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RyUkyo is the slash ship between Ryusui Nanami and Ukyo Saionji from the Dr. Stone fandom.


Neither Ukyo or Ryusui are introduced on the initial parts of the series. Ukyo is first introduced in the Communications Arc while Ryusui is first introduced in the Age of Exploration Arc.

Age of Exploration Arc[]

Ukyo does not accompany Senku and the others to revive Ryusui initially.

From Ryusui's initial introduction, the first scene they shared together was when the Expedition Team (made up of Ukyo, Chrome and Kohaku) leaves. Ryusui is only there to see them go, so there is no interaction between them yet.

Later on, Senku and the team start building a hot air balloon to spot the Sagara Oil Fields. However, Ryusui had already established his demand to take ownership of it immediately as soon as it was found in order to agree to steer the Perseus, something Senku reluctantly agrees to.

Ryukyo Ep 1 Ukyo explains Ryusui about the Kingdom of science

Ukyo introduces Ryusui to the Kingdom of Science

Shortly after, Ryusui explains the significance of currency to Nikki which then transitions to the Expedition Team when Ryusui mentions having faith that Senku will find the oil fields. Ukyo seems moved to spot Mt. Fuji at a distance and to see a "Japanese Niagara Falls" as a result of the nearly four millennia of petrification.

Senku, Ryusui, and Chrome embark on a troubled journey to Ishigami Village (where Ukyo was) on the hot air balloon. Upon their arrival, Ukyo and Kohaku show Ryusui around while they also update him on some of the things that had happened since Senku's revival. There, Ryusui and Ukyo exchange a brief conversation about Tsukasa.

Later on, they are both part of a welcome feast for Ryusui, made up solely of fish, much to his dismay. Ryusui shows his conviction to find the oil fields and food in order to not eat just fish for too long. Ukyo says that he has determination and that he recently realized that in this world, greed is not that bad.

While looking for the oil fields, Ryusui spots something in the distance from the hot air balloon, which he predicts based on his sailor's instincts was a herd of wild animals. Simultaneously, on the ground search team, Ukyo hears it with his great hearing sense and manages to spot them shortly after. He shoots an arrow to an old goat after apologizing to it so they could have its meat. Senku, Ryusui and Kohaku soon join him and Chrome to help transport it. Several hours after, during dinner, Ryusui is shown to be eating meat from the goat. Ryusui and Ukyo were also present with Chrome and Kohaku to help create the first map of the New World.

The following day, Kohaku spots wheat, something Senku had foreseen due to the discovery of the heard of goats. Ukyo and Ryusui along with the others help transport some wheat for cultivating and baking back to Ishigami Village.

When the ship is completed, Ukyo is present when Ryusui tells Senku to find more ingredients due to the bad taste and appearance of the food.

Ukyo is also present when Ryusui and Senku say at the same time that they need a chef, with Ukyo noting that they were in harmony.

They are seen together when Senku and Chrome finish creating the mirrors, when they are on the boat and Senku says they need a GPS, and when they get the message from the Whyman.

During the meeting of the Five Wise Generals, Ukyo looks at Ryusui realizing that he called the mysterious person, "Why-Man" and after Senku and the others created the radar, Ukyo looks with Senku, Gen, and Chrome what thanks to the radar they were able to locate many fish, while Ryusui caught them.

During the creation of the Perseus, Minami is saddened because she fears that she will never see her friends again and recommends that everyone take a photo with the Perseus and after taking the photo a panel of Ryusui and Ukyo is seen smiling. When they begin to get on the boat for the trip to Treasure Island, Ukyo is one of those called by Ryusui to get on.

When Kirisame approached to turn the crew to stone, Ryusui and Ukyo were the only members of Perseus who noticed her presence and who was keeping an eye on her before she came out of hiding, as well as the only ones who could react before turning to stone.

After Ryusui is depetrified for the second time, he speculates that they will be fighting on a tridimensional war, and suggests that they need their 3D specialist, referring to Ukyo. Ukyo then because the 3rd person of the petrified crew to be revived. Ukyo catches up to the information as soon as he is revived and Ryusui remarks how he knew about it due to being their sonar operator.

After Senku invents the firearms, Ukyo says that he still wants to avoid bloodshed and wrongly predicts that the others will think his idealism is nonsense in the dire situation they are in. However Ryusui says that Ukyo's attitude is completely logical, since killing people just makes enemies of their friends and family, the reason they don't kill anyone with their gun. After Ryusui's words a large close-up of Ukyou smiling is shown.


