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Rose Garden is the het ship between Ruby Rose and Oscar Pine from the RWBY fandom.


Volume 5

When Ruby and Oscar first meet in Volume 5, Chapter 1, Oscar immediately takes note of her silver eyes and appears to be in in awe of them.

In Volume 5 Chapter 3, before Ozpin and Oscar show how they switch body dominants, Oscar shares a brief look with Ruby, who giggles and smiles at him, causing Oscar to blush with embarrassed and dumbfounded opened mouth smile to which he apologizes for his reaction as he never met Huntsman or Huntresses before.

The two are paired together for hand-to-hand combat training and after successfully punching Ruby in the face, Oscar is very apologetic. After Ruby punches him back and knocks him to the ground, she helps him up as well.  When he collapses on the ground after the spar Ruby rushes to his side asking if he is okay.

In Volume 5 Chapter 5, Ruby tells Oscar that he is improving with his combat abilities - noting him to be a natural at it. Through further conversation, Oscar eventually admits to Ruby that he is scared of what bad things will happen next for their mission, and confronts her asking how she can handle the current situation. Ruby confides in him over the loss of her friends Penny Polendina and Pyrrha Nikos, admitting that she is scared too. Despite all odds, Ruby says that she has to keep moving forward, as it would be what Pyrrha and Penny would do if Ruby was the one to lose her life. Before she leaves, Ruby compliments Oscar, telling him that he is braver than he thinks. After she leaves, Ozpin converses with Oscar, noting that Ruby is remarkable and has a "spark" to inspire others. Oscar remarks in admiration that Ruby must have been "one of the best Huntresses at Beacon", which Ozpin confirms. 

During the Battle of Haven Oscar takes a moment to observe how everyone else is doing and after noticing that Ruby is knocked out he immediately rushes to her aid, begging her to wake up by saying, "Ruby, get up! Get up!! We need you!".

Volume 6

In Chapter 1, Oscar struggles to fight off some Grimm and Ruby notices. Worried about his safety, she helps dispatch the monster he's fighting and nods at him with a smile once she sees he's okay.

After Ozpin's backstory is revealed Oscar expresses his fear of becoming just "another one of his lives" to which Ruby is the only one to encourage him by saying "You're your own person."

When Team RWBY explains to Team JNR the truth about Salem, tensions are high. After seeing that Ruby is upset, Oscar steps in to try and mediate.

After everyone reunites with Oscar, who they thought was missing, Ruby shares a small moment with him and compliments his new combat gear he bought while he went shopping. They share a smile afterwards.

During the fight against Cordovin in her giant robot, Oscar expresses his concern for Ruby several times by calling out her name.

Ruby praises Oscar to the rest of the group and compliments him for successfully flying and crash landing the airship they need to get to Atlas.

Volume 7

In Chapter 1 during the team's fight in Mantle, Oscar was caught unawares by a Grimm approaching him from behind. Ruby was once again keeping a close eye on him and took the monster out before it caused any harm, nodding at Oscar again once he was safe.

After Ruby's decision to lie to Ironwood, Oscar is uncertain if that is the correct action they should be taking. Nevertheless, he trusts and follows Ruby's decision.

Volume 7, Chapter 9 showed Ruby and Oscar encouraging Ironwood to tell the truth together. Coming to the realization that they should do the same they share an awkward moment where they agree to tell Ironwood the truth. They repeatedly spoke over each other and when they both said the same thing simultaneously they laughed awkwardly. Before leaving and going their separate ways, they both stop and turn to each other, once again accidentally speaking over each other. They laugh awkwardly, and Ruby does a finger gun gesture at him with both hands before running out the door towards her transport. Marrow Amin, an Ace Operative, comments "Ugh, kids." in feigned annoyance before following Ruby out the door.[1]

When Oscar is talking to Ironwood, regarding the truth about Salem, he protects Ruby in that conversation by not mentioning that it was initially her decision to keep it from Ironwood and using a collective "we" - showing the groups, and his, responsibility in supporting Ruby's decision.

Volume 8

In chapter 1, Weiss, Ruby, and Maria pick up Oscar from down in the crater, from which he fell to after being shot by Ironwood. Oscar laments on his decisions, and being unable to convince Ironwood, to which Ruby tells him that they all did their best and that she is glad that he is alright while putting a hand on his shoulder - an action which causes Oscar to momentarily blush.[2] When Oscar is back with the rest of the team and Nora hugs him gently, Ruby lets out a breath of relief and smiles seeing that he's safe. In Chapter 10 when the group is reunited Ruby ran up to Oscar relieved that he was ok. She was presumably about to hug him until she saw Emerald standing next to him. She then immediately got angry and was about to protect him from what she thought was an attempted ambush that Oscar couldn't see due to Emerald's illusionary semblance.

