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ScaraLumi / WanLumi

ScaraLumi Art by Rafa

Art by Rafa-ela

#A · #B · #C · #D · #E · #F · #G · #H · #I · #J · #K · #L · #M · #N · #O · #P · #R · #S · #T · #U · #V · #W · #Y · #Z


A Couple With Emotional Wounds
Adventure Duo
Always Save the Girl
Scaramouche saved Lumine’s life in the Interlude quest. Wanderer saved Lumine's life once again 2 times in the Summertides Scales and Tales: Page III, "Until the End of the World."
Aw, Look -- They Really Do Love Each Other
Lumine shows concern to him even when they we're still enemies by warning him that even if he manages to fully become a god, he might not remain the same and asks if he would still want to become a god if it meant losing himself. To which Scaramouche, in response, remarks that her words almost make her seem like a friend who cares.
Affectionate Nickname
Wanderer calls Lumine "Sunshine".
A Shared Suffering
All Girls Want Bad Boys
Scaramouche when he's a Fatui Harbinger before.


Badass Couple
Beneath the Mask
Wanderer acts more differently when he's alone with Lumine, which many fans was surprised that he actually talks a lot when he's alone with her, and the fact that his tone is not snarky and rude but rather soft and gentle.
Belligerent Sexual Tension
Because You Were Nice to Me
Birds of a Feather
Due to their parallels and similarities.
Bridal Carry
In "Summertide Scales and Tales: Page III", it is heavily stated that Wanderer carried Lumine to set her down on Nilou's lap.
Brooding Boy, Gentle Girl


Commonality Connection
Wanderer and Lumine share many parallels and similarities, yet sometimes they also have contrasting qualities at times. One example is; Wanderer doesn't like sweets (especially dangos) while Lumine loves sweets (she is always depicted in official arts eating dangos).
Conflicting Loyalty
In Wanderer's Birthday Mail 2025, he admits that he'd rather spend his time with Lumine than play cards with Sethos and Cyno.


Declaration of Protection
In the Original Chinese and Korean version translation of Wanderer's «Feelings About Ascension: Conclusion"», he tells Lumine something along the lines of: “Although I can be your ally, viewing me as your companion is a dangerous thing to do. I hope you understand what you're dealing with. If you're not afraid, then stand behind me.” In this line, Wanderer is warning Lumine about the risks of relying on him too much, yet in the end, he says, “If you're not scared, then stand behind me,” which means that despite his warning, he is willing to protect her from any danger if she really chooses to trust him.
Desperately Craves Affection
In Archon Quest Chapter III: Act V - Akasha Pulses, the Kalpa Flame Rises, there's a moment when Scaramouche suddenly appears startlingly close to Lumine, catching her off guard with his sudden proximity. They hold each others hands twice: first, when he establishes a telepathic connection by taking her hand, and second when he asks Lumine to hold his hand on her birthday to take her to a vantage point.
Devoted to You
Wanderer refused to celebrate his birthday with anyone, insisting he didn’t want to spend time with others. However, when Nahida suggested he at least visit Lumine and bring her a gift, he surprisingly agreed. This revealed that, no matter how much he claims to hate everyone, he was willing to make an exception for her. Wanderer also once said that he’s not the kind of person to “hold hands” and dance with everyone. Yet, in truth, he is the kind of person who would hold hands—but only with Lumine. In Wanderer's birthday letter 2025, Wanderer really knows both Cyno and Sethos but considers them strangers. Despite their insistence on playing TCG with him, Wanderer openly states he'd rather spend time with "Lumine" than play cards with "strangers" like them.
Divine Date
ScaraLumi counts as the trope of "Divine Date" because Wanderer, originally known as Scaramouche, is a prototype puppet created by the Electro Archon, Raiden Ei, who is a god-like being in the Genshin Impact universe. This connection to a deity adds a unique dynamic to their relationship, as Lumine interacts with someone who has direct ties to divine lineage and power. Meanwhile, Lumine is a star descending from another world.


Enemies to Lovers
Enemy Mine
Eternal Love
Wanderer and Lumine's long lifespans often involve in creating works with the theme of eternity.
Everyone Can See It
In his birthday letter 2023, he mentions that Lesser Lord Kusanali (Nahida) understands that he doesn't like being around others, but being alone all the time can be very painful, so she said that he could at least see Lumine if he brings anything with him on his birthday, to which the Wanderer surprisingly agreed when she requested this. In Wanderer's Birthday 2023 (Teyvat Food Notes), he says that Lesser Lord Kusanali gave him the day off on his day, but the price is to follow Lumine.


Fate Drives Us Together
First Love
First-Name Basis
Foe Yay Shipping
Flowers of Romance
In the Official illustration of Wanderer, he gave Lumine a Sumeru Rose. In Wanderer's Birthday Mail (2024), he gifted Lumine a 3 Padisarah and 3 Nilotpala Lotus.
Foe Romance Subtext
Friends to Lovers
Forgotten First Meeting
Scaramouche erases his existence from Irminsul, hoping to grant a second chance to those who perished in Tatarasuna because of him. The world forgets his existence entirely—except for Lumine, who still remembers everything. As she travels through Inazuma, she learns the painful truth: his sacrifice was for naught, as the past remained unchanged despite his erasure. Fate, however, leads her back to him. One day, standing at a fruit stand, Lumine sees him again. Yet this time, his memories are gone, leaving no trace of their shared past. His attire is different, and the sharp, guarded demeanor she once knew has been replaced by kindness and sincerity. For him, it is a new beginning, a chance encounter with a stranger. For her, it is a bittersweet reunion with someone she once knew deeply—a forgotten first meeting that she will never forget.


