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Rigrett is the femslash ship between Riya Sharma and Grett Clark from the Disventure Camp fandom.



Rigrett Yellow Team

Yellow Team

Their first interaction is inside the airplane, when Grett and Yul arrive together, and to prove they were a couple, they kiss in front of everyone. Yul claims that Grett was his girlfriend, to which Riya mocks this fact while questioning if he wasn't gay, and Grett replies that they were all wrong. They're the two first to complain about Kristal's conditions for the first challenge, and while Riya didn't agree on having her electronic device prohibited, Grett asks why she didn't tell them about this before. The two are then revealed to be teammates during the parachute team color reveal.

Rigrett slap

Looking at each other

In the third challenge, Grett pairs Riya and Connor together to seek clues about the treasure chest. When their team reaches second place, Riya complains that it was the second time it happened, and Yul is the one to beef with Riya about this, mutually blaming each other. Yul then turns to Grett because, according to him, someone needs to slap Riya upside the head, and he pushes Grett to Riya. The two look at each other in surprise.

In the fourth episode, Alec forms the Villains Alliance, with the members being Riya, Grett, Yul, Ellie, Fiore, and, of course, himself. Although most were against it, especially Yul, who didn't want to ally with the Bollywood reject (Riya), this latter reasoned that if he was smart, he would jump at the chance to work with her. Grett agrees with Riya, since, as she told her followers, teamwork makes the dream work. Riya and Grett agree on joining in back-to-back cases. During the challenge, Riya manages to get her team a point by throwing Ellie sand on her face, and when Kristal allows this win, Grett says, 'Smashing!' while smiling mischievously.

In the fifth episode, the two are seen standing next to each other after their team arrives for the next challenge, right when Kristal reveals Miriam was the next eliminated.

Rigrett song

Riya asking Alec if he could write the song

On episode 6, prior to the musical challenge, the Yellow Team organized their members, respectively, to cooperate on each part of the performance. Grett looks at Riya when this latter asks Alec if he could write the song, and also when she says she'll be the wardrobe and set designer. Right before their turn, Riya finishes fixing a light, and Alec compliments her work, whereas Grett nervously says that it had quite a lot of lights and worriedly asks if it wouldn't overload; however, Riya responds that everyone was impossible to please, being confident in what she was doing.

Rigrett lights

Grett looks at Riya fixing a light

However, the performance goes horribly wrong as the lights suddenly sparkle on Riya, Grett, and Yul, and one of the lamps suddenly falls on Yul's feet, to which Connor hurries everyone off the scene. In the confessional, Riya says that she may have overestimated her abilities a little, but she still had the Villains Alliance with Alec, Grett, and Yul. When Alec and Riya are left alone, they discuss whether to vote for Connor or not, and Riya says that Connor was far more trustworthy than Yul or Grett.

In episode 7, Grett asks Riya and Alec if either of them had seen Yul, to which the woman replies that he went for a walk. In 'Give Me Some Space!', Riya leads the Yellow Team, assuring her she knows what she's doing, but Grett reminds her that last time she said that, they had lost the challenge.

In episode 9, as Grett, Alec, and Riya are relaxing at the beach, Grett suggests that Hawaii was a great retirement idea and adds that she never saw the appeal until now. The actress says in relief that she hasn't felt this good since. When Yul manages to get Grett out of the lounge chair and also begins to verbally mistreat her, Riya has enough of him and hits him with her coconut as she tells the other woman, "Come on, Grett!" The two leave the beach. When they're alone, Grett thanks Riya for her help, but the actress interrupts her by calling Grett a "real disappointment," which perplexes Grett. Riya tries to encourage her by telling her to have some backbone and put [Yul] in his place, asking why she was allowing him to walk all over her, but Grett says she doesn't want to fight him, unsure of what will happen if he leaves her. Riya just asks Grett what's wrong with being single, to which Grett responds that she doesn't want to be alone; nevertheless, Riya counters by asserting that she can't have men like that holding her back. When Grett admits Yul is all she has, Riya wonders what happened to her, revealing that she used to look up to her when she watched season 1, stating that she "didn't take a shit from anyone," and telling Grett to look at herself, labeling her as "just another scared, wounded gazelle." Grett admits to not being as intense when the cameras were off and that she had adopted a defensive attitude to protect herself. Riya inquires as to what she is protecting herself from, and she says, "from my own failures catching up to me." Riya can't believe Grett said such a thing, asking her to look at herself, but Grett explains that ever since season 1 ended, she felt like she was living a lie, selling products she never wanted, making friends who don't even remember her name, and claiming she can't tell who she is anymore by looking in the mirror, until she met Yul, and Riya, surprised to know that Yul made her feel she didn't need to be something she wasn't, calls her "truly hopeless." To make things simpler for Grett, the next time Yul speaks to her, such as on the beach, she threatens to say anything herself if Grett does not comply and assures her that she won't go easy.

In the confessional, Grett wonders if she really is a "wounded gazelle," acknowledging that what Riya had said was right and stating that in a world like this, you had to have some ruthless skin. Now in the challenge, Grett looks at Riya (or possibly the Magenta Team), while the actress confronts the Magenta Team, which was threatening the Villains' alliance.

Riya and Gret debate who to eliminate

Riya and Grett debate who to eliminate.

