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Saibuki is the het ship between Fubuki and Saitama from the One Punch Man fandom.


The Blizzard Group Arc[]

Chapter 42[]

Saitama and Fubuki first met when she decided to pay a visit to his home with couple of her Blizzard Group members, Eyelashes and Mountain Ape. As a Class B rank 1 hero, she got interested in him after Saitama climbed from Class C to Class B despite him not having any other notable record of his actions since the Hero Test. In the anime she knew Saitama got exceptional results in physical exam portion of the Hero Test, crushing every record for every event. She then thinks there has to be more to him than meets the eye.

When she arrives to Saitama’s door with her two Blizzard Group members, one of them yells at the door for Saitama. Telling him they know he lives there and that he should come out as Blizzard of Hell wants to personally speak with him. Saitama answers the door. He first thinks they are a newspaper seller, but they deny it by saying that they are higher rank heroes. Fubuki then introduces herself by telling she is Blizzard of Hell, and asks does Saitama know what it means. He simply answers that he has no idea and asks who is she.

This doesn’t sit well with the two other Blizzard Group members and one of them tells him that she is a Class B rank 1 hero. Saitama only congratulates her about it and then questions more. This only makes them all think he is looking down on them and they tell him that all new Class B heroes have to greet her first. Saitama then does greet them rather proper-like, which Fubuki accepts.

She then asks him if he is familiar about factions in the hero business. Saitama seems confused of what she is talking about so Fubuki tells him that he won’t survive alone, rivals will try to get in his way and stop him. Saitama tries to tell them that he is actually busy right now, but they tell him they are not yet done talking. Fubuki then proposes that Saitama should join her Blizzard Group, work for her and his position will be secured. Saitama realizes that Fubuki is there to get in his way if he refuses, though questions Fubuki’s method of threatening B-class heroes like some gang leader. She denies, saying that she only approaches those who she thinks are worth it. Saitama then asks her if she is afraid that he would take her rank 1 position, but assures her that he won’t stay on 1st place as he wants to move up to Class A.

Fubuki then demands his answer, to which Saitama easily answers by refusing to join her group as he doesn’t believe in such hierarchical structure with heroes. Fubuki commands her two members, Mountain Ape and Eyelashes, to beat Saitama up so hard he can’t work as a hero anymore, but Saitama simply punches them far away with one punch. Fubuki is surprised and Saitama tells her that she won’t survive like that.

Chapter 43[]

Believing Saitama to be standing in her way, Blizzard of Hell then shows her powers. Saitama recognizes it as psychic powers and she confirms this. She then thinks he is mocking her and threatens to beat him half dead. She pushes Saitama out to the streets with her Hell Storm, and then attacks him with a small tornado that should currently be ripping Saitama’s skin and crushing his bones, so that his spirit would break instantly. Fubuki then justifies this action by thinking that it was Saitama’s fault for trying to surpass her, as she is “the number one” and anyone who tries to oppose her will be crushed. But Saitama only appears behind her and says that hysteric women are not fit to be on the top. She looks behind her, surprised.

Saitama jumps at her, fist ready to a punch and lectures her about heroes. He tells her how she won’t survive like that and she doesn’t understand what being a hero is about, and the world has many incredible strong bad guys and those who oppose them are called heroes even if they are alone. He then points out to Fubuki how she, who gathers weaker subordinates to feel strong, won’t make it in long run. He continues by telling her that at this rate she will only start crying sooner or later. Especially when monster stronger than she is will show up, none of her subordinates are going to be saving her. He then calls her moron for looking down on heroes as none of the factions, newbie crushing and keeping her rank matters.

Fubuki yells at Saitama to be quiet and tells him she won’t give her rank 1 position so easily as she worked hard for it. She then uses her psychic powers to raise the street’s concrete to crush Saitama, but he breaks through it without any problems. She then pushes him back with her powers, but he manages to get his footing. She continues by throwing a ton of large concrete pieces at him, but he defends. Next, she quickly advances towards him and pulls out a box cutter that she uses to try to slice his head out of total desperation, however, Saitama notices behind her while she's tearing up from her eyes how Speed-o’-Sound Sonic and Genos are having a match as they run past them, and suddenly there is a massive explosion from Genos as he attacks Sonic.

After the explosion there is a lot of smoke. Slightly injured Fubuki notices the S-class hero Demon Cyborg Genos and is confused why he is here, and Genos apologizes to Saitama for making his home dusty. Saitama comments that this isn’t anymore what you would call “dusty”, and it’s revealed that he protected Fubuki from the explosion by standing in front of her. Fubuki is surprised and amazed looking at Saitama after protecting her despite her attacking him. He then says that he saw Sonic and asks what they were doing.

