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Scholastic Squad is the friendship between Greg Heffley, Nikki Maxwell, Nate Wright, Rafe Khatchadorian, Jamie Kelly, and Raina Telgemeier from the Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Dork Diaries, Big Nate, Middle School, Dear Dumb Diary and Smile fandoms.


There isn't much to say about the Scholastic Squad in canon because none of these respected franchisees ever officially meet each other in person. However, there is an official reference[1] in Big Nate for a not-so-subtle name drop from A Diary of Wimpy Kid when referring to a scene in Big Nate about a Pencil Sharper's small size being practical for a "Wimpy Kid". The phrase "Wimpy Kid" is in quotation marks, making this an actual reference.

There are similarities between all franchises. All the protagonists from their series are about their experiences as a student attending middle school and the antics they get into or cause.

Most of the franchises in the Scholastic Squad have a noticeable lack of proper chronology within their series, mainly from some characters realistically shouldn't still be in middle school anymore via years have passed in their canon universe, slow time duration, or a sense of timeless behavior like a cartoon. Also, there are some self-awareness jokes about time dilation, which some of the characters are aware of. They also tend to break the fourth wall once in a while.

Most Scholastic Squad members tend to do poorly in school. All members of the Scholastic Squad have issues with their family members or one peculiar family member they head with. All Scholastic Squad members have shown an interest and are skilled in a variation of art.



LOL. Nate and Greg in Sonic and Shadow SA2 poses. Art by Jaydenlol.

The idea of a crossover between any of these franchises isn't new because the crossover ideas of Diary of a Wimpy Kid with Big Nate or Dork Diaries became popular in the mid-2010s. However, massive interest in the idea seems to have arrived in June 2022-July 2023 through the Twitter user Jaydenlol depicting their two pieces of artwork of Greg with Nate in Sonic poses and both near Nikki. Since then, a noticeable rise in discussions or artworks featuring the characters has risen.

The Scholastic Squad concept is very similar to the friendship dynamic of Nicktoons Unite! and the Toon Squad by mixing similar franchises and wanting to see each series protagonist interact with each other. The Scholastic Squad also acts similarly to the friendship of the Four Legends for characters who redefine a generation of children's and teens' entertainment in the 2000s and 2010s.

Additional Team Members[]


Full Scholastic Squad (Fan Edit) Regular_Ad3164

Although Jamie Kelley for the Dear Dumb Diary series isn't typically always represented with the other four series, most people considered Jamie part of the team mainly because the school diary middle school experiences format was published and popularized the genre around her first release in 2004. Also, when discussions arrive for similar franchises for potential crossovers for Diary of a Wimpy Kid or reading books afterward DOWAK, Jamie is usually the third most recommended behind Big Nate or Dork Diaries.

There might have been an additional member or series associated with the main Scholastic Squad in the early days of the mid-2010s, as discussed in discussions of reflecting popular book series from childhood or across Middle School, such as Raina from the Smile Book Series.

From Old Tumblr posts or other forums, the Smile series is a common secondary recommended after the previously established series in the Scholastic Squad.

Also, this makes Raina an interesting expectation towards the Scholastic Squad because she is in High school, which the other Scholastic Squad members haven't achieved yet.

Although Raina is the sixth member, there is a problem with Raina's addition, which is in the controversy section of this page discussion.

It appears there is a secondary team when referring to the Scholastic Squad from the additional members of Tom Gates for Tom Gates book series, Timmy Failure from the Timmy Failure Book series, as well as Harold Hutchins and George Beard from the Captain Underpants Series. However, the main Scholastic Squad focuses on the characters who are canonically or mostly focus in middle school.

In addition, The primary scholastic squad focuses on characters with a more preestablished grounded and down-to-earth atmosphere universes. In contrast, the secondary members of the Scholastic Squad focus on characters with more cartoony and fictionalized realities.

Many friendships among the Scholastic Squad don't focus on the core six, but they do exist. One of the most popular examples is Underdog, the friendship between Captain Underpants and Dogman.

Most people across each series of fandoms tend to agree that Greg Heffley from Diary of a Wimpy Kid should be the leader. Nikki is usually second in command of the group.

Most artworks related to the Scholastic Squad are about Greg usually interacting with Nate or Nikki.

Some art interpretations of Nate and Greg being Cool Buds, while most of Greg and Nikki are about their strong banter. However, sometimes the now unironic gag ship of Grekki is shown or mentioned.

The Scholastic part of the name is from the detail of all the book series in the group that are part of the Scholastic market or book fairs.

Despite none of the Scholastic Squad members ever meeting each other, this hasn't stopped the characters in-universe from acknowledging each series in the Scholastic Verse. Outside the Big Nate reference to Diary of a Wimpy Kid, the actual book series Flat Stanley has directly mentioned the Heffley family numerous times in The Long Haul of the Wimpy Kid series. Also, one of Greg's favorite books is a parody version of the Captain Underpants series called Underpants Bandits.

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Raina with the Peanuts Gang.

