Shipping Wiki

Artwork: 5555Manips: 66Screenshots: 44Sprites: 22Stills: 33
Slash ships: 66Het ships: 1010Poly ships: 88

Rantaro Amami is a character from the Danganronpa fandom.


Rantaro Amami was a character featured in New Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony, and participated in the Killing School Semester under the title of the Ultimate ???.

Going alone to the library to access the mastermind's secret passage, Rantaro became the first victim of the killing game

Only after Rantaro's death is his true talent revealed: being both the Ultimate Adventurer and the Ultimate Survivor. This second title was awarded to him after his survival of the killing game before the Killing School Semester featured in V3.



Amaizono — the ship between Rantaro and Sayaka Maizono
Amakawa — the ship between Rantaro and Maki Harukawa
Amamatsu — the ship between Rantaro and Kaede Akamatsu
Amanaga — the ship between Rantaro and Angie Yonaga
Amojo — the ship between Rantaro and Kirumi Tojo
Amuma — the ship between Rantaro and Miu Iruma
Ikumami — the ship between Rantaro and Mukuro Ikusaba
Kyokami — the ship between Rantaro and Kyoko Kirigiri
Maminami — the ship between Rantaro and Chiaki Nanami
Ranmiko — the ship between Rantaro and Himiko Yumeno
Ranpeko — the ship between Rantaro and Peko Pekoyama
Rantenko — the ship between Rantaro and Tenko Chabashira
Rantoko — the ship between Rantaro and Toko Fukawa
Ranzumi — the ship between Rantaro and Mahiru Koizumi
Shiromami — the ship between Rantaro and Tsumugi Shirogane
Sonmami — the ship between Rantaro and Sonia Nevermind


Amaguji — the ship between Rantaro and Korekiyo Shinguji
Amamiibo — the ship between Rantaro and K1-B0
Amamota — the ship between Rantaro and Kaito Momota
Amasai — the ship between Rantaro and Shuichi Saihara
Hoshimami — the ship between Rantaro and Ryoma Hoshi
Kuwamami — the ship between Rantaro and Leon Kuwata
Oumami — the ship between Rantaro and Kokichi Oma
Soumami — the ship between Rantaro and Kazuichi Soda
Togamami — the ship between Rantaro and Byakuya Togami


Amanagamatsu — the ship between Rantaro, Angie Yonaga, and Kaede Akamatsu
Amasaiibouma — the ship between Rantaro, K1-B0, Kokichi Oma, and Shuichi Saihara
Amasaimatsu — the ship between Rantaro, Kaede Akamatsu, and Shuichi Saihara
Amasaioumatsu — the ship between Rantaro, Kaede Akamatsu, Kokichi Oma, and Shuichi Saihara
Amasaioumota — the ship between Rantaro, Kaito Momota, Kokichi Oma, and Shuichi Saihara
Amashinnaga — the ship between Rantaro, Angie Yonaga, and Korekiyo Shinguji
Amashinsai — the ship between Rantaro, Korekiyo Shinguji, and Shuichi Saihara
Amatojoguji — the ship between Rantaro, Korekiyo Shinguji and Kirumi Tojo
Irumamatsu — the ship between Rantaro, Kaede Akamatsu, and Miu Iruma
Oumamasai — the ship between Rantaro, Kokichi Oma, and Shuichi Saihara
Tenkoumami — the ship between Rantaro, Kokichi Oma, and Tenko Chabashira


Avocado Hair — the ship between Rantaro and a Avocado
Rantaro x Chair — the ship between Rantaro and a chair


Shuichi Saihara
Main article: Amasai
Kokichi Oma
Main article: Oumami


Amami Rantaro tag on AO3
Rantaro Amami stories on Wattpad
Amami Rantaro stories on Wattpad
Rantaro Amami tag on DeviantArt
Amami Rantaro tag on DeviantArt
Rantaro Amami hashtag on Instagram
Amami Rantaro hashtag on Instagram
Rantaro Amami tag on Pixiv
Rantaro Amami tag on Tumblr
Amami Rantaro tag on Tumblr
Rantaro Amami on Danganronpa Wiki
Rantaro Amami on Heroes Wiki
Rantaro Amami on Fanlore


