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RiddyCaeneus is the het ship between Eurydice and Caeneus from the Kaos fandom.


Riddy was just about to leave her husband Orpheus after falling out of love with him when a truck suddenly hit her and killed her instantly, she was initially reluctant to accept her death and didn't quite process it when arriving at Asphodel to be registered, there she is approached by a group of handlers using three-headed dogs to sniff out the new arrivals. A handler named Caeneus notices that his dog Fotis took an interest in and started barking at Riddy, though she doesn't find out why until later. Riddy is informed that she's among the "unsorted", people who were buried or cremated without coins in their mouth, to her dismay, this means that she can't be "renewed" by going through "The Frame" to pass on to her next life. Instead, she would have to work to earn a renewal for 200 years, but Riddy refuses to accept this and tries to go through the Frame anyway. Caeneus, now working as a "diver" for souls about to be renewed against his will, saw her struggle and approached her, revealing that he wasn't buried with a coin either. Riddy guesses that her husband has her coin, Caeneus responds that he suspects his mother has his. Caeneus hopes he made Riddy feel better since she didn't have to suffer alone, but Riddy tells him that she doesn't feel better at all, Caeneus reassures her that it gets easier over time.

When looking for his dog after being forced to separate from him due to being transferred to his new diver job, Caeneus stumbles across Nax, another soul who had been recently executed for blasphemy. From the panicked responses of Nax as Caeneus tries to calm him down, he finds out that Nax had already been through the Frame but it had no effect on him, but Nax disappears when Caeneus tries to call attention to this. When eating lunch with the other divers, Caeneus is surprised to see Riddy joining them in a diver's uniform, she reveals that she willingly chose to become one, figuring that she should at least help others get through the Frame if she can't get through herself. The two of them, alongside new diver Prue and veteran diver Adrian start to bond over their routine, having to eat and sleep despite being dead, with Prue inviting Caeneus and Riddy to a party so new divers could get to know each other. Later, when Caeneus and Riddy get back to work, they sit on shore watching the souls swim towards the frame and reveal how they died, Caeneus tells her that he died young at twenty, but should be forty if you count the time he had spent in the Underworld. However, they are approached by Hippolyta II wanting to enter the Frame herself, she was the woman who killed Caeneus and now rubs it into his face. Later during break, Riddy laments to Caeneus that she felt trapped in her marriage to Orpheus, feeling that she didn't do anything with her life while she had it, but Caeneus tells her that he used to be an Amazon. Riddy wonders how that could be, since she knows that Amazons exile boys once they become eleven, but Caeneus reveals that he wasn't "officially" a boy until he was fifteen. Riddy changes the topic to discuss how dating works in the Underworld and the two of them are just about to become closer to oneanother until being interrupted by Nax screaming for help. Going to a hidden area to investigate the source of Nax's screams, they find a strange void filled with statues. To their horror, they recognize the faces of the souls they had watched go through the Frame, wondering how they got petrified.

However, when they finally find Nax, they witness Hades approaching him reluctantly. As they watch Hades touch foreheads with Nax, they see how a white glow from Hades' forehead seems to drain Nax from his lifeforce until he too his petrified just like most of those who reside there. Both Caeneus and Riddy are horrified by what they have seen, but Riddy especially fell unconscious from shock, leading to Caeneus having to carry her out without being spotted by Hades.

The next day, the two of them meet again to confirm that they couldn't get much sleep after the living nightmare they both lived through the day before. When Caeneus inquires why Riddy fainted, Riddy explains that she could somehow feel Nax's pain. She figures that, since she resented the gods for forcing her mother to cut her tongue out to become one of Hera's priestesses, that the petrification is meant to be a punishment for people who were just as blasphemous as her. But Caeneus tells her that her theory doesn't make sense to him, he was murdered for being deemed a "blasphemer", yet didn't feel any pain when he and Riddy witnessed the same thing. When recounting that Hippolyta told him that his mother betrayed him for the gods, despite his mother being nothing but supportive for Caeneus becoming the man he wanted to be, he tells Riddy that he shares her disdain for the gods. The two then share a kiss as they realize the depth of their feelings for each other. After sleeping with each other, Riddy wanted to know about Caeneus' prophecy. When Caeneus reveals it to be "A line appears, the order wanes; The Family falls and Kaos reigns" he didn't put much more thought into it than he ever did, but Riddy is speechless for a moment, as she had the exact same prophecy. Riddy then starts to suspect that souls don't got "renewed", all of the ones who go through the Frame are drained to end up in the "Nothing" for all eternity.

