Shipping Wiki

Priyzeeleb is the poly ship between Caleb, Priya, and Zee from the Total Drama fandom.


The close knit arc the three share is foreshadowed in Total Drama Island (2023) when Priya and Zee first lay eyes upon Caleb in “Meet the Victims”. Both are charmed by his appearance; with Zee betting on Caleb's victory.

In “The Pink Painter Strikes Again”, Priya picks both Caleb and Zee for her team. They would get along well throughout the second season of the reboot. In “Taking It to the Rim Reaper”, Priya prioritizes Caleb over Zee after the two both fall into the water together. Zee is supportive when Priya tells him about her feelings for Caleb in “Ice to Beat You”, immediately believing Caleb would be excited to know as well. In the episode, Zee frequently expresses an inability to keep Priya's crush a secret; such as calling Caleb and Priya cute together when they were having a conversation. Zee would, however, grow to worry for Priya and pity her after learning that Caleb only saw her as just a friend and that he wanted nothing more than an alliance in “Canoe Believe It?”.

Priyzeeleb joy

Caleb, Priya, and Zee happy to be on the same team.

But Zee is left unaware of Caleb's change of heart, and the latter is not aware of how the former misinterpreted his intentions as manipulation. At the start of “Fun Fight at the O'Cake Corral”, Zee could be seen watching from a distance as Caleb and Priya were about to share their first kiss. However, they were obvious to his presence. When the three are placed on the same team for the challenge, they smile excitedly at each other. The three also work well together as a team despite the “tension”” between them. In “Haulin' N' Ballin'”, Zee would grow more anxious about Caleb and Priya; not wanting to hear anything about their relationship anymore and simply wanting to tell the world about Caleb's “true intentions”. Zee grew more tense every time Caleb and Priya grew closer during the challenge, especially after Caleb referred to Priya as his girl. But specifically after Priya and Caleb share their first kiss, Zee decides to expose Caleb's original intentions. This puts his relationship with Priya in hot water. It's implied that both Priya and Zee voted for Caleb, but he did not receive enough votes to go home; Zee did instead.


As a poly ship, Priyzeeleb is not particularly well-known. However, before the English version of Total Drama Island (2024) came out, some people mistook this for a love triangle, with Zee having a jealousy for Caleb and Priya's relationship.


Caleb and Priya
Caleb and Zee
Priya and Zee on Total Drama Wiki


  • Zee is the only one to never be a finalist.
  • Zee mistaking Caleb's alliance with Priya for an attempt at manipulating her with his good looks is similar to how previous Total Drama contestants have done before; namely Alejandro with various females in Total Drama World Tour and Justin with Beth and Lindsay in Total Drama Action.


Prileb — the ship between Caleb and Priya
Zeeleb — the ship between Caleb and Zee
Priyzee — the ship between Priya and Zee


Total Drama
Total Drama ShipsTotal Drama Characters
SHIPS het Alebridgette AleCourtAleheatherAlerraAleshawnaAnneZekeBawnBeardellaBethodyBetholdBloshBlowenBowKBradethBrameyBrawnBridgzekeCamCourtCamerraCarDevCaruniorChemmaCoderraCodetherCourdyCrimuiCryanDamillieDamiyaDavAmyDavellaDavneyDeatherDevawnaDidgetteDireneDizzyDJatieDoeyDottDuncneyDuncshawnaDwellyEmmayneGeoffleyGidgetteGwalejandroGwemeronGwentGweoffGwodyGwuncanH-BombHatchleyJacseeJasRodJockJocksonJizzyJulebJuliayneJustBethJustLindJustneyLellaLesharoldLight of DawnLylerMcLaineleyMickittyMipperMKalebNemmaNichamienNichayneNizzyOwittyOzzyPriBowPrilebPriyzeeRajuliaRipaxelRodAmyRodellaRodSamRodScarSamkotaScarlaxScarmienScarZScottneyScripperShasmineShySkaveSkeithStephRyanSugnardTamnardTophAmyTophellaTophlettTophmineTophSamTreatherTrensayVitanneZemmaZokeZott
slash AlecodyAleduncanAleJustinAlenoahAletylerBikeBowayneBowlebCammikeCamningChrefDamiwayneDavenardDuncoldJustOwenNoCoNostinNowenRajbowRayneScangScikeShaveTrenoTrodyTrustinTynoZeemienZipper
femslash AxemmaBethshawnaBridgneyCourterraCourtLindDaweyDawnkotaEmmkEzzyGweatherGwegetteGwenerraGweshawnaGwoeyGwourtneyHeatherraHeathneyIzzerraJasameyJawnJo MariaJotherJuliemmaLindsethMacSandersMellodyMKuliaNichaxelNichemmaNichuliaPrilliePriymkPruliaSammellaScamyScariyaScaryaxelScarymarySkatieSkellaSugella
poly EzekibridgeoffGwentodyGwuncneyJustnowenKastadiePriyzeelebRaynebowRodlygamySkavella
family AmmyChenzoDwayniorGwellaJaykeyKellorKemmaOwax
non-binary McLearry
friend Axis of EvilBowiemmaBowliaChrindsayFriendshipFinaleRajkateTeam E-ScopeThe Drama BrothersTrout Trio
cargo BetholeChizzaCocowenPolegettePoletherRobeatherTreelebZeestheticZoda
CHARACTERS male AlejandroBrickBowieCalebCameronCodyDamienDaveDuncanHaroldJustinMikeNoahOwenRodneyScottTrentTopherWayneZee
female AmyBethBlaineleyBridgetteCourtneyDawnEllaEmma (TD 2023)GwenHeatherIzzyJasmineJoJuliaLeshawnaLindsayMKNichellePriyaSameyScarlettScary GirlSierraSkyZoey