# portmanteau characters type
800 Amasai Shuichi Saihara slash
652 Oumami Kokichi Oma slash
545 Amaguji Korekiyo Shinguji slash
446 Amamatsu Kaede Akamatsu het
231 Amamota Kaito Momota slash
149 Amamiibo K1-B0 slash
124 Amojo Kirumi Tojo het
89 Rantenko Tenko Chabashira het
80 Shiromami Tsumugi Shirogane het
80 Oumamasai Kokichi OmaShuichi Saihara poly


  • Rantaro is one of the only two people to die before seeing their Research Lab, the other being Kokichi Oma.
  • Before each class trial in both Danganronpa 2 and Danganronpa V3, a set of images featuring the faces of all the students are shown, and as each chapter progresses the characters that died have their images turned red. Unlike the victim of the first chapter of Danganronpa 2, Rantaro never appears in these pre-Class Trial images in Danganronpa V3.
  • In a poll hosted by MyNavi, fans voted Rantaro the 6th most popular Danganronpa V3 student.
  • Japanese gaming magazine Dengeki from April 27th, 2017 to May 22nd, 2017 held two popularity polls, one that was voted electronically and the other via post cards. Rantaro was voted the 6th most popular student in the electronic poll, and 13th through post cards.
  • Rantaro's English voice actor, Johnny Yong Bosch, also provides the voices of Hajime Hinata and Izuru Kamukura in Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair.