After both Yellow and Cyan teams are up for elimination, the Villains' alliance is discussing the votes since one person had to go tonight, and when Riya proposes that the four of them cast a vote on a single member of the Cyan Team, thus getting a person from that team on their side, Grett asks her who they should vote for. Riya initially proposes Aiden, but Alec prioritizes finding someone who could join them. In the ceremony, Gabby reveals that her team members wanted Ellie out, and the Villains' alliance focuses on getting Gabby on their voting side, to their avail.

Rigrett running past

Grett runs past Riya, taking the lead.

Grett and Riya continue being closer even post-merge, and they begin to collaborate, although Grett had in her power two alliances in order for her to reach finalists. On episode 16, Riya and Grett are the first people ahead of the rest during the challenge, and when Grett surpasses Riya Kristal announces that out of nowhere, Riya had lost her lead to Grett.

Rigrett zipline

Riya looks at Grett sliding down the zipline.

During the last phase of the challenge, Kristal says that they've both arrived to their stations, so each can begin to complete their respective puzzles. Riya, Ally and Grett's alliance also starts from here, but there's a brief disrupt as to who to vote out first: while Riya and Grett were going for Connor, Ally went for Jake, being insistent over this, and even refusing to vote with them if it wasn't for Jake. Grett is worried about her best interests, since she was aiming into eliminating every villain from the game.

Rigrett suspicion

Grett comments about Ally's suspect on her.

In "Like a Dark Horse", after the challenge, Riya and Grett are seen picking up branches, and the actress asks who they vote for: Connor or Jake. Grett is unsure, as Connor was less than a threat now that he had broken his leg, plus Ally had been suspicious of her. When Riya queries about this, Grett infers that Ally thought of her as untrustworthy, and proposes using Ally and Jake's animosity to get the latter out. Despite Riya hating to admit it, Grett was right.

Rigrett good luck

Grett wishes the best of luck to Riya.

Both agree alongside Ally (whom already had done a truce with Jake previously), to vote for the watermelon boy. However, in a face–heel turn, Ally had betrayed the alliance to evict Grett. Riya curses Ally for this, but Grett makes clear to everyone that she could have crushed everyone in the final challenge, and accepts Jake's "compliment" that she would, and, while staring at Riya, she thanks everyone for ending this on a high note, and wishes the best of luck to Riya. In Riya's final confessional, she curses and comments that Grett was her only ally left, and that her only hope is to win the next inmunity and get herself to final again.

Grett is revealed to be rooting for Riya during the finales.


  • In a Grett personalized fan greeting, when asked to rank all the stars girls on attractiveness, she comments on Riya being S Tier on her list.[1]
  • In a Riya personalized fan greeting, when asked about Grett, she said that Grett is a 'striking figure' who has 'got her charms'.[2]


Rigrett is a decent-popular ship, having gaining followers throughout the episodes as the two main women inside Yellow Team, also due to the lack of ships for the two aside from their love interests (whom they don't share a healthy bond with). They're considered one of the most loved characters from the Villains Alliance in the season (although a certain love-hate on Riya's part), and also the antagonists of their respective seasons. It's mainly shipped alongside the most popular ships from the fandom like Jaiden, TomJake, GabEllie, and for the other side, Yulec or Aleconnor. It sometimes rivals Riyalec, Yulett and ConRiya. Fans still don't scratch the idea that Grett might not still have a healthy relationship with her, but still found her a shipping option as for the aforementioned lack of ships for both.


Grett/Riya (Disventure Camp) tag on AO3
Rigrett hashtag on Instagram
Rigrett posts on Tumblr
Rigrett tag on Tumblr
Rigrett posts on Twitter
Rigrett hashtag on Twitter


  • Their ship name 'Rigrett' can be read as 'regret'.
  • Both score a point for the Yellow Team in back-to-back cases, in "Slip & Sly".



Official Art[]

Fan Art[]

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  • Alerigrett refers to the ship between the two and Alec Çelik


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Disventure Camp ShipsDisventure Camp Characters
SHIPS het AlecllyConRiyaHuntAllyHunTessJamesAllyKaiggyKrisvekKrisverNickLillRiyalecRiYulRosakaiRosalecSpenJadeTrevmilyWishleyZaivy
slash AleconnorAleNickDalecDiencerHuntakeHuntomJaidenJakedenJakmesJuulKaidenKaiYulLogalessioOlympicModelTedlessioTomalecTomdenTomJakeTrevekWillnickYulnickYulter
femslash AnarissaAshallyAshlillGabEllieGremilyGrettabbyGrettallyKarolillKarolRiyaKristilyLaggyLakeabbyLakellieMariLakeMollikaNatabelRigrettRiyallyRosaLakeRosariyaRosetoyTessabbyTessAllyTessellieTessLake
family ConJakeFiodrewFioJakeFiolecFiollyMiriakeRosa & SofiaTomJake's biggest fan
friend DanbbyDrewbbyFioNickGabYulGirls' allianceGomGrettakeIdol AllianceJabbyJaidakeJake CultJakellieJallyJamakeJashleyJessLaJakeLakedenLill's AllianceNickbbyRiyakeTessAiden
non-binary TristannahTristenji
poly ConriyalecTessGabEllie
cargo Chet x 🎥🍩 AddictFiore x 🚌Jake & 🐦Kai x 🌿
CHARACTERS male Aiden BrooksAlec ÇelikConnor BlakeHunter PageJake HamiltonJames CostaKai MitchellKim YulNick MiltonTom Reed
female Ally AmberAshley GrahamEllie ParkerFiore RicciGabby NowakGrett ClarkLake MüllerRiya SharmaRosa María RiveraTess Morgan