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Protag Gang is the poly ship between Makoto Naegi, Hajime Hinata, Komaru Naegi, Kaede Akamatsu, and Shuichi Saihara from the Danganronpa Fandom.


Not all of them have had canon interactions, but some of them do.

Makoto and Hajime didn't officially meet until the end of the second game. Makoto entered the Neo world program with Kyoko Kirigiri and Byakuya Togami, and helped them leave without being turned into the ultimate despair. In the Hope Arc, Hajime helped bring Ryota under control, along with the rest of his classmates. When getting ready to leave, they blinked at each other, as to signal a farewell.

Makoto and Komaru are siblings. They would always watch TV together and talk about manga. Komaru was chosen as one of Makoto's captives in their motive videos. At the beginning of the tragedy, they were separated, with Makoto being put into the killing game, and Komaru being imprisoned in Towa city. They made contact again in ultra despair girls, where they were relieved that the other was alive. Makoto was, however, disappointed that she would be staying in Towa City. Komaru contacts Makoto during the final killing game, and Makoto promises to pick her up after the battle ends, but he never told her this. After the battle, Komaru was seen helping build the rebuilt hope's peak academy.

Kaede and Shuichi met at the start of V3, with them both being shoved into lockers. Shuichi thought that Kaede was one of the people who kidnapped him, but Kaede told him to shut up, as they were both confused. They helped each other through the hallway, until they got to the gym where they met everyone else. After their "transformation", They woke up in lockers once again, though, this time, they had talents. They accompanied each other while meeting the other Ultimates, and soon, Shuichi told her about the door he discovered. They set up cameras with the help of Miu making them, and camped in the classroom where they met. When the buzzer went off, Kaede pushed a shot put ball down the vent, and rushed downstairs. In the first trial, Shuichi was devastated when he found out Kaede did it, and was hesitant to say so. He cried and blamed himself for Kaede's actions, even though she told him it wasn't his fault. At the start of Kaede's execution, Shuichi reached out to her, trying to save her. When he figured out Kaede Hadn't killed Rantaro, but instead had been framed, he was furious. He was horrified to see their audition videos.

In Ultimate Talent Development Plan, Makoto, Shuichi and Hajime had a discussion about gifts. Each of them prefer giving gifts rather than receiving them.


The ship sailed as a result of them all being the protagonists of Danganronpa. However, this excludes K1-B0, who is the Audience's protagonist. They are mainly shipped as friends—except for Shuichi and Kaede—or are shipped together as a joke. All of them have their other popular ships, like Naegiri and Naegami for Makoto, Komahina and Hinanami for Hajime, Tokomaru and Syomaru for Komaru, and alternate ships for Kaede and Shuichi, who are frequently shipped together, like Saiouma or Saimota for Shuichi, and Amamatsu, Irumatsu and Nursery Rhymes for Kaede.



Protag Gang posts on Tumblr


Fan Art[]

All art in this section is fan made, and must be sourced back to the original artist. It also must have permission from the original artist to be posted here. If your art is here without your permission and you wish to have it taken down, please inform an admin, so that we may delete it.


Hinaegi refers to the ship between Hajime and Makoto
Hinamatsu refers to the ship between Hajime and Kaede
Hinasai refers to the ship between Hajime and Shuichi
Kaemaru refers to the ship between Kaede and Komaru
Naegi Family refers to the ship between Komaru and Makoto
Nakaede refers to the ship between Kaede and Makoto
Saikoto refers to the ship between Makoto and Shuichi
Saimatsu refers to the ship between Kaede and Shuichi


