SPOILER WARNING! This article contains spoilers from the manga |
Saitama is one of the main characters from the One Punch Man fandom.
Saitama is a 25-year-old young man who is looking for a good fight. In addition to being Genos's teacher, Saitama is also a very overpowered person. As a result, he has become very depressed, and he has noticed how he seems to have started to lose his human emotions when he no longer feels joy or excitement. His invulnerability and immense power have made him indifferent. Additionally, he is often bored. Despite this, he has a strong moral compass when it comes to heroes and what a hero is.
When Saitama was a teenager, he watched superhero shows and dreamed of becoming a hero. When he was in middle school, he had no special powers and sometimes got into trouble with his teacher or the bullies. At one point, being reprimanded by his teacher for his behavior made Saitama feel out of place in society. In his adulthood, three years before the current timeline, Saitama was an unemployed man looking for a job. He seemed apathetic towards life, but then met a monster known as Crablante. The monster sees how Saitama's eyes are also as lifeless as his and spares his life. However, when Saitama meets a cleft-chinned boy who the monster wants to kill, Saitama ends up saving the boy and defeating the monster. Afterwards, Saitama felt determined for the first time and began to train hard to become a hero.
Some time after gaining his monstrous strength and losing his hair due to it, he meets Genos. Together, they join the Hero Association, which would give Saitama his hero name; Caped Baldy, much to his dismay. At the beginning of his hero career, Saitama was immediately placed in the C-Class because he failed the written test. It's also common for everyone to underestimate his strength due to his looks.
- Saibuki — the ship between Saitama and Fubuki
- SaiTatsu — the ship between Saitama and Tatsumaki
- Suitama — the ship between Saitama and Suiko
- AmaiSai — the ship between Saitama and Sweet Mask
- BoroSai — the ship between Saitama and Boros
- FlashSai — the ship between Saitama and Flashy Flash
- Genosai — the ship between Saitama and Genos
- KingSai — the ship between Saitama and King
- MumenSai — the ship between Saitama and Mumen Rider
- Reitama — the ship between Saitama and Arataka Reigen
- SaiGarou — the ship between Saitama and Garou
- SaiSonic — the ship between Saitama and Speed-o'-Sound Sonic
- SaiSuiryu — the ship between Saitama and Suiryu
- ZombieSai — the ship between Saitama and Zombieman
- BatSaiGarou — the ship between Saitama, Garou and Metal Bat
- FubuGenoSaiTatsu — the ship between Saitama, Fubuki, Genos and Tatsumaki
- FubuSaiGenos — the ship between Saitama, Fubuki and Genos
- FubuSaiKing — the ship between Saitama, Fubuki and King
- FubuSaiTatsu — the ship between Saitama, Fubuki and Tatsumaki
- GaroFubuSai — the ship between Saitama, Fubuki and Garou
- GenoSaiGaroBat — the ship between Saitama, Metal Bat, Genos and Garou
- GenoSaiGarou — the ship between Saitama, Genos and Garou
- GenoSaiSonic — the ship between Saitama, Genos and Speed-o'-Sound Sonic
- GenoSaiTatsu — the ship between Saitama, Genos and Tatsumaki
- KingSaiGenos — the ship between Saitama, King and Genos
- TatsuSaiKing — the ship between Saitama, King and Tatsumaki
- SaiBang — the ship between Saitama and Bang
- SaiBat — the ship between Saitama and Metal Bat
- Saitareo — the ship between Saitama and Tareo
- Saiteror — the ship between Saitama and Isamu
- Saitama x Bargain Sale — the ship between Saitama and bargain sales
Saitama met Genos at the beginning of the House of Evolution Arc when Saitama indirectly saved his life and he saw Saitama's strength which led to him asking to become his disciple. Genos soon becomes Saitama's roommate as well. The young cyborg admires Saitama a lot and follows his daily activities, while learning to become stronger. During the time they lived in Z-City, Genos kept their apartment clean and did many other household chores if necessary. However, after the events in Monster Association Arc that led to the destruction of Z-City and Saitama's apartment, Genos and Saitama move to live in the A-City Hero Apartments. Because the apartment is too small, Genos takes over an apartment next door and becomes Saitama's neighbour. Even though Saitama may not be aware of it, the hero has learned to care for Genos as well, and in the Monster Association Arc, Saitama shows how much he cares for Genos when he (temporarily) loses him.
Saitama and Fubuki meet each other during the Blizzard Group Arc. Fubuki first wanted Saitama to join her group, but the latter refused. This leads to the esper wanting to hurt Saitama so that he won't be a threat to her B-Class rank 1 position in the future. However, Genos and Sonic interrupt the conflict between them. Later, Fubuki explains her behavior to them and becomes quite adamant about getting Saitama and everyone associated with him to join her group, even stating outright at times that they are the "New Blizzard Group". In the Psychic Sisters Arc, Fubuki learns that Saitama only thinks of her as an acquaintance.
Saitama and Tatsumaki first met during the Alien Conquerors Arc. Tatsumaki belittles Saitama because she didn't like a mere B-Class hero being in the Hero Association HQ. Tatsumaki also calls him names, which Saitama didn't like. They finally come face to face in the Psychic Sisters Arc as Saitama wants to stop Tatsumaki from wreaking more havoc, while Tatsumaki first wanted Saitama to leave her alone to deal with the Blizzard Group and Fubuki. She takes an interest in testing Saitama and seeing if he's worth "hanging around Fubuki". During Tatsumaki's psychic power showdown, she began to have fun fighting Saitama, never believing that there was anyone else besides Blast who could take her on. In the end, Tatsumaki and Saitama come to an agreement and Saitama even teaches her that weak heroes aren't necessarily worthless because they can become strong like he did.
