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RinShi is the het ship between Rin Okumura and Shiemi Moriyama from the Blue Exorcist fandom.


Chapter 3 and First Meeting[]

Rin and Shiemi first meet in chapter 3 of volume 1, and in episode 4 of season 1 of the anime. After begging his brother Yukio to let him accompany him on an exorcism mission to an Exorcist supply shop known as Futsumaya, Yukio relents and allows Rin to come with him to the house, which stands isolated in the heights of True Cross Academy and is only accessible to Exorcists with a magic key. Yukio tells Rin not to move from the bridge and to not touch anything, to which Rin shows irritation at being told what to do. Once Yukio goes into the house to speak with the owner, Rin spots an elaborate gate leading into a garden, and so he goes to peer through it out of curiosity. That is when he sees Shiemi for the first time as she is tenderly tending to the garden with a smile.

0003-010 - Rin Meeting Shiemi

Rin sees Shiemi through the gate and is smitten

Smitten by her, Rin absentmindedly touches the garden gate, however it is a demon-repelling ward, so it reacts to his touch by suddenly breaking and falling over. Shiemi sees him, and though Rin tries to explain that he didn’t do it on purpose, Shiemi’s first instinct is to call him a demon. Rin tells her it’s a misunderstanding, and Shiemi tells him the gate is a ward against evil and that it reacts only to demons. Shiemi begs him to leave her alone and to not come into the garden, however Rin takes offense to being called a demon and barges in telling her not to judge him. Shiemi gets scared and attempts to crawl away, calling for help, but Rin’s anger washes away when he notices that she cannot stand up and is falling over in the dirt. He walks up to her, and asks her if she is all right, and if something is wrong with her legs. He proposes next to help her fix the mess he caused, and as he is moving the gate off of her flowers allowing her to keep working, Shiemi apologizes for her reaction, telling him she was just surprised and didn’t know he was such a nice guy. Shiemi holds her hand out (while it’s covered in fertilizer) asking if they shall make up, and for a moment Rin is speechless and blushing at her calling him nice, but he does shake her hand back (after rubbing his hand against his pants and then realizing she had cow dung on her hand) and they introduce themselves to one another, all the while Rin’s heart is beating loudly. “I’m Shiemi Moriyama! What’s your name?” “Rin Okumura.” Let it be noted that throughout the rest of the manga, Rin and Shiemi only ever refer to each other by their first names, without any honorifics. This shows how they already trusted each other from the get-go.

Shiemi tells Rin that this garden belonged to her grandmother, that she taught her a lot here and that she loved her, and this garden. She explains that her grandmother died in an accident last winter, and that she hopes that she’s gone on ahead to the garden of Amahara. To Rin’s confused expression, Shiemi explains that the garden of Amahara is where God has gathered all the world’s plants, and that it exists somewhere in this world, that if you go there you can see every plant there is. Rin says that it sounds nice even though he doesn’t really get it, and asks her why she doesn’t just go there, to which Shiemi responds with a little laugh that you cannot, and that it’s just a myth. “But if it really did exist… and I could see all the plants and flowers and trees of the world… I’d want to go.” At this moment, Yukio comes out into the garden, yelling at Rin about why he’s there when he told him not to move, and while Rin reacts nonchalantly, Shiemi is surprised to see him, notably calling him Yuki-chan. Rin asks Yukio dumbfounded if Shiemi knows him, and Yukio explains that he comes to this shop all the time and that she is the owner’s daughter. Yukio tells Shiemi that Rin is his twin older brother, and Shiemi is shocked, commenting that Yukio acts more like the older one, to which Rin takes offense.

At the request of Shiemi’s mother, Yukio is here as an Exorcist to take a look at her legs, and though Shiemi first objects, she lets Yukio do his work. Her legs are covered in thick root-like veins, which prevent her from walking and are draining her energy, which Yukio deduces to be a Root, a Temptaint, and that a low-ranking demon hiding somewhere in the garden did this to her. When asked if she has spoken to a demon recently as conversation is the usual way of ensnaring victims, Shiemi says she hasn’t, but her mother cuts her off and angrily requests her to get out of this garden right now. After telling Shiemi that there is no use to ruining her health over “this damned garden”, Shiemi stubbornly insists that this was Grandmother’s treasure, and she yells that she hates her mother before suddenly fainting and passing out, due to the demon draining her spirit through her legs. After they take her to the storehouse where Shiemi sleeps, her mother tells the twins that her grandmother used to live in this storehouse, and that after her death Shiemi began to spend all her time there, and that is when she lost the use of her legs, “just like her grandmother did.” All the while she is explaining how they always end up fighting and that she wasn’t a good mother, Rin is listening silently without a word, and she goes on to say that as a child Shiemi would get sick at school, that her grandmother would be the one taking care of her as she was busy with the shop and that this is her punishment for neglecting her, however by then Rin has already gone back to the storehouse.

0003-038 - Shiemi breaking down on Rin

Shiemi breaks down against Rin, and Rin promises her to cut the roots

Shiemi has a nightmare about her childhood, dreaming of her grandmother telling her about plants and the garden of Amahara, and she relives how she found her grandmother dead after having gone out to explore the streets of town to find the garden on her own. Her grandmother had shown surprise at her wanting to leave home, but ultimately encouraged her to go out. Upon her late return Shiemi found her dead under the trellis she was covering, and in her grief that followed made a promise to a Decalp (pretending to be a garden spirit) that she would preserve the garden, otherwise it would die. When Shiemi wakes up from that memory, she finds Rin at her door, looking sternly at her, and he tells her that her mother is worried about her, to which Shiemi is appalled that he would take her side while she’s the one who’s wrong. She insists that she decided to protect her grandmother’s garden. Rin, seeing just how stubborn she is, goes back out to start destroying as much of the garden as he can using his sheathed sword, whacking shrubs and pots and uprooting flowers, all the while Shiemi is yelling at him to stop. She crawls out of bed and drags herself outside to reach him, and the moment she grabs his leg to stop him he turns to her and asks what’s holding her back. Shiemi, overcome with guilt, says that if she had come home earlier and covered the trellis herself, then her grandmother wouldn’t have died. “She died because of me!” Rin realizes that she’s just like him, that she’s gripped with regret but can’t change the past, and alikes her loss to his own over his father, that like him she doesn’t know what to do other than blaming herself. Rin grabs Shiemi by the collar and tells her that if that’s the case, then she mustn't make her mother worry. “Besides… I think what you really want to do is find the garden of Amahara! Or… would your grandmother tell you not to go?” Shiemi is struck by his words and recalls how her grandmother told her she can go find it when she’s grown up, and realizes that no, her grandmother wouldn’t tell her not to go. She falls against Rin and starts to cry, sobbing about how she’s stupid, that her legs won’t move anymore, and while thinking that he doesn’t want anyone else to die, Rin promises that he’ll cut the root out of this demon.

When Yukio arrives saying he can exorcise this little demon in no time, the demon makes itself known by growing out of Shiemi’s legs into roots digging into the ground, wrapping all around her and showing its face as a giant pansy. Rin calls out to Shiemi in evident fear, and as the demon claims that they are going to live in this garden together forever, it is holding Shiemi like a shield, and neither of the twins can hit while it does. Yukio asks Rin to lend him a hand, to which Rin accepts with a big smile. The twins work as a team to defeat the demon without harming Shiemi; Yukio bluffs the demon into thinking he’ll shoot them both and shoots Shiemi with a bullet (which ended up being a nutrient bullet, so harmless), which causes the demon to let her go to try to flee, and Rin cuts it with the Koma Sword, angry at Yukio because he got bluffed too. With the demon defeated, Shiemi wakes up from her fainting and finds with shock that she can walk now. Her mother calls her angrily, and while Shiemi hesitates to go speak to her, Rin smacks her head telling her to go and apologize to her mom. “If you don’t, you’ll regret it later,” he says with a gentle smile, because he knows what it’s like to regret unspoken things. Shiemi looks at him without a word, but she understands what he means, and she goes to her mother, who suddenly embraces her. Shiemi is shocked, but her mother starts to cry and calls her a stupid girl, that she had her worried, and Shiemi apologizes as she begins to cry as well. Meanwhile, the twins watch over the heartfelt reunion and Rin asks Yukio what he shot Shiemi with, to which Yukio explains it was plant nutrients. Rin tells him he gave him a scare, but that it’s okay, and as he watches Shiemi and her mother embracing with a soft expression taking over his face he thinks how he’s the one who got help that day, and comments how nice this is.

0003-051 - Shiemi thanks Rin

Shiemi thanks Rin

The next day, Shiemi joins the exorcism cram school and goes to sit in class next to Rin after being introduced. Rin is surprised to see her there and Shiemi explains that Yukio had the president (Mephisto) let her enroll, and comments on how fun this’ll be while also saying that she’s a scaredy-cat and this will toughen her up, all the while shaking and trembling. Rin looks concerned at her saying he’s surprised she even made it there, but Shiemi turns to him with a smile and thanks him, saying she owes it all to him, which makes Rin blush, all flustered. The chapter ends with Shiemi saying that she’s always wanted to see Yukio teach, and Rin looking a bit dejected. This begins Rin’s skewed perspective on how Shiemi feels about Yukio, convincing himself that she’s more interested in his brother than himself.

True Cross Academy Arc[]

Chapter 4 opens with Rin sleeping in class, and when the teacher wakes him up Rin springs awake calling “Sukiyaki!” and Shiemi next to him jolts in surprise. When they’re in class, they always sit next to each other and chat together. While Yukio is handing back some tests with their results, Shiemi claims that she’s good at this subject and is sure that she did well, but when Yukio hands her test back he advises her to not make up names for plants for exams; she had a 41 on that test. Rin laughs back at her and repeats “I thought you were good at that subject!” but then he also gets his test and he scored a 2, which brings him back down a step. Ryuji then scoffs at Rin and says he couldn’t do that bad if he tried, and that Rin is too busy flirting with the girls and that he disgusts him. Rin is offended, but then Ryuji gets his own test back and shows off his score of 98 and Rin is beyond himself, he claims that a guy like him can’t get that kind of score and that he doesn’t believe it and now it’s Ryuji who takes offense and tells him that he’s taking this serious and that he came here to be an Exorcist and that everyone is trying their hardest, and goes on to say that Rin is a slacker who doesn’t belong here, and while Rin retorts that Ryuji is wrong for criticizing him and that he’s trying hard too, Shiemi is listening to their argument in shock, as she’s realizing that she herself doesn’t really have a goal when she enrolled here. Rin and Ryuji go on to have a fight in class.

After that moment in class, Rin, Shiemi and Yukio are all sitting together at the fountain outside in the cram school talking about Ryuji’s smarts and background, and while Yukio gives them more information of what he knows of him, Rin is grumbling to himself, still mad. After asking Shiemi if she’s getting used to school, Shiemi replies that she isn’t getting used to it yet, and Yukio tells her that he can tell she’s changed. After he leaves for his other class, Rin and Shiemi are left alone at the fountain, and Rin has a sudden realization that they’re alone together and it makes him shy. Shiemi asks him if she’s out of place here at the cram school. Rin guesses it’s because she’s not trying to be an Exorcist, and he tells her it’s all right, and that all kinds of people are here. Shiemi then turns to him and asks if he has any friends, which takes Rin off guard, and she continues by getting up closer to his face and trying to ask if the two of them can be friends, but she can barely get the words out that Ryuji, Shima and Konekomaru pass by and Ryuji comments loudly that Rin is flirting again. Rin is flustered and spins around in horror exclaiming that no one’s flirting, which surprises Shiemi, and Ryuji continues his teasing by asking if Shiemi is his girlfriend or something, and chastising him for bringing his girl to an elite school for exorcists. Rin retorts that she’s not his girlfriend and that there’s nothing between them, feeling annoyed and flustered, and Ryuji laughs and asks if she’s just a friend, to which Rin claims that she’s not. Shiemi is shocked into silence, and she says nothing while Rin retorts back at Ryuji and his friends. Their feud continues into P.E. class, and when Rin and Ryuji get into a one-sided bet about touching the Reaper in the pit, when Rin dashes in to shield him from the demon Shiemi sees him do it and calls out to him when she thinks he’s been eaten. Later, when Ryuji goes to thank him for saving him and giving him a hairclip, Shiemi giggles and thinks it makes him look a bit girly.

