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Saw“Aw, I miss Lollipop and Taco!”
Gaty“Don't worry Saw, I'm still here for you!”
— You Know Those Buttons Don't Do Anything, Right?

Sawty is the femslash ship between Saw and Gaty from the Battle for Dream Island fandom.


Saw painted Gaty perwinkle after they got hit with Gelatin's laser, changing their bodies.

Gaty and Saw were sitting together before Blocky grabs saw by the handle to cut the pentagon in pieces.

When the contestants begin to form teams, Gaty tells Saw to join her team. Saw agrees, and she joins Gaty's team, bringing Lollipop and Taco with her.

Gaty later tells Saw and Taco that Book has burst into flames and that their team is in the bottom two, so Saw screams at them to swim faster through the lava.

Saw looks at earth, causing her to get the Twinkle. Gaty starts complaining that Saw got the Twinkle of Contagion. She accidentally looks at Saw and claims that should shouldn't have done that, as she also got the twinkle.

Gaty and Saw, along with Golf Ball, look down at Earth through a telescope on top of A Better Name Than That's broken ship and see that Taco has died.

Gaty is happy to have Saw finally return after being gone for so long. She also defends Saw from the accusations of Book.

When Saw explains that she told Taco and Lollipop she was gone, Gaty explains to her why neither of them would've told the rest of the team and then says hi. Saw greets Gaty back, along with accidentally screaming in her face. Gaty asks if she's okay, to which she responds by accidentally screaming loudly again.

As Saw expresses her worries about her team not being able to do Cake at Stake, Gaty nervously responds that if none of them leave the hole, none of them would be eliminated. When Saw tries to reason with her that it would be unfair to the other teams, Gaty yells that she doesn't want to be eliminated and begins crying, while Saw comforts her.

Saw says that Dora wouldn’t be able to communicate with Four, Gaty attempts to tell her otherwise, but is interrupted by Lollipop.

Saw admits that she misses Lollipop and Taco, but Gaty reassures her that she's still here for her. The two end up being on the same team as each other.

When Saw accidentally names the team thanks to her fume condition, Gaty gives her an annoyed look.

Saw has Donut hold her over the edge of the building. Gaty sees this and magnetizes her hinges to get pulled up to her, making their team safe.

When it's shown that Team8s have 12.5 blocks stacked, Saw can be seen pointing out the funny plant to Gaty.


Sawty is an popular pairing in the Battle for Dream Island fandom. They are both respectively Saw and Gaty's most popular ship, as they have always been on the same team. A popular headcanon within the fandom, is Saw had painted Gaty her famous periwinkle color, this was later canonized in BFDIA 13.

The rival ships are Gattwo (When romantically) (Gaty x 2) and Sawco (Saw x Taco).



Gaty/Saw tag on AO3
Gaty & Saw tag on AO3
Sawty stories on Wattpad

