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SamRose is the het ship between Samwise Gamgee and Rose “Rosie” Cotton from the Middle Earth fandom.



As he and Frodo journeyed through Mordor, Sam felt the wish to see Rosie one last time before he died. He would also recall swimming with Rosie and her brothers. Bilbo later gave Sam a bag of money, suggesting that it might be helpful if he wished to marry. During the Scouring of the Shire, Sam took the earliest opportunity to travel to the Cotton family farm and see Rosie. He met Rose’s father on the way, and Farmer Cotton gave him leave to go on, smiling as he sensed the reason for Sam’s interest.

Rose and Sam greeted each other, and he explained the reason for his lengthy absence. However, after hearing that the Shire was being raised, Rosie questioned why Sam had come to see her when he might still be attending to Frodo. Finding that he could not respond without taking a week to do so, Sam prepared to ride back to the gathering hobbits. However, Rosie came after him and complimented his appearance. She then urged him to be careful, and to return soon.

Sam and several of his friends soon made their way to the Cottons’ farm to stay, though Sam went out to bring his father there as well. During the ensuing conversation with Hamfast Gamgee, Frodo was complimentary towards Sam and spoke of his fame among the Free Peoples. Though embarrassed, Sam also was pleased at Frodo’s words-or, at least, at the obvious pleasure Rosie took in Frodo’s report. Once the work of setting the Shire in order had begun, Sam and Frodo remained at the Cottons for a time.

When Frodo later invited Sam to take up residence in Bag End, Sam explained that he was not quite free to do so. Rosie, it seemed, had been displeased by his disappearance, and had made this known when Sam finally got the chance to explain why he had left. She then asked whether Sam intended to “waste” any more time regarding their relationship. Though he couldn’t quite agree with her assessment, Sam sympathized with her. On Frodo’s advice, Sam married Rose, and the two then moved into Bag End with Frodo.

It wasn’t long before Sam and Rose were blessed with their first child. However, expecting a boy whom they intended to name after Frodo, they instead had a girl whom they named Elanor at Frodo’s suggestion. Rose remained at Bag End when Sam left to escort Frodo on his journey to the Grey Havens. She would then welcome Sam home, and the two would then become master and mistress of Bag End.

For over 60 years, the two lived together happily, having many more children. At one point the two traveled to Gondor to visit Sam’s friend, King Elessar, for over a year. Eventually, Rosie would pass away at the age of 98. Sam, bereaved, would soon depart for the Grey Havens himself, leaving Middle Earth forever.


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Sam and Rose would have thirteen children together: Elanor, Frodo, Rose, Merry, Pippin, Goldilocks, Hamfast, Daisy, Primrose, Bilbo, Ruby, Robin and Tom. This was the greatest number of children produced by any one hobbit couple by one, exceeding the dozen famously born to Gerontius “The Old” Took and his wife. Each of their sons was named for either a relative of Sam or Rose, in the case of Hamfast and Tom, or for a hobbit with whom Sam was either friends or had greatly respected.


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As an established ship within the Middle Earth fandom, SamRose enjoys a great deal of popularity. Rose, and her relationship with Sam, feature in many adaptations of The Lord of the Rings.

There are 420+ works tagged with the pairing on AO3, 60+ of which are rated Mature or Explicit.


Samwise Gamgee/Rose Cotton tag on AO3


Middle Earth LOTR text
Middle Earth ShipsMiddle Earth Characters
SHIPS het ArawenCeledrielÉothírielFarawynSamRoseSaurondrielSheron
slash AngbangBagginshieldFrowiseGigolas
family Sons of Fundin