Fubuki is confused why Genos, an S-class hero, is Saitama’s acquaintance. Genos tells her he is his disciple. This does surprise her as she wonders why an S-class hero would be B-class hero’s disciple. Genos then recognizes her and comes to a right conclusion that she tried to newbie crush Saitama, though he wrongly thought she is injured because Saitama taught her a lesson. He then apologizes for his explosion when Saitama tells it was Genos’ own attack that caused it.

Chapter 44[]

As Speed-o’-Sound Sonic appears with an explosion, ready to take them down, Genos first tries to deal with him. Eventually Saitama stops their fight and tells him he will deal with Sonic. Fubuki watches the fight. She saw how powerful Sonic is – a S-class level – but she knows Saitama is stronger. After Saitama easily defeats Sonic, Fubuki thinks that he is way too strong and it’s not normal.

Chapter 45[]

They end up inside Saitama’s apartment. There Fubuki tells why she is Class B rank 1, how she wants to stay in that position and be able to control the B-class and below, and surpass her big sister, Tatsumaki, who is a lone wolf. Genos asks why she wouldn’t try for a Class A rank 1 position, because Tatsumaki is S-class hero. She simply answers that it’s impossible, because of Sweet Mask. Fubuki falsely thinks Saitama may be strong, but nowhere near the level of her sister, Sweet Mask, King or Blast. As Saitama brings out his disinterest in being her “henchman”, she grudgingly wonders aloud is it because he is just “a little bit stronger”.

Suddenly someone is at the door, opening it and it’s shown that King has come to collect his handheld gaming console back from Saitama. Fubuki is absolutely surprised by this and a little scared of King. She is now questioning why does S-class heroes blend in with B-class so well. As she watches Saitama, she wonders could she also be part of this group (of strong people).

Hero Hunt Arc[]

Chapter 46[]

Fubuki is hanging out with King, Saitama and Genos, eating cookies while Charanko came to visit.

Monster Association Arc[]

Chapter 86[]

After Do-S (and Tatsumaki) defeated her Blizzard Group, Fubuki arrives to the Z-city to meet Saitama in his apartment. She considers “Saitama’s group” to be a branch of the Blizzard Group and wants to hold an emergency meeting with them. As she rings the doorbell, Bomb appears to open the door. Fubuki is confused who this is and Bomb invites her in and announces that Saitama has a visitor. He then shows her that everyone is there and she now notices that Bang is laying on the floor and having acupunctuation on his back, Saitama and King are sitting on the floor playing a game with their handheld consoles, and Genos is fixing himself.

Fubuki is watching them uncomfortably, confused by what is going on in Saitama’s apartment. Bang even apologizes for the crowd in there, and Saitama and King are having a constant conversation about the game they are playing. Saitama then notices her and asks what she is doing there and Fubuki starts to yell about how this is an emergency situation. She then talks about her Blizzard Group’s defeat and how dangerous the Monster Association is. That it’s not a time to be playing games and are they even aware of the situation outside of these walls. Saitama mentions that they just got back so she should give him a break, and Genos confirms that they recently fought a very strong villain so she is not the only one facing challenges. Fubuki does say that she can see that by looking at Genos, who was in serious need of repair.

When Fubuki asks what Silver Fang (Bang) is doing in Saitama’s place, Bang tells how they were fighting alongside them and Saitama was kind enough to let them rest in his place after the hard battle. He then tells how his back is now in pain, and his brother Bomb tells how his knees are killing him. Fubuki then understands how serious the battle must have been.

After that she turns to Saitama and is wondering if the situation is this serious why he is slacking off. She then says that Saitama seems to act calm, but must be a little nervous, but he simply denies it and tells her it’s not so different than usual. Now she is frustrated and asks him how this situation is not so different than usual, but Saitama then asks King why she is so mad. King does agree with Fubuki that the situation is not actually that usual. Fubuki then slaps her hands on a small round table and demands everyone to come sit down with her and have a strategy meeting. Saitama still wonders what she is doing there.

Fubuki speaks to everyone one by one, asking Genos has he heard anything from the Hero Association, but Genos tells her he has been busy and then lost his HA transmitter in the fight. Bang tells his fell down a chasm and King’s also was broken. Then Fubuki asks what they are then going to do as the war against the monsters have already begun. Genos says he has to get repaired first before anything else, which Fubuki agrees with. Bang tells his back needs to heal first to which Bomb just says that nothing really can beat an old age. Fubuki asks King about his situation, but he tells he needs to attend something first. Fubuki then confirms that the only ones who can work currently are her and Saitama.

