get called away by a Marleyan soldier. The suspicious-looking soldier leads Porco and Pieck to an empty room, which happens to be a trap. The two fall into a pit that has a straw bed and fracture several of their bones. The two are then rescued by the Panzer Unit. As they escape the pit they notice the Survey Corps have had arrived to Marley, thus beginning the Raid on Liberio.

A few chapters later, Falco is shown removing Pieck's body from the Cart Titan as she's injured from the fight with the Survey Corps, Porco fears Pieck is dead thinks about the memories with her. He wants to avenge her by attacking Eren, although she is revealed not to be dead. Still, Pieck is greatly injured by the thunder spears used by the Survey Corps members and needs time to heal.

War for Paradis Arc[]

Pieck and Porco are both sent to Paradis to go after Eren, infiltrating the ranks of the Military Police and the Garrison. As Pieck finds Eren, she is handcuffed to Gabi and tells Eren she'll point out the enemies on the roof. Before heading to the roof, Pieck waves her hands at the soldiers and at Porco, disguised among the crowd as a Garrison soldier, notifying to him that she is handcuffed. As she heads to the roof, Pieck instead points at Eren and calls him her enemy, after which Porco bursts through the floor in his titan form in a failed attempt to eat Eren. After they get away, Pieck calls Porco to cut their chain, and he cuts off her hand for her to transform. Porco afterward dies as he sacrifices himself to Falco Grice.

During the battle on Eren's titan, Pieck and Jean are nearly killed but Porco and his brother Marcel save them. Pieck is shown to tear up and calls out for Porco and Marcel.


For many fans of the ship, the bed Pieck lies on in her first scene in human form was Porco's bed. The fact that she seemed comfortable sleeping in his bed and that Porco glanced sideways at her makes their intimacy and companionship quite clear. In the same scene, Pieck tells Reiner to go check on the kids because they’re worried about him, which, according to shippers, might have been an excuse to be alone in the room with Porco.

Also in this scene, Porco tells Pieck, "Feels like ages since I've seen you," When she lies down on his bed. Pieck responds with, "Really? Even though we're always fighting together?" While giving him a lazy smile. Porco could have implicitly been saying that he missed Pieck by phrasing it this way—despite always fighting side by side on the battlefield, he missed her in her human form.

The most popular scene of the ship is when Pieck crawls on all fours on the ground, and Porco is startled to see her like that. She smiles at him and says the iconic phrase "Ohayo Pokko" While he looks nervous. Porco asks why she is walking in that way and Pieck says it's comfortable since she spent two months as the Cart Titan and got used to being on all fours, Porco tells her to get up and walk like a normal person.

In the post-credits scene of the episode From One Hand to Another (Te kara Te e - 手から手へ), Porco and Pieck arrive together at the festival at night, and Zeke asks, "Did you two have fun?" At that moment, both were smiling, and Porco even tells Colt not to be so strict.

In the following episode, Porco appears sulking in the audience, possibly because he was sitting far from Pieck. A few scenes later, when a mysterious soldier escorts them, Pieck becomes suspicious of the soldier’s identity and takes advantage of the Panzer Unit's presence to send them a message, which possibly makes Porco jealous because of the way she hugged one of them. He questions why she did that, and she replies that it was to "strengthen connections." When they fall into Yelena’s trap, Pieck reveals to Porco that she used that moment with the Panzer Unit to warn them about the mysterious soldier. Porco seems impressed by her intelligence.

After the Panzer unit pulls them out of the hole, Porco immediately wants to attack Eren, but Pieck asks him to be cautious. In the manga, she seems to be trying to hold his hand to stop him from acting impulsively.

After Porco was attacked by the Survey Corps for acting impulsively, he seems relieved when Pieck arrives with the Cart Titan’s artillery and the Panzer Unit.

During the attack on Liberio, Pieck is about to be attacked by a Survey Corps soldier when Porco destroys his Thunder Spear using the Jaw Titan’s sharp claws. Pieck thanks him, visibly relieved.