In chapter 5, Shiemi is trying to make friends with Izumo and Paku, but when she approaches Izumo first she stumbles and falls over on the floor. When Izumo laughs and calls her clumsy and Paku briefly asks her if she’s all right, they leave her alone just as Rin comes in and he asks her what she’s doing on the floor. Shiemi hesitates in telling him anything because she thinks back to him saying she wasn’t his friend, and so she struggles not to cry and tells herself that she won’t rely on Rin to make friends and leaves, telling herself she needs to be stronger. Later in class when comes time to decide their meisters, Rin is confused on what it is and comes close to asking Shiemi what it is, but then he thinks about what Ryuji said about flirting with girls and gets shy and goes away to ask the guys instead. Shiemi is watching him make friends with them and feels dejected because she doesn’t know what to do.

When Shiemi summons Nee for the first time and lets him cuddle with her face, Rin is watching her all blushy because she’s happy and smiling. Later, when Shiemi manages to talk to Izumo and becomes her ‘friend’, Rin watches Shiemi do everything Izumo asks without question and he feels annoyed at the way Izumo is treating her like a servant bossing her around. During the study camp at the old dorms, Rin confronts Shiemi on this while she’s waiting alone for Izumo and Paku at the girls’ bathroom, and though Shiemi tries to avoid him claiming she has to buy something for Izumo, Rin stops her by grabbing her arm. She avoids looking at him and asks what he wants, and Rin tells her to stop running errands for Izumo and that it’s weird, but Shiemi insists that she’s just helping a friend. Rin tells her she’s not helping, and that she knows better. Shiemi tells him she doesn’t like hiding behind others and always letting them help her, and that she wants to be strong so she can help others. She claims that Izumo is her very first friend and that Rin wouldn’t understand because he’s strong and already has friends, and then runs off. Rin is confused on why she’d say that and chases her in the hallway because he’s not done talking, but then the Naberius attacks Izumo and Paku and Rin runs off to help them and Shiemi runs after him seeing how he doesn’t hesitate to help. Later, after Rin gives his shirt away to Izumo so she can hide, Shiemi is very flustered at seeing him shirtless and even hides her face in shyness.

0006-009 - RinShi Bonk

Rin and Shiemi bonk heads

The next day, Rin is laying on the roof of the dorms, frustrated that demons are going after his friends to get to him, and Shiemi comes in to say hi and leans over his head, but then Rin sits up and their foreheads bonk suddenly. They call each other dummies, he for her getting so close and her for him sitting up. Shiemi is out here to hang the laundry because she washed everyone’s sheets, and when Rin wants to confirm that she doesn’t want to become an Exorcist, she replies that she doesn’t know, but claims that she wants to help everyone by doing what she’s good at first, which is doing the laundry. Important note: in the manga, Rin asks if he can help her hang the laundry and she tells him she can manage, while in the anime she accepts his help.

After Ryuji and Izumo get in a verbal fight and get the whole class in detention, the naberius comes back and Shiemi protects the whole group by using Nee to make a root shield against it, Rin looks at Shiemi first before deciding to run off to lure the naberius away from the room. After the fight is over and they’re all recovering at the infirmary, Shiemi is sleeping in bed and Rin is sitting next to her on the bed while talking with the others. When he talks too loudly and Shiemi wakes up, he apologizes for waking her up, and remains sitting next to her the rest of the scene. Later, Yukio goes to see Shiemi at her home and they share a cup of tea, and end up talking about his relationship with Rin. When Yukio says he “looked up to Rin”, Shiemi words it as “You did? Rin is awfully nice!” When Yukio runs off to deal with Neuhaus, Shiemi senses that something is wrong and finds Rin and Yukio on the roof, but gets concerned for Rin when she sees he’s injured and orders him to lay down so she can treat his temptaint. Rin tries to object but she tells him to stop acting tough and he relents. While she’s treating him Shiemi leans over him teary eyed and tells him she’s made her decision (on being an Exorcist), but Rin is lacking some context and is confused, while Yukio watches on with acceptance.

0009-010 - Rin and Shiemi promise to date

Rin and Shiemi promise to come back to the amusement park

0009-031 - Rin protects Shiemi

Rin protects Shiemi with his flames

Chapter 9 has the group working at Mepphyland to hunt down a ghost, and when the girls arrive late Shiemi is wearing a new school uniform that shows her body a bit more and Rin is stricken by her and is not hiding how much he’s staring. Rin and Shiemi are teamed up together during the mission across the theme park, and while they’re going around Rin realizes that this feels like they’re on a date, all the while still staring at her. He feels that he’s closer to her and wonders if it’s the uniform. He finds Shiemi suddenly making a grimace and is concerned for her, but she claims that it’s her serious face because she’s trying to keep her excitement in check because she loves amusement parks and always wanted to go to one. She tells him that as a child she didn’t like crowded places, but that now she thinks she’s all right and that it would be fun to come here when the park is actually open, and Rin timidly proposes that they come back here together, and she wholeheartedly accepts, much to his joy. When they find the ghost and Amaimon attacks, they get separated, and while Shiemi is dealing with the ghost boy Amaimon makes the rides crash by causing earthquakes. Rin, overwhelmed by his flames and on a rampage, looks away from Amaimon when Shiemi calls for help and sees her in danger of being crushed by falling steel beams, taking him out of his rampage. He uses his flames while calling out to her to burn them away and saving her, but Shiemi had her head down and saw none of it. When Amaimon and the ghost boy both leave, Shiemi finds Rin all bloodied and runs to help him, but Rin is in a shocked state and pushes her hand away saying not to touch him, but then he apologizes when he snaps out of it and reassures her that he’s all right. Shiemi reiterates their promise of coming back here together, but Rin replies “Oh… right.” and Shiemi wants to ask him what’s wrong but they get interrupted and separated by Shura appearing and taking him away. Shiemi tells her that Rin did nothing wrong, but Shura tells her off.

Shiemi doesn’t see Rin again until the end of chapter 10, when Shura comes in as a teacher and Shiemi is busy worrying about Rin being late. When he arrives, she asks him if he’s all right and he says he’s fine and asks her why she’s asking, and she tells him she’s just glad he’s okay.

Forest Camp Arc[]

In chapter 11, the group leaves to the forest district of the Academy for a training camp, where Rin’s demeanour is oddly cheerful and energetic. The whole way through the woods, Shiemi is watching him closely, and while they’re setting up camp, she is delighted to see Rin having fun with the others. Shiemi and Izumo try to prepare curry for the group but Rin sees them struggling and cutting their fingers, so he takes over and shows them for the first time that he can cook, with Shiemi helping along. Everyone loves his cooking, and Shiemi tells him with her mouth full “MMMM!! Ish is dewishus!!” to which Rin blushes. Konekomaru notably says that Rin would make someone a good husband. While Rin thinks about how nice it is to experience group events like this and that this is how it must be to have friends, Shiemi notes how Rin looks like he’s having fun, and tells Yukio how Rin’s been acting differently so she’s been worried. Yukio notes how Shiemi is paying a lot of attention to Rin, but Shiemi doesn’t get what he means.

0011-042 - Rin sees Shiemi bleeding

Rin finds Shiemi unconscious

0013-019 - Rin protects Shiemi from Amaimon

Rin protects Shiemi from Amaimon

That night, when the group sets off into the woods for the test and are beset by chuchis, swarms of blood-sucking moth-like demons, Shiemi is overwhelmed by a large chuchi, and Rin hears her scream and rushes to find her. He finds her unconscious on the forest floor surrounded by the demons, and as he attempts to shoo them off, he sees that she’s bleeding, and that sets off his flames once again. He panics, because he promised he wouldn’t be using his flames again. Once the demons are gone, he tries to rouse Shiemi up and Ryuji finds them next, thinking he saw some blue lights, but they become concerned with Shiemi instead and figure out that it was their flashlights that attracted the moths. Rin mocks him by reminding him that he said they couldn’t help one another and Ryuji becomes flustered saying he was worried for Shiemi because it sounded like she was dying. Rin insists that he goes on and that he’ll take care of Shiemi and bring her back to camp, but then Shiemi wakes up and becomes sad because Nee disappeared. She says she hit her head and lost consciousness, but knows she was attacked by a big moth.

Rin and Shiemi work alongside Ryuji, Konekomaru and Shima when they find the peg lantern, with Rin pulling the cart and Shiemi feeding the lantern with chuchis. When they come upon a suspended bridge surrounded by a river of crawling bugs, the plan to traverse include luring the peg lantern with Shiemi perched atop Rin’s shoulders as he crosses the bog, and when Shiemi climbs up on him she has his head trapped between her thighs which leaves Rin flustered (but she also scratches his eyes when he stands up). Note that this was all Ryuji’s idea to begin with. After saving Rin from a giant bug that grabbed him as they traversed the bog, Ryuji reminds him to rely on them more and to not forget that he has friends, and when everyone agrees and gives their own part, Shiemi tells Rin that they are all here for him, and Rin grows a little smile, wondering what would happen if everyone learned that he was Satan’s child.

When the group makes it back to the camp and finishes the test successfully, Shiemi’s neck starts hurting and Rin asks her what the matter is, but Shiemi doesn’t reply. Amaimon attacks, and while Shura is setting up defenses, Shiemi is still very quiet, until she gets up and walks away while Rin and Shura are talking; she has a parasite in her neck controlling her movements and she’s in a trance. Amaimon captures her and runs off with her as bait, knowing it’ll get Rin to run after them, which he does without hesitation. As they chase each other across the forest, Rin asks him angrily what he’ll do with Shiemi and Amaimon teases him by saying he’ll make her his bride, and pretends to do wedding vows with her (all the while against Shiemi’s control). When he tries to kiss her (or “chew the bride’s lips off”), Rin snaps and jumps at Amaimon to get him to let her go, but Amaimon punches him away. When Rin is getting beaten up, Amaimon says that it’s strange he’s not fighting back as much as he wanted because he thought the girl was important to him, and decides that he’s done with her. When he threatens to take one of her eyeballs, the other Exwires get involved and fight back, and that’s when Rin snaps to protect them and opens his sword to fight Amaimon. Delighted, Amaimon lets Shiemi go and goes to fight him.

0014-024 - Nothing funny abou tthis

"There's nothing funny about this!"

While Rin and Amaimon fight and everyone witnesses Rin’s flames, Yukio treats Shiemi and takes the parasite out of her neck and carries her as they all escape the forest. As Rin is losing control and going on a rampage against Amaimon, Shiemi wakes up from her trance and looks back at him, recognizing his form in the flames. When they’re in safety at the Academy, Shiemi is the first to ask Yukio what’s going on with Rin. After Angel comes in, Mephisto appears with Rin still acting feral and Shiemi is the only one to call his name in shock, but Rin doesn’t recognize her as he’s lost in his rage. Mephisto closes the Koma Sword and Rin returns to himself, but Angel takes him away to his trial and Rin realizes the others are there and asks them if they’re all right. While Ryuji yells at him in anger asking him what the Son of Satan is doing at a school for Exorcists, and Yukio takes him and the others away, Shiemi is left behind looking at Rin without a word. Rin asks her nervously if she’s hurt because she won’t say a thing, and he gets more and more nervous as he tells her that Ryuji is overreacting and that he’s basically just a regular guy (all the while his tail is swatting around nervously and he has to grab it to keep it still). He laughs as an attempt to dodge the situation, and Shiemi is in shock and starts to cry asking him why he’s laughing. “There’s nothing funny about this!” They aren’t given a chance to talk more as Yukio comes to get Shiemi and Rin is being pulled away by Angel, and they only get to say each other’s names.

Rin goes through his trial and is let go. He tries to go back to school like normal, and even styles his hair to appear more normal and he goes to class like nothing happened, but there’s only Shiemi, Izumo and Takara in class as the others are at the hospital. While he goes to sit down, Shiemi is just staring at him wide-eyed and when Rin notices that she’s quiet he asks her what the matter is and if she’s still scared of him. Shiemi loudly says that she isn’t scared, and Rin retorts “So why are you so mad?! Should I apologize or somethin’?!” and Shiemi tells him that no, she doesn’t want him to apologize, “but… Rin, you-” and they get interrupted again by Yukio and Yunokawa-sensei entering the classroom. Yukio tells Rin that he starts a new curriculum with him and drags Rin away, and as he leaves, Rin glances back toward Shiemi ruffling his hair, and Shiemi is left speechless and close to tears. She has a flashback to when Yukio told them about who Rin and he are, when she understood that right about the time that she and Rin met is when Rin awakened as a demon, and now everything makes sense to her. She blames herself for not knowing anything despite being so close to both of them.

Thus begins what is best described as Rin and Shiemi’s breakup arc.