She asks what they should do now as she is already speculating that the Hero Association must have a special task force planning an operation right now, and in situation like this if a B-class heroes like them can accomplish something, there should surely be an impact in their evaluation. Saitama isn’t listening, but she continues wondering that the enemy is now a large organization consisting of numerous monsters that were before known to be lone wolves. She correctly assumes that they must have a powerful leader that controls them in the shadows. Bang agrees with Fubuki.

The conversation changes to Garou, the Hero Hunter. Saitama is angry that he keeps hunting other heroes and isn’t coming to him – and then he wonders is it because he is a “Caped Baldy”. He then decides to suddenly go out alone for a while to look for the Hero Hunter. He also tells that he needs to buy more cabbage. Fubuki notes that everyone again ignored her in the end and that making “Saitama’s group” part of her group is going to be more difficult than she initially thought.

Chapter 88[]

Saitama was eating in a restaurant. Soon after he finished his meal, he was ready to pay it, however, he notices he doesn’t have his wallet with him anymore. He starts to panic and thinks he may have dropped his wallet in a supermarket when he went there before to buy some cabbage. He can’t call Genos to help, because he is still broken. The restaurant’s announcement lets him know that they have zero tolerance policy towards robbers and dine-and-dashers, and that they have currently former professional heroes as security guards so their guests can enjoy their meals in peace. After Saitama hears that, he thinks that letting the staff know about his dilemma now will only look like he is turning himself in.

Fubuki appears as Saitama is having a silent crisis over his situation. When she calls his name, he panics and is already trying to defend himself by denying who he is, but when he notices it was Fubuki who called his name, he calms down. Fubuki is confused and asks what he was saying, but Saitama instead asks what is she doing there. Fubuki joins him at the table and reveals that she had been looking for him and that finding him wasn’t easy as he left before they could finish their talk. Fubuki jumps straight to the business. She knows Saitama is interested in looking for the Hero Hunter, so she proposes to do a favor to him and help him out, but she wants 70% of the score earned from succeeding in catching the Hero Hunter.

Saitama seems to absent-mindedly listen her and he orders one portion of fries from the waiter walking past them. Fubuki tells him that even though he managed to reach B-class rank 7 position, it will be far more difficult to rank up past this point. However, if they succeed, him reaching rank 5 or even higher wouldn’t be a dream anymore, but for that Saitama would need her support. She correctly assumes that Saitama hasn’t most likely even researched what this Hero Hunter looks like, so she offers her help.

As Fubuki tells Saitama to do as she wants from this moment on when she offers her help, she notices how Saitama seems to look at her like he hasn’t really listened what she said. She asks is he listening and at that moment the waiter brings the fries to the table. Saitama then pushes the plate of fries towards Fubuki, offering silently for her to eat some. She takes a bite from one, thanking him, unaware of the plan Saitama had for her when he looks at her with devilish smirk. When she looks at him, she starts to wonder what that smirk means, falsely thinking that maybe he is happy to be working for her and then she thinks that he basically is as good as part of the Blizzard Group.

Suddenly someone screams that a dine-and-dasher has slipped past their security, giving Saitama the opportunity to run after him and leaving the bill to Fubuki as she also ate from the fries. She is flabbergasted and thinks that even at time when the world is in serious danger how cheap can he be that he won’t pay for the fries (unaware that he had eaten a bigger meal before that he hadn’t paid yet).

Chapter 90[]

Fubuki goes to visit Saitama in his apartment in the middle of the night, noticing that also the other heroes Genos, Bang, Bomb and King are still there and she's being sarcastic by saying that this is a fun situation, Genos wonders what she wants again, but she is clearly annoyed at Saitama, telling him that he has really now done it. A surprised Genos notices the cabbage bag that Fubuki is holding onto. She offers it to Saitama, who takes it. He is happy that Fubuki brought the bag he forgot to the restaurant and tells her she is a lifesaver as he really wanted to make some hotpot today, and without the cabbage it wouldn’t be the same.

She then asks didn’t he also have something else to say to her, and a little confused Saitama then thanks her for the cabbage. But it’s not something she was looking for as she is now showing her anger by telling Saitama how he made her pay his bill in the restaurant and ran away, and now he has to apologize for it. Sweating nervously, he tells her he forgot and apologizes to her.

