Rajkate is the friendship between MK and Raj from the Total Drama fandom.
MK and Raj are not very good friends in Total Drama Island Reloaded. In “Meet the Victims”, Raj agrees with Wayne’s comment that their team had some “hotties”: meaning he may think of MK as decently attractive. MK and Raj work together for the challenge. MK is in disbelief when Wayne mentions he’s a piggyback champ, before Raj explains it to her.

”Go, Snow Owls!”
In “Pirates of the Cabbage’an”, MK tries saying hockey and sailing aren’t really the same thing after Wayne compares them, right before Raj crouches down to her level, enthusiastically shouting his hockey team’s slogan. MK watches with a surprised stare as the Hockey Bros show their team spirit. Raj and MK are tasked with grabbing cabbages from below deck. Raj calls for MK to follow him, and she walks behind slowly and appears to be somewhat dissatisfied with the idea of working with Raj. As Raj announces he’s back with more “leafy balls” from the “boat basement”, MK gives him a confused glare. Despite her lack of patience with the duo, MK appears to be impressed after Raj and Wayne win the challenge for their team, and she worked decently well with Raj in the challenge. In “Drown Town Abbey”, Raj and Wayne try to get their teammates to grab a knee, and MK says they’re not doing that. Raj and Wayne agree that there’s no “we” in “team”, as that would make it “tweam”, and no one says that. Raj and Wayne get distracted talking to MK, and Emma has to pick the order in which the team does the course, with Raj and MK being the first two. Raj and MK high five each other before MK starts the course, and as Raj comes back with his number. As Nichelle struggles, Raj and Wayne express that they’re confident she can make it. MK replies, not as sure about it as they are. At the elimination ceremony, Raj glares at MK for her poor team spirit and sarcastic comments.

Raj points at MK.
At the start of “Numbskull Island”, Raj and Wayne are reflecting on the events of the previous episode and Nichelle’s elimination. MK explains to the hockey bros how not everything on TV is real, causing them to question if they’re real. In the Confessional, MK talks about how she enjoys messing with minds, but some minds mess with themselves. As Raj and Wayne tell everyone their plan, MK is confused, not understanding any of what they said. When Raj and Wayne need a decoy to distract Scary Girl, they decide to choose MK, and she refuses, saying “No thanks, jockstrap!” Unfortunately for her, she had no choice in the matter and her disappearance from the challenge lowers Wayne and Raj's opinion on her, as neither knew that she was working the shields. When Raj and Wayne explain they couldn’t find their lucky beards in “The Launchback of Norte Game”, MK glares at them, and sarcastically says “However shall we win without them?” Raj takes this as sincerity, saying he doesn’t know. In the confessional MK reveals that she stole their beards and is planning to auction them off on her website called “Things Total Drama Island Contestants Used to Own”. Raj voted for MK at the elimination ceremony.
MK and Raj are once again on the same team for the second half of the reboot. In “You Poor Saps”, MK forces the Hockey Bros to join her and Julia in cheating. This causes Raj and Wayne to cry. MK does not express any concern when Bowie points out how heartbroken Raj and Wayne look. In “Choosin' For a Bruisin'”, Raj is relieved to see Bowie and MK pick different answers during the challenge, as this assures him that they couldn’t be cheating.
However, their conflict becomes fully mutual in “Ice to Beat You”. Raj compliments MK’s fake mustache upon seeing her arrive in the cabin at the start of the episode. Early into the challenge, MK presents the Hockey Bros with ice skates to distract them from the fact that they’re still cheating, and she gives them a fake apology. However, she immediately regrets this decision as the Hockey Bros thank her with an extra tight hug while thanking her, thinking of this as the “best day ever.” Raj is infuriated after realizing that their teammates are cheating, and he threatens to tell Chris about it. The Hockey Bros engage in a snowball fight with Julia and MK.
In “Canoe Believe It?” Raj voted for MK in attempts to save Bowie. Upon seeing MK trying to climb onto the barge in “Fun Fight at the O’Cake Corral”, he throws a sack at her, knocking her into the water again. Raj likely voted MK off in “Breaking Up is Hard to Do”.
Although there is limited - if any at all - positive interaction between MK and Raj, members of the Total Drama reboot fandom often view and portray the two as sibling-esque or friendly with each other. This friendship is a foil to the friendship Bowlia, and has a few fanfics on AO3.
- They’re eliminated back-to-back in Total Drama Island (2023).