- Speed-o'-Sound Sonic
- Main article: SaiSonic
Saitama and Sonic meet for the first time in the Paradise Group Arc after Saitama had been seeking the Paradise Group when he learned that people could mistake him for one of them due to his bald head. Sonic mistakes Saitama for one of the criminals and attacks him. However, he soon discovers that Saitama sees his quick movements and decides to actually try to eliminate him. Saitama accidentally hurts Sonic and Sonic announces that they will meet again. They then meet a couple of times after the first meeting, but Sonic is still unable to defeat Saitama. The ninja considers Saitama his (eternal) rival, but Saitama simply finds him annoying.
- King
- Main article: KingSai
Saitama and King first met each other a couple of years before the current timeline of the main story. At the time, Saitama was still training to become stronger and still had black hair. He saved King from the Octopus Claw Man monster, who managed to scratch King's face, creating the scars that King still has on the left side of his face. Saitama and King meet again years later at the S-Class hero meeting during the Alien Conquerors Arc, but they don't recognize each other and don't speak to each other. They only meet again later in the King Arc and get to know each other after Saitama again saves King from giant monster bird. King reveals his secret; that he's actually a regular guy and all his accomplishments are probably Saitama's. King quickly becomes good friends with Saitama when they start playing video games together and hanging out. This leads to them eventually sharing deeper thoughts and concerns with each other, and King has given Saitama some good advice when he needs it the most.
- Mumen Rider
- Main article: MumenSai
Saitama and Mumen Rider share a mutual respect with each other and seem to be friends. They met in the Sea Monster Arc. Saitama ends up saving Mumen Rider and the other people from Deep Sea King. Saitama then received a care package at home, which contained a bunch of letters. Most of them were fan letters to Genos, but there were also a lot of negative letters to Saitama. However, one of the letters was a simple thank you note without a name addressed to Saitama. Later, when Saitama moves up to B-Class, he goes to a food stand to eat and meets Mumen Rider there. It is revealed that Mumen Rider wrote him the thank you letter. They end up ordering mozuku. Unbeknownst to both of them, they attended the same middle school during their childhood.
- Suiryu
- Main article: SaiSuiryu
Saitama and Suiryu meet each other properly in the Super Fight Arc when they face each other in the tournament. However, Saitama was disguised as Charanko. Suiryu was first very confident in his skills and seeing Saitama win his match easily, the martial artist knew that Saitama was also very strong. During their fight Saitama's real identity was revealed and he was disqualified for breaking the rules of the tournament, but Suiryu didn't want the fight to end and continued. Finally, after Saitama had escaped the staff members and Suiryu was holding his award for winning the tournament, the monsters attacked. In the end, Saitama saves him and the other unconscious participants from Bakuzan and kills Gouketsu as well. After that, Suiryu wanted to become Saitama's disciple, but the hero refuses. Suiryu eventually wants to become a hero, inspired by the heroic actions of Saitama, Max, and Sneck.
- Boros
- Main article: BoroSai
Saitama and Boros met during the Alien Conquerors Arc. Boros and his Dark Matter Thieves arrive to the Earth with their spaceship and destroy A-City in a flash. Like Saitama, Boros was also too strong and never found any opponents who could be strong enough to give him a good fight. Though, one day a prophet tells him that he will meet his match and have a good battle. For 20 years Boros travelled through the space with his subordinates to find said opponent, at the same time destroying other worlds, and eventually found Earth. After he met Saitama, he was excited to fight someone who could take him on, but Saitama defeats him in the end. When Boros says to Saitama that their battle was challenging, Saitama simply replies affirmatively, though in his dying breath Boros calls him out for lying since even he understood that Saitama was still holding back, because he is just too strong.
- Garou
- Main article: SaiGarou
During the Human Monster Saga, Saitama and Garou meet few times randomly and by accident, though neither of them think much of each other at first. Saitama stopped Garou a few times by hitting him so hard that he temporarily loses consciousness and memory of the hero. At the end of the Monster Association Arc, Garou begins to remember Saitama and all of his punches. Saitama was also first interested in meeting the Hero Hunter because he hoped he would become a challenging fight. The hero eventually defeats the human monster.
- Saitama tag on DeviantArt
- サイタマ tag on Pixiv
- Saitama on One-Punch Man Wiki
# | portmanteau | characters | type |
2681 | Genosai | Genos | slash |
590 | Genos & Saitama | Genos | gen |
123 | SaiSonic | Speed-o'-Sound Sonic | slash |
84 | Saibuki | Fubuki | het |
75 | KingSai | King | slash |
64 | SaiTatsu | Tatsumaki | het |
53 | BoroSai | Boros | slash |
52 | King & Saitama | King | gen |
43 | GenoSaiSonic | Genos & Speed-o'-Sound Sonic | poly |
43 | MumenSai | Satoru (Mumen Rider) | slash |
One Punch Man Ships • One Punch Man Characters | ||
SHIPS | het | Electric Catfish Man x Maiko Plasma • Genobuki • GenoTatsu • Saibuki • SaiTatsu • TatsuKing |
slash | AmaiBat • Batarou • BlastVoid • CharaGaro • Gearou • Genosai • Golden Ball x Spring Mustachio • KingSai • Mumarou • SaiSuiryu • SuiGarou • ZombieMask | |
femslash | Dobuki • Psybuki | |
family | Bat Family • Blastatsu • Psychic Sisters • Void Fist siblings | |
friend | BatKing • Garou & Tareo • Shitty Teen Squad | |
CHARACTERS | male | Garou • Genos • Metal Bat • Saitama |
female | Fubuki • Tatsumaki |