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ReiJean is the slash ship between Reiner Braun and Jean Kirstein from the Attack on Titan fandom.


Reiner and Jean both came from the same division and both ranked in the top ten, and Jean looked up to Reiner and thought of him as a comrade.

During the Female Titan arc, the two worked together in an attempt to defeat the Female Titan, and Jean was in shock when he was crushed, although Reiner successfully got out. Then, Jean mentioned how amazing Reiner was and how he's clearly better than the rest of them, apart from Mikasa.

After Reiner reveals his identity and was exposed as a warrior from Marley, Jean felt a great amount of hatred for Reiner, and took no hesitation into killing him. He yelled at Connie and Sasha for crying upon trying to end his life.

In 854, Reiner and Jean meet again and become allies, but still have a tense relationship. When Yelena mentions Marco's death, Reiner takes the blame and explains what happened to Marco, and tells Jean his last words. Jean, angered, punches Reiner in the face and beats him up only to be stopped by Gabi, who protects Reiner by taking Jean's kick. Then, Jean is willing to ally with Reiner, although he still does not forgive him and does not apologize for punching him.

Going onto Eren's Founding Titan, they work together as a team to defeat the multiple Titans. At some point, Jean and Reiner's ODM gear breaks and Jean has to help Reiner up so he doesn't fall. Reiner then suggests him to transform, to which Jean replies that they'll get crushed by the Rumbling, and continues by saying that for the Armored Titan, he gets broken to pieces too often. Reiner asks if they can win this, and Jean says that the Survey Corps don't know how to give up. Later, Annie saves the scouts with Falco's Jaw Titan.

Jean blows Eren's neck with explosives that Pieck put, although a sort of centipede emerges from the Founding Titan's nape, which aims for Eren's head. Reiner stops it, and helps the others go away. They then go back to Fort Salta, where Falco, Gabi and many other people reunite with their families. Jean is relieved to see that Reiner is still alive, but is soon in stress when the centipede creates smoke that turns Subjects of Ymir into Pure Titans. After Jean turns into one, he aims for Reiner's nape, which leaves him in dire state. Then, Eren is killed which leaves everybody turned back into humans, and makes the Power of Titans erased from the world. Reiner can be seen kneeling next to Jean, happy to see him alive.

When everybody is on their way to Paradis, Reiner comments on Historia's handwriting and says it even smells good, to which Jean says that he shouldn't be lusting over a married woman. Pieck asks Jean what he's doing with his hair, and Jean says that it's for the schoolgirls who open their history textbooks, and Reiner retorts by saying, "Don't you mean a field guide to horses?". Jean responds and says that it's a shame he's got a new lease on life.


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ReiJean isn't seen as very popular throughout the community, and have a lack of works on AO3. It's somewhat popular but it currently rivals ReiBert and JeanMarco, which are the most popular ships for the two.


Reiner/Jean tag on AO3
Reiner & Jean tag on AO3
ReiJean posts on Tumblr




Official Art[]


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Attack on Titan ShipsAttack on Titan Characters
SHIPS het AruAniAruHitchAruKuriAruMikaAurEtraBeruAnnieEreAnnieEreHisuEreLenaEreMikaErePetoEreSashaFalGabiFarIsaFarmHisuHitLoweJeanKasaJeanPikuJikuPikuLeoRinaMikaBertMikaFlochMikeNanaNiccosashaPokkoPikuReiAnnieReiKasaReiKuriRivetraSpringlesUdoFiaZekeLena
slash EreConEreJeanEreMarcoEreMinEreReiEreriEruMikeEruNileEruRiFlarminFlerenFloJeanGalliReiJeanConJeanMarcoJeArminKenUriLeviFarMagaKisuMarFuroReiBertReiConReiJeanRivaKopon
femslash AniCarlyGabFiaHitchAnnieMikAnnieMikaHisuMikaSashaMikaYumiNifEtraPikulenaSashaKuriYumiHisuYumiSasha
non-binary EreHanEruHanKisuHanLeviHanMagaHanMikaHanMobuHanOnyaHanPikuHan
friendship BeruYumiEreGabiEren x Ymir FritzEreYumiFalrenGabiPikuGabviJeanGabiLevIsaLokasaReiYumiSquad LeviThug TrioTitan ShiftersYumiCon
family FurHisuKenRiRivaMikaZekEren
poly AruHitchAniClub Good TasteEreHisuFlochEreJeanKasaEreJeArminEreMikaAruEruRiHanEruRiMikeJeanSashConReiBertAniYumiHisuMikaYumiSashaKuri
cargo ArminOceanEren x FreedomErwinBasementHanTanSasha x Potato-kunScarfKasa
CHARACTERS men Armin ArlertBertolt HooverConnie SpringerEren JaegerErwin SmithFloch ForsterJean KirsteinLevi AckermanReiner Braun
women Annie LeonhartGabi BraunHistoria ReissMikasa AckermanPetra RalPieck FingerSasha BrausYmir
non-binary Hange Zoë