Continuing Fubuki tells Saitama how he also left in the middle of their conversation. Saitama reveals that he wasn’t listening when he asks what she was talking about back then, to which she answers that she knew he wasn’t listening and now he owes her one and that he should remember it. Meanwhile Genos starts to questions Fubuki's intentions with Saitama by thinking that she should be more aware of the gap in their powers by now, so why is she still trying to follow Saitama and taking the effort to visit him at his apartment in the middle of the night to give him the cabbage he left behind at the restaurant if she's angry at him after ignoring her and leaving her to pay for the bill. He wonders what's she planning to do in regards to Saitama, which he comes to the incorrect conclusion that Fubuki plans to become another disciple of Saitama and he believes it'd be unthinkable to his sensei do any more busywork so he needs to stay alert.

Genos suddenly notices something fast moving outside the apartment and closing in. He thinks it’s a monster. Everyone else except King is incapable of fighting, so he sends a nervous King to stop it before the fight would reach there. However, soon King returns with a person in a mechanical suit that Genos felt moving nearby. It’s revealed to be Dr. Kuseno and Genos is surprised that he is there. After Kuseno tells his reasons to be there, and after Saitama wants to call it a day as it’s starting to get cramped in the apartment, Dr. Kuseno suddenly gives an ultimate premium beef gift set to Saitama for taking care of Genos. Saitama accepts this wholeheartedly, accepting his presence and tells him to visit anytime as they both are looking after Genos after all.

Fubuki witnesses how easy it was for Kuseno to change Saitama’s attitude towards him. She notes that this was too easy and too simple. She is feeling embarrassed how she had been overthinking how to sway Saitama to listen and follow her lead.

Saitama tells Genos, as he hands the beef box gift to him, that they should put the meat to the hotpot as well. Fubuki recovers after hearing that and she comments it’s shame to put such a valuable, high quality meat to a hotpot. She then asks if they have red wine, which Saitama denies. Saitama then realizes that everyone else there seems to want to stay for dinner and he wants everyone not related to leave, then telling Bang, Bomb and King to leave as well.

Chapter 91[]

After the hotpot is ready, they all are gathered around it. No one had left. They all take chopsticks to their hands and then attack the hotpot at the same time, trying to get their share first. Most of the hotpot meat and vegetables fly around in the air and Fubuki then notices a piece of meat that she tries to catch with her psychic powers, smirking. Genos then catches the meat from the air with his chopsticks, asking her what she was going to do with his sensei’s (Saitama’s) meat. She then asks Genos why he is satisfied to be Saitama’s lackey. Bang catches all the tofu from the air to his bowl and tells them to calm down as the best part of hotpot is sharing it. Bomb then calls his brother out for hogging all the tofu.

Saitama suddenly holds his hand up in the air and tells everyone to hold on. He says that it bothers him how everyone is still there eating someone else’s hotpot like it’s their “damn right”. He tells them the cabbage is gone now so everyone can go home. Fubuki agrees and tells everyone that it indeed is way too crowded in there and they should leave, not including herself. Saitama comments that she is also one that should leave. Fubuki asks why, aside of Silver Fang (Bang), are ordinary elderly people (Bomb) even there. And if he wants to join her Blizzard Group, as she considers Saitama’s group to be part of her group, he needs to prove her he has what it takes. Genos realizes what Fubuki is implying with her group talks and threatens to turn her into dust, but Saitama stops him by yelling at him not to break anything. Fubuki then tries to recruit Dr. Kuseno to her Blizzard Group, but Genos stops it.

They continue their evening with small talk and eventually Saitama finally says that everyone should leave when they are finished eating. He notices then that all this time King has been “sleeping” (unconscious) on the floor.

Psychic Sisters Arc[]

Chapter 174-175 (Online)[]

Fubuki is riding in a car with her Blizzard Group towards the Hero Association HQ. At the same time Saitama has made his new home in one of the Hero Association's apartments after his old home was destroyed alongside with the Z-City during the fight against the Monster Association. He has also managed to rise in hero rankings to Class A rank 39. When meeting with his new neighbours, Saitama managed to piss off one of them; Class A rank 31 hero Forte. As he listens music and uses rhythm when he fights, he was insulted how Saitama thought that working up a rhythm during every battle is pointless. Forte challenges Saitama to a battle and they move outside to the parking lot.

When they arrive to the parking lot, Forte tries work up his rhythm when the fight starts. He has his headphones on when suddenly Saitama tries to warn him about a car that then hits Forte from behind. He couldn't hear Saitama's warning, because of the headphones. Forte is unconscious in an instant and the ones in the car happened to be the Blizzard Group. They are confused why Forte didn't hear their car and the honking before they hit him. Saitama then tells Fubuki that she should remember to apologize to Forte, because it was her car after all that hit him. She is confused what Saitama is doing there and questions does he live there now. Saitama confirms that he indeed moved there as his old apartment was destroyed.