Kyoto/Impure King Arc[]

0017-029 - Shiemi sees his flames are warm

Shiemi realizes that Rin's flames are warm

Rin and Shiemi do not see each other again until the group is sent to the Kyoto Branch of the Order after an emergency there requires backup. Rin is already sitting in the train when Shiemi arrives, and she finds that she can’t speak when she sees him and her heart is beating loudly, while wondering what is the matter with her. Shura goes to talk to her to get her to get vaccinated in another car, but then Rin sees her and calls out her name, and the two have an awkward exchange where Rin attempts to nonchalantly wish her a good morning, but Shiemi is still frozen, so she blurts out the good morning while leaving the car, leaving Rin stumped. When the others arrive, everyone is avoiding Rin except Izumo, who goes on to make a bigger deal out of it and speaks loudly against everyone else, which causes Ryuji to explode, and because they bothered Shura who wasn’t having any of it they are all sentenced to bariyon punishment again in another car of the train.

Konekomaru panics at the idea that Rin is left alone with them and that he could act up and hurt them, and that causes his older and wilder bariyon to fly up and land right on Shiemi’s back, gluing her to the ground as it tries to crush her. Ryuji and Shima first try to move it, but it gets heavier the more they try to lift it, so Rin says to leave it to him, and he goes to lift it too, to the same result. He uses his flames to give himself a boost of strength, and while everyone else panics, Shiemi notices, as she’s surrounded by the flames, that they aren’t hot; they’re warm. When Ryuji yells at Rin to stop, the bariyon leaps away and spreads the fire to the seats, but as the others go to call Exorcists, Shiemi tells them not to overreact, that Rin hasn’t lost control, but she doesn’t have the time to tell them that this flame isn’t dangerous that Izumo puts it out with holy water. Rin goes on to have an argument with Ryuji and Konekomaru, and Shiemi can’t say what she wants to say.

Rin and Shiemi do not speak again until much later in this arc, as they are both unable to be together alone to do so, but throughout they keep glancing at one another with an evident longing. On her side, Shiemi is working hard to be of help as she feels that she keeps letting everyone down, but during a talk with Izumo outside she ends up breaking down and letting her emotions out; she cries that she just gets in the way, that she’s no use, and that is why Rin and Yukio didn’t talk to her about the situation they were in, and she takes all the blame onto herself for not being strong enough. Izumo inadvertently comforts her by saying that she’s like a weed; tough and stubborn.

0021-005 - Shiemi cries

Rin sees Shiemi quietly crying

The next morning, after accidentally getting drunk with Shima, he and Rin are back on more friendly terms, and Shima invites him to the pool since they have a free day that day, and when Shima tells him that he’ll invite the girls, Rin’s first thought is that he could see Shiemi in a swimsuit (although that thought quickly gets deflated). Shima tells him he’ll invite Izumo while he can invite Shiemi, and that this is their chance, and Rin comes close to accepting his offer, but Shura comes in and yanks him back to work with her, so he’ll instead spend the day training. Later that day, Rin is training hard and wants to go change his t-shirt because it’s sweaty, but really it’s to cool off his head because he’s not succeeding in his training (which consists of lighting two candles out of three to practice his control). He’s frustrated and sits on the roofs for a time beating himself down, until he sees Shiemi through the windows of the inn. She’s still working as well, much to Rin’s surprise, but as he wonders why she’s doing it on their day off, he notices that she’s staring blankly ahead of her with tears in her eyes, and he realizes that she’s also been sad. Without speaking, they both bring themselves up just looking at one another without the other knowing, and they both motivate themselves to work harder.

The villain Todo reappears and steals the Right Eye of the Impure King, and Rin and Ryuji get into another fight that escalates to Rin punching Ryuji and bursting into flames, which forces Shura to put him down with a spell. Rin is imprisoned, and Shiemi only learns of it when Shima and Konekomaru bring Ryuji to where she and Izumo are talking so they can use some ice for his face where Rin punched him. When she learns that Rin was arrested and that he’s going to be in deep trouble, Shiemi is in shock and fears for him, but can’t do anything yet. While Rin is in solitary confinement, he and Yukio learn that their father was friends with Ryuji’s father Suguro Tatsuma and that he came to Kyoto to steal the Koma Sword from him 16 years ago, and that Tatsuma now asks Rin to defeat the Impure King as he’s the only one who can. Shura hands him back the Koma Sword that she confiscated and asks him to draw it, but Rin can’t; he has a mental block because he fears he will only kill people with his flames and the sword itself refuses to open. Mephisto appears to tell them that the higher ups at the Vatican have all voted to put Rin to death, and so he’s sealed away in Das Starkste Gefangnis, the Impenetrable Prison.

While Yukio is in shock and goes on to mindlessly continue his work, Shura later asks the Exwires to help bust Rin out of prison and gives them the means to get to it and leaves the rest to them, but while they’re all hesitating Shiemi is the first to grab one of the camo ponchos and encourage the others to go help Rin. When told that that would mean crossing the Vatican, Shiemi retorts that if they don’t ever see Rin again that they would all regret it. Her words get through them and they all end up going as a group. They sneak into the solitary confinement where the demon prison is waiting, and it tells them that it unlocks from the outside but not from the inside, and dares them to attack it to find out why it’s so strong. The Exwires all get ready (except Shiemi), and the prison freezes them in place, saying that it’s so strong because it can freeze anyone who approaches it as an enemy. Shiemi didn’t freeze because she isn’t an enemy for she is weak and unarmed. Shiemi becomes determined to get Rin out herself, because she couldn’t stand for Rin to die in there, and so she goes inside the prison.

0026-032 - Shiemi hugs Rin

Shiemi hugs Rin

Inside, Rin is in the throes of despair as he realizes that he’s a monster who can’t control his flames, and as he thinks that it might be better for him to just die after all, Shiemi comes running to find him, calling that she came to rescue him. Rin barks at her to stay back, and tells her that he’s not sure he can use his flame anymore, that he’s been getting by on enthusiasm alone so far but it’s not enough. When he says with an odd acceptance that maybe he’d be better off dead after all, Shiemi is shocked and appalled and tells him to never say that again, to which Rin calmly tells her that she doesn’t understand and that she doesn’t need to. Shiemi tells him to stop, to not just laugh and push her away and that she wants to help him, and Rin snaps and yells at her to go back and that he’s a monster. His flames flare up and they surround Shiemi again, and Rin starts to cry. “I mean… Look at me.” Shiemi realizes then how she’s just been focussed on herself this whole time and didn’t think about Rin’s feelings. She reaches out to him and hugs him tight. Rin at first tells her in shock that he’s dangerous, but she reassures him that it’s all right, and goes up close to his face saying: “Look! I’m not burned at all! You did that. So it’s all right!” Rin realizes how close she is to his face and backs up, asking her if she’s not scared of him, and Shiemi assures him that she’s not, and they make up.

0033-019 - Shiemi snaps Rin back

Rin thinks of Shiemi and snaps back to himself

Rin gets busted out of the prison and he realizes that everyone came to help him, and they all make up as well and go off to help in defeating the Impure King. In the forest after finding Ryuji’s injured father, they all separate into different teams, and while Shiemi stays with Izumo and Tatsuma, Rin goes off with Ryuji and Kuro to get to the Impure King, and both deal with their own sides of the crisis, Rin settling his issues with Ryuji and Shiemi settling her own with Izumo. When Rin finally manages to open his sword, his burst of flames is so strong that he momentarily gets engulfed by them and his demon side almost takes over, however he thinks back to Shiemi’s words “I’m not scared of you.” and her image brings him back to himself. With her words echoing in his head, Rin finds his focus, and he burns away the Impure King successfully. When his flames cover the entire mountain, it reaches to where Shiemi and Izumo are, and while Izumo panics that they’re going to die, Shiemi only smiles and tells her that they’ll be all right, and as the flames cover them, she thinks “I knew it. It’s warm.”

0034-007 - Rin watches Shiemi sleep

Rin realizes he loves Shiemi

Rin ends up passing out during the aftermath after being punched by Yukio, and he only wakes up the next day, back at the inn - with Shiemi sleeping right next to him. For a moment, he’s lost in her face and watches her sleep, and this moment is widely accepted as the moment Rin realizes his feelings for her truly. Shiemi wakes up, and Rin asks her all flustered why she’s sleeping here and if she’s injured, and she reassures him that she’s not, that she just came here to set up an IV drip but that she fell asleep looking at his face. She congratulates him on his good work because he saved everyone, and Rin says that things did get hairy, but then he stutters that he just thought of her and that it kept him going, so he thanks her. Shiemi is shocked and asks if she was helpful to him, and when he nods she becomes emotional. “I’m so happy!” She grabs his hand, making Rin gasp out, and gets closer to him. “From now on, no matter what happens… I’m your friend! We’re friends forever and ever!” While Rin is beyond himself thinking that she relegated him to permanent friend status, Shiemi is so happy that she made this step that she just rolls over repeating “I said it! I said it!” The fandom often misinterprets this as Shiemi friendzoning Rin, but it’s merely a first step for Shiemi because she’s been wanting to ask him to be her friend since the beginning.

The next day, the whole group gets together to go sightseeing around Kyoto, and Ryuji takes many pictures of everyone during the trip, including some of Rin and Shiemi together. He’ll later give the pictures to Shiemi, as they will show up on the wall of her bedroom. When they take a group picture at Kyoto Tower, while everyone poses behind him to spell out the word SATAN, Shiemi is sitting next to Rin on the floor, oblivious and smiling.

Kraken Arc[]

0035-015 - Shiemi's swimsuit

Rin likes Shiemi's swimsuit

In this short arc, before heading back to Tokyo, the Exwires go to the beach to exorcise a kraken with the other Exorcists. Right off the bat, Shura orders everyone to buy a swimsuit, and when talking about girls in swimsuits with Shima, Rin tells him that Shiemi didn’t want to buy one because it was like being naked, to which Rin showed understanding. However, when he does spot Shiemi on the beach, lo and behold she’s wearing a swimsuit, and Rin loses his mind (his tail notably goes BING and goes straight up). Shiemi is timid about it but Rin is ecstatic, and she tells him that she thought that she shouldn’t be embarrassed about such things (but she was in fact scolded by Shura). “Rin… let’s enjoy the beach together!” When Shiemi touches the water for the first time, she’s delighted at how warm it is and Rin is smiling at her and blushing from how cute she is.

When the kraken attacks and grabs a helicopter, Rin rushes toward a boat to go help and Shiemi follows behind, telling him that she understands what he wants to do but that he can’t go out, but then she has to narrowly hop in just as he sets the motor on. The boat speeds off into the sea, with Yukio jumping into a different one to follow them. Yukio tells Rin to follow orders and Rin purposefully ignores him to go and cut down the kraken’s tentacle, releasing the helicopter it was holding on to. Rin, Shiemi and Yukio all get trapped in the water by the kraken when it crashes their boats, and they get saved by a sea monk raising some land to guide them toward their island out at sea. When they’ve taken refuge inside the grottos of the island, Shiemi has inhaled saltwater and is unconscious, and Rin nervously asks Yukio if he’s gonna do “that kissing thing” on her, and while Yukio says that there’s no choice, Shiemi coughs up the water and wakes up on her own. Rin and Yukio get in a fight about Rin being reckless and thoughtless, while Shiemi is trying to tell him that she rushed after Rin so it was her choice too. This arc distinctly shows the dynamics between all three of them and how tense the situation is between Rin and Yukio and why they needed to talk, with Shiemi stuck in the middle.

0036-020 - Feeding the Sea God

Rin and Shiemi cooking for the sea god

All three of them go on to find the sea god that is hidden on this island, on the way finding the sea monk that helped them, and when Rin says he can feel the presence of the sea god ahead, Yukio admonishes him for “doing it on purpose”, while Shiemi is concerned at seeing them argue together. When they find the sea god, their goal becomes to give it its strength back by worshiping it and making offerings, so the Order drops boxes of food into the island and they all get to work together. Notably, Rin and Shiemi are cooking together and Shiemi is once again impressed by his cooking skills. When taking a break to eat together, Rin and Yukio have another argument that escalates into both of them yelling at one another, and it’s Shiemi who has to break them up by yelling at them to stop fighting. They both listen and apologize to her, but Rin has to leave to cool off his head. Shiemi realizes then that her perspective of both Yukio and Rin is flawed, because she always thought everyone else to be perfect while she needed to catch up, but now she sees that she was wrong and that not even Yukio is perfect. She advises Yukio to talk to Rin, and even tells him that though it isn’t her place to say anything, that this can’t continue, and she leaves them alone. The twins do talk, and they end up solving some of their issues in this arc, notably Rin making it clear who he is and who he’s going to be. “You have to accept my flame too!!”

In the climax against the kraken, Shiemi is captured by one of its tentacles and the twins are ordered by the sea god to save her, but she ends up saving herself using Nee, and the rest is up to the twins. After the battle, as the sea god is dying, Shiemi and the twins are all saying goodbye to it, and the sea god describes Rin as “I cannot say whether you are sky or sea.”