Volume 9

In Chapter 1, Neo transforms into several different people when attacking Ruby in order to disorient her, Oscar among them. In chapter 8, after Ruby slashes and mortally wounds an illusion of Oscar, she is overcome with guilt and becomes unable to continue fighting against Neo, ascending later on.

Behind The Scenes[]

Miles Luna, one of the writers for the show, has made several comments regarding the this ship:

  • He has stated at an RTX London RWBY panel in October of 2017, and later again in a Q&A Video, that the age difference of two years between the two is not a problem. He finds it odd that some fans find Ruby too old for Oscar and that it's fine to ship them. [3][4]
  • He has confirmed that they weren't going for a sibling dynamic between Oscar and Ruby and that their relationship is currently a vibe of adorably awkward, mutual respect, and supportiveness. He expounds on it, saying that they both feel like they can relate to each other and that Oscar really admires Ruby, wants to be strong like her, and thinks she's super cool. He goes on to say that Ruby sees a lot of herself in Oscar - with how they were both the younger members of the group with a lot of expectation and burdens put on them - and that she has a lot of respect and admiration for him given his situation and how he is doing his best and working hard despite that.[5]
  • Miles has done many other Cameo videos talking hypotheticals about the ship in 2023 including what the two would do for dates[6], how they would spend Oscar's birthday[7], how Oscar might inspire Ruby[8], and what might have happened between the two had Oscar fallen into The Ever After in Volume 9 with Ruby and the rest of her team.[9]

The voice actresses for Ruby Rose and Emerald Sustrai, who are Lindsay Jones and Kate Newville respectively, has also made comments about their views toward the ship:

  • In a Q&A fan video chat, when asked about Rosegarden, Lindsay compares Ruby and Oscar to Kataara and Aang in which she thought that Kataara and Aang had a brother and sister relationship and was surprised when they ended up together. She talks about how Ruby and Oscar can relate to each other in how they were thrust into their roles which comes with alot of burdens.[10]
  • In a Q&A video, Kate is taken aback by a question about Oscar's dynamic with a different character and says she thought Ruby and Oscar were more likely to end up in a romantic relationship.[11]


A Rose Catches The Farm Boys Attention

"A Rose Catches The Farmboy's Attention" created by NizhoniNochez, requested by Dragonboy1092 - The 1st Ever RoseGarden Fanart

Some fans started shipping Rose Garden as early as Volume 4 EP 6-7 as shown by the first fanart requested by Dragonboy1092 on December 22, 2016.[12][13][14] The official ship name was first suggested later on January 31, 2017 which was quickly accepted by fans.[15]

That said, Rosegarden didn't really start growing in popularity until Ruby and Oscar's first meeting in Volume 5. Their first meeting was noted by the fans to be similar to the shipping fanarts that headcanon how Oscar and Ruby's first meeting would go.

While the two did not meet until Volume 5, some fans have pointed out that Oscar's first appearance is waking up from a nightmare immediately after Salem sends Tyrian on a mission to go kidnap Ruby.

During Volume 5, Oscar remarks that Ruby must have been one of the best huntresses at Beacon Academy, with Ozpin agreeing. Oscar holds Ruby in high regard, and admires and respects her.

During the Battle of Haven, Oscar chooses to go to Ruby's side instead of helping take care of Weiss. Similarly, during the fight against Cordovin, Oscar calls out Ruby's name several times, but never others who are also in danger like Weiss, who was right next to Ruby when Cordovin launched her missiles at them. These moments are seen by fans of the ship as examples of Oscar's attachment to Ruby and affection for her, as he worries about her well-being above everyone else's. 

Many Rose Garden fans believe that in Volume 6, Chapter 9 when Oscar is first seen with his new outfit, he is looking in Ruby's direction. This is seen as him being excited to see her reaction and hoping that she will like it. Some also believe that Oscar making a casserole was because he overheard Ruby say that food always makes her feel better in Volume 6, Chapter 5, and he knew she had been upset earlier that day.

Their awkward moment in Volume 7, Chapter 9 has fans of the ship excited as it showcases a typical shoujo scenario.[16]

As of Volume 8, it is implied that Oscar's admiration and respect for Ruby has made him develop a crush on Ruby as evidence by him blushing when she merely touches him. This is something he doesn't even do when Nora hugs him.