Fubuki invites Saitama to join her as a "special admission A-class member of the Blizzard Group". Saitama is a bit miffed by her trying to put him to her group again without his say. Fubuki then tells him that she will let him meet the one who destroyed his residence which suddenly makes Saitama interested to join her when she starts walking with her group to the Hero Association HQ building.

Fubuki, her Blizzard Group, and Saitama are walking inside the Hero Association Headquarter's special internment facility and Saitama is wondering who they are going to meet there. Fubuki only answers that he will see when they get there. At reception desk she tells the receptionist who she wants to visit, but he then tells her that that inmate is currently being visited by someone else and immediately after that they are being transferred to another facility so it's most likely not possible for her to see them. However, Fubuki then demands that the current visitation is to be stopped now, because it's an emergency. The Fubuki Group and Saitama look confused what Fubuki is doing and why. Though it is revealed that Psykos is held as a prisoner in the facility and Fubuki wants to see her and get some answers regarding what she saw inside her mind after their fight.

Chapter 176 (Online)[]

Fubuki and her group, plus Saitama, arrive by using the elevator that descents them to the deep underground. The mysterious visitor - a "Tsukuyomi" agent - who is now standing beside unconscious Psykos stops to look at them surprised, as do the three Hero Association sponsors who are with him. The visitor recognizes Fubuki, but the sponsors demand to know why Fubuki, her Blizzard Group, and Saitama are there. Saitama asks who are they, though Fubuki then demands loudly that the visitation is over and everyone should evacuate the room immediately. She tells them that because Psykos is added to the official incarceration list by the HQ this morning, and any pro hero can see the list, Fubuki's sister Tatsumaki will then surely come and finish off Psykos when she sees her name on the list.

Suddenly the whole building starts to shake and the walls and ceiling starts to crack when Tatsumaki uses her psychic powers. Saitama realizes that it must be the one responsible for his residence's destruction. Tatsumaki comes through the ceiling, appearing next to Psykos' unconscious body. She then tries to kill Psykos with a flick of her finger, but the mysterious visitor, as well as Fubuki, uses their own psychic powers to protect Psykos at the same time. Tatsumaki buries the "Tsukuyomi" agent to a nearby wall with her powers. Fubuki tells the sponsors to evacuate immediately while she and her group will hold off her sister. The sponsors start running towards the elevator in panic.

It's immediately revealed that this whole thing was Tatsumaki's plan and Fubuki is secretly helping her to protect Psykos. Tatsumaki told her before that the psychic research organization, Tsukuyomi, is after Psykos and she doesn't want them to get their hands on her. After all, they did use Tatsumaki as a guinea pig also when she was a child.

Soon the Tsukuyomi agent uses his own psychic powers to knock out the sponsors who were trying to evacuate, he destroys all the surveillance cameras in the room, and then he gets himself out of the hole where he was buried on the wall. He tells the Psychic Sisters that they will make a nice additional souvenirs alonside Psykos. Fubuki notes that the guy is strong. Saitama doesn't know anything about the sisters plan, nor what else is happening on the scene, but he scolds Tatsumaki by telling her that he came to say a few choice words to the one who destroyed his home, but he now notices that Tatsumaki doesn't seem to have any sorry bone in her body. He then says that all the psychics can do is just demolish things.

This is ignored by everyone when Fubuki tells Saitama she is lucky he came along. She tells him that she sees a great strength in him and that even though it seems he has been playing dumb about it, he still must be the one who defeated Garou. Saitama denies this by telling her that he really doesn't have any recollections about that. Fubuki ignores this and continues by telling him that she did also fight Garou and saw that he was also one who had reached his peak and "ascended", and to take him down Saitama has to be also one who has "ascended". She also confesses that as one who has given up on such things she can make that distinction.

However, Saitama soon falls to a chasm that was created when the Tsukuyomi agent and Tatsumaki were using their powers against each other. Fubuki watches when Saitama falls to the chasm and she reacts worried about him, she yells his name in panic and reaches her hand towards him. The chasm closes up, leaving the Psychic Sisters, the Blizzard Group, unconscious HA sponsors and Psykos, and the Tsukuyomi agent on the scene. Saitama had fallen to the containment floor where all dangerous Demon-level monsters were kept.