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Danganronpa ShipsHet Danganronpa ShipsSlash Danganronpa ShipsFemslash Danganronpa ShipsPoly Danganronpa ShipsDanganronpa Characters
SHIPS het AkahoshiAkanidaiAmaizonoAmakawaAmamatsuAmanagaAmatojoAmumaAngomaAsakureBlack MetalCelesgamiCeleshiroCeloumaChabaharaChabatakaChiakiroChisukeChiTokoChizonoChoogamiDaisugiFujirumaGohiruGokuiruGokumatsuGokumenoGontenGunhiruHanakaneHarusakiHijirisanoHinabukiHinamikiHinanamiHinatsumiHinawariHinazumiIkuwadaIroumaIrumotaIrusoudaIshicelesIshikuroIshipekoJunkomaedaJunkoumaJunkozuruKaegamiKaimakiKaimatsuKamumatsuKamunamiKazukoiKiiedeKiinamiKiirumaKirugokuKirukiyoKiyotojoKoizuryuuKomamikiKomanamiKuzupekoLeobukiLeosayaLeosumiLudenkawaMakosyoMatsuShimaMimikiMitagiriMonisaMonocestMonoJunkoMonokumiNaecelesNaegiriNaehinaNaejunkoNaekawaNaekusabaNaezonoNakaedeNishichinoOuharuOumanamiOumatsuOumenoOumikiOunagaOwamikiOwatsuPekodamPekogamiPekohinaRanmikoRantenkoRanzumiRuruyoiSaigiriSaimakiSaimatsuSaimenoSaimugiSainagaSairumaSairumiSakumaruSakushiroSeiratiShingujicestShingutsugiShinnagaShiromadaShiromamiSondamSonjimeSoudabukiSoudaionjiSounamiSouniaSyogamiTananamiTenkoumaTerumiuTogafukaTogahinaTogiriTogojoTojoshiTojoumaTsuguujiTsumugonTwobukiTwokaneTwomikiYamacelesYasuKanonYutamaru
slash AmagujiAmamiiboAmasaiBaking SodaBitcoinBubblegum RockChifumiChileonChimondoCyberspaceDaigetsuDaiyakureDespair CompassGokumaruGokumotaGokuwadaGondhamGontaguujiGoshiHagakureonHifegoHijirigawaHinadamHinaegiHinidaiIshimondoKamukomaKemugisaKiiboumaKizajinKokichiroKomaegiKomagamiKomahinaKuzuhinaKuzukomaKuzusoudaLeogamiLeonaegiMasataroMatsukamuMitworaiMomoshiMondoleonMonogamiMonoSonicMonoTeddieMunasakaNaegamiNaehiroNaemondoNekodamNekomaedaOugokuOumaedaOumakuraOumamiOumoshiOumotaOwagamiRouletteSaigokuSaiiboSaimotaSaioumaSansmaedaShinoumaShinsaiSoudamSoudanidaiSoul FriendsSoumaedaSoutakaTerufumiTeruhinaTerunidaiTogakureTwogamiTwoteruVenkichi
femslash AkamenoAkanatsumiAntidepressantsAsakaneBand AidCelesayaCelesgiriCelesjunkoCelestojoClass ClownsDespaircestFukazonoHanezonoHarumenoHarupekoHarushiraHiyobukiIkuzonoIrumakiIrumatsuJunkanKaebukiKaemugiKirihinaKirinamiKirizonoKirukaedeKirumakiKirumugiMahpekoMahtoMikaneMukugiriMusic BookNanamikiNevermikiNursery RhymesPekobukiPekomikiPekoniaPekosabaPhoto AlbumPiano BuddiesPiano TilesSakuraoiSaramatsuSatosumiSayakaedeSayomatsuSeikanShironagaShironamiSnap ShotSoapiesSoniakaneSoniakiSoniyokoSyomaruSyoniaTenbukiTenkaedeTenkangieTenmikanTenmikoThe ArtsTokokuroTokomaruToxicandyTraining MontageTsumakiTsumionjiTsumoniaYonamatsuYonamenoYumenberg
non-binary MitworaiTwokaneTwobukiTwogamiTwomikiTwoteru
poly AkasaimotaAmanagamatsuAmasaimatsuAmasaioumatsuAmasaioumotaAmashinnagaAmashinsaiBubblegum Space RockChapter 3 CulpritsChisakuraoiChikuwadaChishimondoClass 74th TrioClass 76th TrioClass Trial RuinersDanganronpa HeroinesDouble DateKaeibuzonoKiibourumaKoizumikiodaKomahinadamKomahinanamiKuzuhinasoudaMakaemiuMitwomikiNaegamigiriNaegirizonoOumamimatsuOumamasaiPiano TrioProtag GangSaioumatsuSaioumotaSondhimeSonsoudamSurviving TrioStrawberry TrioTenkaemakiTraffic LightsTraining Trio
family Despair SistersDiamond BrothersFujisaki FamilyHagakure FamilyKirigiri FamilyMonocestMonokumiNaegi FamilyPartners in CrimeShinguji FamilyTowa Siblings
friend ChizoKomasugiTwilight Syndrome GirlsTokomaru FamilyUltimate ArtistsWarriors of Hope
cargo Akane x FoodAoi x DonutsChiaki x Video gamesHinata x Orange JuiceJunko x DespairKaede x PianoKirinoodleMondo ButterNagito x HopeSeesaw EffectYasuburger

Rantaro AmamiMasaru DaimonChihiro FujisakiGonta GokuharaYasuhiro HagakureTeruteru HanamuraHajime HinataKiyotaka IshimaruIzuru KamukuraJataro KemuriNagito KomaedaLeon KuwataFuyuhiko KuzuryuK1-B0Ryota MitaraiKaito MomotaMonokumaMakoto NaegiNekomaru NidaiKokichi OmaMondo OwadaShuichi SaiharaNagisa ShingetsuKorekiyo ShingujiKazuichi SodaGundham TanakaByakuya TogamiHifumi Yamada

female Kaede AkamatsuAoi AsahinaTenko ChabashiraJunko EnoshimaToko FukawaGenocide JackMaki HarukawaMukuro IkusabaMiu IrumaSeiko KimuraKyoko KirigiriMahiru KoizumiNatsumi KuzuryuCelestia LudenbergSayaka MaizonoIbuki MiodaKomaru NaegiChiaki NanamiSonia NevermindSakura OgamiAkane OwariPeko PekoyamaHiyoko SaionjiTsumugi ShiroganeKirumi TojoMonaca TowaMikan TsumikiKotoko UtsugiAngie YonagaHimiko Yumeno
unknown Ultimate Imposter