Shipping Wiki

Artwork: 1313Manip: 11Screenshots: 6161Sprite: 11
Friendship: 11Non-binary ships: 22Poly ships: 22

Raine Whispers is a character from the The Owl House fandom.


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With Men[]

Alaraine — the ship between Raine and Alador Blight
Dariraine — the ship between Raine and Darius Deamonne
Radrian — the ship between Raine and Adrian Graye Vernworth

With Women[]

CamilRaine — the ship between Raine and Camila Noceda
Raeda — the ship between Raine and Eda Clawthorne


Camilraeda — the ship between Raine, Camila Noceda and Eda Clawthorne
Raedius — the ship between Raine, Eda Clawthorne and Darius Deamonne


Bat Parent — the ship between Raine and Luz Noceda
BATTs — the ship between Raine, Katya, Derwin and Amber
Clawhispers — the ship between Raine, Eda Clawthorne and Lilith Clawthorne
Hagsquad — the ship between Raine, Eda Clawthorne, Alador Blight, Darius Deamonne, Lilith Clawthorne and Perry Porter
HATTs — the ship between Hunter, Darius Deamonne, Eberwolf and Raine Whispers
HuntRaine — the ship between Raine and Hunter
KingRaine — the ship between Raine and King Clawthorne
Railith — the ship between Raine and Lilith Clawthorne
Raine & Collector — the ship between Raine and the Collector
Rainmity — the ship between Raine and Amity Blight


Raine Whispers tag on AO3
Raine Whispers tag on Tumblr
Raine Whispers on The Owl House Wiki
Raine Whispers on Disney Wiki


# portmanteau characters type
4210 Raeda Eda Clawthorne non-binary
276 Bat Parent Luz Noceda gen
273 HuntRaine Hunter gen
162 Raine & Darius Darius Deamonne gen
156 Camilraeda Camila Noceda · Eda Clawthorne poly
120 Raine & Eda Eda Clawthorne gen
102 KingRaine King Clawthorne gen
98 Railith Lilith Clawthorne gen
93 HATTS Hunter, Darius Deamonne & Eberwolf gen
82 BATTS Amber, Derwin & Katya gen


The Owl House logo navbox
SHIPS het BellithBelomoraBrulithBrigusCamilosEvelebGoldenskarHuntarcyHuntashaHuntlowHuntmiraLudricLunterLusMysteryOwlOdaladorSkingVedricVeenterWillGus
slash AladariusGoldricGusterGustholomuleHootlingo
femslash AmillowBoschmityBoschlowCamilithClarVeeLumiraLumityLuzanneLuzarcyLuzMiraViniraWilluzWillVee
non-binary DariraineRaedaVeesha
poly CamilraedaEdhuntlowLavender WinterLumiterLuzblightsLuzWillGusRaediusWillumity
family BelonterBlight FamilyBlight SiblingsBlight TwinsCamilmomCaminterCamiluzClawthorne SistersDadladorDadriusEdakingLedakingOwl House FamilyOwl MomTitanlightsVeeLuzWittebane Brothers
friendships AladunterAmilithBat ParentBesties in TraumaBellectorBelLuzCamila & WillowCollectLuzCollectnelCollectKingCollector ClawthorneEdanterEdricdaEmerald TrioGusmityHexsquadHoolithHuntilithHuntjackHuntmoraOwluzRaven AuntStilith
cargo Snowdric
CHARACTERS female Amity BlightCamila NocedaEmira BlightEda ClawthorneLilith ClawthorneLuz NocedaVeeWillow Park
male Alador BlightEdric BlightEmperor BelosHunterKing ClawthorneGus Porter
non-binary The CollectorRaine Whispers