Chapter 177 (Online)[]

Fubuki tries to open up the previous chasm to get Saitama back, but she is suddenly weak due to a sleep medicine capsule inside her body without her knowledge being opened up with the Tsukuyomi agent's telekinetic signal. It seems either the manufacturer, distributor or the Blizzard Group has a spy as the capsule was slipped in with Fubuki's daily beauty supplements. The agent manages to blackmail Tatsumaki to drop her shield by threatening to snap open the poison capsule inside Fubuki's body which would kill her instantly. As the agent uses his psychic powers to break the Demon-level containment floor door open to let the monsters kill all the remaining heroes and people, he then lifts the Psychic Sisters and Psykos with him. The spy from the Blizzard Group also reveals himself as he starts to leave with the other guy and the immobilized psychic women. Few of the Blizzard Group members try to stop them from taking away their leader, but are stopped by the Tsukuyomi agent's counterattack. The monsters then try to get free and rest of the Blizzard Group is panicking when they can't get out of the floor nor does the containment floor's door work so they can't close it.

Eitherway, the monsters are all killed in an instant, when Saitama comes through the cory display. This surprises everyone, including the Tsukuyomi agent and the traitor. Fubuki recognizes Saitama instantly. At the same time Tatsumaki finds the poison capsule inside Fubuki's body with her powers. Tatsumaki has to crush the capsule and its content inside her sister's body and turn it into a very thin needle that goes right through Fubuki's body and through the Tsukuyomi agent's hand to the eye. It injuries and poisons him, however he seems to be resistant enough as he is still alive. Furious Tatsumaki then uses the walls and ceiling materials to shut the agent inside a gigantic rock ball. She also throws the spy at a nearby wall when he tried to escape. Tatsumaki then drops down with Fubuki, Psykos and the gigantic rock ball.

The Blizzard Group are all worried sick about Fubuki and ask questions about everything that happened as they did not have any idea about anything. Tatsumaki orders them all to shut up. She also tells Fubuki that she should cut all ties to her friends as the bad guys will most likely try to use her weak point again. The group tries to protest, asking Tatsumaki to give them another chance. They tell they can start taking measures against the enemy if they know more about the situation. Tatsumaki is mad and then threatens to cut their ties for them. Fubuki protests, but suddenly Saitama takes hold of Tatsumaki's arm, stopping her. Saitama comments how both the sisters are so alike.

Chapter 178 (Online)[]

Tatsumaki tries to get Saitama to release her arm by using her psychic powers, but Saitama simply doesn't budge which surprises her. Fubuki is surprised how Saitama can withstand her sister's power. Tatsumaki recognizes Saitama when he was with Demon Cyborg. She then asks is he also part of the Blizzard Group, which Saitama didn't seem to like. He abruptly turns to look at Fubuki and yells her name, catching her attention by surprise. He then tells her that he will do something about Tatsumaki, but Fubuki should take everyone with her and evacuate. Tatsumaki seems to be interested about how "awfully familiar" Saitama seems to be with her sister, and wonders why could that be. She asks him that if he isn't her underling then what exactly is he to her.

Saitama starts thinking and answers that he isn't exactly Fubuki's friend, nor companion, or even a mutual friend. He then tells that he is just her acquaintance. This seems to shock Fubuki herself when she hears it and she seems to be devastated by this information which may tell that she at least considered him as some kind of friend (even though she may not have words for it yet). However, Tatsumaki doesn't really buy it as she wonders why someone who is just "an acquaintance" could get this "desperate", though she then just drops it and decides to test Saitama out and see if he is worth "hanging all over Fubuki" like that.

Saitama doesn't like the implications, telling Tatsumaki that Fubuki is the one who drags him around without asking and is a "pain in the ass". Fubuki seems to also look quite awkward about Tatsumaki's "hanging all over" comment. Eventually Tatsumaki was about to destroy the whole building with her powers, so Saitama takes Tatsumaki and jumps out of the HQ through the ceiling. Fubuki watches in awe that Saitama and Tatsumaki's battle has started.

Neo Heroes Introduction Arc[]

Chapter 192 (Online)[]

Fubuki decides to visit Saitama once again with her two Blizzard Group members, Eyelashes and Mountain Ape. When Saitama opens his door and sees Fubuki standing outside, she this time tries to offer him a box of premium beef as an enrollment perk if he joins her group. However, Saitama suddenly shuts the door at her face and she slams it open to tell him how rude he is to do that and not even say hello to them. Saitama then wonders why she is still looking for more members to join her when she should stop relying on other people and start doing some lifting by herself. Fubuki is first confused by what Saitama is talking about and she reveals that he misunderstood her reason for wanting him to join them since she isn't going to rely on him. She tells him she thinks that if Saitama is to join them it would only be a great motivation for the Blizzard Group since it has a new policy that says that all members will be aiming for promotion to A-Class.

