Sawpen is the het ship between Pen and Saw from the Battle for Dream Island fandom.
The two have never interacted canonically. However, in a short called "If X-mas in Among Us was A BFDI Challenge," the two had a lot of interactions. The two are both contestants in Battle for BFDI and The Power of Two. They aren't necessarily alike in many ways, however.
If X-mas in Among Us was A BFDI Challenge[]
Although this short is non-canon, is became the main reason for Sawpen.
Rocky and Saw give Pen the tape dispenser.
Pen suggests that they start doing tasks. Saw agrees.
Saw tells Pen to watch her Medbay Scan. Pen calls it cool. The scene transitions and Saw tells Pen to watch her take out the trash. She unknowingly help Pen with a kill, as he threw Rocky outside. Pen then calls it cool as well. It then changes to Security, and Saw tells Pen to watch her watch Taco embarrass herself by doing a goofy dance in a room she doesn't think has security cameras but actually does. Pen, confused, still calls it cool. Saw them tells Pen to watch her stumble upon Profily's mutilated body. Pen looks concerned and calls it not cool.
Saw clears Pen's name by saying that they were together the whole time.
Saw says that she and Pen had been suspicious of Eggy for a while. This was never shown on screen, however. It likely was true as Pen never rejected.
Pen says that it has to be Taco. He mentions that the two had been together doing tasks the whole time and if they vote her off they score the win. Saw is about to do so, however Taco stops her, with a reason why it's Pen. Saw points out that's right. Pen says that Taco was literally happy that Rocky got killed. Saw remembers this. Pen and Taco start blaming each other, until Saw says that she doesn't know who to vote for. In the end, she chooses to vote Taco because she and Pen had been together.
Saw reads that Taco wasn't naughty, and Pen reveals himself. At first, Saw is scared. However, 30 seconds later, she no longer seems to care, because when Pen opens the reactor coolent, Saw just mentions that that's what Xanta meant when they said their gifts were "Extremely Cool."
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Although these two have never interacted, Sawpen is rather popular. The rivals are Penraser (Pen x Eraser) and Sawty (Saw x Gaty).
Some of the popularity for this pairing comes from a fan animation called BFDI:TPOT: Sorry!, due to one particular scene in which Saw kisses Pen.
- Sawpen search results on DeviantArt