Shipping Wiki

Sanders Sides ships listed by characters. When a character has 15 ships listed and five pages that aren't stubs a page may be created for them.

Nico FloresDeceitLogicMoralityForbidden Creativity/"The Duke"/Intrusive ThoughtsCreativity/"Princey"Thomas SandersSleepJoan S.Talyn


Nico Flores[]


Karrot Kings — the ship between Nico and Thomas Sanders



Emby — the ship between October and Dr. Emile Picani

Janus Sanders[]


Anxceit — the ship between Janus and Virgil Sanders
Dukeceit — the ship between Janus and Remus Sanders
Emceit — the ship between Janus and Dr. Emile Picani
Loceit — the ship between Janus and Logan Sanders
Moceit — the ship between Janus and Patton Sanders
Roceit — the ship between Janus and Roman Sanders
Sleepceit — the ship between Janus and Sleep


Analoceit — the ship between Janus, Virgil Sanders and Logan Sanders
Anaroceit — the ship between Janus, Virgil Sanders and Roman Sanders
Anxceitmus — the ship between Janus, Virgil Sanders and Remus Sanders
DAMP — the ship between Janus, Virgil Sanders, Patton Sanders and Roman Sanders
DAMR — the ship between Janus, Virgil Sanders, Patton Sanders and Remus Sanders
DLAM — the ship between Janus, Logan Sanders, Virgil Sanders and Patton Sanders
DLAP — the ship between Janus, Logan Sanders, Virgil Sanders and Roman Sanders
DLAR — the ship between Janus, Logan Sanders, Virgil Sanders and Remus Sanders
DLAMP — the ship between Janus, Logan Sanders, Virgil Sanders, Patton Sanders and Roman Sanders
DLAMR — the ship between Janus, Logan Sanders, Virgil Sanders, Patton Sanders and Remus Sanders
DLMP — the ship between Janus, Logan Sanders, Patton Sanders and Roman Sanders
DLMR — the ship between Janus, Logan Sanders, Patton Sanders and Remus Sanders
Intruloceit — the ship between Janus, Remus Sanders and Logan Sanders
Intrumoceit — the ship between Remus Sanders, Patton Sanders and Janus Sanders
Lomoceit — the ship between Logan Sanders, Patton Sanders and Janus Sanders
Roloceit — the ship between Roman Sanders, Logan Sanders and Janus Sanders
Royaliceit — the ship between Roman Sanders, Patton Sanders and Janus Sanders


DRLAMP — the ship between Janus, Logan Sanders, Roman Sanders, Patton Sanders, Virgil Sanders and Remus Sanders
Moxceit — the ship between Janus, Patton Sanders and Virgil Sanders


Thomceit — the ship between Janus and Thomas Sanders

Logan Sanders[]


Analogical — the ship between Logan and Virgil Sanders
Intrulogical — the ship between Logan and Remus Sanders
Loceit — the ship between Logan and Janus Sanders
Logicality — the ship between Logana and Patton Sanders
Logince — the ship between Logan and Roman Sanders
Lomile — the ship between Logan and Emile Picani
Sleeplogical — the ship between Logan and Sleep


Analoceit — the ship between Logan, Virgil and Janus
Analogicality — the ship between Logan, Virgil and Patton
Analogince — the ship between Logan, Virgil and Roman
Analomus — the ship between Logan, Virgil and Remus
DLAM — the ship between Logan, Janus Sanders, Virgil Sanders and Patton Sanders
DLAP — the ship between Logan, Janus Sanders, Virgil Sanders and Roman Sanders
DLAR — the ship between Logan, Janus Sanders, Virgil Sanders and Remus Sanders
DLAMP — the ship between Logan, Janus Sanders, Virgil Sanders, Patton Sanders and Roman Sanders
DLAMR — the ship between Logan, Janus Sanders, Virgil Sanders, Patton Sanders and Remus Sanders
DLMP — the ship between Logan, Janus Sanders, Patton Sanders and Roman Sanders
DLMR — the ship between Logan, Janus Sanders, Patton Sanders and Remus Sanders
Intruloceit — the ship between Logan, Remus Sanders and Janus Sanders
LAMP — the ship between Logan, Virgil Sanders, Patton Sanders and Roman Sanders
LAMR — the ship between Logan, Virgil Sanders, Patton Sanders and Remus Sanders
Lomoceit — the ship between Logan, Patton Sanders and Janus Sanders
Moralogince — the ship between Logan, Patton Sanders and Roman Sanders
Roloceit — the ship between Logan, Roman Sanders and Janus Sanders


