ScarfShipping is the poly ship between Lucas, Dawn and Barry from the Pokémon fandom.
Pokémon DPPt/BDSP video games[]
The player chooses Lucas or Dawn as the main character, while Barry will be their friendly rival. Throughout the game, the three of them will meet numerous times and become close allies. Dawn and Lucas work together to collect information on the Pokédex, while Barry competes with the main character to obtain badges and to enter the Pokémon League at the end.
Pokémon Adventures: DPPt manga[]
Diamond and Pearl bumped into Professor Rowan and his assistant, Mr. Berlitz, causing them to accidentally switch envelopes and, unknowingly, receive the mission to guard Platinum Berlitz on her journey to the top of Mt. Coronet, although they believed they were on a reality show and Platinum was the host.
In Oreburgh City, Platinum decided to challenge Gyms, and Diamond and Pearl helped her train, which helped build trust within the young trio. At the Valley Windworks, they met up with Mars for the first time and defeated her with Diamond's emotion and kindness. After many different trials and crises together, they finally reached Mt. Coronet, but they soon discovered that the cavern they entered would not lead to the summit, and therefore had to continue their journey on to the eastern side of Sinnoh.
In Hearthome City, Platinum decided to enter a Pokémon Super Contest. While Pearl helped Platinum practice, Diamond began cooking Poffins. When Platinum was about to quit the Contest due to her being attacked by the other participants, Diamond cheered her up with a piece of pie, which allowed her to continue and win.
Afterward, the trio was attacked by Platinum's true bodyguards, Paka and Uji, who believed that Diamond and Pearl where kidnappers who had taken Platinum for ransom. Thankfully, they were saved by Fantina, who took them to the Lost Tower. Once Fantina deemed it safe for them to leave, the trio went to the Solaceon Ruins, where they saved some Unown before heading back out on their journey.
Pokémon Diamond and Pearl (manga)[]
Barry rushes into Kenta's house to tell him about the red Gyarados sighting shown on TV. Barry runs out of the house, declaring that he and Kenta will find the red Gyarados. On his way to find Barry, Kenta overhears that Professor Rowan has just returned to Sandgem Town after four years.
At Lake Verity, Professor Rowan and his assistant Dawn remark on how rural Sinnoh hadn't changed in the four years he'd been gone, and that Sinnoh is home to many rare Pokémon. They both pass by Kenta and Barry as they're leaving. After that, Barry decides to walk into the tall grass, despite Kenta's worries. They are attacked by wild Starly and try to run away before finding Professor Rowan's suitcase with Poké Balls inside. Kenta takes the Poké Ball with Turtwig inside and Barry takes the one with Chimchar. They successfully defend themselves from the Starly with them.
Dawn returns to retrieve Professor Rowan's missing suitcase, and is surprised and concerned to see Kenta and Barry with his Pokémon. Professor Rowan leaves them and returns to Sandgem Town with Dawn. Kenta and Barry go to his laboratory and Professor Rowan allows them to keep the Pokémon, as well as give them a Pokédex, asking them to complete it for him.
Before they leave on their adventure, Barry challenges Kenta to a Pokémon battle. Kenta defeats Barry's Chimchar and Starly with his Turtwig. After the battle, they both claim that they will become the strongest trainers in the world.
This shipping is quite popular in the fandom. Some fans even regret that Lucas did not get the same global role in the anime as Dawn and Barry.
- ScarfShipping tag on DeviantArt
- ScarfShipping tag on DeviantArt
- ScarfShipping posts on Tumblr
- ScarfShipping tag on Tumblr
- Like most characters in the franchise, their names may change between different adaptations:
- Lucas is known by his canon name in the games and anime, but he is known as Diamond, Hareta, and Kenta in various manga.
- Dawn is known by her canon name in the games and anime, but in various manga she is known as Platinum and Mitsumi.
- Barry, like his friends, has a canon name in the games and anime, but in the manga he is known as Pearl, Jun, and Kazuki.