Seven Mysteries Arc[]

In this shorter arc, the Exwires are put on the task of unveiling and dealing with “the seven school mysteries”, a series of rumours and stories being spread around the school all in relation to demons. On their first mission to get rid of a ghost bride who shows up at night, Rin has just come back from a dinner with Mephisto, and Shiemi quickly notes that his hair is different. Rin is blushing while he rubs it back in place. During the (failed) exorcism, the girls have to sit back since the ghost will only react to boys, and the whole time even as Rin blatantly shows that he can’t talk to dead people normally, Shiemi is watching in worry and comments positively about their fumbling around.

The next morning, Shiemi comes to the old boys’ dorms right as Rin is doing the dishes in the kitchen, looking for Yukio for something secret. Rin thinks it’s about today’s mission, but she tells him that it’s not, and that if all goes well she would tell him. Rin is worried, but he still wishes her good luck on the mission, to which Shiemi tells him she’ll do her best. “You too!” As she leaves, Rin is blushing and notes to Kuro that she’s awfully confident and peppy today. Her words do remind him that he couldn’t take down the ghost the night before, and it gets him and the others to think over their botched strategies.

That night, it’s Shiemi and Izumo’s turn to take on a Toilet Mayuko in the girls’ dormitory, and just like it was for the boys, only the girls can take care of that ghost, but the whole time the boys are waiting outside. This fight against the ghost is to strengthen Shiemi’s resolve to make friends with Izumo and for them to work together. At one point, Shiemi gets entangled in the ghost’s hair and she starts to choke, causing Nee to disappear, and Rin’s first reaction is to grab his sword to go help her, but he’s stopped by Yukio, who wants the girls to cooperate. Izumo ends up saving her, bringing them closer as friends. While they’re thanking one another, the boys come in, congratulating them (and Rin commenting on how awesome it was) - except they’re all dressed as girls. Shiemi and Izumo both lose it, and hilarity ensues.

During the last exorcism, they face off against a shapeshifter as a group, and when Rin strikes the portrait and unleashes it, he sees his fears come to life and sees his friends turning on him and calling him Satan’s bastard and to stay back and being afraid of him - notably, only Shiemi and Shima are not shown saying anything. After a good word from Konekomaru taking on the leading role, they all work together to take down the shapeshifter. After Rin gets the eyedrops to treat Godaiin’s temptaint, he rushes off to hand them to him and make up, and when he gets out of the dorms thinking about how hard it is to make friends, all the others are outside waiting for him. Shiemi says that they were worried so they waited, and while the others immediately deny their concerns, Rin still laughs, realizing he has friends to count on.

True Cross Festival Arc[]

Chapter 44 has Yukio come back to the dorms after a meeting with the Arch Knights (where he signs a contract of Morinath) to see Rin still in bed. They talk for a bit about the last mission and the eyedrops, and Yukio tells him he’s leaving again to prepare for classes and to meet with Shiemi. Rin has an immediate reaction and springs up in bed (throwing Kuro off of his back), and says “You guys sure are secretive recently!! You… You’re not dating, are you?!” Yukio sees an opportune moment to tease his brother, and replies “Wouldn’t you like to know.” Rin loses it and tries to stop him from leaving, but falls out of bed, with Yukio thinking that he’ll survive a little teasing. It turns out, Yukio only meets with Shiemi to be her home tutor, as she is trying to catch up on her general school curriculum so she can join high school. Rin tries to go on at school the next day, frustrated that Yukio and Shiemi might just be dating in secret, and he consoles himself by saying that he’s got lots of friends at cram school, but it doesn’t take the worry away.

0045-025 - Rin wants to invite Shiemi

"I'm gonna invite Shiemi!!"

It’s announced that there will be a school festival coming up, and while all the classes are to prepare an activity for the event, Rin becomes very excited about it because he’s never participated in school activities like this. But then, Rin hears from Godaiin about a students-only music festival on the second night where many famous groups he likes will be in attendance, however to be at the concert there is a rule: only couples are allowed. Rin panics to his friends about it at the cram school, saying that he really wants to see that concert, and he despairs that Shiemi isn’t a student and can’t go as his partner. Rin and Shima will both try together to get a girl to go with them, however it will result in sound failure for both of them (Rin could only gather the courage to ask two before giving up), and all hope seems lost… until Shiemi arrives at school and announces that she passed the mid-year entrance exam and that she’s now their classmate, and that’s when Rin learns that Yukio meeting with her was for teaching her, and she wanted to keep it a secret until after she passed. Rin is relieved that that was why they were sneaking around. As Shiemi walks off with Yukio to meet her teacher, Rin takes on a determined expression. “At last, success wends my way! I’m gonna invite Shiemi!!”

Later, during P.E. class, Yukio and Ryuji talk about getting invited to the party, and Ryuji comments that Rin is awfully excited about inviting Shiemi, and claims that everyone’s hormones are out of control. Rin waits for lunch break to speed right out of his class, thinking that he’s finally going to see Shiemi. “Speed counts at a time like this!! She’s mine!!!” Shiemi is eating lunch with Izumo and Paku in Izumo’s classroom, where Paku tells her about the festival and the dance party. When Paku tells her she needs a date to attend, Shiemi asks “You mean… like a boyfriend?” Paku tells her that lots of couples are forming left and right, but inviting a friend is okay too, which helps Shiemi get an idea of who she wants to invite. Before she can say who, Rin comes running in calling her name, and shyly asks her to come talk to him, so they both leave together outside on a balcony. Rin asks her if she knows about the dance party and she tells him it sounds fun and that she was going to talk to him about it, causing Rin to get overly excited. He tries to tell her to let him speak first, but then Shiemi blurts out that she was thinking of inviting Yukio. Rin is shocked, that shock becomes dejection, and while Shiemi apologizes for speaking first, she tells him that when Yukio was helping her study he was being very strange and staring off scarily into space. She says he has a lot on his mind, so she wants him to enjoy himself. Rin becomes frustrated with Yukio as he’s been telling him that nothing’s wrong, and goes on to encourage Shiemi to go and invite him, albeit sadly. Rin later gets depressed with Konekomaru and Shima in their dorm room. “I guess she likes Yukio…” Konekomaru ends up comforting him by offering to buy him his favourite egg-curry-monja. Shiemi goes on to ask Yukio to the dance party, but Yukio rejects her, saying that he’s on the staff and can’t attend. The interaction leaves Shiemi perplexed, as Yukio smiled at her in a way he never used to (one of his fake smiles), and she thinks to herself “I’m not exactly sure why… but I feel uneasy. I’m uneasy, Rin…”

0047-026 - Dance with Me

"Dance with me, Shiemi."

That leaves all of them alone and so Rin and Shiemi both focus on their class activities instead. During the preparations for their haunted mansion, Shiemi is testing out her ghost costume with Paku, where Paku hears that she’s not going after all because Yukio turned her down. Paku is surprised because she thought Rin would invite her, and Shiemi tells her that when she told him about Yukio rejecting her, Rin got mad and ran off, suddenly timid. She doesn’t understand why he did that, but then Paku tells her that maybe he wanted to invite her but couldn’t. She asks her bluntly “Which one do you like? Rin or Mr. Okumura?” Shiemi claims she likes them both, that they’re both important friends, and Paku has to clarify that she means romantically, which makes Shiemi laugh saying she’s not ready for that. Later, Rin declares to the cram school class that he’s done with the dance party and he’s devoting himself to the class project, in a discussion where they discover that the only one of them who managed to get a date was Konekomaru. Rin notices Shiemi looking at him from her seat and he blushes and looks away, making Shiemi ponder about whether he was really going to invite her or not. She thinks that Rin is not the type to think about romance, which is partly due to Rin’s shyness about openly talking about his feelings, so it leaves all of them in the dark.

0047-028 - Rin and Shiemi Festival

Rin holds Shiemi by the hand while they run together

The festival begins, and as planned everyone tends to their own class activities, until comes the second day when the concert takes place. Rin is let go from his food stand since the rest of the class will take care of it and he goes to walk around the festival on his own. He has a moment where he sees all the couples around him and the festivities and thinks to himself close to tears “I wanted to come with Shiemi…” Rin perks up when he then spots Shiemi in the crowd, and he calls for her and runs up to her. They’re both surprised to see each other, and when Rin asks her what she’s doing here she tells him she’s delivering flowers backstage, after which she asks about him and he tells her he’s been making rice balls. Shiemi starts laughing all of a sudden, puzzling Rin, and says in relief that she’s glad that they’re talking again. Rin stares at her, his expression softening. “Dance with me, Shiemi.” Shiemi is shocked and blushes hard, but all she seems to be able to respond are stammers and stutters, all the while thinking that Rin might just like her after all. Rin sees her struggle to reply and he smiles in understanding, before poking her in the forehead calling her a dummy and that he knows what to do. He grabs her by the hand and starts pulling her running through the crowd, all the while Shiemi is still blushing, and he brings her to where Yukio is and Shiemi understands. The two reach Yukio and end up kneeling down to him to both ask him to dance with them, shocking Yukio entirely. They grab him by the arms and pull him aside, where the three of them begin dancing by spinning around in circles, laughing. “Rin… Thank you. I like you so much!”

Illuminati Arc[]

This arc shifts its focus onto Izumo and Shima, so Rin and Shiemi do not have many moments together throughout.

On the plane ride to Shimane prefecture, Yukio is sitting between Rin and Shiemi and is shown having to “babysit” both of them, with Rin clinging to him and yelling (because he’s scared of being on a plane) and Shiemi not waiting until the plane levels out to hand out box lunches to everyone else. When they all dig into Shiemi’s sandwiches, everyone has a strong reaction, with Konekomaru choking, Yukio trembling and drooling, and Rin spitting it out yelling that it tastes like grass. Only Ryuji doesn’t react to the taste.

While Mike tells the group all about Izumo’s backstory and how the Illuminati took control of the Inari shrine and Nine Tails, they learn that they’ve been luring tourists by drugging them via the food they serve at Fox Alley - making them all turn to Rin who’s munching away on a bunch of snacks nonchalantly. Both Shiemi and Ryuji yank the snacks away from him, and while Ryuji gets into a fight over it, Shiemi tells him to “barf it up” into a bag - all the while the others discover that they have a herbal ward protecting them, and that it comes from Shiemi’s sandwiches.

The group sneaks into Dream Town Inari, the apartment complex that serves as the Illuminati’s secret base, and discovers that it is overrun by zombies that can’t be killed easily. As the zombies close in on them, Rin puts himself in front of Shiemi, shielding her with his arm. They all run away, but then fall into a trap hole that brings them all into pipes leading into cells - as they’re falling, Rin calls out to Shiemi. They all get separated into different cells, each with its own chimera zombie, and when Rin wakes up he calls out to everyone; the panels in the pages all show as small for each name, until he calls for Shiemi, where the panels are biggera and show that Shiemi has hit her head and has passed out. As her chimera zombie picks her up, seemingly with the intent to eat her, Shiemi wakes up and screams upon seeing it, making the zombie drop her. While she panics and tries to summon Nee, the zombie steps back and speaks, saying that it was surprised. Rin, meanwhile, has escaped his cell without killing the zombie, because he still believes that these are people and that if he kills them it’s the same as killing humans, and he wants to remain on the side of people. While arguing with Konekomaru on the matter, Shiemi then busts out of her own cell with a large tree that Nee grew. They’re relieved to see one another, and when asked if she’s all right, Shiemi replies proudly that she’s returned a zombie to the earth (the zombie has passed on under the tree, but it isn’t shown what exactly happened). When Shiemi gets down from Nee and Rin goes up to her, he sees that her fist is shaking. “Shiemi, you…” Even as Shiemi smiles and says they have to rescue Izumo and Shima, Rin thinks “She’s…” and his thought gets interrupted by the chimera zombie Rin left behind coming out of its cell. We never learn what Rin was going to say or think, or why exactly Shiemi was shaking.

The rest of those chapters continue without any more RinShi interactions, and they all go on to save Izumo as a group. They all go back to school, but Shima is gone and it eats away at most of them. Then, seemingly out of nowhere, Shima comes back to class and is baffled that everyone isn’t reacting like it’s weird, but then he gets his wish granted and they all proceed to beat him up in their own ways; Ryuji knocks his forehead on his, Izumo uses the “Expel scum” spell (not a real spell) on him with her foxes, Konekomaru pushes him with a broom, and Rin tells him that burning off his clothes to his underwear would probably appease them, so he burns off his clothes. Shiemi tells him to stop, that he could kill him, but as she tries to help Shima she sees that Rin actually burned off all his clothes and he’s now naked, and so her first reaction is to bonk both her fists onto Shima’s head, knocking him out. Mephisto intervenes and they are all brought into a talk in his office with Lewin, from which they come out with new information and perspectives on Shima’s situation and their own. Once they’re all back outside, they all agree that they need a break from this to think, and Shiemi shows her optimism by asking if Shima will come back to school so they can all be friends again. Rin pats her affectionately on the head, telling her “Everything will be fine, silly!” but then the others shut him down by telling him they do not trust Shima at all. Rin and Shiemi are left alone with Izumo outside while Ryuji and Konekomaru leave, and Shiemi comments that she doesn’t like this.