Grand Romantic Gesture
Wanderer always gives Lumine flowers and cooks his home-made dish (Shimi Chazuke) for her. While Lumine does the opposite, on Wanderer's birthday post 2025, she gave him a handmade gift as a present. The gift depicted him looking annoyed or angry, clearly meant to tease him. In response, Wanderer questioned her, asking if this is really how she sees him.
Girlboss and Malewife


Hair Contrast Duo
Wanderer has indigo hair, while Lumine has blonde hair.
Held Gaze
Holding Hands
In the Sumeru Quest, Scaramouche shares his own thoughts and plans privately to Lumine staring deeply into her eyes while holding her hand. Also, in Wanderer's Birthday voice line he asks her to hold his hand in which she was nervous.
Hypocritical Heartwarming


Implied Love Interest
Interspecies Romance
Lumine being a star from another world, while Wanderer is a puppet made by the Electro Archon from Teyvat.
I Know Your True Name
Lumine is the only one to call him by the special name she gave him.
I Owe You My Life


Just Following Orders


Like an Old Married Couple
In his teapot voicelines, he revealed that he likes it when Lumine was being rude to him.
Longing Look
Love Redeems
They went from "trying to kill each other" and "hating each other" to "saving each other" and "caring for each other".


Manic Pixie Dream Girl
May-December Romance
Lumine is at least five hundred years old due to witnessing the fall of Khaenri'ah and traveling dozens of worlds before being separated from her twin brother, or she is more older like about as old as stars. Wanderer is estimated around 500+ years old, he was created after the Cataclysm.


Night and Day Duo
No Sense of Personal Space
In the Sumeru Archon Quest Chapter III: Act V - Akasha Pulses, the Kalpa Flame Rises, Scaramouche suddenly appears startlingly close to Lumine, catching her off guard with his sudden proximity.
Not So Different


Oblivious to Love
One Head Taller
Lumine's height without heels almost reaches the Wanderer's chin.
One True Love
Opposites Attract
Lumine loves sweets and isn't fond of bitter tastes, while Wanderer is fond of bitter tastes and despises sweets.


Pair the Smart Ones
Both are considered smart by the other characters.
Playing Hard to Get
Power Couple


Red String of Fate
Scaramouche erases his existence from Irminsul, believing that those who perished in Tatarasuna because of him deserve another chance at life. In doing so, the world forgets him entirely—except for Lumine, who inexplicably retains her memories of him. As she continues her journey through Inazuma, Lumine uncovers a heartbreaking truth: despite his noble sacrifice, his attempt to change fate was ultimately in vain, as those who had suffered remained beyond saving. Even so, the bond between them persists, unbroken by time or the erasure of his existence. One day, Lumine visits Grand Bazaar to clear her thoughts. While reflecting, she recalls Greater Lord Rukkhadevata saying no one can fully erase themselves from existence, not even her. As she begins to wonder about Scaramouche’s fate, Lumine’s gaze falls upon him at a fruit stand. He appears changed—his attire is humble, and his once sharp, sarcastic demeanor has softened into a gentle, kind presence. Though he doesn’t recognize her, the unspoken connection between them remains, as if tied by an invisible red string that refuses to be severed, no matter the circumstances.
Rescue Romance
When Wanderer saves Lumine, he is granted an Anemo Vision.
Rivals Team Up
Nahida proposes that Scaramouche join forces with them, and decides to do a test run in order to see how well they all manage to cooperate. Lumine sees him as untrustworthy, but ends up agreeing to accompany him inside Irminsul.
Romantic Fusion


Shared Suffering
Single Woman Seeks Good Man
Wanderer has been explicitly stated to have a soft spot for children and elderly people.[1]
Sun and Moon
Ship Tease
Scaramouche/Wanderer shows romantic interest in Lumine, as he often flirts with her only.
Star-Crossed Lovers
Slow Burn
Sugar and Ice Personality


Taking the Bullet
In the Interlude Chapter: Inversion of Genesis Cutscene, both Lumine and Wanderer protect each other from the Shouki No Kami's attacks.
True Companions
Lumine has always been there by his side.
Tsundere and Megadere
The Only One I Trust
Scaramouche blocked out Nahida and Paimon to prevent them from disrupting him and Lumine's own conversation.


Umbrella of Togetherness
Wanderer's Voiceline about: "When It Rains"


Villainesses Want Heroes


Why Can't I Hate You?
When Wanderer (without his memories) asked Lumine why she's helping him if they we're enemies before , she had no response: "..."


Yellow/Purple Contrast
Lumine's blonde Hair and Scaramouche's purple colors on his Harbinger Outfit
You Are Not Alone
Lumine has witnessed almost every part of the Wanderer's life — from his abandonment as a puppet, to his time as a wandering, eccentric figure, to his role as a nihilistic Harbinger, and even to his current state as a simple drifter. She has seen the memories of nearly all of that. What makes it even more fascinating is that Lumine has met all of his different sides — the outward masks he wears, his festering negativity, his sorrow, his fury, and the deep emptiness beneath it all. She's seen him at his worst, but she's also seen him grow and change.

