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Scarfasa is the family ship between Scar and Mufasa from The Lion King fandom.


1994 film[]

Mufasa and Scar are brothers of the Pride Lands' monarchy. With Mufasa named the next king from being the oldest of the two, Scar was given the role of leading the Lion Guard. This has Mufasa leading the Pride Lands as it's ruler, while Scar leads the lions he trusts to help him in aiding their king to guard and protect it. Giving Scar the power of the roar and was content with his role, until the day he met a mysterious strange who tells Scar that his power should have him as the King instead, before he and his friend gave the lion guard leader his scar. After he told Mufasa what happened, expecting to be praised for destroying two dangerous figures, his older simply gave his younger brother the nickname "Scar". A nickname that caught as everyone else began to call Mufasa's younger brother "Scar". The brush off Scar received from his older brother got him to think that Mufasa doesn't deserve to be King, and wanted revenge. While being unaware that the venom from the snake that scared was affecting his mind, and already has pride from how powerful the Roar makes him. When the other lions of the guard refused to aid him in his cue to over throne Mufasa, Scar used the roar on them and ended up losing his power. Since then Scar has waited for the day he would become King, should anything happen to his brother. He was next in line, but everything changed when Mufasa's son Simba was born.

When Mufasa noticed that Scar wasn't at the celebration of Simba being lifted into the Circle of Life, he goes to look for him. Arriving just in time to stop Scar from eating Zazu. After Scar sarcastically mentions how his brother has come down from his renowned height to mingle with a commoner (Scar being himself), Mufasa points out Scar's absence from Simba's presentation. This got Scar to act like it slipped his mind and after Zazu mentioned how Scar being the King's brother means that he should have been next him in, it got Scar to call Mufasa's son a hair ball from stealing that position away from him. Mufasa didn't appropriate Scar calling his son that and reminds him that Simba is his future, a remind that gets Scar to joke about practising his courtesy before he starts to walk away. Mufasa tells Scar to not turn his back on him and when Scar states that Mufasa should be the to not turn his back him, Mufasa took it as Scar's ultimatum for a challenge. Instead Scar tells Mufasa to control his temper and that he wouldn't dream of challenging his brother. Scar's strength comes from his brain and when it comes to their family's gen pool, Scar is lacking the brute strength Mufasa has. After Scar left the two, Mufasa asks Zazu what he is going to do with him.

Later, Scar gets the hyenas to join in a cue to kill Mufasa and Simba, so Scar can become the new King. Mufasa was unaware of Scar's involvement in the attempt on Simba's life in the Elephant Graveyard, so when Scar told him that Simba was in danger the next day, Mufasa had no reason to question Scar. Unaware that Scar was the brains behind the stampede he had the hyenas start for their plot to kill Mufasa and Simba. After Mufasa got Simba to safety and was struggling to lift himself away from the stampede below him, he spies Scar. Hoping that his brother would help him, but Scar dug his claws into Mufasa's and then says "Long live the King" before sending his older brother to his death. Scar made Simba believe that he was responsible for Mufasa's death, before he told Simba to leave the Pride Lands. Believing that both king and prince were dead when Scar informs the other lions of the sad news, he named himself the new King.

When Simba, who had managed to survive, returns as an adult years later, a horrified Scar initially believes him to be Mufasa.

The Broadway musical of The Lion King shows Scar to be haunted of his crime, from believing that he is seeing his dead brother during his moments of madness. This would explain why Scar didn't want anyone to speak Mufasa's in his presents and the shock Scar was in when he first mistook an adult Simba for Mufasa, in the original animated film. Scar's original song from the musical also had Scar be angry that even in death Mufasa's shadow is still cast over him, and simply wanted to be adored like his brother was.

2019 continuity[]

As revealed in the film Mufasa: The Lion King, this continuity's versions of Scar and Mufasa are not blood brothers. Instead, an orphaned Mufasa was taken in by the parents of Taka (later to be known as Scar), a prince who accepted the other cub as a brother. Taka actually found Mufasa floating lost down a river, and with the aide of his mother Eshe pulled Mufasa out before he was eaten by crocodiles. Taka’s father Obasi had no wish to allow Mufasa into his pride, but gave Mufasa the chance to earn a place. Mufasa and Taka were pitted against each other in a race, and Taka-having long wished for a brother, allowed Mufasa to win.

