- “I have three girlfriends!”
- — Rodney
Rodlygamy is the poly ship between Rodney and every female contestant on Total Drama Pahkitew Island.
Total Drama Pahkitew Island[]
In "So, Uh, This Is My Team?", Rodney was put on Team Pimâpotew Kinosewak, along with Jasmine, Scarlett, Amy, and Samey. Rodney would end up being romantically infatuated with all four of these girls during the course of the season.
In "I Love You, I Love You Knots", Rodney ended up getting into a "polyamorous relationship" with three different girls. He considered himself to be in a relationship with Jasmine after the previous episode. During this time, Rodney fell in love with Scarlett, when they were walking through the woods together and Scarlett put her hand on his chest to stop him from stepping in deer poop. After Rodney went smitten with Scarlett, he babbled a bunch of gibberish to her, which, in his head, sounded like him asking her out and getting accepted. Rodney then came to the shocking realization in the confessional, that he was cheating on Jasmine with Scarlett. He knew that he needed to properly break up with Jasmine, which was going to be tough, as he had already dumped her for Amy a while ago. Before Rodney could break up with Jasmine, Samey, (who was in disguise as Amy), offered Rodney some berries. Rodney fell in love with Samey, albeit under the impression that she was Amy and just like before, he rambled a bunch of nonsense into her face. Rodney considered himself the official boyfriend of "Amy" and found himself in even more of a pickle, as now he was a three-time cheater. He felt the need to break up with these girls that he was never dating but had no idea how to do this without breaking all of their hearts and making them furious at him. Rodney was asked during the Truth or Scare challenge which girl on the island he loves most and Rodney lied, saying that he was in love with Sugar, despite her being one of the few girls on the island he never showed an attraction toward. This got him and his entire team, electrocuted. This would continue throughout the game, where Rodney would constantly lie during all of his truths and get his team electrocuted. In the end, his team lost and during the campfire ceremony, Rodney was eliminated. It can be presumed that all three of his "girlfriends" voted for him. When Rodney was stuffed into the Cannon of Shame, he said that he needed to say some final words to Jasmine, "Amy", and Scarlett. Just like before, he started blabbering like an incoherent idiot, which brought him to tears, since this sounded like a legitimate breakup to him. With that, Rodney's so-called "polyamory" was officially over.
Because of how Rodney has a new love interest in every episode, it's difficult for fans to take single-target ships with him seriously. Especially since none of his relationships were really legitimate and only took place in Rodney's head, proving that not even the writers took Rodney's love life seriously. Some fans believe that because Rodney kept falling in love with tons of different girls, it would be really funny if he got into a polyamorous relationship with all of them. This seems like a pretty fitting ship for him, due to the fact that he's most likely never going to decide on a single girlfriend. This ship is mostly seen as a joke in the fandom, being used ironically. This is because of two reasons. The first reason is that Rodney isn't exactly a fan favorite and people would prefer that Rodney not be rewarded with such a talented harem and instead be given only one girl that's more in his league. The second is that having every female contestant being in a harem with Rodney would contradict rival ships. Such rival ships include Shasmine, Scarlax, Tophella, and TophAmy.
There is fanart of Rodney in a polyamorous relationship on DeviantArt, created by Mackthelokz, titled "Everybody Loves Rodney". The work depicts Rodney being coddled and fawned over by all of the girls, (and Topher).
- Rodney Polyamory fanart on DeviantArt
- Female Contestants and Rodney on Total Drama Wiki
- Ammy refers to the ship between Amy and Samey
- JasRod refers to the ship between Rodney and Jasmine
- Jasamey refers to the ship between Jasmine and Samey
- RodAmy refers to the ship between Rodney and Amy
- RodScar refers to the ship between Rodney and Scarlett
- RodSam refers to the ship between Rodney and Samey
- Rodella refers to the ship between Rodney and Ella
- RodSky refers to the ship between Rodney and Sky
- Sammella refers to the ship between Samey and Ella
- Skella refers to the ship between Sky and Ella
- Sugella refers to the ship between Sugar and Ella
- SugRod refers to the ship between Rodney and Sugar