Suddenly, Saitama's monster dog Rover steals the box of premium beef from Fubuki and she, Eyelashes and Mountain Ape are shocked. They try to get it back, but fail since Rover manages to eat the beef. Saitama is happy that Fubuki brought a treat to Rover and thanks her, though she isn't happy about it. Eventually, Fubuki and her group members decide to leave, telling Saitama that she will come back. Saitama in turn tells her to remember to bring more snacks to Rover then. However, after a monster attacks and Rover deals with it, Fubuki and the Blizzard Group let the monster dog join them.

Extra Chapters[]


“Numbers” is a bonus chapter in volume 10. Fubuki invites Saitama to a meeting (which he agrees) to try to invite him to join her group, a member of Fubuki's group tries to explain Saitama about the existing factions within the hero association and how no other faction can work as efficient as theirs under the command of lady Fubuki, by cornering the monsters and defeating them, which it ensures that their ranks don't drop. Meanwhile Saitama is playing video games under the desk, her members reproach Saitama about it, telling him that he should be really grateful that Lady Fubuki wants him in her team and ask him if he's even listening, which Saitama replies by asking if they're not getting tired of their insintence in recruiting him.

A member of Fubuki's group ask Fubuki why is she being so patient with that guy (Saitama), another member propose Fubuki that they have everyone there and if they all gang him up all at once, they might be able to beat him, Fubuki replies while carefully observing Saitama saying that's impossible, she states that Saitama is strong and she believes that he's probably the strongest amongst the B-class and that there's no harm in inviting him. Fubuki stands up from her chair and calls Saitama's name, she proposes to him that if they can't convince him to join her group, then how about a fair and square competition, Saitama ask about it which Fubuki enthusiastically agrees by challenging Saitama and his group against her Fubuki group, the losers have to do whatever the winning team tells them.

Fubuki tells Saitama to bring his members the next day and then they will them him how they're gonna decide the winner of the tournament, Saitama tells Fubuki that he doesn't have a group and she replies saying if that's the case then he can come by himself if he wants, since it's not like she expected anything else with his reputation, which saitama ask her if she even knows what fair and square means.

The next day a confident Fubuki along her group wait for Saitama to arrive, which he does accompanied by the S-class heroes Demon Cyborg, Silverfang and King, this scares Fubuki's group but Fubuki says that was all within her expectations. Fubuki and Saitama greet each other and she tells him that's his "Saitama group", which Saitama replies by saying that's not true, those three acquaintances are the ones that responded to his call and he ask her what kind of battle team is going to be, Fubuki manages to make Saitama write his name on the contract that says if one team loses the battle then that team will have to obey the winner team’s every command. In other words, if they lose, all of them including Saitama have to join the Blizzard Group. Genos doesn’t take it lightly, threatening to put them in their place, but Bang takes on the challenge first as he thinks it’s just a normal fighting match they are talking about. He doesn’t win, nor Genos or Saitama. In the end King easily defeats Blizzard Group in the video game competition.

Moments later, while the heroes are saving civilians and defeating monsters, Fubuki is shown sad and totally defeated, which Saitama shows concern by asking Fubuki what's the matter, the reason is that she's still in shock because King beat all her 30 members in one go and she wonders if her connections are not good enough.

Then Child Emperor measures Fubuki's power level by using a mask he created which has been damaged after measuring Saitama's power, showing a power level of 19, this only makes Fubuki feel even more down to the point of thinking she's below C-class, which Saitama ask her if she's not overreacting, then Fubuki starts having a mental breakdown that expose her insecurities, saying that she can't let this go on, Saitama is going to take over her ranking, the B class rank 1 seat that she worked so hard for, everything is going to fall apart, Saitama gets close to her and tells her to get a grip, that she made the same mistake with rankings and now with numbers, she cares too much about the upper part, which Fubuki replies by saying guys like him don't understand what she's going through, she believes that being in lead is all that counts, showing others that you're stronger than them, taking a higher position than them, so people don't see your weaknesses, then she mentions that a person (Tatsumaki) is just like that, always high up without ever showing weaknesses, which Saitama replies by saying to Fubuki that then she just didn't try hard enough, that if she really wants to become stronger she needs to stop caring about what her surroundings think about her.

