Polether is the cargo ship between Heather and a pole in the Total Drama fandom.
Total Drama World Tour[]
In "Anything Yukon Do, I Can Do Better", Heather, along with the rest of Team Amazon, came across Bridgette, who had her tongue stuck to a pole after failing to kiss Alejandro. Heather didn't seem to take much of an interest in the pole the way Bridgette was but she did find the latter's misfortune amusing. Heather participated in singing the song "Stuck to a Pole" with Bridgette. Heather also partook in a visual component, where she would grab the pole, along with Courtney and Gwen and got her hand kind of stuck to it. After this was said and done, Heather left Bridgette to die, not even giving the pole a second thought.
Total Drama All-Stars[]
In an exclusive clip for "No One Egg-spects the Spanish Opposition", we watched what happened to Heather, post-Flush of Shame. She ended up in the Yukon, much to her chagrin and the first thing that she noticed was how freezing cold it was, especially for a woman who was not only dressed like her, but sopping wet after coming out of the toilet. She walked through the blinding blizzard and without her vision, she crashed right into a nearby pole. Her mouth must have been open at the time because she got her tongue stuck to it. Heather pulled her face back to try and remove her tongue but all she did was just stretch her tongue. She was officially stuck to a pole. To make matters worse, a polar bear approached her and it was clear he wanted blood. Being orally bound to the metal pole, Heather had nowhere to run and got mauled by the polar bear. Heather's slurred screaming was heard over an indiscretion shot of the mean cold mountains.
In an exclusive clip for "The Obsta-kill Course", Alejandro was flushed to the same sub-arctic region as Heather. It was there he found Heather, no longer stuck to the pole. Heather slapped Alejandro across the face but proved to still be in love with him as she took him for a ride on her snowmobile and went off with him. Because of this, it can be safely assumed that her relationship with the pole is over, probably because it was his fault she got mauled by the polar bear.
Polether is a rarepair in the fandom, due to their short time together. The only time they were really together was in the exclusive clip from Total Drama All-Stars. Seeing how horribly things ended for Heather, due to her Frenching the pole, many fans agree that their love was not meant to be. However, a number of people who don't like Heather support this ship, thinking that Heather deserved a relationship like this as it led to her getting a karmic punishment. There is also a third party of people who oppose this ship for the pole's sake. Pole fans consider Heather to be an abusive girlfriend who doesn't treat the pole right and would rather he be with a girl who respects him, (i.e. Bridgette or Beth). With this being said, rival ships include Aleheather, Polegette, and Bethole.
As for those who truly support the ship, general consensus is that despite their conflicts, Heather got along with the pole a lot better than she did with Alejandro. Shippers also appreciate how the pole came to Heather in a time of distress. Being lost in The Yukon must was clearly a trying and treacherous time for Heather, so having a boyfriend like the pole impacted her life for the better, even if it was for a short time.
- Heather X Pole fanart on Deviantart
- Polether fanart on DeviantArt
- Polether discussion on Reddit