Shipping Wiki

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ScaredyLovers is the femslash ship between Pomni and Gangle from the The Amazing Digital Circus fandom.


The two don't share any interactions in canon other than standing next to each other from time to time in episodes. Pomni and Gangle's biggest similarity is their tendency to get easily nervous and or anxious when presented with dangerous situations. This is evident in Gangle's anxiety when taking over the wheel of the candy truck in Candy Carrier Chaos!, and Pomni becoming fearful of every adventure presented to her. Unlike Pomni, Gangle tries her hardest to keep her negativity hidden by donning a cheerful mask (literally). They are by far the saddest members of the circus through their behavior and difficulty with their emotions.

Despite the two not sharing any interactions, Pomni imagines herself falling in the cellar and Gangle's hand along with others rescuing her. This reveals that she has a trust in Gangle for keeping her safe and sane. This could imply that she considers the latter as her friend.

Notably, both of their digital avatars resemble comedy. Pomni is a jester and Gangle represents drama, explaining her comedy and sad masks.


Since the Pilot, Gangle and Pomni's similarity are pointed out. When Gangle's comedy mask is shattered, she shares the most of her personality traits with Pomni, such as sadness and anxiety. Though the pairing is easily overcome in numbers by other famous ships, such as ButtonBlossom and FunnyBunny, it remains a well known rarepair. Fanart depicts the two comforting each other through their negative emotions and tragedies.

Fans wonder whether Pomni will finally interact with Gangle in future episodes. This is theorized due to Pomni interacting and having moments with various characters such as Ragatha, Gummigoo, and Kinger in each episode. This could allow the audience to learn more about Gangle if the two were to build their friendship. With the ending of the second episode showcasing Pomni's daydream, this may become true.

Before Pomni's age was revealed, many believed her to be a minor, thus inappropriate art and or shipping of her would be considered taboo. However, Gooseworx confirmed that both Pomni and Gangle are in their twenties with Gangle being younger. Gooseworx mentioned that Pomni has spent the shortest time in the circus next to Zooble. This implies that Gangle has been trapped in the digital plane for longer than the former, but it is not mentioned for how long. Because of this, Pomni is considered "younger" than Gangle in the digital world.


Gangle/Pomni tag on AO3
Gangle & Pomni tag on AO3
ScaredyLovers tag on Tumblr


  • They share a similar color palette (red, blue, white, and black).



The Amazing Digital Circus Logo
The Amazing Digital Circus ShipsThe Amazing Digital Circus Characters
SHIPS het BlueToothDollChessCainathaCheckmatesFunnyBunnyFunnyGummyJagathaRibbunRoyalRibbonsShowtimeVax
slash BuckTeethClownBunnyKingleader
femslash ButtonBlossomDollyLollyPomNARibbonRagsScaredyLovers
non-binary AbstractComedyAbstragedyRagaZoobSurpriseShowZaxbys
poly FunnyBunnyDoll
friend CainbleNomniPomziThe Existential Crisis Brothers
cargo PomniExit
CHARACTERS male CaineJax
female GanglePomniRagatha
non-binary Zooble