As the two matured, their bond grew in spite of Obasi’s rules against their interaction. Taka greatly wished to join his adopted brother in learning to hunt, and eventually sneaked out on one of Mufasa and Eshe’s excursions against his father’s wishes. Mufasa and Eshe came under attack by Outsider lions, and Taka retreated in fear rather than coming to their aid. Later, fearing the extinction of his bloodline, Obasi would send Taka away from the Pride with Mufasa as his companion.

The brothers were pursued, and Mufasa tried to protect Taka from the Outsiders by claiming that he, and not Mufasa, was a stray. This ploy failed, and Taka would push himself and Mufasa over a cliff into a river in order to make their escape. Afterwards, the two were joined in their journey by a lioness named Sarabi, their hornbill escort Zazu, and the mandrill Rafiki. Taka had wanted to eat the latter of these, but Mufasa forbade him from doing so after learning of Rafiki’s search for the fabled Milele.

Soon, Taka became romantically interested in Sarabi and said as much to Mufasa. Mufasa offered his brother some helpful advice, including particular mention of a flower whose scent he had caught on Sarabi’s fur. Later, after rescuing an unconscious Sarabi from an elephant stampede, Mufasa would tell her that Taka had been responsible for her safety. Taka, who had actually been too fearful to get involved, subtly thanked his brother for the deceit.

However, Sarabi eventually discovered the truth, and she and Mufasa fell in love. Taka, feeling betrayed by Mufasa and full of jealousy when he observed this, rejected their brotherly bond. In a true act of treachery, he approached the Outsiders and offered his help in leading the hostile lions to Milele. Taka gave Mufasa a cold reception when his brother tried to talk to him about Sarabi. Later, when his treachery was made known to a heartbroken Mufasa, Taka accused Mufasa of robbing him of not only Sarabi’s love but that of Taka’s parents.

When the Outsiders’ leader fought Mufasa and attempted to kill him, however, Taka found himself unable to stand by. In his attempt to intervene, he was scratched across one eye. Taka then attempted to dissuade the Outsider from his murderous intent. Later, Taka would pull Mufasa to safety after he fell into water.

Mufasa would be established as king of Milele, receiving an honor that Taka had expected would be his. Mufasa decreed that Taka could remain in Milele, but refused to use his brother’s name ever again. Taka then proposed that he be renamed “Scar”, in token of the injury he had received and as a reminder of his betrayal. Scar then looked on in obvious displeasure as the animals of Milele accepted his brother as king.

In the 2019 version of The Lion King, Mufasa and Scar’s relationship plays out virtually identically to the 1994 film. The most notable difference is that Sarabi is a particular point of contention between them, which would later be expanded on in the prequel film.


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Despite the fact that Scar was the one who killed Mufasa, Scarfasa was one of the top sibling ships of the Lion King fandom. Before the second film and the Lion Guard TV series introduced other sibling characters, with much healthier relationships. Taking some of the focus off of Scarfasa.

Before The Lion Guard series revealed how Scar came to be known as "Scar", fans assumed that Mufasa was the one who accidentally gave his brother his iconic scar. Not wanting to believe that Mufasa would purposely harm his own brother. Others believe that Mufasa might have done very little to defeat Scar when their father attacked him, with little known about their parents.

When Disney revealed that they will be making an origin story film on Mufasa, from the live-action remake universe, it got some fans to wonder if it would showcase moments between him and Scar. Wondering if it would follow the Lion Guard plot of Scar's origin, or create a whole new backstory for both Lion King brothers.


Mufasa & Scar tag on AO3
Mufasa/Scar tag on AO3


The Lion King Logo
The Lion King ShipsThe Lion King Characters
SHIPS het AzaliJanjasiriKiFuKisiriKopa x VitaniKovaraMufasarabiRanionScarabiScariraScarlaScarziSimbalaVitani x Kion
slash Timbaa
femslash Kiara x Vitani
family KiarionMufionNalionScarfasaSimba's Two DadsSimbarSimbarabiSimbfasaSimbiara
CHARACTERS male KionScarSimba