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Danganronpa ShipsHet Danganronpa ShipsSlash Danganronpa ShipsFemslash Danganronpa ShipsPoly Danganronpa ShipsDanganronpa Characters
SHIPS het AkahoshiAkanidaiAmaizonoAmakawaAmamatsuAmanagaAmatojoAmumaAngomaAsakureBlack MetalCelesgamiCeleshiroCeloumaChabaharaChabatakaChiakiroChisukeChiTokoChizonoChoogamiDaisugiFujirumaGohiruGokuiruGokumatsuGokumenoGontenGunhiruHanakaneHarusakiHijirisanoHinabukiHinamikiHinanamiHinatsumiHinawariHinazumiIkuwadaIroumaIrumotaIrusoudaIshicelesIshikuroIshipekoJunkomaedaJunkoumaJunkozuruKaegamiKaimakiKaimatsuKamumatsuKamunamiKazukoiKiiedeKiinamiKiirumaKirugokuKirukiyoKiyotojoKoizuryuuKomamikiKomanamiKuzupekoLeobukiLeosayaLeosumiLudenkawaMakosyoMatsuShimaMimikiMitagiriMonisaMonocestMonoJunkoMonokumiNaecelesNaegiriNaehinaNaejunkoNaekawaNaekusabaNaezonoNakaedeNishichinoOuharuOumanamiOumatsuOumenoOumikiOunagaOwamikiOwatsuPekodamPekogamiPekohinaRanmikoRantenkoRanzumiRuruyoiSaigiriSaimakiSaimatsuSaimenoSaimugiSainagaSairumaSairumiSakumaruSakushiroSeiratiShingujicestShingutsugiShinnagaShiromadaShiromamiSondamSonjimeSoudabukiSoudaionjiSounamiSouniaSyogamiTananamiTenkoumaTerumiuTogafukaTogahinaTogiriTogojoTojoshiTojoumaTsuguujiTsumugonTwobukiTwokaneTwomikiYamacelesYasuKanonYutamaru
slash AmagujiAmamiiboAmasaiBaking SodaBitcoinBubblegum RockChifumiChileonChimondoCyberspaceDaigetsuDaiyakureDespair CompassGokumaruGokumotaGokuwadaGondhamGontaguujiGoshiHagakureonHifegoHijirigawaHinadamHinaegiHinidaiIshimondoKamukomaKemugisaKiiboumaKizajinKokichiroKomaegiKomagamiKomahinaKuzuhinaKuzukomaKuzusoudaLeogamiLeonaegiMasataroMatsukamuMitworaiMomoshiMondoleonMonogamiMonoSonicMonoTeddieMunasakaNaegamiNaehiroNaemondoNekodamNekomaedaOugokuOumaedaOumakuraOumamiOumoshiOumotaOwagamiRouletteSaigokuSaiiboSaimotaSaioumaSansmaedaShinoumaShinsaiSoudamSoudanidaiSoul FriendsSoumaedaSoutakaTerufumiTeruhinaTerunidaiTogakureTwogamiTwoteruVenkichi
femslash AkamenoAkanatsumiAntidepressantsAsakaneBand AidCelesayaCelesgiriCelesjunkoCelestojoClass ClownsDespaircestFukazonoHanezonoHarumenoHarupekoHarushiraHiyobukiIkuzonoIrumakiIrumatsuJunkanKaebukiKaemugiKirihinaKirinamiKirizonoKirukaedeKirumakiKirumugiMahpekoMahtoMikaneMukugiriMusic BookNanamikiNevermikiNursery RhymesPekobukiPekomikiPekoniaPekosabaPhoto AlbumPiano BuddiesPiano TilesSakuraoiSaramatsuSatosumiSayakaedeSayomatsuSeikanShironagaShironamiSnap ShotSoapiesSoniakaneSoniakiSoniyokoSyomaruSyoniaTenbukiTenkaedeTenkangieTenmikanTenmikoThe ArtsTokokuroTokomaruToxicandyTraining MontageTsumakiTsumionjiTsumoniaYonamatsuYonamenoYumenberg
non-binary MitworaiTwokaneTwobukiTwogamiTwomikiTwoteru
poly AkasaimotaAmanagamatsuAmasaimatsuAmasaioumatsuAmasaioumotaAmashinnagaAmashinsaiBubblegum Space RockChapter 3 CulpritsChisakuraoiChikuwadaChishimondoClass 74th TrioClass 76th TrioClass Trial RuinersDanganronpa HeroinesDouble DateKaeibuzonoKiibourumaKoizumikiodaKomahinadamKomahinanamiKuzuhinasoudaMakaemiuMitwomikiNaegamigiriNaegirizonoOumamimatsuOumamasaiPiano TrioProtag GangSaioumatsuSaioumotaSondhimeSonsoudamSurviving TrioStrawberry TrioTenkaemakiTraffic LightsTraining Trio
family Despair SistersDiamond BrothersFujisaki FamilyHagakure FamilyKirigiri FamilyMonocestMonokumiNaegi FamilyPartners in CrimeShinguji FamilyTowa Siblings
friend ChizoKomasugiTwilight Syndrome GirlsTokomaru FamilyUltimate ArtistsWarriors of Hope
cargo Akane x FoodAoi x DonutsChiaki x Video gamesHinata x Orange JuiceJunko x DespairKaede x PianoKirinoodleMondo ButterNagito x HopeSeesaw EffectYasuburger

Rantaro AmamiMasaru DaimonChihiro FujisakiGonta GokuharaYasuhiro HagakureTeruteru HanamuraHajime HinataKiyotaka IshimaruIzuru KamukuraJataro KemuriNagito KomaedaLeon KuwataFuyuhiko KuzuryuK1-B0Ryota MitaraiKaito MomotaMonokumaMakoto NaegiNekomaru NidaiKokichi OmaMondo OwadaShuichi SaiharaNagisa ShingetsuKorekiyo ShingujiKazuichi SodaGundham TanakaByakuya TogamiHifumi Yamada

female Kaede AkamatsuAoi AsahinaTenko ChabashiraJunko EnoshimaToko FukawaGenocide JackMaki HarukawaMukuro IkusabaMiu IrumaSeiko KimuraKyoko KirigiriMahiru KoizumiNatsumi KuzuryuCelestia LudenbergSayaka MaizonoIbuki MiodaKomaru NaegiChiaki NanamiSonia NevermindSakura OgamiAkane OwariPeko PekoyamaHiyoko SaionjiTsumugi ShiroganeKirumi TojoMonaca TowaMikan TsumikiKotoko UtsugiAngie YonagaHimiko Yumeno
unknown Ultimate Imposter