Shipping Wiki

Red Velvet is the femslash ship between Ruby Rose and Velvet Scarlatina from the RWBY fandom.


Ruby and Velvet first were seen together in volume 2 when went to see if she was ok. The two appear to be on friendly terms as they were seen talking to each other in volume 3. The two strike up a conversation about Velvet's photography and Ruby nervously tells her she is getting better. This might imply that the two might have talked about this before. The two also sat next to each other in the vytal festival tournament. It is also revealed in the after the fall novel that Velvet saw Qrow bring an unconscious Ruby into an medical aircraft.

Velvet then tried to comfort Ruby after what had happened to Yang in the aftermath of her match with Mercury. The two appear close in rwby chibi aswell. In rwby chibi volume 2 episode 4 Velvet is seen taking a bunch of pictures of ruby's weapon and making hard light dust copies of it. Ruby is enamoured with the pictures Velvet takes. She is then later seen angry at Ruby when she blew a high pitched whistle and responds "Not cool".

Velvet is then later seen hanging out with Ruby and her sister and then later the two are seen sitting next to a pool near each other. Near the end of volume 3 we see Velvet use a hard light dust copy of Ruby's weapon to defeat an atlesian paladdin. In the After the fall novel it is revealed that Velvet and her team had helped Ruby and her team set up the decorations for the Beacon prom. It is also revealed that Velvet was worried at one point for Ruby and her team. They are then later seen hanging out in the episode where everyone goes to the movies.


Red Velvet is a rarepair in the RWBY fandom, mostly because the barely spoke to each other in the actual series. Fans of the ship are often drawn to their similar natures, both being the kind, shy types. Ruby also appears to be the person in team rwby that Velvet is closest to as she's the one whose spoken to Velvet the most. Fans are hoping that they will meet again in volume 10. Fans were also greatful for the copious amounts of scenes between them in rwby chibi. It has a small fanbase on tumblr.



Red Velvet posts on Tumblr
Ruby x Velvet tag on Tumblr


  • "Red Velvet" comes from Velvet's name and Ruby's main theme color being red.



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