Volume 16[]

0068-030 - Rin Would Like to See Shiemi

Rin speaks honestly

Volume 16 opens on the gang going to the Ultra Nangoku Bathhouse to relax together (invitations from Mephisto), and while the girls and the guys are all separated, this chapter is very important for showing how exactly Rin feels about Shiemi on a physical level. Shiemi and Izumo get in a bath together, and they hear laughter from the other side of the wall. Shiemi recognizes it as Rin’s voice, and starts giggling to herself, making Izumo ask her why she’s grinning. On the other side, when Shima starts acting weird and tries to peek on the girls by climbing the wall that separates them, Rin stops him by drop-kicking him down, exclaiming that this isn’t peeking, it’s totally looking. Shima asks him what the matter is with him and if he wants to see the girls naked, and Rin replies no, that if he did then it’d be awkward later (and Shura might kill him). But then, Rin has a flash, and he starts speaking from the heart and says “But to be honest… I would like to see Shiemi!!!” Shima tells him that he’s just like him, but Rin denies it on the spot. “No!! I’m not just like you!! What I meant was… just me and Shiemi alone or something!! I don’t want anyone else to see her!!” The others are all watching on very confused with Konekomaru blushing asking Rin if he really should be sharing all this, but then they see that there are demons lurking just above the wall; the Three Wise Monkeys. Those demons make anyone who goes near them want to see, speak and hear secrets. Meanwhile, Rin is screaming “SHIEMI’S MINE!! MIIIINE!!!” and he and Shima start to fight over Shima destroying the wall and Rin stopping him from seeing Shiemi. It all ends when Ryuji casts a ward to scare off the monkeys, releasing Rin and Shima from their influence, and the wall comes crumbling down, allowing the guys and the girls to see one another. Shura gets up and it is implied that she beat them up. Later, when they’re all in the locker room dressing up (and paying for the damages), Rin is very embarrassed and says he wants to disappear like cotton candy. Ryuji tells him that his true intentions were no surprise, shocking Rin.

Time passes, and the back-to-school routine settles back in. One day, Yukio gives out marked tests in his class and Rin is shocked that he’s doing better (he has a score of 68) and when Shiemi says that she did pretty good too, Rin wants to see who did better of the two of them and Shiemi grows shy, saying that she improved too (she has a score of 100). Rin is surprised and says that he thought she was “stupid” like him (because she used to have poor scores) and Shiemi goes “HUH?!” and tells him she had poor grades because she used fake names for plants, so she now memorized the real ones. Rin says that it’s a lesson learned. When class is over, Rin and Yukio talk for a bit about Yukio being home late and Rin being worried about whether he eats well or not, but Shiemi catches the way Yukio smiles (the same way he did when he rejected her for the dance party). When Yukio leaves and Rin and Shiemi are left waiting for their next class, she asks him if something is wrong with Yukio, and says she feels he’s acting distant toward him. “He looks at us the same way.” Shiemi says Yukio always smiles at her, to which Rin retorts that Yukio just wants to look cool in front of her, but Shiemi tells him that she believes Yukio is saying to not come any closer. They talk about him and the way Yukio acts with them, and Rin notes “You sure pay a lot of attention to Yukio.” (Calling back to Yukio telling those same words to Shiemi in the forest camp arc.) Rin dismisses the subject by telling her that talking to Yukio won’t change a thing, because he hates to lose. Rin and Shiemi are later shown shopping for food together at the grocery store, with Rin asking her what he should cook since Yukio is gone, and Shiemi giggling that he’s like his mother.

Later, Lewin Light becomes a new teacher at the cram school, and his only advice on taming demons is to make friends with them. When Rin comments that his advice is ridiculous, the others add that Lewin is right and making contracts with high level demons is necessary to become a senior exorcist. Shiemi comments that “And some demons are nice… like Rin and Nee!” Rin is flustered at the comment, retorting that he’s only half-demon, but he says under his breath “I’m nice?” while blushing.

In chapter 73, Rin and Shiemi have a mission together where they are tasked with cleaning a derelict house from a coal tar infestation. On the way there, Rin is thinking that walking with her like this is like a date, but he quickly shuts down his own thoughts by repeating to himself that she doesn’t feel anything for him. After their captain gives them their assignment and leaves them alone (because the Order can barely keep up with the current workload), Rin and Shiemi enter the old house and arm themselves with a holy water dispenser. Shiemi is concerned whether Rin is all right with holy water or not (since it affects demons), but he assures her that as a spray it only stings a little. They get to work and discuss their meister choices in the meantime, with Rin telling her he’s going to be a Knight since his sword is all he’s got, but Shiemi is still hesitating and unsure of what to pick. Rin has a sudden feeling, freezing him in place, and Shiemi backs up into him accidentally. When asked what the matter is, Rin says he’s sensing something under the floor, and guesses it might be Koks (a coal tar lord). Shiemi suggests they should go outside and call the captain, but Rin insists they can take care of it easily - but then he takes a step and the entire floor collapses, taking both him and Shiemi down. They fall all the way down into the foundations of the house, where they become trapped because Rin has a large stake stuck in his leg and he can’t move it out without shaking the entire house. They wisely decide to wait for the captain to come back, and wait together in the rubble.

0073-025 - Rin's confession

Rin confesses his feelings to Shiemi

Rin expresses that he’s glad she didn’t get hurt, and that he brought it on himself. As night draws in, Rin appears defeated with his own mistakes and takes all the blame on himself, saying that he always does stuff like this and that makes Yukio angry at him. Shiemi tries to cheer him up by imitating Yukio’s voice when he gets mad and Rin is shocked at how close she can sound like him. Shiemi goes on to say that Yukio just worries about him, like her own mother is probably worried for her, and says with a pensive look that family members worry about each other. She shivers, since it got colder down there, and Rin responds by making a flame appear in his palm. Shiemi is delighted and Rin invites her to come closer, that’ll warm her up, and so Shiemi crawls closer to him (not without slipping and falling right against his side). Rin tells her he can control his flame better than before and he can make shapes with it. Shiemi requests to see it and he sheepishly shows her how he can make a Kuro with his flames, but Shiemi calls it a cute octopus instead. Shiemi leans her head against his shoulder, saying that it’s pretty and that she likes his flame, and Rin listens in shock while she continues in a soft tone. “I like your flame. It’s warm… and soothing. I really like you.” Rin is overwhelmed by her words and, in the moment, responds: “I like you too.” In turn, Shiemi blushes wildly and hides her face, thanking him and saying that she’s happy, while Rin looks at her with his heart beating loudly. He leans in, seemingly to kiss her, but then he thinks of Yukio and draws back laughing, saying that he bets she meant it as friends. He asks if she likes Yukio, and she answers that yes, she likes Yukio too, and that both of them are her friends. Rin insists that Yukio has got to be special, much to Shiemi’s growing confusion, and she explains that she’s always admired Yukio like a hero, but now things are different, and that she wants to help him as a friend but she might not be strong enough to do so. Rin’s brain is spinning by this point and he exclaims “Huh? Does… Does that mean you’re not in love with either of us??!”

Shiemi is shocked and immediately denies being in love and claims that she’s too young for that, but then his words dawn on her and she realizes this is what he meant by “like”. They both stare at each other, blushing and completely red, speechless. They then get interrupted by coal tars floating up through the ground, and Rin decides the only way out is to destroy the house, so he blows everything up and they manage to leave. On the way out, while a crowd of passersby watch the fire in awe, Rin is limping and Shiemi is helping him walk by holding his arm over her shoulder, telling him his leg needs to be treated, but Rin insists his leg will heal in an hour or so. Shiemi then realizes how close his face is to hers and grows flustered to the point of letting him go and running off, completely embarrassed and slapping her own cheeks to pull herself together. After Rin talks to the captain, Shiemi calls him back and orders him to sit down and to “stop acting tough” (call-back to after the Neuhaus fight), and when Rin says that this happened before, Shiemi realizes that this was when she had decided to become an Exorcist to help everyone. She remains quiet, while Rin is watching very nervously, unsure of what she’s thinking. Rin’s phone rings, and he has to leave to go see Mephisto.

Aomori Arc[]

Rin and Shiemi will not see each other again until after this arc, which focusses on Shura, but their romance is discussed between Rin and Yukio. At the inn in Aomori, while they are bathing in the outdoor bath, Rin and Yukio talk about what they’ve been up to, and when asked, Rin admits that he “got carried away” and told Shiemi he likes her. Yukio is surprised, but when he asks him how she reacted Rin says he shouldn’t have told her, because now things will be awkward. He tells Yukio that he thought she liked him (Yukio). Yukio then explains that Shiemi’s always looked up to him because he’s her teacher, and that if she knew the real him she’d hate him. He thinks to himself while looking at Rin “Besides, the one she really likes is…” Their conversation is cut short when Yukio gets out of the bath, refusing to answer Rin’s question of whether he likes Shiemi or not.

Blue Night Investigation Arc[]

0082-009 - Rin flubbing it

"Let's go out together"

Rin and Shiemi speak again only in chapter 82, where they are forced to interact by finding themselves alone together in the hospital hallway outside Yukio’s room. They are both nervous to be in each other’s presence and things are obviously awkward, to a point that it makes Rin exclaim that he’s out of here, but as he’s leaving Shiemi stops him and exclaims “Thank you for what you said! I like you too!!” Rin is ecstatic, but Shiemi cuts him short by asking what the difference is between romance and friendship, because she is confused on how romantic love differs from platonic. Rin is confused on how to answer, and instead says that if she doesn’t hate him, then to go out with him. Shiemi is stunned. When she hesitantly asks if he means as a boyfriend and girlfriend and how exactly they’d go out, Rin gets nervous and in a panic exclaims: “How? Don’t be silly! We kiss… and other stuff! Like lots of cuddling! You know!!” (Or as he puts it in the anime “We’d make out like crazy!!”)

Shiemi’s mind breaks and she doesn’t reply. Izumo and Paku, who have been listening in on their conversation this entire time, come in to save her out of the situation and Rin panics upon seeing them and flees, distressed at how much of a disaster this was. While Izumo shakes Shiemi out of her daze, Paku bumps her shoulder affectionately calling her a little devil. When Paku has to leave to go on a date with her boyfriend, Shiemi comments how everyone is so grown up, but she doesn’t even know what love is and her mother is still against her becoming an Exorcist. “I need to become a proper human being!” Izumo decides to take matters in her own hands and invites herself to Shiemi’s house for a study sleepover, but really she’s using this as an excuse to make Shiemi read shoujo manga, in order to learn about love. While she reads, Shiemi has all kinds of realizations and she gets so engrossed into the story that her mind overheats. In the manga she’s reading, Kimi Monogatari, the main love interest, Hayato-kun, looks shockingly like Rin. In the story, he asks the main protagonist, Kimi-chan, to wait for him as he’s not ready, but Kimi-chan tells him that asking her to wait is cruel and that she can’t just stay friends. Shiemi finds relatability with Hayato-kun, mumbling while she’s reading that it’s a misunderstanding and that Hayato-kun actually likes Kimi-chan.

0082-028 - Shiemi's dream

"I'm gonna snap these roots!"

That night, Shiemi has a dream. She sees herself as a little sprout in her garden, talking about how comfortable she is here, despite it being a little lonely. Yukio appears and does his introduction, and she’s impressed with him and his knowledge. She expresses that she wants to be like him, but says that she shouldn’t dream big, repeating that the garden is perfect for her. Rin then appears next, loud and asking her about what she really wants to do. “I’m gonna snap these roots!!” He picks her up by the sprout on her head and pulls her out of the earth before leaving nonchalantly. Shiemi doesn’t want him to go and calls after him, struggling to get back to her shaking legs, and then she sees all of her friends looking back at her - all except Rin, who’s still looking ahead. Shiemi exclaims that she wants to be like everyone else, that she’ll work hard to keep up, and she slowly wakes up, saying “So… wait…” This dream is a perfect reflection of the effect the twins had on her from the very start; where Yukio was a first glimpse at the world outside her garden, it was ultimately Rin who had the strongest effect and was able to literally pull her out of it by “snapping these roots” that bound her to it. Shiemi then becomes determined to speak to Rin, thinking that she knows a bit more about love now.