Saitama's words surprises Fubuki and she recalls Tatsumaki saying to her that living her life has nothing to do with what others think. Fubuki regains her composure, she tells Saitama that the thing he just said she already knows and he doesn't need to remember her, it doesn't matter if him and her sister are stronger than her, she has her own method of handling things while she kills all the monster spiders that were threatening the civilians and the heroes. Fubuki frees Saitama from the spider webs and tells him that she was only taken aback before because of King's strength and she admits her defeat this time, Fubuki tells Saitama that she's going home now but that doesn't mean she has given up, while she tries to leave Saitama tells her that she can't go yet and remembers her that there's a promise the loser of the tournament has to fullfil, which she recalls. The chapter ends with Fubuki, Saitama, Genos and King at a restaurant, with probably Fubuki paying for the food.


Saibuki is not the most popular ship within the One Punch Man fandom, but does have a nice following of fans. Considering the canon has explored their relationship a little, though mostly from Fubuki’s point of view. The fact that they both do eventually get along in some way, despite the bumpy start, is a nice opening for shippers to play around with in the stories.

Unfortunately, Saibuki shippers were harassed online during the online release of the Psychic Sisters Arc in the manga, which helped SaiTatsu, the ship between Saitama and Tatsumaki, gain popularity. Some fans in the OPM fandom mocked the shippers because they always believed that if Saitama and Fubuki started dating, their relationship would be unhealthy. Some Saibuki shippers were a bit upset with the rival ship's popularity growth and numerous chapter material. However, online manga chapter 192 in the Neo Heroes Introduction Arc provided some additional content for Fubuki and Saitama, revealing that Fubuki was still interested in convincing Saitama to join her group, which pleased some fans because it meant there would be more in the future for the two heroes.

Currently, on AO3, there is over 80 fanfics for the ship. The ship's main rival ship is SaiTatsu, due to Tatsumaki being Fubuki's older sister and the two being the main female characters to be shipped with Saitama. However, because Genosai, the ship between Genos and Saitama, is the most popular ship in the fandom it is also another huge rival to Saibuki. Genobuki, the ship between Genos and Fubuki, can be considered as another far less popular (rarepair) rival ship for Saibuki.


Fubuki/Saitama tag on AO3
Fubuki & Saitama tag on AO3
Fubuki/Saitama tag on
Saibuki stories on Wattpad
Saitama x Fubuki stories on Wattpad
Saibuki tag on DeviantArt
サイフブ tag on Pixiv
Saibuki hashtag on Instagram
Saitama x Fubuki hashtag on Instagram
Saibuki posts on Reddit
Saitama x Fubuki posts on Reddit
Saibuki tag on TikTok
Saitama x Fubuki tag on TikTok
Saibuki tag on Tumblr
Saibuki posts on Tumblr
Saibuki hashtag on Twitter
Saibuki posts on Twitter
Saitama x Fubuki hashtag on Twitter
Saitama's relationship with Fubuki on One-Punch Man Wiki
Fubuki's relationship with Saitama on One-Punch Man Wiki


  • In a CD Drama written by ONE, which is set in a parallel universe where all the characters are still high school students, Fubuki is shown to have romantic feelings toward Saitama.[1]
    • Something to note about this Parallel Universe is that, all the characters retain their original personalities and character traits from the main story.
    • The way Saitama and Fubuki first meet in this Parallel Universe is really similar to how they met in the main story. [2]
  • In the Psychic Sisters Arc of the Manga, Tatsumaki remarks on how Saitama and Fubuki seem to be awfully close, and the main reason behind her fight with Saitama is to determine wether she can entrust Fubuki to someone like Saitama or not.


Main article: Saibuki/Gallery


  1. Fubuki & Saitama romantic audiobook, YouTube (Junior High School student Saitama; One Punch Man CD Drama Vol.4)
  2. Fubuki and Saitama meet in highschool, YouTube (Junior High School student Saitama; One Punch Man CD Drama Vol.1)


One Punch Man ShipsOne Punch Man Characters
SHIPS het Electric Catfish Man x Maiko PlasmaGenobukiGenoTatsuSaibukiSaiTatsuTatsuKing
slash AmaiBatBatarouBlastVoidCharaGaroGearouGenosaiGolden Ball x Spring MustachioKingSaiMumarouSaiSuiryuSuiGarouZombieMask
femslash DobukiPsybuki
family Bat FamilyBlastatsuPsychic SistersVoid Fist siblings
friend BatKingGarou & TareoShitty Teen Squad
CHARACTERS male GarouGenosMetal BatSaitama
female FubukiTatsumaki