When the other divers find Caeneus in Riddy's room, they correctly deduce that they're an item, with the nosy Prue reminding Riddy that she's married. Riddy retorts that she's dead, so her marriage was annulled anyway, but things get more complicated when Orpheus arrives in Asphodel to "save" Riddy, with Adrian and Prue leading him right to her. Riddy gently tells Orpheus that she doesn't want to go back, she had made friends and would prefer staying with them and Caeneus over returning to an aimless existence. However, Medusa sorts the issue out by telling Riddy that she had been waiting for the opportunity to bring her back to life, interpreting Riddy and Caeneus' shared prophecy as a sign that they are destined to herald the fall of the gods. Though Caeneus is clearly hurt by this, he nonetheless accepts Riddy's fate of being the first person to be brought back to life and tries to encourage her to go with Orpheus. However, when Medusa escorts Orpheus to Hades to discuss this, Hades gives him a firm "no" as convincing him is the last hurdle, to general disappointment. Though Hades agrees that the Frame and the Nothing need to be abolished, Persephone is disappointed in her husband for refusing to take an obvious route to give Zeus a sign of rebellion, but Hades shoots that down by claiming that "some things need to stay sacred". So Persephone risks it all by overruling her husband's choice and sending Orpheus and Riddy back when Hades is out of office to prove that he can restore the souls himself.

Meanwhile, Caeneus is desperate to do something to help, discussing with Medusa to alert the other divers and souls that the Frame is nothing but a sham. But Medusa advices against doing that, telling him that Riddy was destined to fulfill her part of the prophecy and Caeneus should accept his part of the deal and remain silent. While Riddy is following Orpheus back to Earth, they discuss Caeneus. Orpheus dismisses why Riddy would like a "baby-face" like him, but Riddy reveals that she doesn't just "like" Caeneus, but has fallen in love with him. She also uses this opportunity to let him have it for wanting to drag her back to a relationship that wasn't love anymore, Orpheus made himself dependent on her and didn't realize it. Orpheus actually understands her now and they both decide that it's for the best to go through with going back to Earth, maybe having a chance to start their relationship all over again would be just what they need. When going back to his diving job, Caeneus goes against Medusa's advice as tries to spread the word, but is dismissed by the other divers and ignored by the souls. However, one soul defends him, the soul of his mother Myrina who had died that day. Caeneus accuses her of betraying him, but Myrina tells him that she only led the Amazons to him because she knew that he needed to fulfill his part of the prophecy. When Myrina insists on going through the Frame with Caeneus despite him trying to warn her about the danger, the other divers are stunned to witness Caeneus actually reaching the water to try save his mother. However, just as Caeneus manages to hold onto her, they both get pulled inside and petrified. Back on Earth, Riddy gently refuses Orpheus offer to come home with him, sincerely thanking him for bringing her back to life and believing it's for the best to part ways from now on. However, on her way, she runs into Cassandra again and asks her why she didn't try to warn her about her death. Cassandra reveals that that was part of the prophecy as well, Riddy was destined to save the living from the gods, Caeneus was destined to save the dead. Hades bears witness to not only Caeneus breaking free from the draining by himself, but restoring his mother as well after Hades failed.


RiddyCaeneus is the main ship of the Kaos fandom. Though many were expecting to go into the series shipping Orphydice, many viewers were fine with the series subverting the old myths and actually giving Eurydice/Riddy some agency and development in getting to figure out who she is outside of her marriage to Orpheus. Many have also noted that the parallels of Riddy's aimlessness compared to Caeneus quite literally shaping himself into the person he always wanted to be makes for quite the compelling dynamic. Naturally, the LGBT fanbase loves how the most healthy heterosexual relationship in the series has one half of it just happens to be trans. Many fix fics have been written about Riddy and Caeneus finding each other again after Olympus has fallen.


Caeneus/Riddy tag on AO3
Caendy tag on Tumblr
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Eurydice x Caeneus tag on Tumblr
Caeneus x Eurydice tag on Tumblr
Riddy x Caeneus tag on Tumblr
Caeneus x Riddy tag on Tumblr
RiddyCaeneus hashtag on Twitter