The complementary color theory that is applied to several other RWBY ships is also applicable to Rosegarden. Additionally, Oscar's new outfit includes dark red elements, that is seen by fans of the ship as him trying to complement Ruby's color scheme.[17] Ruby and Oscar also share a trait of glowing eyes, where Ruby's glow silver due to her silver eye warrior powers, while Oscar's glow gold due to Ozpin's influence. In this sense, Ruby and Oscar are also seen as silver and gold, being the only two main characters in the show whose glowing eyes do not come from maiden powers.

One of the RWBY in-universe fairy tales is called "The Warrior in the Woods". Fans of the ship has noted that it could be a subtle reference to the potential romance of Ruby and Oscar or at least, Oscars growing feelings for Ruby. This because, in the story, the Warrior is a silver eyed warrior who protects the village of the male protagonist from afar. She saves him on their first meeting with him noting that she was "beautiful as she was fierce". They coincidentally meet occasionally throughout the years, striking up a sort of distant friendship, until he found out she disappeared. The protagonist decides to take up her legacy to protect the village in her place and tell her story to others. He laments on how he, despite working to be stronger, failed to protect and be with her and noted that he fell in love with her the moment he saw her silver eyes. Some fans took this as a subtle call back to Oscars reaction to seeing Ruby's eyes the first time he saw her and his growing admiration and appreciation of her as a Huntress and friend.

Fans theorized for some time that Oscar might allude to The Little Prince, the titular character of a story by the same name. The idea came from both characters having similar themes and costume designs, as well as both having very important relationships with a Rose. In July 2023, Miles Luna - a writer for the show - confirmed the allusion was correct in a Cameo Q&A Video[18], which made fans of the ship even more enthusiastic about this idea.[19]



Ruby/Oscar tag on AO3
Ruby/Oscar tag on


Rosegarden posts on Tumblr


  • On December 22, 2016 the very first Rosegarden fanart - although it didn't have a ship name yet or was on the mega rwby shipping chart - was made by the artist NizhoniNochez on Deviantart. This was requested by one of the earliest RG shippers, Dragonboy1092 on deviantart. The date of the early fanart was noted by future RG shippers and dubbed as Rosegarden Day in which the RG shippers submits their RG Christmas art/writings for the now yearly event.[12][13][14][20]
  • In a Reddit AMA on December 2nd, 2020, Eddy Rivas - another writer on the show - explained how it's common sign of affection for romantic partners in Remnant to wear each other's colors. Oscar incorporating red to his outfit upgrade in Volume 6, specifically along his shoulders mirroring Ruby's red hood, seems to lend well to this cultural practice.[17]
  • In June 2023, Aaron Dismuke - the voice actor for Oscar - recorded an improvised video for a fan at a convention where he repeats the phrase "don't think about how pretty Ruby is" in Oscar's voice.[21]
  • They are both the youngest protagonists of the show.
  • Their ship name comes from the fact that Ruby's surname is rose, and there are lots of gardens in farms. Oscar used to live on a farm.
  • On January 13th, 2020, the Official RWBY Twitter released a meme image Tweet about the 2020 Oscars. The template used showed Ruby Rose scowling at the idea of the Oscars, but beaming at the idea of Oscar Pine. [22]
  • On August 31st, 2021, the Official RWBY Twitter commented a gif of Oscar on a fan art by Nahoqo of Oscar holding a Rose captioned as "The Little Prince".[23]
  • Oscar's fairytale allusion is The Little Prince, which is a story about a boy who is in love with a Rose.[18]


Main article: Rose Garden/Gallery


  5. Miles Luna - RWBY Cameo Q&A
  10. Littlemisssquiggles - Tumblr Ask Post
  12. 12.0 12.1 Rosegarden Day Notice/Reminder - Darleenacanania & heartshiningxx on Tumblr
  13. 13.0 13.1 A Rose Catches The Farmboy's Attention - Nizhoninochez on Deviantart
  14. 14.0 14.1 Rosegarden Day Post - Heartshiningxx on Tumblr
  15. "Best Ship Name For Ruby x Oscar: Rosegarden" -
  17. 17.0 17.1
  18. 18.0 18.1
  20. 1st Repost of 1st RG Fanart on Knowyourmeme
  22. [1]


Bright Eyes — the ship between Ruby Rose, Oscar Pine and Penny Polendina
Ruby's Harem — the ship between Ruby Rose, Oscar Pine, Penny Polendina, Jaune Arc and Weiss Schnee
Traffik Lights — the ship between Ruby Rose, Oscar Pine and Jaune Arc


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