0083-013 - Rin and Shiemi promise

Rin and Shiemi promise to be Exorcists together

She does so the next morning before going to class, when she meets with the boys in the school hallway. Rin is awkward, but Shiemi immediately asks him (in front of the guys) “about us going out, um…” which makes Rin gasp out and panic telling her “Not in front of everyone!!” Alas it’s too late, as Ryuji, Konekomaru and Shima all sneaked off to hide in the stairs nearby to listen in on their conversation, suddenly interested in how that even happened. Rin asks her to hurry up and tell him what she wants to say - and Shiemi bows down. “I’m so sorry!” She tells him that she isn’t ready for love yet, that she is behind everyone else and not nearly good enough. “So…” She thinks back to the manga she read and what Kimi-chan said about it being cruel to ask her to wait, and she hesitates in finishing her sentence, because she knows she can’t ask him that, so she ends up just quietly apologizing again. At this point, Rin is completely white and in a pure state of shock. Amaimon then chooses this moment to arrive and mock them, causing Shiemi to have a series of flashbacks to what happened during the forest camp; she was fully conscious while she was under Amaimon’s controlling parasite, repeating that she was scared, that she didn’t want to do this, all the while having memories of Rin losing himself to his flames. Amaimon pushes her out of the way and goes straight to Rin, asking him why he’s so white, but because Rin is in a state of shock he’s not responding and Amaimon takes offense because he doesn’t like being ignored. When he makes threats about picking a fight, Shiemi shoves him to the floor. She steps in front of Rin and exclaims to stay away from her friends. Despite the guys getting ready to defend her, Shiemi says that she won’t run. “Because… I… I’m gonna be an Exorcist!” Her words bring Rin out of his daze, and they both protect each other from Amaimon, with Rin blocking one of his punches. He calls him Umaimon, telling him that this is no place for fighting, and Amaimon loses it, but then they’re saved by the bell and him stepping away. Rin thanks Shiemi, and though she says it’s no problem, she gets awkward and goes to leave for homeroom, but Rin stops her. “We’re friends, just like before! And we’re both gonna be Exorcists!!” His words make her emotional, and she smiles. “Yeah… Let’s do our best!” As she leaves, Rin watches with the guys behind him, and says dejectedly that he can live with this, thinking that he didn’t want to fight with Yukio anyway. Ryuji slaps his back, telling him he’s a real man and he’s changed his opinion of him, while Shima comments that he tried too hard to be cool and Konekomaru says they’ll go to Ponchan later. Rin breaks down and hugs Konekomaru, crying out in despair.

Later that same day, after Ryuji comes back from a most unfortunate interrogation with Lewin that ended in Misumi dying, he joins back with the others for lunch in time to hear Rin tell him that Amaimon is now in Shiemi’s class, posing as Mephisto’s nephew with the name Ambrosius Faust. Rin is appalled and claims he must be here to put pressure on Shiemi. Shima teases Rin by telling him that maybe Amaimon likes “strong women”, which makes Rin mad. “Don’t be ridiculous! That’s not it at all!!” When the girls join them, Rin tells Shiemi that if anything happens, to not hesitate to tell them, but Shima puts his hand on his shoulder and reminds him that she rejected him, so to just give it up, which causes Rin to get up to shut him up. Everyone starts yelling at Shima.

Shiemi later asks her mother for permission to become an Exorcist, expressing that though she’s grateful for her and her grandmother and Yukio to have always sheltered and taken care of her, she’s realized that there is a wide world out there and she’s been totally absorbed by it. “I want to live in that world!” Her mother doesn’t shut her down, but, seeing that she’s gotten stronger, she tells her the secret of who she actually is. Shiemi is given the choice of what she wants to do.

Later, as winter vacation approaches, the gang discusses what their plans are for the break, and when Shima learns that Rin and Yukio’s birthday is on the 27th of December, he proposes to host a Christmas/Group Birthday party event, which gets rejected by both Izumo and Ryuji. Yukio arrives, calling for Shiemi. He asks her if it’s true that she’s not taking the certification exam, and she confirms it. She says that she’s not going to be an Exorcist, that instead she’ll be running Futsumaya. Rin is shocked, but it’s Izumo who starts yelling at her, telling her that she better not quit and even proposing that she’ll talk to her mother to convince her otherwise, but Shiemi stops her, and thanks her, telling her that she’s decided. She turns to Rin, and tells him that she’s sorry to break their promise. Rin is nervous, but he tells her that it’s fine, and that it doesn’t really matter. Shiemi assures them all that though she’s quitting the cram school, she’ll still be attending high school, and that she agrees with Shima’s proposal to host a party, and this time no one is willing to shut the idea down.

0088-010 - Shiemi folktales

Rin and Shiemi as folktales

When everyone else later discusses her sudden change of heart, Rin shares that he’s got this weird feeling. “But… she’s not dying, is she?” He’s hoping for the others to deny it, but they’re all quiet too and he has to tell them to say something to get them to all share their thoughts as well. Izumo and Ryuji both say that they’ve wondered the same thing, and Izumo grows upset wondering what could have happened in one day to change her like that, that she was so intent on becoming an Exorcist and that it’s all very strange. When Yukio reassures them that Shiemi isn’t dying and that she’s in perfect health, Rin cheerfully proposes that they just ask her directly, but as he runs off both Izumo and Yukio grab him back, forcefully telling him not to. After Shiemi later gives them all the plans she’s made with Paku about the party, Rin still asks her why she’s so intent on this, to which Shiemi just replies that she likes organizing stuff like this. “So there’s no particular reason?! You’re not dying or-” And Yukio grabs him and drags him off, saying they’ll be going now. The twins end up arguing outside about whether or not they should just ask her what’s happening, with Rin wanting to know and Yukio repeating that she’s not going to die. The others join them and when Rin asks what circumstances would have Shiemi change so suddenly, they all start giving different suggestions. Konekomaru suggests that maybe she has to go far away, like the moon (referring to the Princess Kaguya folklore tale). Ryuji suggests that maybe she’s actually a crane (this time referring to Tsuru no Ongaeshi, another folktale). Izumo suggests that she might be getting forced into marriage (with a little image of Shiemi’s mother telling her that when she turns 16 she has to marry the earl). Shima ends up shutting it all down by saying that Shiemi probably just changed her mind about the future and just wants to enjoy a party together.

0089-028 - Shiemi's not dying yet

"Are you gonna die??!"

They all set off to prepare the plans for the party, and everything comes together very nicely. However, on the night of, everything goes wrong and the entire thing catches fire and explodes. They all end up having a good laugh about it, and they make do with all the leftovers and make a hotpot around the kotatsu in the twins’ room. It’s an enjoyable time, but after the party when it’s time to leave, Shiemi stops everyone outside the dorms saying that she has presents for everyone, and hands them all a four-leaf clover charm in a bottle, wishing them all good luck in their exams. Rin just stares at his bottle grimly. “Aw, come on! Is… Is… Is this your final farewell?!” Shiemi is confused, and he points a finger at her, telling her he thought he was okay with this as long as she was, but he’s really not and asks her what’s up with all this. “Are you gonna die?!” “Die?! No, of course not!!” Shiemi pauses, and tells him that she can’t tell him the reason, and that she’s sorry. She assures him she’s not dying or going away, and that she’ll be right there still.

Beyond the Snow Arc[]

In this arc, we follow the descent of Yukio’s mental health, leading all the way from him and Rin learning about Yuri from Shura, to Yukio revealing that Satan is hiding in his left eye and running away to join the Illuminati after Rin breaks his sword.

0090-032 - Rin confides in Shiemi

Rin confides in Shiemi

It begins with the twins having a fight at night, with Yukio telling Rin that he wants to know about the circumstances around their birth, but his behaviour is so strange that Rin is baffled into silence. Later, the whole group is invited to Juzo’s and Mamushi’s wedding in Kyoto, right on New Year’s. That night, while they wait in line to get to Fushimi Inari Shrine for the celebrations, Rin and Shiemi get separated from the others and end up together in the crowd lining up. Their conversation starts off very casual, until Rin mentions that the last time they came to Kyoto, he thought everyone hated him. Shiemi claims that they didn’t, and Rin smiles and reassures her that he knows that now. He explains that he knows how she and Ryuji got mad at him for being so standoffish, and comments on how even Shiemi doesn’t even bother to scold him about that anymore, making her apologize for it. She sees that she’s been making him feel that way again with how much she’s been hiding, and Rin stares off into space. “And Yukio’s doing it too.” Shiemi sees his faraway look and grows concerned, asking him if something has happened. Rin confides in her and, growing emotional as he speaks, tells her that he doesn’t understand Yukio anymore, and that he doesn’t know what to do for him, even though he’s his little brother. Shiemi keeps looking at him without saying a word, until they get interrupted by Kinzo having climbed up a tree to find them in the crowd, calling them Shiromi and Satan.

The wedding takes place, but then everything goes wrong when Yukio threatens Ryuji to get information and the news on tv show that a cyclops has appeared in Ikebukuro, causing mass hysteria and revealing that a lot more people can see demons now. Later, when a completely defeated Yukio mindlessly goes to see Shiemi after learning the truth of who Father Fujimoto was, she invites him in. Though she tries to comfort him by hugging him, she is reminded of what Rin told her on New Year’s, and tells him that she’s his friend after he claims he has no friends or family. “And… Rin… He’s worried about you too.” Yukio pushes her to the ground and yells that he didn’t ask him to be. His action catches up to him, and he runs away, leaving Shiemi to call to him, but by the time he’s gone she’s crying and calls out to Rin. She immediately leaves to go find Rin. Meanwhile at the dorms, Ryuji asks Rin to talk to him but he barely has the time to start talking about Yukio that Shiemi comes running in, in tears, and exclaims “It’s Yuki…!!” She tells them all what happened, and then Ryuji also explains what Yukio did during the wedding, holding him at gunpoint. Rin can’t believe he’d do something like that, but when Shiemi tells him that Yukio said he was all alone, without any friends or even family, Rin is in shock. Shiemi is crying as she’s saying that she got angry and told him it wasn’t true, but she supposes that she messed up. Rin then wordlessly picks up his sword and runs out, with them calling after him. He takes off running to find Yukio, terribly angry. “That bastard!!!!”

The rest of the plot takes place, from Yukio getting arrested to the group deciding to bust him out, ending with Yukio shooting Rin and turning to leave. Seeing this happen, Shiemi calls out to Rin and runs to help, but Amaimon stops her, saying not to interfere. Rin’s demon side takes over momentarily and, in an effort to stop Yukio, he runs at his brother and slashes him with the Koma Sword - but Satan protects Yukio, and the sword snaps in two. Satan reveals himself, tells them to stop fighting, and Rin is propelled a distance away, with one half of the sword in hand. Shiemi calls to him once more. Satan taunts Rin by saying that he’s been using Yukio as a peephole and that now that the sword is broken, he is free of that “hateful curse” and that it’s time to awaken. Yukio turns to leave, but Nee comes trotting in front of Rin and sends vines out to wrap around him to stop him, with Shiemi controlling him telling Yukio not to go. Amaimon stops her by kicking his leg in her stomach, making both Izumo and Ryuji grab him in a rage. Satan calls Shiemi an interesting girl, and as the vines disappear, Yukio and Shima both leave to join with the Illuminati helicopter hovering above them. Both Rin and Shiemi call out to Yukio, but to no avail.

0098-006 - Rin reviving

Rin's heart appearing before Shiemi

Rin’s flames begin to burn all over him and he’s in pain as his demon heart is returning to him. The group runs over to him with Shiemi calling his name, but Rin barks at them to stay back, kneeling on the ground on all fours. Shiemi is watching in nothing short of horror while the flames grow in intensity - until he explodes in a giant fire. Rin realizes that this is just like when he fought against the Impure King, when his demon side took control for a moment, but that this time the pain is unbelievable and he can’t stop it. Rin burns alive before them, and while Amaimon explains what’s happening with his heart, Shiemi is screaming Rin’s name in tears and has to be held back by Izumo, otherwise she would run up to him. Finally, the flames die out quite suddenly, leaving Rin’s body completely carbonized and solidified into ashes. Under everyone’s horrified gazes, he falls over, his body breaking into pieces, seemingly dead. Shiemi is in a state of horrified shock, silent. While the others are in denial, with Ryuji claiming that this is Rin that they’re talking about and he has to come back to life, Izumo quietly lets Shiemi go. She stumbles up to Rin, falls on her knees next to him, and reaches out a shaking hand, whispering his name. Suddenly, a flame appears atop his body, and begins to take shape. Shiemi recognizes it as being his demon heart - and it begins to heal him. His body regenerates before their eyes, but things are different; his hair is white, and when he sits up and looks at Shiemi, his eyes are shaped like spirals. Shiemi is immensely relieved at first, not even minding that he’s naked and saying his name with tears in her eyes, but when he looks at her and says her name, Shiemi sees that something else is wrong. She backs up and away, and when she bumps into Ryuji, she says that he’s hot. “He’s not just warm anymore. That’s Rin… but it’s not Rin!”