DRLAMP — the ship between Logan, Janus Sanders, Remus Sanders, Virgil Sanders, Patton Sanders, Roman Sanders


LAMPT — the ship between Logan and Thomas Sanders
Thogic — the ship between Logan and Thomas Sanders


Lofters — the ship between Logan and a jar of Crofters
Logan x Unicorn Onesie — the ship between Logan and his unicorn onesie

Patton Sanders[]


Logicality — the ship between Patton and Logan Sanders
Moceit — the ship between Patton and Janus Sanders
Moduke — the ship between Patton and Remus Sanders
Mosleep — the ship between Patton and Sleep
Moxiety — the ship between Patton and Virgil Sanders
Patmile — the ship between Patton and Emile Picani
Royality — the ship between Patton and Roman Sanders


Analogicality — the ship between Patton, Virgil Sanders and Logan Sanders
DAMP — the ship between Patton, Janus Sanders, Virgil Sanders and Roman Sanders
DAMR — the ship between Patton, Janus Sanders, Virgil Sanders and Remus Sanders
DLAM — the ship between Patton, Janus Sanders, Logan Sanders and Virgil Sanders
DLAMP — the ship between Patton, Janus Sanders, Logan Sanders, Virgil Sanders and Roman Sanders
DLAMR — the ship between Patton, Janus Sanders, Logan Sanders, Virgil Sanders and Remus Sanders
DLMP — the ship between Patton, Janus Sanders, Logan Sanders and Roman Sanders
DLMR — the ship between Patton, Janus Sanders, Logan Sanders and Remus Sanders
Intrulogicality — the ship between Patton, Remus Sanders and Logan Sanders
Intrumoceit — the ship between Patton, Remus Sanders and Janus Sanders
Intrumoxiety — the ship between Patton, Remus Sanders and Virgil Sanders
LAMP — the ship between Patton, Logan Sanders, Virgil Sanders and Roman Sanders
LAMR — the ship between Patton, Logan Sanders, Virgil Sanders and Remus Sanders
Lomoceit — the ship between Patton, Logan Sanders and Janus Sanders
Moralogince — the ship between Patton, Logan Sanders and Roman Sanders
Moxceit — the ship between Patton, Virgil Sanders and Janus Sanders
Royaliceit — the ship between Patton, Roman Sanders and Janus Sanders


Anaroyality — the ship between Patton, Virgil Sanders and Roman Sanders
DRLAMP — the ship between Patton, Janus Sanders, Remus Sanders, Logan Sanders, Virgil Sanders and Patton Sanders


Thomality — the ship between Patton and Thomas Sanders

Remus Sanders[]


Dukeceit — the ship between Remus and Janus Sanders
Dukemile — the ship between Remus and Dr. Emile Picani
Dukesleep — the ship between Remus and Sleep
Dukexiety — the ship between Remus and Virgil Sanders
Intrulogical — the ship between Remus and Logan Sanders
Moduke — the ship between Remus and Patton Sanders


Analomus — the ship between Remus, Virgil Sanders and Logan Sanders
Anxceitmus — the ship between Remus, Virgil Sanders and Janus Sanders
DAMR — the ship between Remus, Janus Sanders, Virgil Sanders and Patton Sanders
DLAR — the ship between Remus, Janus Sanders, Logan Sanders and Virgil Sanders
DLAMR — the ship between Remus. Janus Sanders, Logan Sanders, Virgil Sanders and Patton Sanders
DLMR — the ship between Remus, Janus Sanders, Logan Sanders and Patton Sanders
Intruloceit — the ship between Remus, Logan Sanders and Janus Sanders
Intrulogicality — the ship between Remus, Logan Sanders and Patton Sanders
Intrumoceit — the ship between Remus, Patton Sanders and Janus Sanders
Intrumoxiety — the ship between Remus, Patton Sanders and Virgil Sanders
LAMR — the ship between Remus. Logan Sanders, Virgil Sanders and Patton Sanders