In a manga panel that was not adapted into the anime, Porco recalls childhood memories of eating sandwiches with Zeke and Pieck. He has this flashback after Pieck is attacked by a Thunder Spear thrown by Jean during the attack on Liberio. This same attack from Jean, combined with other losses Marley’s Titans were suffering, led Porco to attempt to devour Eren while he was about to eat Lara Tybur,

The morning after the attack, Reiner wakes up startled, and Porco offers him a drink, asking if he had another nightmare. He is sitting in a chair near the bed, and Pieck is sitting on another bed. Some injured people and nurses can be seen in the background, suggesting that it was a hospital room or something similar.

The last scene of the two together—in their human forms—was when Pieck was chained to Gabi and took Eren to the top of the building as part of her plan to have Porco devour him. Just before they tried to put the plan into action, Pieck climbs the stairs and smiles when she sees Porco hiding among the soldiers. She waves to the Eldian soldiers to maintain her disguise, and while they blush, Porco looks at her, possibly jealous again.

But they still have one last scene together in their human forms, a flashback from Magath about the warriors before he sacrifices himself along with Shadis.

In the last episode of the anime, Pieck and Jean are almost killed by other Titans, but Porco and Marcel's Titans save them. Pieck cries upon seeing the Jaws duo again, calling out the names of Porco and Marcel.


Porco/Pieck tag on AO3
Porco & Pieck tag on AO3
Pokopiku tag on Pixiv
PokkoPikku posts on Tumblr
PokkoPiku posts on Tumblr
GalliPieck posts on Tumblr
PokkoPikku hashtag on Twitter
PokkoPiku hashtag on Twitter
GalliPieck hashtag on Twitter


  • She occasionally referred to him by the affectionate nickname "Pock" (in Japanese - ポッコ Pokko).
  • PokkoPiku is a portmanteau of Porco's nickname in Japanese romaji, Pokko and Pieck's name in romaji, Piku.
  • In the opening scene of Season 4 Part 2, there is a brief frame of Porco and Pieck standing side by side, watching the kids play.
  • In the same opening, we see individual frames of the characters. Pieck’s frame appears first, along with one of the Cart Titan, followed by Porco’s frame, along with one of the Jaw Titan.






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Attack on Titan ShipsAttack on Titan Characters
SHIPS het AruAniAruHitchAruKuriAruMikaAurEtraBeruAnnieEreAnnieEreHisuEreLenaEreMikaErePetoEreSashaFalGabiFarIsaFarmHisuHitLoweJeanKasaJeanPikuJikuPikuLeoRinaMikaBertMikaFlochMikeNanaNiccosashaPokkoPikuReiAnnieReiKasaReiKuriRivetraSpringlesUdoFiaZekeLena
slash EreConEreJeanEreMarcoEreMinEreReiEreriEruMikeEruNileEruRiFlarminFlerenFloJeanGalliReiJeanConJeanMarcoJeArminKenUriLeviFarMagaKisuMarFuroReiBertReiConReiJeanRivaKopon
femslash AniCarlyGabFiaHitchAnnieMikAnnieMikaHisuMikaSashaMikaYumiNifEtraPikulenaSashaKuriYumiHisuYumiSasha
non-binary EreHanEruHanKisuHanLeviHanMagaHanMikaHanMobuHanOnyaHanPikuHan
friendship BeruYumiEreGabiEren x Ymir FritzEreYumiFalrenGabiPikuGabviJeanGabiLevIsaLokasaReiYumiSquad LeviThug TrioTitan ShiftersYumiCon
family FurHisuKenRiRivaMikaZekEren
poly AruHitchAniClub Good TasteEreHisuFlochEreJeanKasaEreJeArminEreMikaAruEruRiHanEruRiMikeJeanSashConReiBertAniYumiHisuMikaYumiSashaKuri
cargo ArminOceanEren x FreedomErwinBasementHanTanSasha x Potato-kunScarfKasa
CHARACTERS men Armin ArlertBertolt HooverConnie SpringerEren JaegerErwin SmithFloch ForsterJean KirsteinLevi AckermanReiner Braun
women Annie LeonhartGabi BraunHistoria ReissMikasa AckermanPetra RalPieck FingerSasha BrausYmir
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