0098-018 - Demon Rin

"Where is Rin?"

Rin’s flames explode again, but this time with the intent to destroy everything around him, and Shiemi’s reflex is to send out Nee. Her powers manifest and she suddenly creates a whole forest that stands between them and Rin’s flames, shielding them all from it. Rin is laughing in delight, exclaiming how amazing this is and how great he feels at letting his flames go wild, and that he’s never felt so good in his life. When he sees the forest that Shiemi’s created, he recognizes that it’s her, and says he’s impressed with her. However, with a shiver of excitement, he claims: “But oh boy… Do I ever wanna destroy it!” Shiemi is exerting herself so much trying to protect everyone that her nose starts to bleed, and while Izumo holds her up Konekomaru and Ryuji step in front of her to protect her while Rin is stepping closer toward them, destroying everything on his path. They try to call out to him, but all he does is smile eerily and say that he wants to release all of his flame, and that since they’re his friends they surely don’t mind taking it. Shiemi raises her head and, with tears flowing, asks him sternly “Where… is Rin?” Her words have a strong effect on Rin as it wakes up his human self inside his mind, and he and Demon!Rin have an interaction where they face off against one another. It ends with Rin punching Demon!Rin and claiming that he will not give him this body, and Demon!Rin repeating Rin’s own words to him about being Satan’s child and being unable to escape from this power. Rin then regains control over his body, causing his flames to die out, but he is exhausted and falls to his knees. His last words to his friends are “Guys… You’re all right? Good…” before he passes out and falls flat on the ground. Completely spent, Shiemi passes out soon after with him.

The Past / SsC Arc[]

From this point on, Rin and Shiemi will be separated from the others, as each will go on their own journey of growth across time. Rin will be gone for six months of his life exploring the past and learning everything about the circumstances surrounding his parents and his and Yukio’s birth and the truth behind the Blue Night, while Shiemi will be taken away to the Garden of Amahara (also known as El) where she will go through a special door to train to become the Saio for a year and a half of her life. Both of them will come back at the same time.

0099-025 - Shiemi's realization

Shiemi realizes her feelings for Rin

After Demon!Rin has been quelled, Rin was taken to Mephisto’s mansion, and Shiemi back to the dorms so they both could rest. Shiemi wakes up in a bed on the floor in a room, along with Izumo, and the two quietly discuss what happened and where everyone is now. When she asks about Rin, Izumo tells her she believes Mephisto is keeping him in custody, and she goes on to say that when he exploded, she thought he was going to die, and that he was like a different person. Shiemi finds relief in the fact that before he passed out he was glad that they were all right, that though he almost killed them, he did come back to himself. Shiemi stares at the ceiling, saying she’s glad that he came back, but when she thought he was really gone, she was very frightened. Izumo stares at her and spells out her own feelings for her. “It seems like you really like Rin.” Shiemi’s eyes widen, and she thinks of Rin. “...Me? Like Rin?” And she thinks back to every significant interaction and moment they’ve shared since the day they met, and she realizes that she does have feelings of love toward Rin. She starts to cry, and when she erupts in sobs, Izumo is shocked and asks her why she’s crying now, and calls her slow-witted while rubbing her forehead. Shiemi sobs as she calls herself a dummy, that she always lags behind everyone else. “I didn’t realize it until now… but now it’s too late!” Izumo catches her words and asks her what it’s too late for, to which Shiemi goes “Oops…”. Izumo has had it now and leans over her, asking her who she is. Before she can even say that she should tell her because they’re friends, someone knocks on the door; it’s a group of people from the Grigori Agency at Vatican Headquarters, saying that they’ve come for Shiemi. They come in, pushing Izumo aside, and come tell Shiemi that they and her mother are worried for her and that she should come to the Vatican immediately. Shiemi agrees, but Izumo objects and asks questions that no one’s answering, and before she leaves, Shiemi smiles at her still sobbing and thanks her for always being so nice. “And tell everyone else thanks too, okay?” She’s then taken away, leaving Izumo behind. Shiemi arrives at Vatican HQ, where she meets her uncle, Jeremiah Uzai, who speaks with familiarity with her but she doesn’t recognize him.

Meanwhile, Rin is sent to the past after talking with Mephisto. While there is no interaction with Shiemi for a long time while he witnesses all of the past events, early on as he spies on the way his mother Yuri used to act with Shiro when they first met, he sees her being cuddly with him because it’s cold and she calls him warm, claiming that even the yukiotoko is warm. Rin is embarrassed as he watches, hiding his face in his hands. “Mom sorta reminds me of Shiemi sometimes. That’s… That’s weird…”

As Rin goes through 40 years’ worth of time retracing his parents’ steps, he witnesses the day he and Yukio were born and how the Blue Night happens. When he sees the massacre he caused when he was born as a demon, Rin partially gives in to Demon!Rin and has the equivalent of a panic attack, but Mephisto stops it short by hiding his heart and Rin almost passes out. Mephisto claims that in the middle of all this chaos, no one can take care of him, and so he has Rin hold the Kamikakushi key in his hand and opens a door, inside which Mephisto pushes him, saying: “So go off to a place where you can cool your head.” Rin doesn’t recognize where he is, but he is alone on the floor and he passes out, thinking of his parents and Yukio. At this moment, what he doesn’t know is that the key took him to the one person he really wanted to be with to find comfort during his despair - Shiemi.

0114-014 - Shiemi finds Rin bathroom

"I feel better already!"

At the same time, Shiemi is going through her own moment of despair. As she was taken to Saiku Palace to take her place as the heir to Shemihaza, she has to follow etiquette and listen to an uncle whom she feels weirded out by. As she is sitting to eat, she realizes how alone she is, and begins to think that maybe she’ll never see her friends again. She tears up, but asks to go to the bathroom to pull herself together, thinking how she’s already lost heart and the others wouldn’t burst into tears like this. She asks herself what Rin would do if he were here - only to see him spread out, passed out, on the floor of the bathroom. Shiemi is shocked to see him, but she has to keep quiet because there are maids outside the door. She’s confused as she thought that Mephisto had Rin in custody, and she doesn’t understand why he’s here or why he’s dressed so differently. She wonders if something happened, then kneels down next to him and whispers to him, asking if he’s hurt… but Rin is asleep, and his eyes are partly opened while he mumbles and makes weird sleepy noises. Shiemi slaps her hands to her mouth, keeping herself from laughing out loud at how funny it is that he sleeps with his eyes open… but then her tears flow, and she finds an immense relief. “Wow… Just seeing his face… I feel better already! Rin’s incredible!” Rin begins talking in his sleep, first calling out to his mom, which makes Shiemi smile, amused, but then he calls for his father and apologizes, and she sees that he’s having nightmares about his internal conflict.

0114-025 - Shiemi is Rin's sun

Shiemi illuminates Rin's darkness

Shiemi speaks to him while he sleeps, and the pages go back and forth between his dream and her speaking to him, as a conversation. Rin goes through his inner turmoil and frustrations over realizing that the demon he saw killing everything in its path was always the real him, that his mother and father both died because of him and that he’s a source of evil. When he thinks that there was never any reason to be kind to people and that his brother left because he hates him, Shiemi’s words get through to his dream, where she asks him if he wants to go to Yukio. She tells him that she thinks he does, but that Yukio made his own decision to leave because he was suffering, and she knows Rin wanted to help. Rin is slowly being overtaken by Demon!Rin, saying that he’ll do whatever he wants and go totally wild, while Shiemi says that she wanted to help too but couldn’t, but that maybe even she can be useful. She has received so very much, so she wants to give something back. “And the truth is, I owe this feeling to you and Yuki.” As she goes on to say that if she hadn’t met them, she’d still be afraid of everyone and the world, that it’s a big, wonderful world with so many people, and they introduced her to it, the more she speaks the more light appears in Rin’s dream, shining the darkness away. “You guys… are like the sun to me! I’ll do my best to follow you!” Rin is looking at her light like he’s looking into the sun itself - and he wakes up. At the same time, the maids knock on the bathroom door asking if Shiemi is all right, and she has to step away, lying to them about having a huge poop. She ends up leaving the bathroom, leaving Rin alone to wake up all groggy. He sits up, not quite present, asking “Um… Shiemi…?” but then he quickly forces himself to wake up and he uses his key to hop right back into the past. Shiemi comes back with the maids, trying to keep them away, but Rin is gone and she is confused, wondering if it was a hallucination, but that even if it was, she feels better now. At the same time, Rin goes back to the same moment he left the past, and when Mephisto asks if he had a nice nap, Rin slaps his cheeks “I don’t know why, but I feel better!” So both of them have helped one another get through their moment of despair together.

Of One Cloth Arc[]

Rin and Shiemi do not see each other again for a lot of chapters, but for them it will be the next day (or a year and a half for Shiemi). After Rin and Yukio fight it out and make up before reuniting with the others, while they’re all eating together and right after Yukio is forgiven by Ryuji for what he did, Rin asks how Shiemi is doing, making both Ryuji and Izumo jolt. He and Yukio are confused by their reactions and ask if something happened, but they don’t have time to reply to them, because the Order has just found Satan’s host in a storage unit.

Shiemi only reappears long after the battle with Satan’s army begins and she comes in to take her mother’s place as the Saio to keep the barrier Enpeira going. Only after the seal on Satan fails and everyone regroups to where she is do they see her again. Shiemi has just been transferred the role of carrying the last remnant of Shemihaza’s crystallization by her mother, who was taken back to the Vatican as she was dying, and is struggling to keep face in front of a crowd of crestfallen Exorcists who believe this is the end of everything and that she’s not the real Saio. She takes her visor off of her face and reveals herself as Saio Shiemi, the daughter of the 90th Shemihaza, and proclaims that Shemihaza entrusted her with her hopes and that she can’t let her down. She begs everyone to lend them their strength, but her words fall on deaf ears, and all the crowd sees is a little girl. Shiemi hears them all claim that this is hopeless, that she can’t do this, and begins to have flashbacks to a past that she’s forgotten. She begins to have a silent anxiety attack, where she just stands there, in shock. Izumo and Rin both see her through the crowd and Rin even recognizes her voice (and her smell), and they and the others all run through against the leaving crowd, with Izumo calling her name and tearing her out of her state. Izumo runs to her and gives her a hug, exclaiming in tears that she was afraid she’d never see her again. Shiemi is happy to see everyone, but then she sees Yukio, and Yukio apologizes to her for what he did, and she simply tells him that she’s happy and that this is a wonderful dream, forgiving Yukio.

0142-015 - Rin thinks Shiemi is prettier

"I think you got prettier."

Shiemi and Rin reunite next, when Rin simply goes “Hey Shiemi! Long time no see!” Shiemi says his name, but then she gets distracted because she notices how bloody he is and that everyone else looks messed up too, and Rin argues that they’re fine now. Shiemi retorts that no, he’s not fine, and he should worry more about himself. Rin leans in, curiously, and asks if she’s changed. Squinting his eyes at her, he says bluntly: “I think you got prettier.” Shiemi blushes hard, exclaiming “WHAT?!” and stutters that it’s just because she’s wearing special clothes that have powerful wards to protect her against instant death, all the while Rin is staring at her confused (and the others are all standing there looking at their exchange like they can’t believe their eyes). They get interrupted when it’s announced that once the refrigerator doors close, there is no coming back or going back from the battlefield, so Lewin gives them a chance to go home. Rin immediately says that he’s staying, and so does Izumo, and when she asks Shiemi if she’s staying, Shiemi just smiles and tells her that there are things only the Saio can do, so she’s a bit different. Rin adds that he’s different too and that’s why he’s staying, but Lewin tells him that he can’t, because of who he is. Shiemi agrees that they should go, that she’s heard that she could play an important role by succeeding Shemihaza, so she’s here to protect everyone. Turning to Rin, she adds “Including you, Rin!” despite Rin not looking pleased by it. Shiemi tells them that they all have to live on, and turns around to leave. Slowly, one by one, everyone starts to head toward the doors, leaving only Rin and Yukio staying in place. The whole time Shiemi walks away, Rin doesn’t look away from her.

0143-008 - You gotta live

"Shiemi! You gotta live too!"

It turns out, all of this was a test by Lewin to test their resolve, so everyone gets to stay after all, and Shiemi is shocked. Rin proclaims that they’re all fighting in order to live, and that they have to win this once and for all, and all together. Turning toward Shiemi and addressing her directly, he says: “You gotta live too!” His words reach her, and she agrees. They are all officially reunited.