  • Ukyo and Ryusui are next to each other on the ending of season 4, "Where do we go?"
  • When the crew had just arrived to Treasure Island and Kirisame attacked, Ryusui and Ukyo coordinated a counter attack which helped save Ginro and Suika.
  • Live Voice Drama: During the 5th Anniversary Festival Live Voice drama, Ryusui continuously compliments Ukyo.
  • (Also in the Live Voice drama) Ukyo notices Ryusui sprained his ankle based on the sound of his footsteps alone, something Ryusui embarrassedly confirms surprising Gen and Chrome. [1][1]


Despite the little interaction between them, Ryukyo is well loved and well received by fans due to the fact that both are from the Five Wise Generals of the Kingdom of Science, their physical resemblance and their opposite personalities. While Ryusui has a very cheerful and outgoing personality, Ukyo tends to be more reserved and calm. The ship is often paired along with Sengen. They are also often shipped together due to the aesthetic the ship imposes. Since Ukyo is a sonar operator and Ryusui is a sailor, many people like to see them as a potential duo on the seas, having Ryusui as the captain and Ukyo as his right man. Many fanarts have Ryukyo and SenGen as the main couples from the 5 wise generals and have Chrome 5th wheeling, however, there’s still plenty of works that exclude Chrome and exclusively have RyUkyo and SenGen in them. The ship has had a growing popularity within the fandom since Ryusui’s introduction. Through the manga and anime, Ryusui is implied to be bisexual, whereas Ukyo’s preferences are never addressed, this leads many fans to believe they have romantic potential.

The tag Nanami Ryuusui/Saionji Ukyou has 138+ stories written on AO3.

Ukyo and Ryusui are often seen close to each other on official art, similarly how Senku and Gen are seen together on multiple official arts. RyUkyo is one of the most popular ships for both characters. It is however usually rivaled by  Ryukasa and RyuSen from Ryusui’s behalf, and HyoKyo and Ukrome from Ukyo’s behalf.

Fanmade Holidays[]

  • Ryukyo week is a yearly fanmade holiday that runs for a week from September 12 to September 19 .
  • Ryukyo MarineDay ( #龍羽MarineDay ) is a fanmade holiday that runs for a week yearly starting from the third Monday of July.


Ryuusui/Ukyou tag on AO3
Ryuusui & Ukyou tag on AO3
RyUkyo posts on Tumblr
Ukryu posts on Tumblr
RyUkyo posts on Twitter
龍羽 posts on Twitter
Ryuusui/Ukyou hashtag on Twitter
RyUkyo hashtag on Instagram
龍羽 hashtag on Instagram
羽龍 tag on Pixiv
龍羽 tag on Pixiv
龍羽 tag on Buhitter
Ryusui's Relationship with Ukyo on the Dr. Stone Wiki
Ukyo's Relationship with Ryusui on the Dr. Stone Wiki


Main article: RyUkyo/Gallery


  • Ryusui and Ukyo have opposite personalities⁚ Ryusui is arrogant while Ukyo is noble.
  • Ryusui and Ukyo were the only members of the petrified Perseus crew to recieve paper hats made by Suika.
  • In various media and moments of the manga it is implied that Ryusui could be Bisexual.
  • During voyages, Ryusui and Ukyo usually build a conclusion together such as in the journey to the Americas.
  • When Senku and Ryusui play poker to decide which route will be used, Ukyo is the referee.
  • Ryusui and Ukyo are often depicted close to each other on official art.
  • The yōkai au based on official art is a pretty popular base for countless of Ryukyo fanarts.
  • Ryusui is usually depicted with the dragon 🐉 emoji while the bow and arrow 🏹 one.
  • Ryukyo fanmade holiday MarineDay ( #龍羽MarineDay on Twitter) is a Sea/Marine-themed holiday based on a real-life holiday in Japan and it is celebrated for a week starting from the third Monday of July. Sea-themed fanart is posted on Twitter under the hashtag #龍羽MarineDay to celebrate the ship.
  • On the forth popular poll, Ryusui ranked as number 3, while Ukyo as number 4.[2]


  1. DCST 5TH ANNIVERSARY Live Voice Drama (Sports Festival) translation.
  2. Popular Poll


Dr. Stone ShipsDr. Stone Characters
het ChruriSenhakuSenRuriTaiYuzu
slash RyuKasaRyUkyoSengenStanXenoTsukaSen