Creativitwins — the ship between Remus and Roman Sanders
DRLAMP — the ship between Remus, Janus Sanders, Logan Sanders, Virgil Sanders, Patton Sanders and Roman Sanders


Intrumas — the ship between Remus and Thomas Sanders

Roman Sanders[]


Logince — the ship between Roman and Logan Sanders
Prinxiety — the ship between Roman and Virgil Sanders
Roblood — the ship between Roman and Youngblood
Roceit — the ship between Roman and Janus Sanders
Romile — the ship between Roman and Dr. Emile Picani
Rosleep — the ship between Roman and Sleep
Royality — the ship between Roman and Patton Sanders


RoNo — the ship between Roman and Noise


Analogince — the ship between Roman, Virgil Sanders and Logan Sanders
Anaroceit — the ship between Roman, Virgil Sanders and Janus Sanders
DAMP — the ship between Roman, Janus Sanders, Virgil Sanders and Patton Sanders
DLAP — the ship between Roman, Janus Sanders, Logan Sanders and Virgil Sanders
DLAMP — the ship between Roman, Janus Sanders, Logan Sanders, Virgil Sanders and Patton Sanders
DLMP — the ship between Roman, Janus Sanders, Logan Sanders and Patton Sanders
Galaxy Polycule — the ship between Roman, Youngblood and Noise
LAMP — the ship between Roman, Logan Sanders, Virgil Sanders and Patton Sanders
Moralogince — the ship between Roman. Patton Sanders, Logan Sanders
Roloceit — the ship between Roman, Logan Sanders and Janus Sanders
Royaliceit — the ship between Roman, Patton Sanders and Janus Sanders


Anaroyality — the ship between Roman, Virgil Sanders and Patton Sanders
Creativitwins — the ship between Roman and Remus Sanders
DRLAMP — the ship between Roman, Janus Sanders, Remus Sanders, Logan Sanders, Virgil Sanders and Patton Sanders
Roman & Ryker — the ship between Roman and Ryker of Reston


LAMPT — the ship between Roman, Logan Sanders, Virgil Sanders, Patton Sanders and Thomas Sanders
Romas — the ship between Roman and Thomas Sanders


Swordman — the ship between Roman and his sword

Thomas Sanders[]


Karrot Kings — the ship between Thomas and Nico Flores
Sandart — the ship between Thomas and Jon Cozart
Thomile — the ship between Thomas and Dr. Emile Picani


Intrumas — the ship between Thomas and Remus Sanders
LAMPT — the ship between Thomas, Logan Sanders, Virgil Sanders, Patton Sanders and Roman Sanders
Romas — the ship between Thomas and Roman Sanders
Sleepmas — the ship between Thomas and Sleep
Thogic — the ship between Thomas and Logan Sanders
Thomality — the ship between Thomas and Patton Sanders
Thomceit — the ship between Thomas and Janus Sanders
Thomxiety — the ship between Thomas and Virgil Sanders



Dukesleep — the ship between Sleep and Remus Sanders
Mosleep — the ship between Sleep and Patton Sanders
Remile — the ship between Sleep and Dr. Emile Picani
Rosleep — the ship between Sleep and Roman Sanders
Sleepceit — the ship between Sleep and Janus Sanders
Sleeplogical — the ship between Sleep and Logan Sanders
Sleepxiety — the ship between Sleep and Virgil Sanders


Sleepmas — the ship between Sleep and Thomas Sanders

Joan Stokes[]


Joalyn — the ship between Joan and Talyn



Joalyn — the ship between Talyn and Joan