Later, when the group is eating together and catching up, they discuss what they want to do when this is all over, and Rin explains that he wants to eat a lot of good food because while he was away for half a year all he had to eat were energy bars that Mephisto gave him (that were too sweet). Shiemi says that it’s just like her, and that she trained in a world where time passed quickly. She drops that she’s like, 18 years old now, and Rin gets up excited to have figured out what was different about her (her hair being longer) - but then it dawns on them what she just said and they’re all baffled (Rin notably being appalled that she grew without them). When Shiemi says that she hopes she matured even a little, Rin and Izumo shut her down. Rin then leans down and pats her on the head, saying: “Besides, you haven’t gotten any taller!” Shiemi has a strong reaction and makes a noise, taking Rin by surprise. He apologizes, but Shiemi is blushing hard and says quietly that it’s okay, while Izumo stares like she can’t believe it. After that, when it’s time to get to bed and everyone scatters, Izumo goes after Shiemi to talk to her and tells her “Don’t you need to say something?” When Shiemi is confused, Izumo asks “You like Rin Okumura, right?” and Shiemi immediately puts both hands on her mouth telling her to shush and stay quiet. She argues that if she were to tell Rin now, it’d put him on the spot and make everything difficult, to which Izumo just goes “No??” She tells her that she might die tomorrow, and that she’ll regret not telling him, before calling her a coward. Taken aback, Shiemi argues that now is not the time, and Izumo promptly retorts “You don’t even have the courage to tell a boy you like him. So how can you save the world?” And she leaves to go to bed, leaving Shiemi in shock that she’d say something like that. “K… Kamiki… that was mean.”

0145-024 - Pining

"I'll start by asking him on a date."

The next day, after laying down the plan to take on Satan’s fortress and dividing everyone into teams (with Rin, Yukio, Izumo and Shiemi all being on the same team), Izumo goes to see Shiemi again and apologizes for the night before. However, she says that she meant what she said, and Shiemi tells her it’s nice to know that she cares, and that she did give her words some thought, but that she can’t tell Rin about how she feels. “Right now, it’s enough for all of us just to be together.” Izumo grabs her by the cheeks and sees through her, telling her that she just thinks she’s going to die and that she agrees with Rin, that she has to live and she’s not giving up. Shiemi starts laughing, her heart warming at the knowledge that Izumo is so sweet. Shiemi starts blushing, and says with a determined look: “If I make it back alive… I… I’ll start… by asking him on a date.” Izumo says that’s fine for now.

Meanwhile, while they’re talking, a distance away Rin is squatting on the ground just pensively looking at Shiemi, and Yukio sees him and thinks back to their conversation the night before about Satan, which is a worry that Yukio is going to carry from now on, so he goes to see him. After telling him that if there’s something still bothering him, he can tell him, Rin asks if he’ll really listen, and Yukio nods. Rin looks down a bit nervous, saying that he knows talking about this is a bit uncomfortable for him too. “But… don’t you think Shiemi has been distant toward me?” When Yukio just hums, Rin tells him that Shiemi rejected him when he told her he liked her, and Yukio is shocked, and Rin continues saying that after that it was hard to go back to normal. He then turns to Yukio and asks: “Do you think… she hates me?” And Yukio goes straight-faced and replies “How would I know?” and just stands up and walks away, appalled that this was what was on Rin’s mind. Rin yells after him that he’s cold all of a sudden after being all warm and fuzzy, and the subject is dropped.

Anime Changes[]

Over the years, Blue Exorcist has had various anime adaptations. Season 1 released in 2011, animated by A-1 Pictures, with 26 episodes, which was followed by a movie released in 2013. Season 2, Kyoto Saga, released in 2017, 12 episodes long, animated by A-1 Pictures as well. Season 3 comprises three cours, each divided in arcs; Shimane Illuminati released in 2023, Beyond the Snow in 2024, and Blue Night Saga in 2025, all 12 episodes each, animated by Studio VOLN. Each of these adaptations made changes to various RinShi scenes, which will be listed here.

Season 1[]

  • In episode 4, which adapts chapter 3, after Shiemi wakes up from her passing out, she goes to water the garden at night, where Rin finds her. In the manga, Rin is waiting for her to wake up at her door.
  • In episode 5, which adapts chapter 4, the anime added a whole new sequence of Rin dreaming about saving Shiemi from a horde of zombies and being a hero. The dream is not present in the manga.
  • In the same episode, when Rin and Shiemi are sitting at the fountain, the anime added more dialogue between them to show that they both had trouble with school growing up.
  • Episode 6 is the first filler episode of season 1, and it includes one RinShi scene: Shiemi comes to the old boys’ dorms and has tea with the twins, and as she leaves with Yukio Rin doesn’t hide that he’s jealous.
  • In episode 7, which adapts chapter 5, when asked what Meister to choose, Rin goes directly to asking the guys about what a Meister is. In the manga, he considers asking Shiemi, but he recalls Ryuji teasing him and becomes too self-conscious, so then he goes to the guys.
  • In the same episode, when Shiemi summons Nee for the first time, she goes straight to trying to talk to Izumo about it. In the manga, Rin is impressed with her having summoned Nee and is blushing while being in awe.
  • In episode 8, which adapts chapter 6, when Shiemi goes to hang the laundry on the roof, Rin helps her do it. In the manga, he asks if she needs help, but she refuses, to be more independent.
  • In episode 9, which adapts chapter 7, there is an interesting bit of trivia regarding the translation for the scene when Rin wakes up on the floor with Shiemi next to him. In the manga, Rin implies that they might have slept together by asking “We didn’t, uh… did we?”, while in the anime, he says “Don’t tell me you snuck in to visit me!” In the english dub, Rin just says that he doesn’t mind if she’s in his room. It’s still unclear which one of those three he really said.
  • In episode 12, which adapts chapter 9, when Shiemi is in danger of being crushed, she is inside an inflatable ball pit and there are only two steel beams falling on her, which are then cushioned by the ball bit. In the manga, she is out in the open and about to get crushed by an entire destroyed attraction.
  • In episode 14, which adapts the forest camp arc, when Shiemi is attacked by chuchis and is unconscious on the ground, Rin picks her on his shoulder when he proposes to take her back to camp. In the manga, he doesn’t.
  • In the same episode, when Rin is pulling the cart with the peg lantern, Shiemi exclaims that he’s amazing. In the manga, it’s Shima who says that.
  • Starting episode 16 all the way to the end of season 1, most of everything is non-canon.
  • Instead of capturing Rin and going straight to the trial, the plot is changed to Rin going berserk as his sword slightly breaks, and Shiemi calms him down by hugging him.

Season 2 - Kyoto Saga[]

  • In episode 1, which adapts chapter 17, the confrontation between Rin and Ryuji in the train stops at the end of the episode, and in the next the scene skips to the train station in Kyoto. In the manga, there is a whole crucial scene with the bariyon punishment where Shiemi realizes that Rin’s flames are warm and not hot. Shiemi’s realization was moved to the end of the season, when Rin is in prison and his flames touch her.
  • In episode 3, when Shiemi breaks down crying in front of Izumo, Rin is training in the background on the roof and explodes in flames. In the manga, the scene was earlier on the first day, and it was Juzo and Mamushi throwing a box out the window that surprised Izumo when Shiemi was crying.
  • In that same episode, toward the end, Shiemi is working in the inn and sees Rin train on the roof and becomes determined to keep working hard. In the manga, this same scene had Rin see Shiemi working inside the inn and gaining determination from it.

Not Covered[]

  • The Kraken Arc, which takes place right after the Impure King arc, was not adapted into anime form. Some important dialogue between Rin and Yukio was kept for the ending of Kyoto Saga, but everything else in that arc was skipped.

Season 3 - Shimane Illuminati[]

  • In episode 1 of Shimane Illuminati, which adapts the Seven School Mysteries arc, there are some RinShi scenes that are missing due to the pacing: in the manga, right before the Bride Ghost mission, Shiemi notices that Rin’s hair is different, but this mission was skipped in the anime. After Rin and Yukio talk in the kitchen dorms, Shiemi passes by and speaks with Rin, which was also skipped in the anime.
  • In episode 5, which adapts chapter 51, after they arrive at Fox Alley, Rin goes straight to wanting to “investigate” the food. In the manga, he comments on Shiemi’s sandwiches not having been enough to satisfy his hunger.
  • In episode 12, which adapts chapter 68, the events happen more or less the same as in the manga, but it was censored; in the manga, it takes place in a bathhouse, where the anime puts the scene in a pool.

Season 3 - Beyond the Snow[]

  • In episode 1 of Beyond the Snow, the scene in class starts right as Yukio announces the new date for the Exorcist Certification Exam. In the manga, there is a little exchange between Rin and Shiemi about their test scores.
  • In episode 6, which adapts chapter 83, when Amaimon arrives, Shiemi has one flashback of him from back at the forest camp. In the manga, she has a series of flashbacks and thoughts on how she felt during that event.
  • In that same scene, Rin helps Shiemi stand up from the floor after Amaimon leaves. In the manga, it’s Konekomaru who helps her up.
  • In episode 7, which adapts chapter 83-84, right after Misumi dies, the scene skips to the funeral. In the manga, there is a short scene between the group where Rin is worried about Shiemi because Amaimon is in her class. This scene was skipped.
  • In episode 8, after making plans for the Christmas/Birthday party, Yukio drags Rin off when he tries to ask Shiemi if she’s going to die, and the scene ends there. In the manga, they continue arguing and the others give their ideas on what’s up with Shiemi, some of them relating to marriage and her being part of folklore legends.


Warm Flames/Atakai Honoo : This track plays in key RinShi scenes, such as the hug during Kyoto Saga.

Tomorrow is Another Day : This track plays during the ‘Dance With Me’ scene during Shimane Illuminati.

Ai : This track is generally used in Shiemi scenes.

Call Me Later + Call Me + CALL : This song was written to be Shiemi’s theme song and plays in key Shiemi scenes. As confirmed by Kazue Kato on her twitter, here.

M : While originally Yuri’s theme, this song is used in RinShi scenes such as the aftermath of Rin’s confession in Beyond the Snow.

St-Ring : This track plays when Rin confesses his feelings to Shiemi in Beyond the Snow.

I Am : This track plays during various RinShi scenes throughout the seasons.


RinShi is one of, if not the most popular m/f ship in the Blue Exorcist fandom. The ship’s community solidified itself during the Kyoto/Impure King arc, when Rin and Shiemi hugged and many readers realized the true potential of the ship, and it has only grown in size over the years and as the manga kept going and more moments appeared that each had their own burst in popularity. Noteworthy are the hug in the Kyoto/Impure King arc, the “Dance with Me” scene during the True Cross Festival arc, and Rin’s confession in chapter 73. Every anime adaptation that has reached those parts saw new bursts in popularity for the ship.

The community now sits as a tight-knit group of creators that comprise some of the best in the fandom. Together, they hold yearly fandom events such as RinShi Week, which has been held without fail every year since 2015, as well as various other events such as 12 Days of RinShi, RinShi Day, held on June 4th every year celebrating the day Rin and Shiemi met (as in the release of chapter 3, being June 4th, 2009), and various others over the years. The community has produced fanzines such as Sun-Kissed: A RinShi Fanzine, and more art projects of the likes are in planification.

The community often pairs up and teams up with other ships, such as BonIzu, ShirYuri, or some of the less popular like YukIzumo or YukiBon. Together with these other communities and creators, they create fanfics and artworks based on the main themes of the series, such as family, love, and happy endings, as well as opposing themes and motifs such as creation vs destruction, plants vs flames, humanity vs demons, etc. This encouraged the community to grow into one of the biggest theory crafters in the fandom throughout the manga’s run, including in-depth analysis and character essays. On AO3, the RinShi tag currently contains 143 works, and FFN has 114.


Shiemi/Rin tag on AO3
Shiemi & Rin tag on AO3
Shiemi/Rin tag on
燐しえ tag on Pixiv
RinxShiemiFC fanclub on DeviantArt
RinxShiemi4Life fanclub on DeviantArt
RinShi-Feels fanclub on DeviantArt
BlueFlameXFlower fanclub on DeviantArt
RinShi posts on Tumblr



Blue Exorcist title
Blue Exorcist ShipsBlue Exorcist Characters
SHIPS het BonIzuRinShiRizumoSataYuriShirYuriYukiShiYukiShura
slash BonRinEdrinYukiBonYukishima
femslash IzuShie
poly Kyoto TrioRinYukiShi
friend ExwiresIzuUkeMikeKurinShiNeeUsamarin
family Okumura Brothers
male Rin OkumuraRyuji SuguroYukio Okumura
female Izumo KamikiShiemi Moriyama