Although Scholastic is in the name of the squad and the universe, it does not limit other characters from different book publishers or non-book origins from being included in crossover fan art materials. Peanuts are an example of this. (Also, in addition to the Scholastic Squad referring to characters from out the Scholastic verse, the comics series Calvin and Hobbes were referenced in the Smile series.) However, in most instances, the chances of multiple media outside of book crossover are unlikely.


In the early days, when the idea of these crossovers was becoming popular before the 2022-2023 resurgence era, there was a time somewhere in the mid to late 2010s among forums when Dork Diaries was often disapproved of or discredited among some fans of the other series in very negative behavior.

Although the dislike of Dork Diaries has dissipated, and most people remember fondly for the series, some others still remember the negativity.

There is secondary controversy relating to the Scholastic Squad concept, which refers to Raina from the Smile Book series because the Smile Series is a graphical novel autobiography that makes Raina a direct self-reflection of the creator. In most instances, Raina is drawn independently or with the squad, sometimes with no issues. The issues arise if headcanons are directly portrayed on Raina because she is a real person.

However, it seems most of Raina's headcanons are related to the dynamics of how she would react or interact with another character in the Scholastic Squad and not a direct focus on her.

Raina's inclusion makes some people wary that enough attention could negatively affect the actual Raina (Creator).

Despite the controversy, most people are happy with the addition of Raina to the main Scholastic Squad because of how influential her books are to people's childhoods.


Bumpy Ride | Mohombi
For context, this song is associated with the Scholastic Squad because it comes from a music edit of the Jayden_Love07 animation video featuring the Scholastic Squad, in which the beat of the music matches the characters' movement in the video. It's the chorus portion of the song, which is associated with the Scholastic Squad. The Music Edit Version of the video made a few rounds on subreddits, explaining the song's popularity associated with the Scholastic Squad.


@Jaydenlol on Twitter


  • The Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Big Nate and Timmy Failure franchises exist in the Poptropica Universe. However, any crossover series or sponsored islands based on a book series are considered non-canon to Poptropica's Main Story.
  • Lincoln Peirce, the creator of Big Nate, and Jeff Kinney, the creator of Diary of Wimpy Kid, are friends.
  • Despite how long each series lasted or is still here now, there has not been an entry that officially shows the main protagonists outside of middle school for a permanent change in the status quo. (Smile is the only expectation)
  • Four out of six of the Scholastic Squad (i.e. Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Big Nate, Middle School, and Dear Dumb Diary) have additional cinema or television adaptations media. Dork Diaries initially were supposed to have a film adaptation, but the offers were cut twice in a row due to bad timing with companies.
  • Although Diary of Wimpy Kid was officially released in book format in 2007 and had a universal effect, significantly popularizing the genre of middle school stories after Dear Dumb Diary in 2004, the initial idea of Diary of a Wimpy Kid has existed since 1998.
  • All the franchises in the Scholastic Squad have three or more entries in their book series.
  • Four out of six creators were born in the east half of the United States and live in the Northeastern region of America.
  • Greg Heffley, Nikki Maxwell, Rafe Khatchadorian, and Raina Telgemeier are the only canonical teenagers in the Scholastic Squad. However, due to time inconsistency, the characters actual age can be vague sometimes (specifically for Greg and Rafe).
  • Although there are many comparisons between the Diary of a Wimpy Kid and Dork Diaries, Dork Diaries creator Rachel Renee Russell confirmed in a 2013 interview with the New York Times[2] that the DOWAK series didn't influence the Dork Diaries. The inspiration for Dork Diaries came from the Anne Frank Journal Format of The Secret Annex and the book series The Princess Diaries around the 2000's.
  • Greg and Nikki are the only members of the Scholastic Squad who were born in June.
  • Four out of six members live near each other from the Upper Northeastern and Midwestern states. The Wimpy Kid series is in  Massachusetts, Dork Diaries is in New York, Big Nate (from the Television Series) is in Maine, and the Middle School series is around Chicago, Illinois.
  • There is an equal ratio among boys and girls among the main Scholastic Squad.
  • Both Diary of a Wimpy Kid and Smile were webcomics before they became published as books.


Fan Art[]

All art in this section is fan made, and must be sourced back to the original artist. It also must have permission from the original artist to be posted here. If your art is here without your permission and you wish to have it taken down, please inform an admin, so that we may delete it.


Grekki refers to the ship between Greg Heffley and Nikki Maxwell
GregNate refers to the ship between Greg Heffley and Nate Wright
Grafe refers to the ship between Greg Heffley and Rafe Khatchadorian
Gramie refers to the ship between Greg Heffley and Jamie Kelly
Graina refers to the ship between Greg Heffley and Raina Telgemeier



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Diary of a Wimpy Kid ShipsDiary of a Wimpy Kid Characters
SHIPS het GregollyGrekkiHeathrickRowligail
slash Growley
family Best Brother Duo
friend Scholastic Squad
CHARACTERS male Greg Heffley