Shipping Wiki

Scisshorspatcart is the poly ship between Scissors, Anchor, Rubber Spatula and Shopping Cart from the Battle for Dream Island fandom.


The debuters are looking for a Christmas tree for Two. Shopping Cart and Scissors were talking about the mountain in front of them, being Yoyle Mountain. Shopping Cart comments that it's "stupid and werid", most likely due to the fallen tower. Scissors agrees. When Anchor arrives with Rubber Spatula, he tells Shopping Cart and Scissors that the found the "perfect tree". Rubber Spatula compliments the tree and asks if it will fit. Anchor says they'll make it fit. Rubber Spatula says it's not what Two wants. Shopping Cart adds that they're looking for something to fit in the lobby. Due to the tree being too tall, they can't use it for the lobby. Shopping Cart says Two does want something for decorations. Scissors suggests a one of the spruce trees. Shopping Cart says it's too gangly and shrimpy due to it's died nature. They suggest a "full" tree, but Anchor says it's too short. They suggest a ski lift. Rubber Spatula points out that it isn't even a tree. He suggests a tree which is a triangle. Scissors says it's too simple. This leads into a montage of the characters complaining about trees.

Shopping Cart says that one tree is too complex. The tree in question being a png of a realistic christmas tree. Anchor finds one that's too "classic" (referring to how it looks as if it was from season 1) Rubber Spatula finds one that's too "animated". The tree waves at him before the move to find another tree.

Scissors finds a tree they like. Shopping Cart complains off screen about it being tall after they threw Scissors away from them. Anchor offers Scissors their snow shoes, but falls through the ice before they can give them. Shopping Cart says they made their choice. Rubber Spatula finds out that Anchor fell, who had the chainsaw to cut down the tree. Scissors is used by Rubber Spatula and Shopping Cart to cut down the tree. The short ends as it fades into a drawing of Rubber Spatula pushing Shopping Cart who has the tree in them, while Scissors walks with a bent and broken mouth.


This ship is a rarepair in the fandom. The ship originates from a short that Jacknjellify posted on X before moving it onto Youtube Shorts. Some small shippers have shipped the four due to their interactions within the episode. They are comedic but also blend quite well with each other's personalities which makes for a awesome ship. The ship however isn't that popular due to it being such a small short that isn't on a regular video and has the full, proper version on X. Which some people may not have. It's also just not that well known as a ship as poly ships in the fandom, while there are plenty, there are rarely any TPOT polys. Their rival ships are PDASpat, the ship between PDA and Rubber Spatula and Scisstape, the ship between Scissors an Tape.



#tpot debuters on Tumblr.

