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Sea King is the cargo ship between Neptune Vasilias and water from the RWBY fandom.


In Volume 3, when team sssn fights against team ndgo it is revealed that team sssn has water on their side of the ring. This horrifies Neptune so much to the point where he turns as stiff as a statue. He then proceeds to run to the enemies side where there is no water. Blake then reveals to the other members in team rwby that Neptune is scared of the water. During the fight with team ndgo Neptune is shown to be so petrified of the water that he waits until the last second to help his teammates and go near the water.

In RWBY Chibi volume 1, chapter 15, it is shown that Neptune's afraid of the smallest bits of water, including puddles, the rain and even showers. Later when Neptune covers for Sun as a life guard at a pool, Jaune falls into said pool and because Neptune pretends not to notice, Jaune ends up drowning. In another episode he is shown running for help very fast. But once he goes near a pond, he, on his tiptoes, slowly walks past it. In another episode in order to leave a place, he says he has to leave or he'll be late for his swimming lessons, to which no one believes him. In the episode where they all go to the beach Neptune stays away from the water the entire episode.

In Before the Dawn, it is revealed in a flashback that Neptune grew up in Argus where everyone had to learn how to swim. He then also learned that he had a water based semblance like everyone else in his family, which he hated. It is then shown that even when he was four he never liked taking baths. One time as a child, he accidentally almost killed his brother by trapping him in a water bubble using his semblance. This scarred Neptune so badly to the point where he swore never to use his semblance or go near water again.


Sea King is not a popular ship within the RWBY Fandom. Though a lot of fans began jokingly ship it due to Neptune being named after the roman god of the sea, as well as having a water based semblance and yet being afraid of water. Some people even jokingly ship the two since many people in the beginning didn't like Neptune or his demeanor. It has a small fanbase on Tumblr.



Sea King posts on Tumblr


  • "Sea King" comes from the fact that Neptune is named after the Roman god of the sea and the fact that his surname means "prince" in old Greek.
  • Neptune's voice actor Kerry Shawcross, suffers from Hydrophobia in real life as well.


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friendship Sister Complex
family Abandonment IssuesDragon RoseHarvesting MoonsIce AgeStrawberry SunriseTrouble Twins
cargo Forever AloneSea King
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